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My beta experience.



  • vash85vash85 Member Posts: 75

    I started playing EQII last Friday and up till now, I'm a level 13 Warrior and having a blast.

    The game plays like a finished product (up to my level). During my time playing, I haven't had a single lag.

    I can't wait to buy this when it comes out.


  • SanvenSanven Member Posts: 30

    Overall my gaming experience and enjoyment with Everquest has been subpar.  But hey, I'm glad Sony let me into the beta test so I know better than to waste 50 dollars on what I consider to be almost complete garbage.

    Lag = No problem there for me

    Graphics = Wonderful graphics, nothing to complain about here really (the models don't suit my fancy but that isnt a big problem)

    Gameplay = Uninspired and boring

  • r1tualr1tual Member Posts: 559

    Yeah when you are going up to level 10 the game isnt that bad. 


    But after level 10 the grind kicks in.  Level 20 it gets really bad.


    Then you realize that the game has no diversity.  And your doing the same thing's over and over and over again.

    And normally it would take you playing 10+ hours to level.  Then it turns into 10 days.  Then it starts getting annoying.  Then you realize that all there is to EQ2 is its pretty graphics.


    Then you quit.  Or you are are a stubborn fanboy.  Or you never played a MMORPG before and your ideals arent exactly as demanding then us who have.  Or your like a soccer mom type and wouldnt want to hurt anyone's feelings by unsubscribing or not playing the infamous EQ2.



  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    Originally posted by r1tual

    Yeah when you are going up to level 10 the game isnt that bad. 
    But after level 10 the grind kicks in.  Level 20 it gets really bad.

    You know what scares me even worse? Maxing my character in less than a month like I did in SWG. Leveling curves I don't mind it's running into a glass ceiling that I hate. I need a game that offers me a challange for years not one or two months like a certain game coming out right after EQII.

    Of course if hitting the max in a couple of weeks then running around ganking lowbies in the name of PvP is your cup of tea then so be it.


    I miss DAoC

  • ::Botan::::Botan:: Member Posts: 38

    Well, heres what I have to say about it: 

          The EQ2 fans are really looking forward to this game so no one dare hurt thier feelings!!!!  But seriously though, even if the original poster is a moron everyone should admit that its not just 1 persons view point.  I lost count of people that said : "Yes the graphics are pretty cool, but there seems to be no fun factor and after you get past the first few levels the game down right sucks."  Please don't get me wrong I was really looking foward to EQ2 and was planning on getting both WoW and EQ2.  Now however, I'm not so sure.  Tons of people are saying that it shouldnt be released for another month or two... let alone rushed to an earlier date.  So, will I still get EQ2??--Not now anyway maybe after a few months. Had SOE provided an OB who knows I might actually disagree with posters such as the original.  But as they did not I'm not going to blindly spend 50 bucks plus a monthly fee on a game that might suck.  I personally dont think that SOE is making an intellegent decesion as of the rush but oh well, screw them for a while I guess. WoW here I come!image

    :: Botan ::

    :: Botan ::

  • ::Botan::::Botan:: Member Posts: 38

    Originally posted by Jackdog

    Originally posted by r1tual

    Yeah when you are going up to level 10 the game isnt that bad. 
    But after level 10 the grind kicks in.  Level 20 it gets really bad.

    You know what scares me even worse? Maxing my character in less than a month like I did in SWG. Leveling curves I don't mind it's running into a glass ceiling that I hate. I need a game that offers me a challange for years not one or two months like a certain game coming out right after EQII.

    Of course if hitting the max in a couple of weeks then running around ganking lowbies in the name of PvP is your cup of tea then so be it.


    Obviously you know nothing of the game coming out after EQ2^^. Had you done more research, you would learn the game starts at Lvl 60.  Hmm lets see here, raid content.. instances, battlegrounds as you mentioned PvP and earning a hero status/class. And how about the overall fun factor opposed to work factor? Hmm lets see whats more fun? A game in where you can actually accomplish something and have fun doing it-- or a game in which you have to work(mostly in groups that screw you btw-as eq2 supposedly has no solo factor which sucks).  Some might say "well, its more rewarding to get max level" well, this may be true but please... its probably more rewarding to play something that isnt pure grind and actually is fun to play. ---- As the hypocrit I am I still might get EQ2 later if I heard its gotten "better".---image

    :: Botan ::

    :: Botan ::

  • ArridonArridon Member Posts: 10

    ^^^ this is where you need to understand that people are different.


    some people like to grind, some people like to reap the rewards of being max level and go from there. its hard to say that wow sucks because its too easy to max level, or eq2 sucks because you never ever get max level unless you play a lot. some people like to grind exp better than others, it's kind of like the coming election.

    things are simple, with just one example : if you are for the war in iraq, vote bush, if you aren't vote kerry. not that one thing but  whole list can be made, if you like to grind, buy eq2, if you dont, buy wow. if you like pvp, buy wow, if you dont, buy eq2.

    things aren't always as complex as they seem. so all the bashing of games on all forums can just end, if you like it, get it, if you dont, then dont buy it dont read about it ect ect. simple as that.

    65 Ranger of EQ (retired)
    19 Ranger of DaoC (retired)

    EQ2 - 11/15


    65 Ranger of EQ (retired)
    19 Ranger of DaoC (retired)
    23 Crusader of EQII


  • BboyBboy Member Posts: 20

    haha DUde im gona be there at 12:00pm to pick it up! Plus the fact that halo 2 comes out the same day its a bounus so i can just pick em both up and play em both the same day Lol Its gonna ROCK!::::28::::::02::

    "Say Hello to My lil' Friend!" scarface

    "Say Hello to My lil' Friend!" scarface

  • ::Botan::::Botan:: Member Posts: 38

    Originally posted by Arridon

    ^^^ this is where you need to understand that people are different.
    some people like to grind, some people like to reap the rewards of being max level and go from there. its hard to say that wow sucks because its too easy to max level, or eq2 sucks because you never ever get max level unless you play a lot. some people like to grind exp better than others, it's kind of like the coming election.
    things are simple, with just one example : if you are for the war in iraq, vote bush, if you aren't vote kerry. not that one thing but  whole list can be made, if you like to grind, buy eq2, if you dont, buy wow. if you like pvp, buy wow, if you dont, buy eq2.
    things aren't always as complex as they seem. so all the bashing of games on all forums can just end, if you like it, get it, if you dont, then dont buy it dont read about it ect ect. simple as that.

    65 Ranger of EQ (retired)
    19 Ranger of DaoC (retired)
    EQ2 - 11/15

    /agreed a lot of it is prefrence.

    :: Botan ::

    :: Botan ::

  • KunarickKunarick Member UncommonPosts: 348

    As i have not read most of this topic (read up to pg. 4 and just jumped to this page) i may have missed over some info gone over already.  But i can very much assure you that most of these people who say that Eq2 sukz: here is a long list of reason i just copyed and pasted from another WoW (or something else) fan.  Just look at some of the people claiming to be in Eq2 beta........OracleP4!!!  God, ORACLEP4!!!!  How more WoW fan can you get?  Me and bobjones had to keep him at bay for what, like two weeks non-stop. image  He probly hasn't even been to the Eq2 website....ever.


    I am in beta, for sure.  Here is some detailed stuff only testers would know

    1.  The first thing you do after aquiring a house in the city is to go get a bank account.

    2.  The freeport guy in your starting house for the first hallmark quest hates you, but he gets all nice with a sadistic mean streak (i'm assuming the freeport militia had a nice little chat with him image)

    3.  The quest is titled something like: Aquiring your adventure class, and you get it at lvl 9, the qeust gives you about 1/2 a lvl.

    4.  Some instanced zones in Qeynos include: Oakmyst Forest, The Caves, The Forest Ruins, The Down Below, and i belive that is most of them.  Vermin's Syne is not instanced (last time i checked), and that caused much lag due to the 100 so people in the zone.


    Okay, now you all know i'm in beta.  So if all you haters are really in beta, tell me the server you are on and your characters name, and i will make a character on the server, and you can tell me in-person-in-game that you are the poster of those posts.

    But seriously ya all, OracleP4 with a Eq2 beta account. image  And as i have mentioned before, i skipped from the bottom half of pg. 4 to this page, so if i have missed over some stuff (or the topic has changed direction completely) then plz don't be angry.  imageimageimageimageimageimageimage

    The True Oracle of all that is EverQuest!!

    "You sir, are a moron"

  • CopelandCopeland Member Posts: 1,955

    I'm not in beta.   I have a few friends and guildmates that are though.  I've yet to hear anything that would make me wanna play EQ2 nor have i heard anything that would make me play WoW.  They both seem to copy EQ for large part so why would i give up the 6 years i've put in on EQ to start all over again?  Since beta began i've noticed alot of people that were so hyped on both games have completely lost interest and returned to EQ in hardcore fashion.  I will probably eventually end up buying EQ2 and playing it part time (and probably WoW too) but that will be in a year or 2 when the content is there.  Whats sad is that I was really looking forward to both EQ2 and WoW as EQ tends to get old after awhile.   I'm not sure that either EQ2 or WoW will have enough of a player base to live 2 years though.  I only want a good game.  I don't care who makes it.  So far EQ is the best...

    Copeland, Level 70 Wizard,  900+ aa's, Elitists, Tribunal Server.

  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321
    You know what is really kind of funny is if you go over and look on the WoW forums you will not see a lot of EQII fans going over and posting trash like this, however it seems as if their community just gets off on posts such as this. They must be real insecure about their game of choice. Anyway keep posting this stuff guys it just reinforces my opinions of the WoW community.

    I miss DAoC

  • metalfoxusmetalfoxus Member Posts: 805
    Lol, the WoW community sure is the pinnacle of maturity image

  • FitzleFitzle Member Posts: 46

    Hey r1tual,

    I wasn't too impressed with your initial review, I guess I had the same criticisms that others had with it. However, I appreciate your further clarifications and critique. I see where your coming from! I have read more than a few others who had simular comments about the game. Some of these people who have been personally attacking you are way out of line and its completely uncalled for. But hey, that kind of behavior is gaming forums are largely based on.

    I am still looking forward to EQII and will purchase it. However, I will wait until December or so. I have plenty of other things going on until then and it is probably a good idea to let any MMO settle down for a month before leaping in.  Actually some of the scariest comments for me have been the more unspoken ones, like the comments Coldmeat made. Lag, bugs, gaming balance, those things usually get worked out in time. But when I read comments like Coldmeat's, when he said that EQ2 seems to have very little of the 'flavor' of EQ1(lack of landmarks or continuity from the first game, for example), yikes, now that's some disappointing news.

    I am not even going to mention WoW in this thread because the comparison comes up in every single thread I read. Which is odd, considering other than the close release date and the fact that these two games are both MMO's, they seem to have very little in common.

    Oh crap, I did mention WoW after all.image


  • ::Botan::::Botan:: Member Posts: 38

    WoW fanboi:  Dude EQ2 suxorz so much seriously its horrible WoW owns all.
    EQ2 fanboi:    Shut up you Jerk!!! you hurt me feelings.
    WoW fanboi:  Sry I 4got Im not supposed to have an l33tzor opinion.
    EQ2 fanboi:    See whats wrong with this community ---Mommy!!! *in a whiney voice*  tell the people to stop saying things that might be true!!

    Tune in next episode to see what happens next!

    :: Botan ::

    :: Botan ::

  • ::Botan::::Botan:: Member Posts: 38

    Originally posted by Jackdog
    You know what is really kind of funny is if you go over and look on the WoW forums you will not see a lot of EQII fans going over and posting trash like this, however it seems as if their community just gets off on posts such as this. They must be real insecure about their game of choice. Anyway keep posting this stuff guys it just reinforces my opinions of the WoW community.

    You show em Jackdog!! That WoW community is really going to care!!image

    :: Botan ::

    :: Botan ::

  • Desperado206Desperado206 Member Posts: 34

    So if I like World of Warcraft does that make me a "fanboy". I'm assuming "fanboy" is kinda like a D**K rider?


    I had high hopes for both WoW and EQ2 but after hearing that EQ2 will not have any pvp I've decided not to purchase EQ2. No one cares right? Bingo.

  • KunarickKunarick Member UncommonPosts: 348

    Originally posted by ::Botan::

    WoW fanboi:  Dude EQ2 suxorz so much seriously its horrible WoW owns all.
    EQ2 fanboi:    Shut up you Jerk!!! you hurt me feelings.
    WoW fanboi:  Sry I 4got Im not supposed to have an l33tzor opinion.
    EQ2 fanboi:    See whats wrong with this community ---Mommy!!! *in a whiney voice*  tell the people to stop saying things that might be true!!

    Tune in next episode to see what happens next!

    :: Botan ::

    WoW fan #1:  Hey i want to make myself feel better about myself because i ubah and i ownz all

    WoW fan #2:  I donn o, i ink me momie wiuld gut angy wit my

    WoW fan #3:  Why don't we just go say that we beta test Eq2 so we can say it sucks to make ourselfs think our game is better because we have imferiority complexes

    WoW fan #1:  Woot woot, lets go spam them and call them immature

    WoW fan #2:  I'm so ubah, ohhhh mamma, why do i hav too ge of now?  by ubah partsners

    WoW fan #4:  I think i'm just going to play one of Blizzard's GREAT games, like diablo, where i just get to max lvl, and then do the same thing over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over, Bail runs here i come!  Oh yeah, Blizzard makes some of the best games over, i enjoy haveing the exact thing to do over and over, and having no side-quests, completely linear storyline, and no possible alteration to any of the game regardless of who i play!!!!  WOOT WOOT!!!  YOU ROCK BLIZZARD!!

    WoW fan #1:  I may join you because the Blizzard community is always mature, WOOT WOOT, i'm ubah

    WoW fan #3:  WOOT WOOT, lets go spam now due to us feeling insecure

    WoW fan #1:  WOOT WOOT to that my ubah partner

    Eq2 fan #1:  Why again are you in OUR forums talking about WoW?

    WoW fan #1+3:  OHHHH, you're so immature, i'm in Eq2 beta, it sucks, WoW pwnz, i ownz you, ohhhhh, i'm so mature, my game is better

    Eq2 fan #2:  Get a life.

    WoW fan #1+3:  OHHHH, i pwnz you too you imature newb,  i pwnz you all!!!!  cause i'm ubah


    "You sir, are a moron"

  • ThoomThoom Member Posts: 436

  • ::Botan::::Botan:: Member Posts: 38

    Originally posted by Kunarick

    Originally posted by ::Botan::

    WoW fanboi:  Dude EQ2 suxorz so much seriously its horrible WoW owns all.
    EQ2 fanboi:    Shut up you Jerk!!! you hurt me feelings.
    WoW fanboi:  Sry I 4got Im not supposed to have an l33tzor opinion.
    EQ2 fanboi:    See whats wrong with this community ---Mommy!!! *in a whiney voice*  tell the people to stop saying things that might be true!!

    Tune in next episode to see what happens next!

    :: Botan ::

    WoW fan #1:  Hey i want to make myself feel better about myself because i ubah and i ownz all

    WoW fan #2:  I donn o, i ink me momie wiuld gut angy wit my

    WoW fan #3:  Why don't we just go say that we beta test Eq2 so we can say it sucks to make ourselfs think our game is better because we have imferiority complexes

    WoW fan #1:  Woot woot, lets go spam them and call them immature

    WoW fan #2:  I'm so ubah, ohhhh mamma, why do i hav too ge of now?  by ubah partsners

    WoW fan #4:  I think i'm just going to play one of Blizzard's GREAT games, like diablo, where i just get to max lvl, and then do the same thing over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over, Bail runs here i come!  Oh yeah, Blizzard makes some of the best games over, i enjoy haveing the exact thing to do over and over, and having no side-quests, completely linear storyline, and no possible alteration to any of the game regardless of who i play!!!!  WOOT WOOT!!!  YOU ROCK BLIZZARD!!

    WoW fan #1:  I may join you because the Blizzard community is always mature, WOOT WOOT, i'm ubah

    WoW fan #3:  WOOT WOOT, lets go spam now due to us feeling insecure

    WoW fan #1:  WOOT WOOT to that my ubah partner

    Eq2 fan #1:  Why again are you in OUR forums talking about WoW?

    WoW fan #1+3:  OHHHH, you're so immature, i'm in Eq2 beta, it sucks, WoW pwnz, i ownz you, ohhhhh, i'm so mature, my game is better

    Eq2 fan #2:  Get a life.

    WoW fan #1+3:  OHHHH, i pwnz you too you imature newb,  i pwnz you all!!!!  cause i'm ubah


    EQ2 Fanboi:  Get a life
    WoW Fanboi: HAHA YOU NOOB!!!  HYPOCRISY!!!
    EQ2 Fanboi : Why do you post stuff about WoW on EQ2 forum
    WoW fanboi:  The orginal post was about how horrible EQ2 was you noob!!!
    WoW fanboi:  HAHA Owned you noobzor
    EQ2 fanboi: Get a life
    WoW fanboi:  Hypocrisy again!!! haha noobzor!!  I roxorz so muchzorz

    :: Botan ::

    :: Botan ::

  • GnarledGnarled Member Posts: 566


    Crap, that figures. Anyone wanna host that one for me  ?

    "I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If, on your journey, you should encounter God. . .
    . . . God will be cut."
    - Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill

    Requiiem, Templar

  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    Originally posted by ::Botan::

    Originally posted by Jackdog
    You know what is really kind of funny is if you go over and look on the WoW forums you will not see a lot of EQII fans going over and posting trash like this, however it seems as if their community just gets off on posts such as this. They must be real insecure about their game of choice. Anyway keep posting this stuff guys it just reinforces my opinions of the WoW community.

    You show em Jackdog!! That WoW community is really going to care!!image

    :: Botan ::

    Nah the only thing they care about is whether the new zit cream they bought will work and whether they can con their parents into letting them put the sub to WoW on mommies credit card.

    I miss DAoC

  • KunarickKunarick Member UncommonPosts: 348

    Originally posted by ::Botan::

    Originally posted by Kunarick

    Originally posted by ::Botan::

    WoW fanboi:  Dude EQ2 suxorz so much seriously its horrible WoW owns all.
    EQ2 fanboi:    Shut up you Jerk!!! you hurt me feelings.
    WoW fanboi:  Sry I 4got Im not supposed to have an l33tzor opinion.
    EQ2 fanboi:    See whats wrong with this community ---Mommy!!! *in a whiney voice*  tell the people to stop saying things that might be true!!

    Tune in next episode to see what happens next!

    :: Botan ::

    WoW fan #1:  Hey i want to make myself feel better about myself because i ubah and i ownz all

    WoW fan #2:  I donn o, i ink me momie wiuld gut angy wit my

    WoW fan #3:  Why don't we just go say that we beta test Eq2 so we can say it sucks to make ourselfs think our game is better because we have imferiority complexes

    WoW fan #1:  Woot woot, lets go spam them and call them immature

    WoW fan #2:  I'm so ubah, ohhhh mamma, why do i hav too ge of now?  by ubah partsners

    WoW fan #4:  I think i'm just going to play one of Blizzard's GREAT games, like diablo, where i just get to max lvl, and then do the same thing over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over, Bail runs here i come!  Oh yeah, Blizzard makes some of the best games over, i enjoy haveing the exact thing to do over and over, and having no side-quests, completely linear storyline, and no possible alteration to any of the game regardless of who i play!!!!  WOOT WOOT!!!  YOU ROCK BLIZZARD!!

    WoW fan #1:  I may join you because the Blizzard community is always mature, WOOT WOOT, i'm ubah

    WoW fan #3:  WOOT WOOT, lets go spam now due to us feeling insecure

    WoW fan #1:  WOOT WOOT to that my ubah partner

    Eq2 fan #1:  Why again are you in OUR forums talking about WoW?

    WoW fan #1+3:  OHHHH, you're so immature, i'm in Eq2 beta, it sucks, WoW pwnz, i ownz you, ohhhhh, i'm so mature, my game is better

    Eq2 fan #2:  Get a life.

    WoW fan #1+3:  OHHHH, i pwnz you too you imature newb,  i pwnz you all!!!!  cause i'm ubah


    EQ2 Fanboi:  Get a life
    WoW Fanboi: HAHA YOU NOOB!!!  HYPOCRISY!!!
    EQ2 Fanboi : Why do you post stuff about WoW on EQ2 forum
    WoW fanboi:  The orginal post was about how horrible EQ2 was you noob!!!
    WoW fanboi:  HAHA Owned you noobzor
    EQ2 fanboi: Get a life
    WoW fanboi:  Hypocrisy again!!! haha noobzor!!  I roxorz so muchzorz

    :: Botan ::

    If you actually read my post, it says that WoW fans come to Eq2 forums saying they are in beta and not proving to anyone that they actually are, your so smart. image  (WoW fans do come to Eq2 forums saying their in beta and then say it sucks, just look at what OracleP4 did.)


    "You sir, are a moron"

  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,409

    Robot Monkey Jesus is not pleased with the level of stupid in this thread

    I mean implying that people that like and/or play World of Warcraft are acne bespeckled teens!! The height of originality and wittiness.

    Both games are flawed, though, of the two, EQ2 is suffering the most flaws, and seem to be trying to compound that by releasing the game too early, no matter how confident Smedley is.

    Both games have fans with the IQ, and personality of a rabid badger. Nothing new there. The only upside of their bickering on various forums means I don't have to deal with them in game.

    So feel free to go back to your dick waving.


  • AeryithAeryith Member Posts: 162

    image rawr.


    you can't tell an immature person they're immature. that's like slapping a rabid pit bull and saying they have a low IQ.

    EQ2 Mantra: Get more RAM. Get more RAM.


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