NASA have already curtailed the prediction for when the solar storm will hit. According to them, they've now changed their mind and it WON'T hit in 2012 at all but will in fact hit in 2011 :-)
NASA have already curtailed the prediction for when the solar storm will hit. According to them, they've now changed their mind and it WON'T hit in 2012 at all but will in fact hit in 2011 :-)
I thought the Mayans predicted that a new era will have started in 2012 because they calculated that our galaxy, the Milky Way, will have made one full revolution. Which would make senes given the Mayan's extensive knowledge of the stars.
MMOs Played: I can no longer list them all in the 500 character limit.
I thought the Mayans predicted that a new era will have started in 2012 because they calculated that our galaxy, the Milky Way, will have made one full revolution. Which would make senes given the Mayan's extensive knowledge of the stars.
Nope - the Long Count calendar was created to count anything over 52 years. It operates on base-20 for the most part.
Basically, they had a 365 day calendar called the Haab', which they used to identify the day. However they could not identify the date without the aid of ANOTHER calendar - the Tzolk'in - but combining the two calendars had a distinct flaw: the two calendars combined created patterns which were used to identify a specific date, however every 52 years the patterns would start to repeat. So... they invented the Long Count Calendar. is one day ( a 24 hour period). is 20 days. is 360 days). is 7,200 days and is 144,000 days or - as they termed it - one bak'tun.
Basically, they believed that prior to Earth, there were 3 other instances of creation that the Gods failed with. One day, they created the fourth and placed humanity in it and it all worked out hunky dory. The Mayans believed that a previous "creation" ended on That long count date will occur on 20th December 2012, with the 13th bak'tun ( starting on the 21st December 2012. However they believed that THIS creation was a success; they thought that there had been a bak'tun before and that the 13th bak'tun would come and go without creation ending like in the other 3 cases ;D
I say this thread and it inspired me to do abit of reading on the subject.
On theory says that we will be hit by a solar flare. Solar maximum is going to happen in 2013 and has been predicted to be a weak one.
Another says that the poles will reverse. The poles dont reverse on 1 day, it happens over a period of 1000s of years.
Another is that we will be aligned with the black hole at the centre of the milky way which will somehow mess things up. In reality we will be about 5 degrees off and also in order the black hole to effect us in any way we would need to be 6 million times closer.
I cant believe what people are doing, who was the idiot who decided that making a movie on it was a good idea. This stupid myth is gonna trigger mass suicides......
I say this thread and it inspired me to do abit of reading on the subject. On theory says that we will be hit by a solar flare. Solar maximum is going to happen in 2013 and has been predicted to be a weak one. Another says that the poles will reverse. The poles dont reverse on 1 day, it happens over a period of 1000s of years. Another is that we will be aligned with the black hole at the centre of the milky way which will somehow mess things up. In reality we will be about 5 degrees off and also in order the black hole to effect us in any way we would need to be 6 million times closer. I cant believe what people are doing, who was the idiot who decided that making a movie on it was a good idea. This stupid myth is gonna trigger mass suicides......
Mass Suicides would'ent be such a bad thing .. Gene pool could use some cleaning up
I don't know about the end of the world, or humanity for that fact, but I do know the Mayan's knew what they were talking about. The date in question 12/21/12 will find our sun parrellel with the center of our galaxy. Many scientists have stated that the results could be as simple as Solar flares or as massive as a magnetic polar shift that will tear the contenents apart. Personaly I think our alien masters will return on that date and try and re-enslave hummanity. It's sad, but I couldn't tell you were kidding until the last sentence. There really are crazies that are truly afraid of this stuff. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to state some facts. The sun won't be parallel with the center of the galaxy (that process takes millions of years anyway, and we can't tell exactly where we are in comparison) and such an alignment is like any other, it means nothing, nothing happens with alignments. This isn't entirely accurate, they do now know the relevance between our solar system and the center of our galaxy. It was recently discovered that at the center of every galaxy is a "super massive black hole" or SMBH. The SMBH pulls everything in the galaxy towards it slowly devouring everything over time. Since everything in this galaxy is pulled towards one single point in space, they now know the relevance of where we are to the SMBH at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. That being said, it has been scientifically stated that in the year 2012, our solar system will pass through the galactic equator, with untold or undetermined at this time results. Though most of the scientist do agree none of them will be good things. This was recently featured, say in the last 6 months on Discovery. I am not going to dig up an episode # or anything, if you are that interested I am sure you can find the airing yourself. However, the science behind this was sound, and it seems very plausible that when this phenomenon occurs in 2012, something not very good will happen for sure. It may just get hot outside, we might have some super quakes, we could have a polar shift, who the hells knows. Whatever it is, I guess we will see in 2 years.
Absolute and utter bull. Yes there's a black hole, but crossing the center of galaxy does not bring us significantly closer to it. Nothing would happen. Further, as I said above, we are moving very slowly relative to the rest of the galaxy. It takes millions of years for Earth to "cross" the center of the galaxy. It is laughable to say that a few years from now something will suddenly change and the black hole will eat us. Please, try to use some logic. All of this 2012 crap is bunk.
Actually, the world ended in 1999; we just don't know it yet since we are still all in the Matrix. 2012 is the first scheduled Patch Day for the Matrix, and well, you all know how patch days go...
phew does that mean world of warcraft will end in 2012 too . there is always an upside to the appocolypse .
on a more serious note i thought it was just the mayan callender ends in 2012 .
who knows the prophets of doom maybe right and we ll get slammed but an asteroid or the supervolcano in yellowstone might blow up . all though we d have to be very very unlucky for it to happen in our lifetime .
global warming will end up being a huge problem in the next century . i know a lot of people chose not to believe in it or chose to think its a natural occuring thing but personal beliefs dont really mean much when all the data suggests otherwise .( its normally down to the individual not understanding the evidence or chosing to turn a deaf ear to it for thier own reasons ) but i cant see that getting bad enough to end the world in 2012 either .
hehe it may even be the rapture when all the christians get beamed up . for some reason i m thinking about that scene from the life of brian now " hes been taken up " you know the one .
i think 2013 will come and we ll be all waiting for the next big date for the end of the world .which will come and go and so forth . lol
So the Mayans couldn't predict their own demize, yet they could predict the end of the world? I doubt it will happen. But if the world truely does end in 2012, I will be the first to start a new thread here to admit I was wrong.
they didnt predict the end of the world... People please read up...
This thread is the best thread ever posted on
Great read and lots of stuff to think about..
All I know for sure though, is, I will be out getting so wasted, doing weird stuff, with the all the people I care about, having the day of my life, 'cause, true or not, "the end of the world" is a great excuse to have a blast and do all the stuff you never would do.
This thread is the best thread ever posted on Great read and lots of stuff to think about..
All I know for sure though, is, I will be out getting so wasted, doing weird stuff, with the all the people I care about, having the day of my life, 'cause, true or not, "the end of the world" is a great excuse to have a blast and do all the stuff you never would do.
I might see you around
I propose we organize a big event and be sure to be in the middle of the impact of Nibiru planet or whatever for the best view.
I'll bring my camera (so aliens can have a few souvenirs of the event) and certainly crisps, who's with me?
Only issue so far we need someone to calculate the epicenter of the impact, volunteers?
Source or gtfo.
YOU gtfo you rude shit. - MMO commentary from an overly angry brit. OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED!
Source or gtfo.
YOU gtfo you rude shit.
Nay, I've been here longer.
I thought the Mayans predicted that a new era will have started in 2012 because they calculated that our galaxy, the Milky Way, will have made one full revolution. Which would make senes given the Mayan's extensive knowledge of the stars.
MMOs Played: I can no longer list them all in the 500 character limit.
I will personally necro-bump this thread in 2013.
Nope - the Long Count calendar was created to count anything over 52 years. It operates on base-20 for the most part.
Basically, they had a 365 day calendar called the Haab', which they used to identify the day. However they could not identify the date without the aid of ANOTHER calendar - the Tzolk'in - but combining the two calendars had a distinct flaw: the two calendars combined created patterns which were used to identify a specific date, however every 52 years the patterns would start to repeat. So... they invented the Long Count Calendar. is one day ( a 24 hour period). is 20 days. is 360 days). is 7,200 days and is 144,000 days or - as they termed it - one bak'tun.
Basically, they believed that prior to Earth, there were 3 other instances of creation that the Gods failed with. One day, they created the fourth and placed humanity in it and it all worked out hunky dory. The Mayans believed that a previous "creation" ended on That long count date will occur on 20th December 2012, with the 13th bak'tun ( starting on the 21st December 2012. However they believed that THIS creation was a success; they thought that there had been a bak'tun before and that the 13th bak'tun would come and go without creation ending like in the other 3 cases ;D - MMO commentary from an overly angry brit. OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED!
I say this thread and it inspired me to do abit of reading on the subject.
On theory says that we will be hit by a solar flare. Solar maximum is going to happen in 2013 and has been predicted to be a weak one.
Another says that the poles will reverse. The poles dont reverse on 1 day, it happens over a period of 1000s of years.
Another is that we will be aligned with the black hole at the centre of the milky way which will somehow mess things up. In reality we will be about 5 degrees off and also in order the black hole to effect us in any way we would need to be 6 million times closer.
I cant believe what people are doing, who was the idiot who decided that making a movie on it was a good idea. This stupid myth is gonna trigger mass suicides......
Mass Suicides would'ent be such a bad thing .. Gene pool could use some cleaning up
Actually the correct translation states that Star Wars Galaxies will shutdown on that date.
Fact: We have 2 block holes in the center of our galaxy.
Fact: for a blackhole to effect our solar system we would need to be as close as the distance of the earth to the sun. 6 million times closer...
Absolute and utter bull. Yes there's a black hole, but crossing the center of galaxy does not bring us significantly closer to it. Nothing would happen. Further, as I said above, we are moving very slowly relative to the rest of the galaxy. It takes millions of years for Earth to "cross" the center of the galaxy. It is laughable to say that a few years from now something will suddenly change and the black hole will eat us. Please, try to use some logic. All of this 2012 crap is bunk.
It won't end, but humanity will fall to Templar mind control because Eye-Abstergo will launch on December 21st.
*Looks around awkwardly and goes back to playing Assassin's Creed and waiting for Assassin's Creed 2*.
Besides, only God knows when the world will be resurrected. OH NOES I BROUGHT RELIGION INTO IT! ATHEISTS UNITE!
This post is Epic!
phew does that mean world of warcraft will end in 2012 too . there is always an upside to the appocolypse .
on a more serious note i thought it was just the mayan callender ends in 2012 .
who knows the prophets of doom maybe right and we ll get slammed but an asteroid or the supervolcano in yellowstone might blow up . all though we d have to be very very unlucky for it to happen in our lifetime .
global warming will end up being a huge problem in the next century . i know a lot of people chose not to believe in it or chose to think its a natural occuring thing but personal beliefs dont really mean much when all the data suggests otherwise .( its normally down to the individual not understanding the evidence or chosing to turn a deaf ear to it for thier own reasons ) but i cant see that getting bad enough to end the world in 2012 either .
hehe it may even be the rapture when all the christians get beamed up . for some reason i m thinking about that scene from the life of brian now " hes been taken up " you know the one .
i think 2013 will come and we ll be all waiting for the next big date for the end of the world .which will come and go and so forth . lol
Blame Art Bell and Coast to Coast radio for this bullshit. They've been rambling on about this garbage for years, guess it finally caught on.
Um can i have a source for that, I couldnt find it stated anywhere. From what ive heard there is a single Super Massive Blackhole at the center.
My personal theory is that they got to 2012, and turned around saying;
"you know what, some other fucker can carry on after that, ive got some badass cramp from all that chiseling"
Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!
2012 is when the calender resets....ppl aren't too bright though the hype made for a movie that looks semi decent.
Mayans aren't the only ones predicting the 2012 as the end of the world...........and frankly who cares
It ain't gonna happen, and whoever take this stuff too seriously is not really bright.............sorry
And here i am, trying to figure out how to get the lights back on from Y2K...
+1 brilliant theory m8. Srly thats probably what happened-
So the Mayans couldn't predict their own demize, yet they could predict the end of the world?
I doubt it will happen. But if the world truely does end in 2012, I will be the first to start a new thread here to admit I was wrong.
they didnt predict the end of the world... People please read up...
Don't make me say I told you so.
This thread is the best thread ever posted on
Great read and lots of stuff to think about..
All I know for sure though, is, I will be out getting so wasted, doing weird stuff, with the all the people I care about, having the day of my life, 'cause, true or not, "the end of the world" is a great excuse to have a blast and do all the stuff you never would do.
I might see you around
I propose we organize a big event and be sure to be in the middle of the impact of Nibiru planet or whatever for the best view.
I'll bring my camera (so aliens can have a few souvenirs of the event) and certainly crisps, who's with me?
Only issue so far we need someone to calculate the epicenter of the impact, volunteers?