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Lord Bonezy Asks, Why not Give Guild Masters the Power of MASTER?

Guild Masters, those members who dare to create a guild, form up a group of friends and lead them. Why does Funcom offer such limited and wasteful choices on ranks and rights management for guilds? Where is the optional tax system to help guilds drive contributions and build a guild city? Where is the fanfare when players are promoted? Where is the ability of guild masters to allow players to invite but not also kick members from the guild? 

Why not give guild masters the abilities to set their own ranks? Their own privilidges, why make it so they have to follow a rigid system which bears no difference from one guild to the next?

Why does the Guild Renown update which we have waited weeks, or months, or over a year for, depending on how long you measure, not contain any of this real "substantive" improvements? Why not Funcom?


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