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I'm not sure if anyone else notices this but it seems like the game, and its devs, favor the Asmodian race more than the elyos. There seem to be a lot more perks to being an Asmodian than there are for Elyos. For instance Asmodians eyes glow red when they go into battle - Their armor looks alot cooler in some cases(with the big blades and stuff) - They've got the cool lookin claws - They flip when they jump - they have black wings(which looks really cool) - even some of their skills are more powerful than the elyos skills. If you go onto or other wiki sites and look at the elyos skills and asmodian counterparts alot of them are the same but key skills are much better or more effecient on the asmodian side. Theres alot of items on the asmodian side that look alot better(and have better stats) than some of the elyos weapons. Even in the pod casts NCsoft did they talked more about the asmodians than they did about the elyos.
And what do the elyos do? have white wings... our eyes dont glow in battle, and our level 30 wings look kinda ugly(imo).
Well... atleast we dont have to deal with the back hair haha. I dont think id ever get over that. A chick just isn't that hot any more if shes got a safari growin on her back...
MMO's are the ark of the gaming world. Let it take us in new directions.
Yes..asmodians arent so gayish
This happens in lot of games. WAR has the destruction dominating most of the "intresting" classes and abilites. Not to mention that the simple tactical advance of big tanks and small healers totally dominates while order are stuck with small tanks and very easy to spot healers.
What about the other half claiming Order has the most powerful classes and abilities?
If you're older than about 8, when the good guys stop being cool and the bad guys start being awesome, then you'd know this is normal. Companies portray evil as the cooler side because (most) people inherently want to be good. There's no incentive to be a head-cutting, baby kicking, soul eating ...(pansy, in Aion's case)... unless that head-cutting, baby kicking, soul eating ...(pansy, in Aion's case) looks cool, has super awesome powers, etc.
I actually liked the Elyos a bit at first, but it all changed when my wife leveled her first character with me. In WoW, AoC, DDO, etc we would always cheer each other when we got a level. Well that was a huge mistake on the Elyos side, because we were so wrapped up in a new game that we didn't do it until lvl 10. She cheered me and her alt pulled out the pom poms like a nice slutty cheerleader COOL! I cheered and then I busted out the pom poms like some flaming gay cheerleader....
P.S. I am in no way homophobic, but I don't want my characters forced into doing typically gay things.
Head-cutting, baby kicking, soul eating... (pansy, in Aion's case).
Oh dang. Elyos are the good guys, right?
Alliance, Horde... Order, Destruction... easy to distinguish. Then, you have Aion.
Let me rephrase, then: Booboo-kissing, baby hugging, soul tickling... (pansy, in Aion's case).
They are emotions they are not meant to be serious they are there to have some fun.
If you like to use that much emotions then it may be a problem but I don't see the point on spamming them other then annoying the others around.
actually the way it seems the manual and the site seem to favor the asmodians as the good guys they talk about the elyos like they are arrogant which maybe true but they talk about the asmodians like they are just misunderstood
Misunderstood is for teenagers, i'll stick with arrogant elyos rather than the emo asmodians.
to the op.. if you like asnos so much.. play their faction.. for me and for most of my friends.. having feet claw like etc , living in a gray bluish world seems to be the worst face of the coin.. thus we play Elyos.
i lol'd
Without considering looks, just based on actual skills and items. Yes they do favor Asmodians. I have 7 toons right now. The Asmodians get earring and necklaces before the Elyos. They get more rings. Their armor and weapons have better stats. They don't have to run as far as Elyos. It cost them less to use the flight master or teleporter. (not much a few kinah less, but less) It was definetly easier leveling the Asmodian toons than it was the Elyos. And I'm going to have to agree with a previous poster. They do it so that people will want to be the bad guy. Games have done that for some time. When I first started playing games, almost no one wanted to be the bad guy. We had to flip for it. Now no one wants to be the good guy. They make fun of you if you are, Call you names and grief you to death. Are you surprised? In a world where kids shoot their parents, teachers, brothers, sisters, other kids, etc. Personally I think its a reflection on society. And a sad one at that. Well thats my 2 cents worth, your mileage may vary.
I'm old not dead. (Nov8tr is pronounced innovator)
Why would being a good guy stop being cool and being bad be awesome? I choose to be a good person.
Since I am playing Elyos and I like to play the underdogs role I really hope they favor Asmos, more/not so easy killing for me
Currently playing: N/A
Retired from: GW, WAR, Aion, LOTRO, Rift, SW:TOR, Vinductus
^ ^^^^^^^^ ^
I never said i liked them. I said that it's unfair that one race gets the upper hand by default. Better stats better skills more gear. I dont care that you want people to play a faction or "be the bad guy" but you shouldnt make a lopsided game to accomplish that. Thats like promising to split a pot of gold 50/50 with your partner and them only giving him 45... That and on almost all the servers asmodians outnumber the elyos(doesnt seem like theres much of a problem getting ppl to play them). So basically what you have is a more powerful race outnumbering and zerging a weaker race. Sounds very one sided to me. If they had added perks to both sides - maybe light and dark perks - then it'd been alot better. Like Divine strike for assassins the asmo version does alot more damage...the elyos version does a little bit of damage but heals(and a crappy heal at that).
If it had been more like -
Divine strike(Elyos) - deals XXX dmg and steals XXX HP from target.
Strike of darkness(Asmodian) - deals XXX and poisons target (i think thats the name of the skill)
that seems a bit more even they both have their perk.
and just to throw it in there. the stone skin sorcs have is so OP they can recast it almost instantly. and if u get it down early then can sleep u until they can get it up again. You cant win. Don't duel a sorc. If u see a asmo/elyos sorc in the abyss run. run for your life...
MMO's are the ark of the gaming world. Let it take us in new directions.
As long as the game remains basically balanced some small perks going to a side its ok, as it is the races already seem too much like mirror images of the other. And i find the arrogance of the Elyos a redeeming feature, theyre definitively my favorite, as pride seems to me a cooler "bad boy" attitude. Asmos quasimodo schtick i find unapealing, and the lore shows them to be the more petty, ignoble side. So i wouldnt exactly say theyre the most favoured kind. Also the Elyos=Eloi (beautiful, perfect) and the Asmodians=Morlocks (bluish skin with talons), it seems all too obvious to me that The Time Machine was an obvious influence on the Aion mythos. In H.G. Wells story, theyre both the evolution of man under different conditions after a world catastrophe (much as in the Aion narrative) and as flawed as they both are, at least the Eloi remain relatable to humans...
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
this is hysterical....I've seen the exact reasoning applied in the reverse to explain why Elyos have it so much better...
this is hysterical....I've seen the exact reasoning applied in the reverse to explain why Elyos have it so much better...
Well asmode's may get trivialy equipment ile jewlery early, and have better looking armor but.....
across the board eylos are dominating.
im asmodian, nothing matters before level 25 tbh. Eylos have us outnumberd and out leveld on most accounts. im on a server with more asmodians than eylos.
Wonder what % of those server population %'s are bots/spammers and how many are active human players. It does seem that eylos outumber asmodians.
The situation is more mixed up in the EU. It's still too early though.
Grass is always greener...