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I am wondering if there are areas that I can just go out and kill things for their loot without missioning. And I dont mean the 2-3 rats in the belts. Something where I can just mindlessly kill. I have been missioning for a few days, and most of my missions have only a small handful of mobs, some only had two! And I am not talking about the tutorial missions. The cash payout of the missions is usually not great compared to the loot anyway, and I dont want to fly back and forth, and also end up doing other, non-killing missions. Or fly system to system for them.
Thanks for your info!
well the higher level the mission the more opponents you face. also it depends on your agent type, if you focus on ones that are in the Security, Internal Security, Intelligence or Command fields you will face primarily kill based missions, and as you progress to higher levels you will reach missions which involve hours of killing.
its just a bit of a chore getting to atleast level 3 before you'll find a challenge, but the more you do and the better your agent is, the more kills you'll need to make.
Yeah, I only use security missions, and the two agents I work with are -9 and -3. However, I was planning on staying in a Frigate for a good while for the fun of it, so Level 3, and more than likely level 2 missions as well, are off limits.
well you could easily do level 2's in a destroyer if you wanted something small, but yeah level 2's in a frig is challenging but not impossible.
the pve game is however one of progression, they're aiming at you getting bigger and better ships to handle more opponents etc
Yeah, I played for a little while a year or two ago, and rushed into a Cruiser, and ended up getting completely trashed because I didn't have many skills to support me. I was warping out of basic level 2 missions every minute or two. I prefer to take it slow this time. I am kicking lots of ass in my Rifer, and my skills make him better by the day. I might go with a destroyer for Salvaging, but we will have to see.
Thanks though.
I guess I am spoiled and my newbiee experience was a bit jaded. I had my friend who got me into the game boost my standings and help fund my Drake... With the classic character creation system it was possible to get into a Battlecruiser and do lvl 3s before the 14 day trial was up with a little help from a friend.
How did you train Cruiser without subscribing?
Give me liberty or give me lasers
If you upgrade to Assualt frigs you can easily do level 2 and 3 missions.
Also use that on board scanner and train into probes dude. If you don't like ratting you can scan out combat sites.
Think of probing as finding a spawned dungeon with the chance of phat loot off a officer spawn. Alot more NPcs to kill and a little rush since you have competition for the kills, loot and salvage.
Read up on exploration it takes like a day to train those skills.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
If you really just want to kill mobs without doing missions, equip a core probe launcher and do a quick scan of the system. If you get a 100% hit with only one probe on the first try, those are places to kill mobs without doing missions.
Also, if you don't want courtier missions, do missions for agents under the subset command, security, and internal security. They are like 95% kill missions.
Cosmic anomalies can be scanned down with onboard scanner, no probes are needed.
You can train Cruiser without subscribing it is Battlecruiser that you can't train during the trial.
That being said I was able to do L3s in a Caracal during the trial with my friend's Drake there to help me on some of the harder ones. (You can do L3s solo in a Carcal you just gotta abuse that range and fit 3 specific hardeners) Thats how I was able to get my standings up so by the time my trial was up I had the standings and the skills and player knowledge to do them by myself in a Drake once I subscribed.
Took a bit of hand holding by my friend but I think the investment got returned on his part. Next thing I knew I was running multiple accounts, helped him found a small corp, and running L4s side by side with him in a Raven of my own.