I, for one, am willing to give you guys a chance. You have to keep in mind though, that you're wearing the banner of a community who has developed a very bad reputation in most of the games it touches. That collective sense of humor and collective set of interests you guys have has also led to a collective reputation as griefers, trolls, and unskilled zergs. People have already pointed out some instances of this in FE from in game and on the forums. If these are the people you choose to associate with, you must be prepared for the "guilt by association", whether deserved or not.
There is something you must know, however. We don't really care. With the amount of people who join any specific goon guild in that game, we can make enough groups within the guild for every bracket. In Goon Squad on MG Horde WoW, you NEVER have to pug. You can form a group out of the 5 thousand or something members of Goon Squad in a second.
The best thing about goons is they don't give a crap. There are people who play video games and just take them too damn seriously. The point of any goon guild is to have a good time, and not take the game seriously. Look at Age of Conan. We had an absolute blasty blast playing that game even though it was so bad. Hate tells feed the goon players because it makes it even more fun. Its like going with a group of friends to Disneyland just wasted. Who cares what other people think, you're having a hell of a time. Thats what any MMO should be like, in my opinion anyways.
Goons are everywhere, you better watch out hehehe :smug:
Do you have stairs in your house?
-Computer specs no one cares about: check.
-MMOs played no one cares about: check.
-Xfire stats no one cares about: check.
-Signature no one cares about: check.
-Narcissism: check.
I, for one, am willing to give you guys a chance. You have to keep in mind though, that you're wearing the banner of a community who has developed a very bad reputation in most of the games it touches. That collective sense of humor and collective set of interests you guys have has also led to a collective reputation as griefers, trolls, and unskilled zergs. People have already pointed out some instances of this in FE from in game and on the forums. If these are the people you choose to associate with, you must be prepared for the "guilt by association", whether deserved or not.
There is something you must know, however. We don't really care. With the amount of people who join any specific goon guild in that game, we can make enough groups within the guild for every bracket. In Goon Squad on MG Horde WoW, you NEVER have to pug. You can form a group out of the 5 thousand or something members of Goon Squad in a second.
The best thing about goons is they don't give a crap. There are people who play video games and just take them too damn seriously. The point of any goon guild is to have a good time, and not take the game seriously. Look at Age of Conan. We had an absolute blasty blast playing that game even though it was so bad. Hate tells feed the goon players because it makes it even more fun. Its like going with a group of friends to Disneyland just wasted. Who cares what other people think, you're having a hell of a time. Thats what any MMO should be like, in my opinion anyways.
-Computer specs no one cares about: check.
-MMOs played no one cares about: check.
-Xfire stats no one cares about: check.
-Signature no one cares about: check.
-Narcissism: check.