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I decided to do this post out of anger mainly, and because i feel this is shamefull.
Those of us who play this game know many players have the game client crashing every time they enter a crowded town, like Eltnen, Sanctum or Pandaemonium, but also on fortress sieges. Presentig a .dll error
This makes the game effectively unplayable, mainly offcourse in the sieges, since its one of the games selling points.
There are thousands of players unable to play, many with high end systems, medium and offcourse lower ends. Many of us are IT professionals and know perfectly fine how to tune and keep a computer driver updated etc.
Today, after weeks, if not months of asking for an official adress to this issue, we got an answer, only today... We are making threads and posts about this since open beta.
The answer was, to tell us it was our problem, that the problem was our computers, outdated drivers, or simply systems below the recommended specs. Im completely baffled by this ridiculous and condescendent answer. Here is the link, the official post lies in page 7
After this i can honestly say i lost all my confidence in this game. And i was one of its biggest supporters.
Guess this is what we get for dealing with developers on the other side of the world... the american producers and just public relations, they are clueless about the game, and try to make the users stupid.
If someone takes a bit of time to read some of those posts im sure they will be a much better explanation than the one im trying to present here.
And get ready, as soon as you reach the higher lvls and get to sieges you are very likely to have the same problem.
PS: this is a QQ thread alright, im entitled to my 50 euros, and what do i get? I dont mind to wait abit on a queue, i dont think the game lacks quests, but i wont accept crashing every 30 seconds i enter a city or siege and get some guy thats clueless to com e and tell me im stupid enough not to update my drivers.
And in what manner have you established that they are not correct in stating the above?
The vast majority of the people never have a crash in any populated area so saying that the game is totally flawed is a gross exaggeration at best, mindless QQ at worst.
The problem is with you. It is your computer. Some tool that you run on your system does not play along well with Aion. There could be millions of combinations at work.
You don't want to hear this, but that is the truth.
I doubt there is any easy fix.
Remember Aion is not a new game. It's been around for a while in other country. If it's easily fixable, it'll be fixed by now.
And in what manner have you established that they are not correct in stating the above?
The vast majority of the people never have a crash in any populated area so saying that the game is totally flawed is a gross exaggeration at best, mindless QQ at worst.
The problem is with you. It is your computer. Some tool that you run on your system does not play along well with Aion. There could be millions of combinations at work.
You don't want to hear this, but that is the truth.
I have the exact same problem as the OP... when I go into a major town or city I usually crash...
That being said, YOU are absolutely 100% correct. It's also a brand new game, and something is conflicting with their code. There's gonna be some tweaks on their end as well and the game is only a few weeks old... Im not too worried. Eventually it'll be resolved but you don't see me running around crying about it like some people did New patch today, hopefully its better
And in what manner have you established that they are not correct in stating the above?
The vast majority of the people never have a crash in any populated area so saying that the game is totally flawed is a gross exaggeration at best, mindless QQ at worst.
The problem is with you. It is your computer. Some tool that you run on your system does not play along well with Aion. There could be millions of combinations at work.
You don't want to hear this, but that is the truth.
You clearly dont know what you are talking about, visit that thread and actually read about it.
Plus everyone is getting the exact same error crash crysystem.dll
in fact, here is a poll where you can check the astonishing percentage of players having this problem on aionsource forums alone, let alone all the others...
wait so what causes the game to crash? Performance?
I've been in several fort sieges and have never expirenced a crash, mainly just a performance hit.
And in what manner have you established that they are not correct in stating the above?
The vast majority of the people never have a crash in any populated area so saying that the game is totally flawed is a gross exaggeration at best, mindless QQ at worst.
The problem is with you. It is your computer. Some tool that you run on your system does not play along well with Aion. There could be millions of combinations at work.
You don't want to hear this, but that is the truth.
I have the exact same problem as the OP... when I go into a major town or city I usually crash...
That being said, YOU are absolutely 100% correct. It's also a brand new game, and something is conflicting with their code. There's gonna be some tweaks on their end as well and the game is only a few weeks old... Im not too worried. Eventually it'll be resolved but you don't see me running around crying about it like some people did New patch today, hopefully its better
waait you think this game is new? say the least your an idiot to say the least...I have not once heard anyone complain about this, and if it is happening, it means a few things about your computer: either your graphics card needs updating, you actually need a graphics card, or you need a better internet/internet connection. All of these and even more could and almost certainly are contributing to the fact that your computer crashes because it can't handle the lag from the game in some way or another....stop blaming NCsoft for all your computer problems, sure it has some bugs, but its a decent game.
Since when is 100 people an astonishing percentage? Obviously everyone who has a problem will flock to some forums.
Here is my tip to you. Clean up your system and stop running all that crap in the system try. Yes all that iTunes monitor, acroread, quicktime, google updater, picasa photo detector, paintshop pro server, java platform, etc. all the stuff that the moronic companies install and run in the background. These live and breed in your system tray. Exit and kill them all. Stop your antivirus, and spyware detectors, those cause more harm than good,
Now start a command prompt and type msconfig stop everything in the Startup tab, GrooveMonitor, RivaTuner, GameLoader, Steam, disable them all, go to services and Hide Microsoft services, then disable everyhing else. Restart, do you have a clean system now? Check the tray and kill the resilient little mofo programs that still run. Do the msconfig sweep again.
Optional: download the CC cleaner and make a clean sweep of you system registry.
Restart your computer again and enjoy the game.
Im not going to go down to your level and insult you, if you actually took a second to click the link, you would have seen that thousands of players have this problem not me. But clearly, you exceed in arrogance what you lack in intelligence
Actually, I did, and only 300 something people isn't enough to flip out over :P
Oh wait you said 1000's of people....I don't even know how to respond besides, PLEASE revisit the second grade if you can't count......
Tryklon, I'm not flaming, just curious, what system specs are you running?
MMOs played: Horizons, Auto Assault, Ryzom, EVE, WAR, WoW, EQ2, LotRO, GW, DAoC, Aion, Requiem, Atlantica, DDO, Allods, Earth Eternal, Fallen Earth, Rift
Willing to try anything new
I have never crashed in game. What are your system specs ? and ya, if you havent uodate your vid drivers, that is a definite cause for crashes. You prolly already did this, but I am not sure as you havent said. Regardless, since this is the first I have beein hearing of this and since I dont have the problem, I would look first to your PC on your end.
Just trying to help, not a flame.
Well my own personal experiences I have only seen CTDs in one circumstance where mailing a stack of power shards over 999 (i.e.1000) forced a CTD using my outdated computer (which my gf uses)
The two computers I use this on are:
1)Vista 64 bit business
12GB DDR3 RAM 1333
2x 1GB nVidia GTX 9800+
2.67 Ghz intel quad core
2)XP Pro
256 MB Radeon X800 Pro
2.8 Ghz P4 (single core)
Both these computers seem to run fine except #2 of course chugs in heavily populated places making it frustrating, but not unplayable. So I'm quite interested in what specs you are running.
MMOs played: Horizons, Auto Assault, Ryzom, EVE, WAR, WoW, EQ2, LotRO, GW, DAoC, Aion, Requiem, Atlantica, DDO, Allods, Earth Eternal, Fallen Earth, Rift
Willing to try anything new
Thousands of people have this problem because their computers are not up to system standards. Lots of people are playing on laptops or under-performing computers, not because the game is flawed. I personally have not experienced this at all.
While I understand that crashing is very frustrating in any game, I sense some exaggeration here. I am running on a 5 going-on 6-year old system, single core, 3GB of RAM with only an ATI X1700 graphics card. It plays fine in outdoor areas, chugs a bit in the city and Abyss, and slows down a lot at the one fort siege I've been to. In all that time though, I haven't crashed once. Noone in the legion I belong to has crashed that I know of. It is not a common problem.
nobody i know has this problem
Just so we're all on the same page, my PC is quite good.
quad core processor, 4 GB of ram, etc, etc... but I do get this error at times (only once today in a major city)... as another poster said I think its just due to it conflicting with something on my PC.
Im not even going to get into the whole "its not a new game" argument. Its been said 19 million times... NA =/= Korea
As an IT professional you would think you would have better common sense than the rant you have put on here. It is obviously a problem with the machines. Sure there might be something that ncsoft could do if they knew why it was happening but dont hold your breath. As an IT professional, you should also know the first rule of troubleshooting. CLEAN BOOT. No uneeded programs running just the basics and start from there. You might, at the least, find a common problem with many of these machines.
I had one problem during the last closed beta and the open beta. Every time I started aion, I would get an error in msvcr80.dll and game guard would close. Yet GG would still be running and the game played perfectly fine. Turned out, GG didnt play well with my ambx lighting system. If I disabled ambx then I got no errors. Of course, either way, I wasn't able to actually use my lighting system, but hey, GG isn't there right now and its working great.
The only problems since launch that I have seen has been if I am in the game for 10+ hours, things start to get kind of wierd. Sometimes it will start hanging during a battle or everything just gets real slow. Could be a memory leak, could be me and my 2gig of ram. Dont really see that as their problem yet since I havent upgraded to more ram yet. My system is right around 5 years old. Opteron 165 overclocked to 2.5ghz. 2 gig of ram, nvidia 7900 gtx card, onboard sound and networking. Its amazing that I have pretty much everything turned to full except shadows and it plays perfectly fine. Outdoors from 30-60 fps, in big cities from 15-45 fps with lots of people around. Cleary I need to upgrade at some point but with all this, I dont get these errors that you are saying thousands of people are getting. And believe me when I say that if there is an error a game or a program can give, my system usually finds them all lol.
I participated in my first siege today. It was very intense and extremely fun, despite us being outnumbered. I did crash twice in the process. The first may have been due to the Balaur respawning on top of the mass amount of people already engaged in combat. The second was due to the Elyos mass leaving the General pushing our measly force away from the outer gate.
My computer is quite good (best nvidia card, best non i7 processor and so on) and will become even better once win7 comes out (time for yet another upgrade). I don't think that it's the computer's fault, so in this regard I think I'll back up the OP.
On the other hand, in all other MMOs with massive PvP battles, I used to lower the graphics to absolutely minimum. This time I did not, I just let the game scale the graphics as it saw fit from the max settings I had it configured.
Edit: I never experienced a crash in any city so far.
I crash a lot, particularly in crowded areas. There was another similiar thread a few days ago over @ AionSource, and it seemed to be mainly affecting ATI card owners (particulalrly high-end cards).
I7 920
ATI 4890 Plus (1gig)
6 GB Corsair XMS3 (triple channel)
WIN Vista 64bit
Note - the crashes aren't due to hardware failiure, though I haven't ruled out the possibility of a driver conflict somewhere.
You will see alot more crashes believe me, even because more and more ppl are reaching the abyss and this sieges will be more frequent.
My system specs are an average lower mid range computer, I have a core2duo E8200 @ 2,6ghz with 4gb of DDR3 ram and an ATI 4670 pro, pretty much enough for this game. And like Xasapis, there are pople running top of the line computers and also getting the same crahes in the exact same situations on the exact same file crysytem.dll
Like some ppl here asked, and im going to clarify this since they seem to not have read the main post with the hundreds of poster explaining their problems and course of action. Offcourse ive updated graphic drivers, and all of us disabled absolutely every program starting and running on the background on MSCONFIG.
Curiously enough, tech support told us to uninstall ATI 9.9 drivers and get 9.4, to no avail, but so much for updated graphics. Offcourse this wasnt even possible for those so many NVidia users.
Oh, and in that first link i gave, the posts carry on, every new ppl are coming to encounter this crash every day it passes, more and more.
here is a link, so it wont fill up your screen, of what happened to a new user today, the exact same thing that happens to most of us (notice the large ammount of players on the back).
The servers just seems to not be able to handle players, yes, because the error clear states that and EXCEPTION HANDLER WAS CALLED IN THE AION SERVER matter what you's your computer that is the problem...and that goes for everyone else with this problem.
This is clearly some conflict with something running on your machine when you play the game. It might be as easy as an outdated driver, and it might be so complex that you might not figure it out.
One of the ways to try and find out is to do a CLEAN unneeded programs running.
The best way to test it is to try a clean install of windows and just install your drivers and the game...that way you might single out a driver problem.
(EDIT: pressed the save button a little bit quick...)
In any case it's something on your side that causes the problem, or else everyone would have the same problems. I'm sorry...but that is just a fact.
Waiting for a game that never comes...
Just to answer this kind of answers, i did many clean boots, with nothing running except for the OS.
Plus, its curious, this problem never happened to ANYONE before patch 1.5 been introduced, we all played the closed betas, and many of us the chinese version, and not a single time did this occur, only after patch 1.5
Plus: hoe do you know if it doesnt happen to alot more ppl, most of them didnt even reached abyss yet, and those that did, never been in a fortress siege with hunderds of players
In positive light, notice the amount of people on the minimap. Also keep in mind that minimap shows friendly and enemy players in the direction your camera is facing. So if an enemy is behind your camera view (doesn't have to coincide to where the actual avatar is facing), it won't appear on the minimap.