The MMO genre my be a competitive environment for developers but this doesnt mean that gamers as a whole are a sofisticated audience. Heres a better analogy; the publishing industry. I have previously made the point that Tom Clancys works outsell Wyslawa Szymborkas (a Nobel prize winner). John Grisham or Michael Crichton are some more good examples of authors consistently placing their books on the New York Times best seller list despite their almost lacking any literary value. Meanwhile, what i would consider the best work in contemporary American fiction, JT Leroys Sarah, didnt make it into the list despite its authors true identity being associated to a high profile scandal. Dan Browns latest book will be available in a spanish translation only a few days after its initial release, ive yet to see James Tiptree Jrs Her Smoke Rose Up Forever (another case of a female author using a male pen name) translated into any language. You may make the point MMOs are subscrition based. Letras Libres is a mexican magazine dedicated to the liberal arts and which continues the tradition initiated by Octavio Paz (another Nobel prize winner) of a liberal thought that rejects marxism (something unique in Latin America), it is also the main vehicle by which European essay reaches readers in my country and its comitment to serious work makes the New Yorker look like a fanzine. It is consistently outsold by tabloids, fashion magazines, Tijuana bibles and the mexican editions of Penthouse and Playboy... It may be sad to say so but the assumption that gamers as a whole are a sofisticated audience that demands quality may be somewhat misguided. Sub numbers alone prove nothing, claiming that only a quality game would consistently retain large numbers of players has no basis in reality and in any case would only address polish, not gameplay, graphics, story, etc, An engine that runs smoothly on even outdated rigs has often been cited as a reason for WOWs success, this is something independent of wether the game is good or not, as is brand recognition amongst those that dont regularly play MMOs... And lets get something straight, im in no way saying WOW lacks quality (although im obviously no fan) only that sub numbers cannot be used to prove it.
I agree with you to a point. However, the pool of literary works far exceeds the pool of MMOs that step on stage. Sub numbers in a game are far different than best selling book lists. It takes one person to write a novel. The money and resources required to create a novel is miniscule in comparison to an MMO. No one reads a book for a year straight. No one commits a large part of their life to a single book (excluding a priest to a bible or the like).
There are no Nobel prizes for MMOs. If there were, I think we all know which one would receive it. At best you can take reviews from people that play games and own gaming sites to base a games worth on. It is very likely that reviews, from a meta standpoint, would place games where they are subscription-wise over time.
MMO subscription numbers represent how involved people can get in a game. Over time, a high amount of subscriptions really can tell whether or not a game is quality. Games that people are stoked about often fall short and fade away.
In the end, like literature, it's completely personal. And while there are no Nobel prizes for MMOs, there are professional game reviewers that attempt to take a unbiased look at MMOs as they come through. From a meta perspective, you can get a feel for how much quality a game has overall through those reviews. However, just like a book receiving the nobel prize, it doesn't always mean you will enjoy the book.
I'm sure that there are people who simply forget to cancel their subscriptions and such; but is it your contention that this is true on such a large scale as 6 million people? I would maintain that the quality of the game experience has far more impact on player retention than forgetfulness. Hopefully we can be reasonable here. I offered two quick examples as to why people subscribe. You isolate the more obscure of the two examples and suggest that I'm contending it's the reason for the numbers. I followed my examples with a statement that quality is not the sole factor for subscription counts, that there are is vast contributing criteria for it. You maintain that the quality of game is justification for the numbers. I maintain that quality of game experience is a large but far from dominant reason for the numbers. Social osmosis and accessibility of product I will go on the record as claiming to be the reason for the inflated numbers we see in subs (in the case that is WoW). We are at an impasse on this point; my opinion remains that the dominant reason for WoW's success is the quality of the game experience as reflected by the wide variety of supported playstyles that it encompasses.
My statement that the junk food analogy is flawed was in response to a post that stated: "And junk food outsells healthier choices, come on!". I consider that a flawed analogy on the basis that it does not define -why- the person posted it makes the connection between WoW and junk-food. Analogies can be easily stretched, squished and made to "prove" any point. I could claim that WoW is a McDonalds burger because it is so recognisable and accessible. I could also claim that WoW is a Waldorf Salad because they both begin with a "W". Analogies are flawed only if the lines drawn cannot be logically proven relevant. Saying junk food outsells good food just like a bad game outsells a good game can be justified with the following tie: junk food is in front of you as you enter any supermarket, right as you walk in, in the sales stacks by the door. It has its own isle, it's on the shelf as you check out in small-bag portions. It's accessible, it's in front of you, it's everywhere. The bad quality food outsells the good quality food that only smart consumers know where to look for it. 'Bad' and 'good' can be subjective, sure, but let's not, let's not. The point of the analogy is that sales are not directly associated with quality. Establishing this, we can determine that if in one particular senario a theory is proven false, that we cannot use that theory to prove any other senario. We would then need additional criteria. If we now establish that quality and sales are not functions of one another, on a consumer platform no less (food vs. entertainment), we either dismiss the theory or we re-establish it with additional stipulations. Analogies can be stretched just like any other argument tool. Data and statistics are prime examples. If because something can be skewed by interpretation you dismiss it, then arguments themselves would fail to develop. Additionally, you're not saying that something IS something else, you're likening the two, not establishing the one for the other. However, you still haven't addressed your circular reasoning, and your 'sales is a function of quality (exclusively)' has been debunkt. Again, some of your posts were misread and had assumed a statement you never made: 'sales is a function of quality (exclusively) and whoever sells the most has the best product'. But the statement you did make has been proven false. My "circular reasoning" was in response to the poorly-defined analogy. If an analogy is not defined enough to debate, then I do not consider it to be legitimate discourse.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
We are at an impasse on this point; my opinion remains that the dominant reason for WoW's success is the quality of the game experience as reflected by the wide variety of supported playstyles that it encompasses.
By explicitly stating it's opinion, then sure. There's nothing left to dispute.
My "circular reasoning" was in response to the poorly-defined analogy. If an analogy is not defined enough to debate, then I do not consider it to be legitimate discourse.
I took the liberty of defining someone's analogy that I had referenced. I defined it with common denominator- the consumer platform. By doing this, is it not debatable, or does it remain illegit discourse still [in your eyes]?
Short of making things personal, and I do my best to avoid flames and namecalling, I see well-formed arguments on one side, and claims/dismissals/stances on another. I am not trying to bait, I am trying to debate. I don't want you to feel like I'm 'out to get ya' but I'm defending my stance outlined with entry post into this thread. I have done what I could to establish reasoning and logic for statements to you, but do not feel like anything but dismissal and avoidance has come from your camp.
Edit: Format
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc. We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be. So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away. - MMO_Doubter
All the original post proves is that tweens spend more disposable income on music than most adults and the ENTERTAINERS outsell artists. This isn't a secret of the music industry. Not to mention nothing about those singers is "bad". They simply appeal to young kids which somehow becomes taboo or bad. Get over yourselves, because there is nothing wrong with kids loving music and entertainers making products aimed at kids.
Comparing dissimilar products doesn't make a valid conclusion.
Here is a challenge to all those who love to use analogies instead of talking about the actual specifics of the mmos industry
McDonalds is crap and popular, so wow is like McDonalds. <<insert fantasy mmo of choice here>> represents the high quality steak dinner in comparison to wow being mcdonalds.
Walmart is somehow low quality and popular, so wow is like Walmarts. <<insert fantasy mmo of choice here>> represents the high quality store in comparison to wow being walmarts. (not that I think walmart is crap simply because it is popular)
The problem with lame analogies is that people only picks ones with negative stigmas in an attempt to compare wow to something bad and try to make that a relavant statement. They NEVER complete the second half of the analogy and show how other games are suprior in quality.
The reason no one ever completes the second half of the analogy is because they cannot. Wow is a very high quality product and the reason for its success stems from that.
My "circular reasoning" was in response to the poorly-defined analogy. If an analogy is not defined enough to debate, then I do not consider it to be legitimate discourse. I took the liberty of defining someone's analogy that I had referenced. I defined it with common denominator- the consumer platform. By doing this, is it not debatable, or does it remain illegit discourse still [in your eyes]? His wasn't, yours is. Your analogy references a particular point: Accessibility. His didn't reference anything, which is why I didn't/don't consider it legitimate.
Last paragraph is a bit of a puzzler. I understood we were discussing the nature of analogies in general, and was not aware that you were seeking a response to the "WoW is like junkfood due to its accessibility" analogy itself.
I don't agree see the correlation. No store that I have been in markets WoW more than other games. It's listed high on the bestseller charts because WE put it there by buying it. Junkfood doesn't have bestseller charts. Granted, WoW has TV adverts whereas other games don't, but that doesn't explain retention, which is the core issue.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
The MMO genre my be a competitive environment for developers but this doesnt mean that gamers as a whole are a sofisticated audience. Heres a better analogy; the publishing industry. I have previously made the point that Tom Clancys works outsell Wyslawa Szymborkas (a Nobel prize winner). John Grisham or Michael Crichton are some more good examples of authors consistently placing their books on the New York Times best seller list despite their almost lacking any literary value. Meanwhile, what i would consider the best work in contemporary American fiction, JT Leroys Sarah, didnt make it into the list despite its authors true identity being associated to a high profile scandal. Dan Browns latest book will be available in a spanish translation only a few days after its initial release, ive yet to see James Tiptree Jrs Her Smoke Rose Up Forever (another case of a female author using a male pen name) translated into any language. You may make the point MMOs are subscrition based. Letras Libres is a mexican magazine dedicated to the liberal arts and which continues the tradition initiated by Octavio Paz (another Nobel prize winner) of a liberal thought that rejects marxism (something unique in Latin America), it is also the main vehicle by which European essay reaches readers in my country and its comitment to serious work makes the New Yorker look like a fanzine. It is consistently outsold by tabloids, fashion magazines, Tijuana bibles and the mexican editions of Penthouse and Playboy... It may be sad to say so but the assumption that gamers as a whole are a sofisticated audience that demands quality may be somewhat misguided. Sub numbers alone prove nothing, claiming that only a quality game would consistently retain large numbers of players has no basis in reality and in any case would only address polish, not gameplay, graphics, story, etc, An engine that runs smoothly on even outdated rigs has often been cited as a reason for WOWs success, this is something independent of wether the game is good or not, as is brand recognition amongst those that dont regularly play MMOs... And lets get something straight, im in no way saying WOW lacks quality (although im obviously no fan) only that sub numbers cannot be used to prove it.
I agree with you to a point. However, the pool of literary works far exceeds the pool of MMOs that step on stage. Sub numbers in a game are far different than best selling book lists. It takes one person to write a novel. The money and resources required to create a novel is miniscule in comparison to an MMO. No one reads a book for a year straight. No one commits a large part of their life to a single book (excluding a priest to a bible or the like).
There are no Nobel prizes for MMOs. If there were, I think we all know which one would receive it. At best you can take reviews from people that play games and own gaming sites to base a games worth on. It is very likely that reviews, from a meta standpoint, would place games where they are subscription-wise over time.
MMO subscription numbers represent how involved people can get in a game. Over time, a high amount of subscriptions really can tell whether or not a game is quality. Games that people are stoked about often fall short and fade away.
In the end, like literature, it's completely personal. And while there are no Nobel prizes for MMOs, there are professional game reviewers that attempt to take a unbiased look at MMOs as they come through. From a meta perspective, you can get a feel for how much quality a game has overall through those reviews. However, just like a book receiving the nobel prize, it doesn't always mean you will enjoy the book.
I agree that the analogy isnt entirely apropiate which is the reason i added printed media which does require a subscription. Offtopic; Some books do take longer than a year to read, and people do dedicate their lives to a single book (Homers Iliad, Cervantes Don Quixote, Dantes Divina Commedia, Melvilles Moby Dick, etc.) although overall ill grant youre right in this.
People may also dedicate a large part of their lives to works such as JK Rowlings Harry Potter series or JRR Tolkiens fantasy series (IMO, theyre not that good) so the analogy does hold in providing examples of works whose longevity may not be ascribed to superior quality relative to competitors. Going even further i would consider the infatuation of many english speaking intelectuals with Dickens as stemming from intelectual fanboism.
@ Daffid011; The subject has been addressed. I did go through the trouble of doing analogies based on the WOW-McDonalds comparison on the thread discussing it. I remeber comparing EVE to a bistrot and LOTRO to Dennys. The reason i mentioned for no one bringing up a comparison with three star restaurants is that ours is a very young genre, not two decades old... We havent yet evolved to the level of sofistication required to produce foie gras or Champagne. I hope ill at least manage to see something like creme brulee in my lifetime but with happy meals being the standard i guess ill be waiting quite a while...
Just to make things clear... I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Talking about hamburgers, singers and department stores doesn't make a good comparison to video games, because they all have vastly different aspects.
Analogies of this type allow people to focus on one thing the comparisons have in common and ignore all of the other important aspects. This thread is a great example of that. People are specifically chosing analogies that will associate something popular with something else that has a negative stigma. Fast food, tweenage entertainers, wallmart the destroyer of grandmas business.
No one every completes the anology to compare what other mmos represent the high class, upscale name brand awesomeness in comparison, because the intention of the anaology isn't to show comaprions of similar items. The intention is always to associate negatives and dismiss everything else.
People do not complete the anology, because it would expose how weak and irrelevant they really are.
Talking about hamburgers, singers and department stores doesn't make a good comparison to video games, because they all have vastly different aspects. Analogies of this type allow people to focus on one thing the comparisons have in common and ignore all of the other important aspects. This thread is a great example of that. People are specifically chosing analogies that will associate something popular with something else that has a negative stigma. Fast food, tweenage entertainers, wallmart the destroyer of grandmas business.
No one every completes the anology to compare what other mmos represent the high class, upscale name brand awesomeness in comparison, because the intention of the anaology isn't to show comaprions of similar items. The intention is always to associate negatives and dismiss everything else.
People do not complete the anology, because it would expose how weak and irrelevant they really are.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Just to make things clear... I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
If you (or someone else) compelted the anology I missed it and apologize. Care to share a link, because I bet it didn't answer the question.
Even comparing Eve to Lotro is a bit off, because they are drastically different games and at the same time both have a reputation for being high quality. Calling one a bistro and one dennys doesn't make much sence.
I guess I just differ from the typical poster here in that I like to talk about the actual aspects of what makes an mmo good or bad instead of talking about a hamburger as if that directly relates to a specific game. *shrug*
Maybe I should head over to to see what mmo they would recommend for an evening of fine gaming.
Talking about hamburgers, singers and department stores doesn't make a good comparison to video games, because they all have vastly different aspects. Analogies of this type allow people to focus on one thing the comparisons have in common and ignore all of the other important aspects. This thread is a great example of that. People are specifically chosing analogies that will associate something popular with something else that has a negative stigma. Fast food, tweenage entertainers, wallmart the destroyer of grandmas business.
No one every completes the anology to compare what other mmos represent the high class, upscale name brand awesomeness in comparison, because the intention of the anaology isn't to show comaprions of similar items. The intention is always to associate negatives and dismiss everything else.
People do not complete the anology, because it would expose how weak and irrelevant they really are.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Whether or not someone "addressed" it does not have anything to do with the fact that he is correct. These analogies are set up to only compare the negative things to real life examples.
John Grisham has no literary worth and has sold millions.
WoW has no MMO gaming worth and has sold millions.
Which MMO, according to your analogy, is the great literary work of our time?
If you (or someone else) compelted the anology I missed it and apologize. Care to share a link, because I bet it didn't answer the question.
Even comparing Eve to Lotro is a bit off, because they are drastically different games and at the same time both have a reputation for being high quality. Calling one a bistro and one dennys doesn't make much sence.
I guess I just differ from the typical poster here in that I like to talk about the actual aspects of what makes an mmo good or bad instead of talking about a hamburger as if that directly relates to a specific game. *shrug*
Maybe I should head over to to see what mmo they would recommend for an evening of fine gaming.
The ironic thing is your comment is an illustration, that is it serves the same purpose as an analogy...
The WOW-McDonalds analogy is simply meant to ilustrate how overwhelming success does not go hand in hand with quality, reading more into it, although fun as an exercise, is beside the point. If you dont like the things WOW is usually compared to youre more than welcome to have your own try at it.
Im not linking the other thread not only because im too lazy (if you want to give it a shot it was titled something like "why WOW shouldnt be compared to McDonalds") but because i repeated the point in here. We are not discussing hamburguers but illustrating our views. This is a skill known as "abstract thinking" and perfectly legitimate to use as you yourself demonstrated. Obviously your main objection seems to be with the fact most of these analogies are unflattering to WOW not with using such models per se. Either jump in the bandwagon (like the guy who argued for the Spice Girls actually being talented) or make your own example. If you want to argue in plain terms that WOWs numbers reflect its quality just do so and stop being literal minded about comparisons you dont like.
Just to make things clear... I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Talking about hamburgers, singers and department stores doesn't make a good comparison to video games, because they all have vastly different aspects. Analogies of this type allow people to focus on one thing the comparisons have in common and ignore all of the other important aspects. This thread is a great example of that. People are specifically chosing analogies that will associate something popular with something else that has a negative stigma. Fast food, tweenage entertainers, wallmart the destroyer of grandmas business.
No one every completes the anology to compare what other mmos represent the high class, upscale name brand awesomeness in comparison, because the intention of the anaology isn't to show comaprions of similar items. The intention is always to associate negatives and dismiss everything else.
People do not complete the anology, because it would expose how weak and irrelevant they really are.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Whether or not someone "addressed" it does not have anything to do with the fact that he is correct. These analogies are set up to only compare the negative things to real life examples.
John Grisham has no literary worth and has sold millions.
WoW has no MMO gaming worth and has sold millions.
Which MMO, according to your analogy, is the great literary work of our time?
We are not there yet, ive made that point clear. Some may compare games like UO, EQ or even pre NGE SWG to seminal literary works like Le Morte dArthur or El Mio Cid, masterpieces although lacking in the sofistication that would come with later literature. I would compare WOW to Boccaccios Decameron, a revolutionary work of great formal and historical significance, but also far from being one of the high points in the evolution of human thought. An MMO that would compare with the brilliance of a Shakespeare or a Cervantes is yet to be made. I think ive really stretched the literary comparison as far as it will go...
Like i said to Daffid011 youre more than welcome to come up with your own analogy, ill be more than happy to address it even if it seems unlikely it will ever replace the McDonalds comparison...
Just to make things clear... I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Talking about hamburgers, singers and department stores doesn't make a good comparison to video games, because they all have vastly different aspects. Analogies of this type allow people to focus on one thing the comparisons have in common and ignore all of the other important aspects. This thread is a great example of that. People are specifically chosing analogies that will associate something popular with something else that has a negative stigma. Fast food, tweenage entertainers, wallmart the destroyer of grandmas business.
No one every completes the anology to compare what other mmos represent the high class, upscale name brand awesomeness in comparison, because the intention of the anaology isn't to show comaprions of similar items. The intention is always to associate negatives and dismiss everything else.
People do not complete the anology, because it would expose how weak and irrelevant they really are.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Whether or not someone "addressed" it does not have anything to do with the fact that he is correct. These analogies are set up to only compare the negative things to real life examples.
John Grisham has no literary worth and has sold millions.
WoW has no MMO gaming worth and has sold millions.
Which MMO, according to your analogy, is the great literary work of our time?
We are not there yet, ive made that point clear. Some may compare games like UO, EQ or even pre NGE SWG to seminal literary works like Le Morte dArthur or El Mio Cid, masterpieces although lacking in the sofistication that would come with later literature. I would compare WOW to Boccaccios Decameron, a revolutionary work of great formal and historical significance, but also far from being one of the high points in the evolution of human thought. An MMO that would compare with the brilliance of a Shakespeare or a Cervantes is yet to be made. I think ive really stretched the literary comparison as far as it will go...
Like i said to Daffid011 youre more than welcome to come up with your own analogy, ill be more than happy to address it even if it seems unlikely it will ever replace the McDonalds comparison...
The McDonalds comparison will never go away not because it is a great analogy for an MMO, but instead because the human brain tends to want to wrap things in small, easy to understand packages. When people use the analogy, it shows that they are either being lazy, or are too unintelligent to understand anything beyond an over simplified comparison.
People have trouble accepting that something they don't personally like is quality. So they latch onto an analogy such as this to help put things in perspective for them. Anyone that uses analogies like these does a disservice to their own credibility and only helps to propagate an unacceptable method of judgement.
In other words, it's bullshit. Saying there is no such thing as a good MMO and then going on to say that the most popular MMO of all time is comparable to the worst form of food/literature/singer/whatever is ridiculous.
Talking about hamburgers, singers and department stores doesn't make a good comparison to video games, because they all have vastly different aspects. Analogies of this type allow people to focus on one thing the comparisons have in common and ignore all of the other important aspects. This thread is a great example of that. People are specifically chosing analogies that will associate something popular with something else that has a negative stigma. Fast food, tweenage entertainers, wallmart the destroyer of grandmas business.
No one every completes the anology to compare what other mmos represent the high class, upscale name brand awesomeness in comparison, because the intention of the anaology isn't to show comaprions of similar items. The intention is always to associate negatives and dismiss everything else.
People do not complete the anology, because it would expose how weak and irrelevant they really are.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Whether or not someone "addressed" it does not have anything to do with the fact that he is correct. These analogies are set up to only compare the negative things to real life examples.
John Grisham has no literary worth and has sold millions.
WoW has no MMO gaming worth and has sold millions.
Which MMO, according to your analogy, is the great literary work of our time?
We are not there yet, ive made that point clear. Some may compare games like UO, EQ or even pre NGE SWG to seminal literary works like Le Morte dArthur or El Mio Cid, masterpieces although lacking in the sofistication that would come with later literature. I would compare WOW to Boccaccios Decameron, a revolutionary work of great formal and historical significance, but also far from being one of the high points in the evolution of human thought. An MMO that would compare with the brilliance of a Shakespeare or a Cervantes is yet to be made. I think ive really stretched the literary comparison as far as it will go...
Like i said to Daffid011 youre more than welcome to come up with your own analogy, ill be more than happy to address it even if it seems unlikely it will ever replace the McDonalds comparison...
The McDonalds comparison will never go away not because it is a great analogy for an MMO, but instead because the human brain tends to want to wrap things in small, easy to understand packages. When people use the analogy, it shows that they are either being lazy, or are too unintelligent to understand anything beyond an over simplified comparison.
People have trouble accepting that something they don't personally like is quality. So they latch onto an analogy such as this to help put things in perspective for them. Anyone that uses analogies like these do a disservice to their own credibility and only help to propagate an unacceptable method of judgement.
In other words, it's bullshit. Saying there is no such thing as a good MMO and then going on to say that the most popular MMO of all time is comparable to the worst form of food/literature/singer/whatever is ridiculous.
Its not bull and i never said there was no such thing as a good MMO, only that there was no such thing as a masterpiece, and given that the audience seems to have become more sofisticated than the developers, id even go as far as to say this makes for a more acurate representation of where things stand now.
Youre entitled to your own opinion of what people using the McDonalds analogy may be. Just as i am to mine when it concerns people that seem to feel personally insulted whenever someone refers to WOW in less than flattering terms. Trust me, yours seems gracious in comparison...
Just to make things clear... I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Its not bull and i never said there was no such thing as a good MMO, only that there was no such thing as a masterpiece, and given that the audience seems to have become more sofisticated than the developers, id even go as far as to say this makes for a more acurate representation of where things stand now.
Youre entitled to your own opinion of what people using the McDonalds analogy may be. Just as i am to mine when it concerns people that seem to feel personally insulted whenever someone refers to WOW in less than flattering terms. Trust me, yours seems gracious in comparison...
My what seems gracious?
I don't even play WoW. I'm not upset or being overly defensive about WoW. I just see those types of analogies for what they are. A simple minded approach to a situation that is difficult for someone to put in a box.
Its not bull and i never said there was no such thing as a good MMO, only that there was no such thing as a masterpiece, and given that the audience seems to have become more sofisticated than the developers, id even go as far as to say this makes for a more acurate representation of where things stand now.
Youre entitled to your own opinion of what people using the McDonalds analogy may be. Just as i am to mine when it concerns people that seem to feel personally insulted whenever someone refers to WOW in less than flattering terms. Trust me, yours seems gracious in comparison...
My what seems gracious?
I don't even play WoW. I'm not upset or being overly defensive about WoW. I just see those types of analogies for what they are. A simple minded approach to a situation that is difficult for someone to put in a box.
Your opinion. Youre suposed to read the whole paragraph...
And once again, youre not expressing anything but an opinion, as i am.
Just to make things clear... I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
What is this? Kindergarten? If you feel subjective bias makes analogies useless then i really recommend you stay out of the discussion since absurd relativism is even more of a challenge to elocuent speech. "You were pedantic first" grow up. The comparison was to other forms of content media, and there really isnt an example in any form of the arts that i can think of (Jewellery, architecture, etc.) where you can claim the best selling product to be considered the highest quality one. None. That the model applies is prima facia to me, discussion with you will obviously lead nowhere as you cant even grant me the comparison may be legitimately used. QQ some more lardcraft fanboy.
Hah. I was more than happy to remain on a mature, eloquent and cordial level. It was your decision to drag the discussion down by tossing around insults.
Unfortunately, it is getting a bit tedious now, so I shall once again provide the much-needed maturity by stemming the tide of vitriol.
It is gratifying to see that you were unable to counter my argument; I shall take that as a concession on your part.
I have appointed myself the final judge of this thread. My ruling is that you have won the thread.
How cute, Ilvaldyr has a boyfriend...
I just called him the winner of the thread. That would make you the loser.
What is this? Kindergarten? If you feel subjective bias makes analogies useless then i really recommend you stay out of the discussion since absurd relativism is even more of a challenge to elocuent speech. "You were pedantic first" grow up. The comparison was to other forms of content media, and there really isnt an example in any form of the arts that i can think of (Jewellery, architecture, etc.) where you can claim the best selling product to be considered the highest quality one. None. That the model applies is prima facia to me, discussion with you will obviously lead nowhere as you cant even grant me the comparison may be legitimately used. QQ some more lardcraft fanboy.
Hah. I was more than happy to remain on a mature, eloquent and cordial level. It was your decision to drag the discussion down by tossing around insults.
Unfortunately, it is getting a bit tedious now, so I shall once again provide the much-needed maturity by stemming the tide of vitriol.
It is gratifying to see that you were unable to counter my argument; I shall take that as a concession on your part.
I have appointed myself the final judge of this thread. My ruling is that you have won the thread.
How cute, Ilvaldyr has a boyfriend...
I just called him the winner of the thread. That would make you the loser.
Aww, such a gentleman... cant let your sweetheart fight his own battles?
Just to make things clear... I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
The difference between music and an MMORPG is that an mmorpg is COMMUNITY BASED.
A MMORPG with low pop for most people, will be absolutely terrible. I've been trying different MMORPGs recently, and every MMORPG I have tried besides Aion and WoW have been so boring because there's literally no one else to play with.
The difference between music and an MMORPG is that an mmorpg is COMMUNITY BASED.
A MMORPG with low pop for most people, will be absolutely terrible. I've been trying different MMORPGs recently, and every MMORPG I have tried besides Aion and WoW have been so boring because there's literally no one else to play with.
Sub numbers DO matter.
Umm actually no, its population per server that matters, not sub numbers.
If the particular server your playing on has a reasonably healthy population on it than who cares if there are 10k or 400k subscribers to the game? That 400k subscribers would mean nothing if half of them were inactive casuals (play one Saturday a month for 3 hours) and the other 200k were split between 300 servers. A game with only 10k subscribers split on 2 servers can have a much healthier game play experience if all of them are active.
Your play time also has to factor in on this as well, my play hours (work nights) puts me in the AM hours. As a result of this, even WoW is barren for me unless I play with the Aussies. Although this helped in Aion, never had a queue, no lag, and never had to deal with KSers, but forget getting an elite team together. You see my point?
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
I agree with you to a point. However, the pool of literary works far exceeds the pool of MMOs that step on stage. Sub numbers in a game are far different than best selling book lists. It takes one person to write a novel. The money and resources required to create a novel is miniscule in comparison to an MMO. No one reads a book for a year straight. No one commits a large part of their life to a single book (excluding a priest to a bible or the like).
There are no Nobel prizes for MMOs. If there were, I think we all know which one would receive it. At best you can take reviews from people that play games and own gaming sites to base a games worth on. It is very likely that reviews, from a meta standpoint, would place games where they are subscription-wise over time.
MMO subscription numbers represent how involved people can get in a game. Over time, a high amount of subscriptions really can tell whether or not a game is quality. Games that people are stoked about often fall short and fade away.
In the end, like literature, it's completely personal. And while there are no Nobel prizes for MMOs, there are professional game reviewers that attempt to take a unbiased look at MMOs as they come through. From a meta perspective, you can get a feel for how much quality a game has overall through those reviews. However, just like a book receiving the nobel prize, it doesn't always mean you will enjoy the book.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
@ Ilvaldyr
We are at an impasse on this point; my opinion remains that the dominant reason for WoW's success is the quality of the game experience as reflected by the wide variety of supported playstyles that it encompasses.
By explicitly stating it's opinion, then sure. There's nothing left to dispute.
My "circular reasoning" was in response to the poorly-defined analogy. If an analogy is not defined enough to debate, then I do not consider it to be legitimate discourse.
I took the liberty of defining someone's analogy that I had referenced. I defined it with common denominator- the consumer platform. By doing this, is it not debatable, or does it remain illegit discourse still [in your eyes]?
Short of making things personal, and I do my best to avoid flames and namecalling, I see well-formed arguments on one side, and claims/dismissals/stances on another. I am not trying to bait, I am trying to debate. I don't want you to feel like I'm 'out to get ya' but I'm defending my stance outlined with entry post into this thread. I have done what I could to establish reasoning and logic for statements to you, but do not feel like anything but dismissal and avoidance has come from your camp.
Edit: Format
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc.
We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be.
So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away.
- MMO_Doubter
All the original post proves is that tweens spend more disposable income on music than most adults and the ENTERTAINERS outsell artists. This isn't a secret of the music industry. Not to mention nothing about those singers is "bad". They simply appeal to young kids which somehow becomes taboo or bad. Get over yourselves, because there is nothing wrong with kids loving music and entertainers making products aimed at kids.
Comparing dissimilar products doesn't make a valid conclusion.
Here is a challenge to all those who love to use analogies instead of talking about the actual specifics of the mmos industry
McDonalds is crap and popular, so wow is like McDonalds. <<insert fantasy mmo of choice here>> represents the high quality steak dinner in comparison to wow being mcdonalds.
Walmart is somehow low quality and popular, so wow is like Walmarts. <<insert fantasy mmo of choice here>> represents the high quality store in comparison to wow being walmarts. (not that I think walmart is crap simply because it is popular)
The problem with lame analogies is that people only picks ones with negative stigmas in an attempt to compare wow to something bad and try to make that a relavant statement. They NEVER complete the second half of the analogy and show how other games are suprior in quality.
The reason no one ever completes the second half of the analogy is because they cannot. Wow is a very high quality product and the reason for its success stems from that.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
I agree with you to a point. However, the pool of literary works far exceeds the pool of MMOs that step on stage. Sub numbers in a game are far different than best selling book lists. It takes one person to write a novel. The money and resources required to create a novel is miniscule in comparison to an MMO. No one reads a book for a year straight. No one commits a large part of their life to a single book (excluding a priest to a bible or the like).
There are no Nobel prizes for MMOs. If there were, I think we all know which one would receive it. At best you can take reviews from people that play games and own gaming sites to base a games worth on. It is very likely that reviews, from a meta standpoint, would place games where they are subscription-wise over time.
MMO subscription numbers represent how involved people can get in a game. Over time, a high amount of subscriptions really can tell whether or not a game is quality. Games that people are stoked about often fall short and fade away.
In the end, like literature, it's completely personal. And while there are no Nobel prizes for MMOs, there are professional game reviewers that attempt to take a unbiased look at MMOs as they come through. From a meta perspective, you can get a feel for how much quality a game has overall through those reviews. However, just like a book receiving the nobel prize, it doesn't always mean you will enjoy the book.
I agree that the analogy isnt entirely apropiate which is the reason i added printed media which does require a subscription. Offtopic; Some books do take longer than a year to read, and people do dedicate their lives to a single book (Homers Iliad, Cervantes Don Quixote, Dantes Divina Commedia, Melvilles Moby Dick, etc.) although overall ill grant youre right in this.
People may also dedicate a large part of their lives to works such as JK Rowlings Harry Potter series or JRR Tolkiens fantasy series (IMO, theyre not that good) so the analogy does hold in providing examples of works whose longevity may not be ascribed to superior quality relative to competitors. Going even further i would consider the infatuation of many english speaking intelectuals with Dickens as stemming from intelectual fanboism.
@ Daffid011; The subject has been addressed. I did go through the trouble of doing analogies based on the WOW-McDonalds comparison on the thread discussing it. I remeber comparing EVE to a bistrot and LOTRO to Dennys. The reason i mentioned for no one bringing up a comparison with three star restaurants is that ours is a very young genre, not two decades old... We havent yet evolved to the level of sofistication required to produce foie gras or Champagne. I hope ill at least manage to see something like creme brulee in my lifetime but with happy meals being the standard i guess ill be waiting quite a while...
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Talking about hamburgers, singers and department stores doesn't make a good comparison to video games, because they all have vastly different aspects.
Analogies of this type allow people to focus on one thing the comparisons have in common and ignore all of the other important aspects. This thread is a great example of that. People are specifically chosing analogies that will associate something popular with something else that has a negative stigma. Fast food, tweenage entertainers, wallmart the destroyer of grandmas business.
No one every completes the anology to compare what other mmos represent the high class, upscale name brand awesomeness in comparison, because the intention of the anaology isn't to show comaprions of similar items. The intention is always to associate negatives and dismiss everything else.
People do not complete the anology, because it would expose how weak and irrelevant they really are.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
If you (or someone else) compelted the anology I missed it and apologize. Care to share a link, because I bet it didn't answer the question.
Even comparing Eve to Lotro is a bit off, because they are drastically different games and at the same time both have a reputation for being high quality. Calling one a bistro and one dennys doesn't make much sence.
I guess I just differ from the typical poster here in that I like to talk about the actual aspects of what makes an mmo good or bad instead of talking about a hamburger as if that directly relates to a specific game. *shrug*
Maybe I should head over to to see what mmo they would recommend for an evening of fine gaming.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Whether or not someone "addressed" it does not have anything to do with the fact that he is correct. These analogies are set up to only compare the negative things to real life examples.
John Grisham has no literary worth and has sold millions.
WoW has no MMO gaming worth and has sold millions.
Which MMO, according to your analogy, is the great literary work of our time?
The ironic thing is your comment is an illustration, that is it serves the same purpose as an analogy...
The WOW-McDonalds analogy is simply meant to ilustrate how overwhelming success does not go hand in hand with quality, reading more into it, although fun as an exercise, is beside the point. If you dont like the things WOW is usually compared to youre more than welcome to have your own try at it.
Im not linking the other thread not only because im too lazy (if you want to give it a shot it was titled something like "why WOW shouldnt be compared to McDonalds") but because i repeated the point in here. We are not discussing hamburguers but illustrating our views. This is a skill known as "abstract thinking" and perfectly legitimate to use as you yourself demonstrated. Obviously your main objection seems to be with the fact most of these analogies are unflattering to WOW not with using such models per se. Either jump in the bandwagon (like the guy who argued for the Spice Girls actually being talented) or make your own example. If you want to argue in plain terms that WOWs numbers reflect its quality just do so and stop being literal minded about comparisons you dont like.
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Whether or not someone "addressed" it does not have anything to do with the fact that he is correct. These analogies are set up to only compare the negative things to real life examples.
John Grisham has no literary worth and has sold millions.
WoW has no MMO gaming worth and has sold millions.
Which MMO, according to your analogy, is the great literary work of our time?
We are not there yet, ive made that point clear. Some may compare games like UO, EQ or even pre NGE SWG to seminal literary works like Le Morte dArthur or El Mio Cid, masterpieces although lacking in the sofistication that would come with later literature. I would compare WOW to Boccaccios Decameron, a revolutionary work of great formal and historical significance, but also far from being one of the high points in the evolution of human thought. An MMO that would compare with the brilliance of a Shakespeare or a Cervantes is yet to be made. I think ive really stretched the literary comparison as far as it will go...
Like i said to Daffid011 youre more than welcome to come up with your own analogy, ill be more than happy to address it even if it seems unlikely it will ever replace the McDonalds comparison...
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Whether or not someone "addressed" it does not have anything to do with the fact that he is correct. These analogies are set up to only compare the negative things to real life examples.
John Grisham has no literary worth and has sold millions.
WoW has no MMO gaming worth and has sold millions.
Which MMO, according to your analogy, is the great literary work of our time?
We are not there yet, ive made that point clear. Some may compare games like UO, EQ or even pre NGE SWG to seminal literary works like Le Morte dArthur or El Mio Cid, masterpieces although lacking in the sofistication that would come with later literature. I would compare WOW to Boccaccios Decameron, a revolutionary work of great formal and historical significance, but also far from being one of the high points in the evolution of human thought. An MMO that would compare with the brilliance of a Shakespeare or a Cervantes is yet to be made. I think ive really stretched the literary comparison as far as it will go...
Like i said to Daffid011 youre more than welcome to come up with your own analogy, ill be more than happy to address it even if it seems unlikely it will ever replace the McDonalds comparison...
The McDonalds comparison will never go away not because it is a great analogy for an MMO, but instead because the human brain tends to want to wrap things in small, easy to understand packages. When people use the analogy, it shows that they are either being lazy, or are too unintelligent to understand anything beyond an over simplified comparison.
People have trouble accepting that something they don't personally like is quality. So they latch onto an analogy such as this to help put things in perspective for them. Anyone that uses analogies like these does a disservice to their own credibility and only helps to propagate an unacceptable method of judgement.
In other words, it's bullshit. Saying there is no such thing as a good MMO and then going on to say that the most popular MMO of all time is comparable to the worst form of food/literature/singer/whatever is ridiculous.
Ok, really you must be in extreme denial mode to ignore the fact someone did address the point youre complaining no one is addressing... Most people would understand their being called by name a direct response.
Whether or not someone "addressed" it does not have anything to do with the fact that he is correct. These analogies are set up to only compare the negative things to real life examples.
John Grisham has no literary worth and has sold millions.
WoW has no MMO gaming worth and has sold millions.
Which MMO, according to your analogy, is the great literary work of our time?
We are not there yet, ive made that point clear. Some may compare games like UO, EQ or even pre NGE SWG to seminal literary works like Le Morte dArthur or El Mio Cid, masterpieces although lacking in the sofistication that would come with later literature. I would compare WOW to Boccaccios Decameron, a revolutionary work of great formal and historical significance, but also far from being one of the high points in the evolution of human thought. An MMO that would compare with the brilliance of a Shakespeare or a Cervantes is yet to be made. I think ive really stretched the literary comparison as far as it will go...
Like i said to Daffid011 youre more than welcome to come up with your own analogy, ill be more than happy to address it even if it seems unlikely it will ever replace the McDonalds comparison...
The McDonalds comparison will never go away not because it is a great analogy for an MMO, but instead because the human brain tends to want to wrap things in small, easy to understand packages. When people use the analogy, it shows that they are either being lazy, or are too unintelligent to understand anything beyond an over simplified comparison.
People have trouble accepting that something they don't personally like is quality. So they latch onto an analogy such as this to help put things in perspective for them. Anyone that uses analogies like these do a disservice to their own credibility and only help to propagate an unacceptable method of judgement.
In other words, it's bullshit. Saying there is no such thing as a good MMO and then going on to say that the most popular MMO of all time is comparable to the worst form of food/literature/singer/whatever is ridiculous.
Its not bull and i never said there was no such thing as a good MMO, only that there was no such thing as a masterpiece, and given that the audience seems to have become more sofisticated than the developers, id even go as far as to say this makes for a more acurate representation of where things stand now.
Youre entitled to your own opinion of what people using the McDonalds analogy may be. Just as i am to mine when it concerns people that seem to feel personally insulted whenever someone refers to WOW in less than flattering terms. Trust me, yours seems gracious in comparison...
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Its not bull and i never said there was no such thing as a good MMO, only that there was no such thing as a masterpiece, and given that the audience seems to have become more sofisticated than the developers, id even go as far as to say this makes for a more acurate representation of where things stand now.
Youre entitled to your own opinion of what people using the McDonalds analogy may be. Just as i am to mine when it concerns people that seem to feel personally insulted whenever someone refers to WOW in less than flattering terms. Trust me, yours seems gracious in comparison...
My what seems gracious?
I don't even play WoW. I'm not upset or being overly defensive about WoW. I just see those types of analogies for what they are. A simple minded approach to a situation that is difficult for someone to put in a box.
Its not bull and i never said there was no such thing as a good MMO, only that there was no such thing as a masterpiece, and given that the audience seems to have become more sofisticated than the developers, id even go as far as to say this makes for a more acurate representation of where things stand now.
Youre entitled to your own opinion of what people using the McDonalds analogy may be. Just as i am to mine when it concerns people that seem to feel personally insulted whenever someone refers to WOW in less than flattering terms. Trust me, yours seems gracious in comparison...
My what seems gracious?
I don't even play WoW. I'm not upset or being overly defensive about WoW. I just see those types of analogies for what they are. A simple minded approach to a situation that is difficult for someone to put in a box.
Your opinion. Youre suposed to read the whole paragraph...
And once again, youre not expressing anything but an opinion, as i am.
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Hah. I was more than happy to remain on a mature, eloquent and cordial level. It was your decision to drag the discussion down by tossing around insults.
Unfortunately, it is getting a bit tedious now, so I shall once again provide the much-needed maturity by stemming the tide of vitriol.
It is gratifying to see that you were unable to counter my argument; I shall take that as a concession on your part.
I have appointed myself the final judge of this thread. My ruling is that you have won the thread.
How cute, Ilvaldyr has a boyfriend...
I just called him the winner of the thread. That would make you the loser.
Hah. I was more than happy to remain on a mature, eloquent and cordial level. It was your decision to drag the discussion down by tossing around insults.
Unfortunately, it is getting a bit tedious now, so I shall once again provide the much-needed maturity by stemming the tide of vitriol.
It is gratifying to see that you were unable to counter my argument; I shall take that as a concession on your part.
I have appointed myself the final judge of this thread. My ruling is that you have won the thread.
How cute, Ilvaldyr has a boyfriend...
I just called him the winner of the thread. That would make you the loser.
Aww, such a gentleman... cant let your sweetheart fight his own battles?
Im sorry, i didnt realize it would upset you...
Nothing beats the good old classics...
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
The difference between music and an MMORPG is that an mmorpg is COMMUNITY BASED.
A MMORPG with low pop for most people, will be absolutely terrible. I've been trying different MMORPGs recently, and every MMORPG I have tried besides Aion and WoW have been so boring because there's literally no one else to play with.
Sub numbers DO matter.
Umm actually no, its population per server that matters, not sub numbers.
If the particular server your playing on has a reasonably healthy population on it than who cares if there are 10k or 400k subscribers to the game? That 400k subscribers would mean nothing if half of them were inactive casuals (play one Saturday a month for 3 hours) and the other 200k were split between 300 servers. A game with only 10k subscribers split on 2 servers can have a much healthier game play experience if all of them are active.
Your play time also has to factor in on this as well, my play hours (work nights) puts me in the AM hours. As a result of this, even WoW is barren for me unless I play with the Aussies. Although this helped in Aion, never had a queue, no lag, and never had to deal with KSers, but forget getting an elite team together. You see my point?
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)