Good characfter graphics and items ( a little bit sloppy on terrain and certain placeables such as sacks and chairs)
Flight and the light and dark waring for dominance is very interesting.
Personal Bad
The monsters are very cutsy for the most part or almost childish (I guess its where the anime comes in), I can't get into it.
Its not original and like the others have said you've played it before.
Quests and stories are extremely poor. You can skip all the text in this one, it wont be interesting in the least. Which is to bad, a couple games out there have very good quest story lines and when you are diggin what your questing for it makes the game 200% more fun.
Grind is a part of the game, and if you can find a good group its not bad. If you can't, the burn out will kill you.
It just feels shallow. The pve and quests/story only serve to get you to the pvp and your wings. Instead of actually being a part of the game.
I'm not sure of this one , but it seems like there are no grouping tools? Tabs for LFG or groups looking for more?
For me Aion is just somthing to do on really off hours, I might log in a hour every 3rd day now. So all you folks in the que it ain't me holding you up. :P
I tried Aion in beta and decided that the forced PvP was a game killer for me. That and the complete focus on PvP for endgame pretty much wrapped it up. So for me I'll never play Aion unless they have a PvE server. but that would require some major game changes that will likely never happen so for me the game isn't something I'm interested in.
I tried Aion in beta and decided that the forced PvP was a game killer for me. That and the complete focus on PvP for endgame pretty much wrapped it up. So for me I'll never play Aion unless they have a PvE server. but that would require some major game changes that will likely never happen so for me the game isn't something I'm interested in.
Same here. I really liked the game but once I got level 27 I was not getting into the forced PvP. I knew from the start I was not into PvP but I thought maybe some how I could avoid it all and stick to the PvE side. Since PvP is almost forced on you to progress well in the game I simply quit myself too. Right now Im looking into a strong PvE game. Maybe LoTRO.
The game simply didn't interest me enough to bother buy it, however if you like WoW and similar games that offers a polished quest based leveling experience Aion is not a bad choice imo. But Aion also just delivers old stuff in a polished version. The combat system was okish, graphics is okish, world graphics reminded me of WoW but character graphics are very good. Mobs and their AI seemed pretty standard to this type of games and killing them provided about not much fun at all. Aion isn't a bad game, it just failed completely to give me the fun feeling I want from a MMO.
Some say that aion gets really funny after level 25, but I don't bother with MMO's where I have to bore myself through x amounts of levels to experience the fun.
Playing: Battlefield - Bad company (Xbox360) Arma2, DFO (PC) On my radar: TSW, MO MMO's played: SWG (pre cu/cu), WoW, AoC, WAR, DFO, Planetside MMO's that I have tested: Lotro, L2, Aion, Ryzom
basically its a game that I can get the same experience from F2P mmos.
That, my friends, is the unvarnished truth. There are Asian F2P games that I have tried which are directly comparable to this, with the same stunningly unoriginal, extremely boring quests that every other yawn-tastic, grindfest of an Asian game has already used. There isn't an iota of fresh new content in the game, bar the winged combat aspect, and that's not going to make up for content that was old and stale years ago.
About 70% of the game's development obviously went into the visuals, cut scenes and sound effects and the rest of the development money went into the plot structure and quests. If this is your first ever MMO, it probably seems ok, but if you've played MMOs for years, do yourself a favour and don't bother with it.
The last game I hated this much was Hellgate: London!
Most people are only raving about this game because it's new and looks pretty.
If NA and Euro players gave F2p games a chance they would see how similar Aion is to them.
Aion is nothing new.
I stopped playing my free month after about three days.
If you like extremely average themeparks, Aion is great. For everyone else maybe TOR will be the answer or you could just suffer through Indy sandbox games and hope they become good a year after release.
As for me with games like DF(6+ months) and FE (a year+) away from being actual good games I decided to take a break until Dec/january (next Eve Xpac) and have gone back to Open ended Rpgs.
Most people are only raving about this game because it's new and looks pretty.
If NA and Euro players gave F2p games a chance they would see how similar Aion is to them.
Aion is nothing new.
I stopped playing my free month after about three days.
If you like extremely average themeparks, Aion is great. For everyone else maybe TOR will be the answer or you could just suffer through Indy sandbox games and hope they become good a year after release.
As for me with games like DF(6+ months) and FE (a year+) away from being actual good games I decided to take a break until Dec/january (next Eve Xpac) and have gone back to Open ended Rpgs.
Most people are only raving about this game because it's new and looks pretty.
If NA and Euro players gave F2p games a chance they would see how similar Aion is to them.
Aion is nothing new.
I stopped playing my free month after about three days.
If you like extremely average themeparks, Aion is great. For everyone else maybe TOR will be the answer or you could just suffer through Indy sandbox games and hope they become good a year after release.
As for me with games like DF(6+ months) and FE (a year+) away from being actual good games I decided to take a break until Dec/january (next Eve Xpac) and have gone back to Open ended Rpgs.
Done trollin yet?
That's trolling? grow a thicker skin dude.
You must QQ every time someone posts something negative about your game if you consider that trolling.
Most people are only raving about this game because it's new and looks pretty.
If NA and Euro players gave F2p games a chance they would see how similar Aion is to them.
Aion is nothing new.
I stopped playing my free month after about three days.
If you like extremely average themeparks, Aion is great. For everyone else maybe TOR will be the answer or you could just suffer through Indy sandbox games and hope they become good a year after release.
As for me with games like DF(6+ months) and FE (a year+) away from being actual good games I decided to take a break until Dec/january (next Eve Xpac) and have gone back to Open ended Rpgs.
I'm done with "innovative" and "original" MMOs.
From that gategory I've played AoC and WAR and these days innovative and original are a synonym to lag, stuttering and bugridden carcass of a dog to me.
From themeparks you don't seem so much into, I've played LoTRO and now Aion. Both are very cookie cutters but know what? I change "innovation" and "originality" to "bugfreeish" and "working" entertainment any day.
So, all of you who want to beta test games for the rest of your life, please do so. I'll come 4 years behind you and enjoy the tested mechanics and code and do that in ignorant bliss.
Most people are only raving about this game because it's new and looks pretty.
If NA and Euro players gave F2p games a chance they would see how similar Aion is to them.
Aion is nothing new.
I stopped playing my free month after about three days.
If you like extremely average themeparks, Aion is great. For everyone else maybe TOR will be the answer or you could just suffer through Indy sandbox games and hope they become good a year after release.
As for me with games like DF(6+ months) and FE (a year+) away from being actual good games I decided to take a break until Dec/january (next Eve Xpac) and have gone back to Open ended Rpgs.
Done trollin yet?
That's trolling? grow a thicker skin dude.
You must QQ every time someone posts something negative about your game if you consider that trolling.
I agree you was not trolling. To be honest I think AION is one of the better choices out at the moment, that isn't saying much, granted. But it has its own appeal. I'll be playing till ToR releases, ToR is actually my last hope for a decent immersive MMO.
Most people are only raving about this game because it's new and looks pretty.
If NA and Euro players gave F2p games a chance they would see how similar Aion is to them.
Aion is nothing new.
I stopped playing my free month after about three days.
If you like extremely average themeparks, Aion is great. For everyone else maybe TOR will be the answer or you could just suffer through Indy sandbox games and hope they become good a year after release.
As for me with games like DF(6+ months) and FE (a year+) away from being actual good games I decided to take a break until Dec/january (next Eve Xpac) and have gone back to Open ended Rpgs.
I'm done with "innovative" and "original" MMOs.
From that gategory I've played AoC and WAR and these days innovative and original are a synonym to lag, stuttering and bugridden carcass of a dog to me.
From themeparks you don't seem so much into, I've played LoTRO and now Aion. Both are very cookie cutters but know what? I change "innovation" and "originality" to "bugfreeish" and "working" entertainment any day.
So, all of you who want to beta test games for the rest of your life, please do so. I'll come 4 years behind you and enjoy the tested mechanics and code and do that in ignorant bliss.
Peace out.
See this is some sad shit. You only play a game because it lacks bugs, you would rather be bored to tears with the same old lame gameplay. Why do you put yourself through it?
Just go and play regular Rpgs. I just don't understand people like you.
Most people are only raving about this game because it's new and looks pretty.
If NA and Euro players gave F2p games a chance they would see how similar Aion is to them.
Aion is nothing new.
I stopped playing my free month after about three days.
If you like extremely average themeparks, Aion is great. For everyone else maybe TOR will be the answer or you could just suffer through Indy sandbox games and hope they become good a year after release.
As for me with games like DF(6+ months) and FE (a year+) away from being actual good games I decided to take a break until Dec/january (next Eve Xpac) and have gone back to Open ended Rpgs.
Done trollin yet?
That's trolling? grow a thicker skin dude.
You must QQ every time someone posts something negative about your game if you consider that trolling.
I agree you was not trolling. To be honest I think AION is one of the better choices out at the moment, that isn't saying much, granted. But it has its own appeal. I'll be playing till ToR releases, ToR is actually my last hope for a decent immersive MMO.
The only positive I can give Aion is that the client it self is stable but it should be considering Aion has been out for 6-8 months in Asia. Other than the polish Aion is no better than any themepark released in the last 5-6 years.
The only positive I can give Aion is that the client it self is stable but it should be considering Aion has been out for 6-8 months in Asia. Other than the polish Aion is no better than any themepark released in the last 5-6 years.
I agree, it's not better or worse, but the atmosphere is different, as silly as that may sound. It was either another year of WoW or one of Aion. I took the latter. One thing it seems to have is a small pinch of risk, xp loss, not a big deal. But compared to WoW it's something, right?
Every MMORPG is a grind, they always will be. EVE is the only game I know where the grind isn't there, although you may consider skill training, a time-grind.
Now, with that said, I am no longer looking for the MMORPG without grind, I'm looking that covers it up the best. Aion wins that for now. The quest text is well written and interesting, if you read it. The Lore is decent enough to hold itself up, and of course the game looks good. I also really like the fact that leveling is pretty quick with the Campaign Quests. They are large quests that reward you with 50k-200k and up EXP, usually nearly half of what you need to level, and you get the other half killing things along the way. This really covers the grind, as I feel like I'm progressing through a storyline and I'm rewarded with a lot at the end. It only takes about 30 minutes to complete the longer ones too.
In the end, this game is a quest grind, but the quests are so interesting [to me] that unlike games like WoW, I don't really notice it.
Metalhead - You shouldn't even have tried Aion. You seem like someone who really likes new, innovative, open ended games. Aion is open, and you can level by crafting only if you wanted (it's not really feasible though), but it's not a complete sandbox. It's not a game you'd like.
____________________________ Telthalion Rohircil - Guardian - Elemandir - Lord of The Rings Online --- == RIP == Torey - Commando - Orion - Tabula Rasa == RIP == --- Jordaniel Torey - Navy Megathron, Active Armor Tank - Tranquility - EVE Online --- Torey Scott - Rifleman - Fallen Earth ____________________________
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but I know World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
well i played open beta to about 23 and id have to say, it was a breath of fresh air for a bit, till it seemed repetitive. It is a very pretty game and i do like the character custo. however, it started to fall short and yes i should have got to 25 and went to the abyss.
but then i tried another game before aion released called Fallen Earth and i was immediately hooked, if you like crafting this is the game. Everything is crafted and player made or can be. It is pretty much classless, you do get a faction that you get bonuses from later on but can later go around the faction wheel and do something different. But the game is intricate, and the quests are not your always go here kill this...type of thing
And the graphics are very good on high, the detail they put into everything is amazing, youll be suprised where you can go, houses, buildings, some crazy mines...the world is fully open and its huge
Every MMORPG is a grind, they always will be. EVE is the only game I know where the grind isn't there, although you may consider skill training, a time-grind. Now, with that said, I am no longer looking for the MMORPG without grind, I'm looking that covers it up the best. Aion wins that for now. The quest text is well written and interesting, if you read it. The Lore is decent enough to hold itself up, and of course the game looks good. I also really like the fact that leveling is pretty quick with the Campaign Quests. They are large quests that reward you with 50k-200k and up EXP, usually nearly half of what you need to level, and you get the other half killing things along the way. This really covers the grind, as I feel like I'm progressing through a storyline and I'm rewarded with a lot at the end. It only takes about 30 minutes to complete the longer ones too. In the end, this game is a quest grind, but the quests are so interesting [to me] that unlike games like WoW, I don't really notice it.
Metalhead - You shouldn't even have tried Aion. You seem like someone who really likes new, innovative, open ended games. Aion is open, and you can level by crafting only if you wanted (it's not really feasible though), but it's not a complete sandbox. It's not a game you'd like.
OH I know, The wife got it for me. I knew I wouldn't really enjoy it but I figured since I owned it already might as well try it.
I handed my account to my brother, hes a raider so hopefully Aions Endgame will hold him over.
Yeah I am into Open ended games my issue is it takes like 6-12 months for underfunded/indy devs to work out the client issues with games. So I'm stuck waiting for DF and FE to add more shit to the game and work out the kinks.
OH and don't let anyone tell you Eve isn't a grind. When you first start out as a mission runner the standing(faction rep) grind to level IVs is terrible and the Isk grind is messed up also.
Eve is great but not perfect if it was I wouldn't be taking a 2-3 month break from it while the december expansion releases.
basically its a game that I can get the same experience from F2P mmos.
Please do not base your choice off the above poster - he has a LONG history of trolling Aion forums on here and trying to turn everyone away from it.
Troll or not, what he said pretty much summed up the same way I feel about the game and I don't troll here. I just saw this thread on the main page.
well f2p are mmo's too so the experience would be similar. what experience can you get from wow that you cant get in Aion? if what he says is true then you can say the same for wow.
people just want to hate on this site, try the game for yourself and just mute out all the idiots. Most of the people hating are like politicians trying to get your subscribe to their favourite game, and wow fanbois just cant live with the fact that other people play something other than wow.
Considering trying the game...but I'm going to wait a few months at least. So what's not so good about the game? What are its strengths as well?
All 8 classes have a different playstyle, strengths and weaknesses, making your class choice very important. The fact that it takes effort to get to lvl 50 compounds the importance of picking the right class.
The graphics isn't top of the line, but they're pretty to look at. The animations are good, and are believable for the setting. Combat is more engaging than most MMO's, due to the skill chain system, which basically means you press one attack, which unlocks other attacks. Those other attacks lead to others. Knowing which skills to chain at what times adds more complexity to the combat system. Don't be intimidated though, you'll kill so many monsters that you'll master your skills long before you get new ones. Crafting is fun, since you can keep your crafting up easily as you level, to make your own stuff. It's time consuming though and tedious to some. Money is easy enough to get in game that you could not craft and just buy your own gear off the AH.
There's a main storyline that everyone shares, and probably 5-10 times the amount of side-quests to do as you level. If you don't like quests, it's actually faster to just grind. I grinded out a toon to lvl 21 in just 2.5 days, whereas gathering and doing quests (reading them) took me about 5 days to hit lvl 18. Granted I kept my crafting up on my first toon.
Cut scenes are okay, but aren't long enough usually to be great. Some of them we could do without. Flight is fun, but being grounded in many zones sucks, but at least you can glide downhill. Pots are affordable if you don't like downtime, otherwise the most amount of downtime you'll have is 1min, which is nothing. Some classes have no downtime, but make up for it by killing a lot slower (templar). Grouping is a lot of fun and if you group for the Krall quests, you should be broken into how classes work together in this game by the time you're through. Grouping areas (elites) grant really good xp and is faster leveling than solo grinding or questing.
The fact that every class shares the same storyline is a negative for me. Every character will share the same starting zones as well, another negative. You have to grind out 9 levels before choosing your class, so grinding up those 9 levels suck when you do it twice with the same base class to test out both class choices in your teens. For example, you role a Warrior, lvl him up to 9, choose Gladiator, and run him until 20 to give him a try, only to wish you roled a Templar, so now you have to do that all over again. Doing some good research may prevent this for some people, but if you like a variety of playstyles, trying out most of the classes will be a tedious thing since you're replaying content over and over again. This is why I grind, because it's faster and I don't have to do the same quests over and over again.
Leveling is tedious, even when you read and do the quests. Not a big problem for me, as I started playing MMO's with DAoC, but for those who played LoTRO or WoW as their first game, it will shock you. Speaking of DAoC, AION is DAoC's spiritual successor in the way it plays and how it's setup. This is ironic, since WAR was thought to take that title. I played DAoC for 5 years and when I was doing Krall (group stuff), I got flashbacks of playing DAoC. Pulling, sleeping one add, dpsing a mob down, working as a team, having good chat while you grind out the mobs....yeah, reminds me of DAoC. I haven't done the Abyss, but the way people describe it, it sounds a lot like DAoC's Darkness Fall PvPvE dungeon. You can grind mobs in the Abyss, and of course risk PvP engagements with the enemy. Killing anything in the abyss grants AP (abyss points), which is used to buy armor and weapons. AP is like seals in DAoC, or honor in WOW. The first set of abyss armor you can buy is at lvl 30, and it looks badass (WoW Epic badass). Abyss armor and weapons is another reason crafting isn't worth it for me. I plan to grind in the Abyss once I hit 25 with the rest of my guildies. Another throwback to DAoC times.
In summary, the game is great, but will take persistence. Combat is fun, and is the main focus of the game. Crafting is a good diversion if you're into that sort of thing, and offers a lot of benefit., but nothing you can't buy if you want to avoid it. Grouping is beneficial and worth the trouble, but soloing is just as viable if you prefer it. Everything looks good graphically, so getting immersed in the game shouldn't be a large task. PvPvE is ultimately the direction of the game, so don't even bother if you don't want to get involved. I say this, because from what I hear from higher level guildies, questing either isn't worth it or there isn't enough of it. The preferred way of leveling after a certain point is in the abyss and that's the majority of the game. But if you like doing menial tasks for NPC's than more power to you, because their chores (ahem quests) are there to do. Good luck.
After many very mediocre mmo releases, this is a pretty good game I think. I am only at level 15 on my highest character, but so far this is what I think.
Positives: Pretty graphics. I can run the game maxed out graphically and it still performs well. Music is really good so far. Customization is awesome. If they add vanity clothing slots so you could just use appearance of clothing and keep underlying stats of armor that would make it even better. Flight. Addictive gameplay so far.
Negatives: Levels. Linear gameplay. Log in que's, but I'm sure that will improve as they add more servers. As far as I know, no mounts. Vanity pets would be nice, but the game just launched so maybe in the future. No housing. Inventory space is too small in my opinion. You can't change your appearance in game at this time, but supposedly they will offer changes via a cash shop. I don't like paying for a service which I think should be basic to the game.
That's it for now. I haven't gotten into the pvp yet. I'm melee so maybe once I start playing maybe I will find pvp sucks and get frustrated, but I'm not there yet.
You can buy these kits from NPC's that allow you to make your armor look like the armor you want it to look like, but you have to have a copy of the armor you want it to look like on you, and it must be of the same type (ie. chain must use chain). Using this kit destroys the piece of armor you want your mainset to look like in the process. The end result is that your armor now looks the way you want it to, while retaining the same stats. I found all this out by exploring Sanctum. It pays to explore.
Good solid technicals.
Good characfter graphics and items ( a little bit sloppy on terrain and certain placeables such as sacks and chairs)
Flight and the light and dark waring for dominance is very interesting.
Personal Bad
The monsters are very cutsy for the most part or almost childish (I guess its where the anime comes in), I can't get into it.
Its not original and like the others have said you've played it before.
Quests and stories are extremely poor. You can skip all the text in this one, it wont be interesting in the least. Which is to bad, a couple games out there have very good quest story lines and when you are diggin what your questing for it makes the game 200% more fun.
Grind is a part of the game, and if you can find a good group its not bad. If you can't, the burn out will kill you.
It just feels shallow. The pve and quests/story only serve to get you to the pvp and your wings. Instead of actually being a part of the game.
I'm not sure of this one , but it seems like there are no grouping tools? Tabs for LFG or groups looking for more?
For me Aion is just somthing to do on really off hours, I might log in a hour every 3rd day now. So all you folks in the que it ain't me holding you up. :P
I tried Aion in beta and decided that the forced PvP was a game killer for me. That and the complete focus on PvP for endgame pretty much wrapped it up. So for me I'll never play Aion unless they have a PvE server. but that would require some major game changes that will likely never happen so for me the game isn't something I'm interested in.
The game is pretty badass i must say.
Level 28 and loving the game.. it gets awesome at level 10.. then at 25 it gets really epic.
If you watch The Karate Kid backwards it's about this karate champ that just kinda slowly becomes a pussy and ends up moving back to Jersey
Same here. I really liked the game but once I got level 27 I was not getting into the forced PvP. I knew from the start I was not into PvP but I thought maybe some how I could avoid it all and stick to the PvE side. Since PvP is almost forced on you to progress well in the game I simply quit myself too. Right now Im looking into a strong PvE game. Maybe LoTRO.
The game simply didn't interest me enough to bother buy it, however if you like WoW and similar games that offers a polished quest based leveling experience Aion is not a bad choice imo. But Aion also just delivers old stuff in a polished version. The combat system was okish, graphics is okish, world graphics reminded me of WoW but character graphics are very good. Mobs and their AI seemed pretty standard to this type of games and killing them provided about not much fun at all. Aion isn't a bad game, it just failed completely to give me the fun feeling I want from a MMO.
Some say that aion gets really funny after level 25, but I don't bother with MMO's where I have to bore myself through x amounts of levels to experience the fun.
Playing: Battlefield - Bad company (Xbox360) Arma2, DFO (PC)
On my radar: TSW, MO
MMO's played: SWG (pre cu/cu), WoW, AoC, WAR, DFO, Planetside
MMO's that I have tested: Lotro, L2, Aion, Ryzom
That, my friends, is the unvarnished truth. There are Asian F2P games that I have tried which are directly comparable to this, with the same stunningly unoriginal, extremely boring quests that every other yawn-tastic, grindfest of an Asian game has already used. There isn't an iota of fresh new content in the game, bar the winged combat aspect, and that's not going to make up for content that was old and stale years ago.
About 70% of the game's development obviously went into the visuals, cut scenes and sound effects and the rest of the development money went into the plot structure and quests. If this is your first ever MMO, it probably seems ok, but if you've played MMOs for years, do yourself a favour and don't bother with it.
The last game I hated this much was Hellgate: London!
Most people are only raving about this game because it's new and looks pretty.
If NA and Euro players gave F2p games a chance they would see how similar Aion is to them.
Aion is nothing new.
I stopped playing my free month after about three days.
If you like extremely average themeparks, Aion is great. For everyone else maybe TOR will be the answer or you could just suffer through Indy sandbox games and hope they become good a year after release.
As for me with games like DF(6+ months) and FE (a year+) away from being actual good games I decided to take a break until Dec/january (next Eve Xpac) and have gone back to Open ended Rpgs.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Done trollin yet?
Done trollin yet?
That's trolling? grow a thicker skin dude.
You must QQ every time someone posts something negative about your game if you consider that trolling.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
This is how it went for me:
1-10 -- Glad it went fast
11-20 -- Boring boring but getting to know how the game mechanics work
21-22 -- Grind
23-24 -- Crafting and bit bored with grind
25 -- Abyss & Bliss as you can see the endgame mechanics seem to be well thought out and pvp feels balanced
Aion is not innovative in all aspects except flying, but who needs innovation if everything fits together?
I'm done with "innovative" and "original" MMOs.
From that gategory I've played AoC and WAR and these days innovative and original are a synonym to lag, stuttering and bugridden carcass of a dog to me.
From themeparks you don't seem so much into, I've played LoTRO and now Aion. Both are very cookie cutters but know what? I change "innovation" and "originality" to "bugfreeish" and "working" entertainment any day.
So, all of you who want to beta test games for the rest of your life, please do so. I'll come 4 years behind you and enjoy the tested mechanics and code and do that in ignorant bliss.
Peace out.
This is how it went for me:
1-10 -- Glad it went fast
11-20 -- Boring boring but getting to know how the game mechanics work
21-22 -- Grind
23-24 -- Crafting and bit bored with grind
25 -- Abyss & Bliss
So half the game is either boring or a grind, thanks.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Done trollin yet?
That's trolling? grow a thicker skin dude.
You must QQ every time someone posts something negative about your game if you consider that trolling.
I agree you was not trolling. To be honest I think AION is one of the better choices out at the moment, that isn't saying much, granted. But it has its own appeal. I'll be playing till ToR releases, ToR is actually my last hope for a decent immersive MMO.
I'm done with "innovative" and "original" MMOs.
From that gategory I've played AoC and WAR and these days innovative and original are a synonym to lag, stuttering and bugridden carcass of a dog to me.
From themeparks you don't seem so much into, I've played LoTRO and now Aion. Both are very cookie cutters but know what? I change "innovation" and "originality" to "bugfreeish" and "working" entertainment any day.
So, all of you who want to beta test games for the rest of your life, please do so. I'll come 4 years behind you and enjoy the tested mechanics and code and do that in ignorant bliss.
Peace out.
See this is some sad shit. You only play a game because it lacks bugs, you would rather be bored to tears with the same old lame gameplay. Why do you put yourself through it?
Just go and play regular Rpgs. I just don't understand people like you.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Done trollin yet?
That's trolling? grow a thicker skin dude.
You must QQ every time someone posts something negative about your game if you consider that trolling.
I agree you was not trolling. To be honest I think AION is one of the better choices out at the moment, that isn't saying much, granted. But it has its own appeal. I'll be playing till ToR releases, ToR is actually my last hope for a decent immersive MMO.
The only positive I can give Aion is that the client it self is stable but it should be considering Aion has been out for 6-8 months in Asia. Other than the polish Aion is no better than any themepark released in the last 5-6 years.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
I agree, it's not better or worse, but the atmosphere is different, as silly as that may sound. It was either another year of WoW or one of Aion. I took the latter. One thing it seems to have is a small pinch of risk, xp loss, not a big deal. But compared to WoW it's something, right?
Every MMORPG is a grind, they always will be. EVE is the only game I know where the grind isn't there, although you may consider skill training, a time-grind.
Now, with that said, I am no longer looking for the MMORPG without grind, I'm looking that covers it up the best. Aion wins that for now. The quest text is well written and interesting, if you read it. The Lore is decent enough to hold itself up, and of course the game looks good. I also really like the fact that leveling is pretty quick with the Campaign Quests. They are large quests that reward you with 50k-200k and up EXP, usually nearly half of what you need to level, and you get the other half killing things along the way. This really covers the grind, as I feel like I'm progressing through a storyline and I'm rewarded with a lot at the end. It only takes about 30 minutes to complete the longer ones too.
In the end, this game is a quest grind, but the quests are so interesting [to me] that unlike games like WoW, I don't really notice it.
Metalhead - You shouldn't even have tried Aion. You seem like someone who really likes new, innovative, open ended games. Aion is open, and you can level by crafting only if you wanted (it's not really feasible though), but it's not a complete sandbox. It's not a game you'd like.
Telthalion Rohircil - Guardian - Elemandir - Lord of The Rings Online
== RIP == Torey - Commando - Orion - Tabula Rasa == RIP ==
Jordaniel Torey - Navy Megathron, Active Armor Tank - Tranquility - EVE Online
Torey Scott - Rifleman - Fallen Earth
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but I know World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
well i played open beta to about 23 and id have to say, it was a breath of fresh air for a bit, till it seemed repetitive. It is a very pretty game and i do like the character custo. however, it started to fall short and yes i should have got to 25 and went to the abyss.
but then i tried another game before aion released called Fallen Earth and i was immediately hooked, if you like crafting this is the game. Everything is crafted and player made or can be. It is pretty much classless, you do get a faction that you get bonuses from later on but can later go around the faction wheel and do something different. But the game is intricate, and the quests are not your always go here kill this...type of thing
And the graphics are very good on high, the detail they put into everything is amazing, youll be suprised where you can go, houses, buildings, some crazy mines...the world is fully open and its huge
OH I know, The wife got it for me. I knew I wouldn't really enjoy it but I figured since I owned it already might as well try it.
I handed my account to my brother, hes a raider so hopefully Aions Endgame will hold him over.
Yeah I am into Open ended games my issue is it takes like 6-12 months for underfunded/indy devs to work out the client issues with games. So I'm stuck waiting for DF and FE to add more shit to the game and work out the kinks.
OH and don't let anyone tell you Eve isn't a grind. When you first start out as a mission runner the standing(faction rep) grind to level IVs is terrible and the Isk grind is messed up also.
Eve is great but not perfect if it was I wouldn't be taking a 2-3 month break from it while the december expansion releases.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Please do not base your choice off the above poster - he has a LONG history of trolling Aion forums on here and trying to turn everyone away from it.
Troll or not, what he said pretty much summed up the same way I feel about the game and I don't troll here. I just saw this thread on the main page.
well f2p are mmo's too so the experience would be similar. what experience can you get from wow that you cant get in Aion? if what he says is true then you can say the same for wow.
people just want to hate on this site, try the game for yourself and just mute out all the idiots. Most of the people hating are like politicians trying to get your subscribe to their favourite game, and wow fanbois just cant live with the fact that other people play something other than wow.
They have opinions...
Some of them rather keep grinding in WoW or EQ2 for shards.
Some like more story driven games like Lotro.
In the end the queues will clear up, those who like it will stay those who post complaints here will post them on a new release *no offense intended.
All 8 classes have a different playstyle, strengths and weaknesses, making your class choice very important. The fact that it takes effort to get to lvl 50 compounds the importance of picking the right class.
The graphics isn't top of the line, but they're pretty to look at. The animations are good, and are believable for the setting. Combat is more engaging than most MMO's, due to the skill chain system, which basically means you press one attack, which unlocks other attacks. Those other attacks lead to others. Knowing which skills to chain at what times adds more complexity to the combat system. Don't be intimidated though, you'll kill so many monsters that you'll master your skills long before you get new ones. Crafting is fun, since you can keep your crafting up easily as you level, to make your own stuff. It's time consuming though and tedious to some. Money is easy enough to get in game that you could not craft and just buy your own gear off the AH.
There's a main storyline that everyone shares, and probably 5-10 times the amount of side-quests to do as you level. If you don't like quests, it's actually faster to just grind. I grinded out a toon to lvl 21 in just 2.5 days, whereas gathering and doing quests (reading them) took me about 5 days to hit lvl 18. Granted I kept my crafting up on my first toon.
Cut scenes are okay, but aren't long enough usually to be great. Some of them we could do without. Flight is fun, but being grounded in many zones sucks, but at least you can glide downhill. Pots are affordable if you don't like downtime, otherwise the most amount of downtime you'll have is 1min, which is nothing. Some classes have no downtime, but make up for it by killing a lot slower (templar). Grouping is a lot of fun and if you group for the Krall quests, you should be broken into how classes work together in this game by the time you're through. Grouping areas (elites) grant really good xp and is faster leveling than solo grinding or questing.
The fact that every class shares the same storyline is a negative for me. Every character will share the same starting zones as well, another negative. You have to grind out 9 levels before choosing your class, so grinding up those 9 levels suck when you do it twice with the same base class to test out both class choices in your teens. For example, you role a Warrior, lvl him up to 9, choose Gladiator, and run him until 20 to give him a try, only to wish you roled a Templar, so now you have to do that all over again. Doing some good research may prevent this for some people, but if you like a variety of playstyles, trying out most of the classes will be a tedious thing since you're replaying content over and over again. This is why I grind, because it's faster and I don't have to do the same quests over and over again.
Leveling is tedious, even when you read and do the quests. Not a big problem for me, as I started playing MMO's with DAoC, but for those who played LoTRO or WoW as their first game, it will shock you. Speaking of DAoC, AION is DAoC's spiritual successor in the way it plays and how it's setup. This is ironic, since WAR was thought to take that title. I played DAoC for 5 years and when I was doing Krall (group stuff), I got flashbacks of playing DAoC. Pulling, sleeping one add, dpsing a mob down, working as a team, having good chat while you grind out the mobs....yeah, reminds me of DAoC. I haven't done the Abyss, but the way people describe it, it sounds a lot like DAoC's Darkness Fall PvPvE dungeon. You can grind mobs in the Abyss, and of course risk PvP engagements with the enemy. Killing anything in the abyss grants AP (abyss points), which is used to buy armor and weapons. AP is like seals in DAoC, or honor in WOW. The first set of abyss armor you can buy is at lvl 30, and it looks badass (WoW Epic badass). Abyss armor and weapons is another reason crafting isn't worth it for me. I plan to grind in the Abyss once I hit 25 with the rest of my guildies. Another throwback to DAoC times.
In summary, the game is great, but will take persistence. Combat is fun, and is the main focus of the game. Crafting is a good diversion if you're into that sort of thing, and offers a lot of benefit., but nothing you can't buy if you want to avoid it. Grouping is beneficial and worth the trouble, but soloing is just as viable if you prefer it. Everything looks good graphically, so getting immersed in the game shouldn't be a large task. PvPvE is ultimately the direction of the game, so don't even bother if you don't want to get involved. I say this, because from what I hear from higher level guildies, questing either isn't worth it or there isn't enough of it. The preferred way of leveling after a certain point is in the abyss and that's the majority of the game. But if you like doing menial tasks for NPC's than more power to you, because their chores (ahem quests) are there to do. Good luck.
So is WOW, and your point is? We play P2P games for quality, and AION has more quality than F2P games.
You can buy these kits from NPC's that allow you to make your armor look like the armor you want it to look like, but you have to have a copy of the armor you want it to look like on you, and it must be of the same type (ie. chain must use chain). Using this kit destroys the piece of armor you want your mainset to look like in the process. The end result is that your armor now looks the way you want it to, while retaining the same stats. I found all this out by exploring Sanctum. It pays to explore.