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I just got FFXI, I dont think its that bad.
I just really need to get used to the controls. I dont really like the graphics though.. I know this game is suppose to be compatible for ps2 too.. but dam i wish we had betr graphics. I havea Radeon AX 800 Pro, and I put everything to high settings but it still isnt that great.. is that maybe because I am using a Radeon instead of a Nvidia? If somone could tell me a drive for radeon to dl that would be great, like I didnt have the bump mapping section on, then i exited and put it on, re loged in and there was nothing different, which the instruction booklet said it would detail the whole terain.
anyway, so far its fun.. but theres some un-easyness i cant explain, maybe its because..well i dono..
Lineage 2
Server: Ericca
Character: ShadowAeon
Race: Dark Elven
Class: Fighter
Aim: Sean Ok Thx
here's one way to increase the graphics. copied and pasted from another site :
Fustrated that the game wont let you set background textures past 1024 x 1024? Follow the instructions below to set it even higher! The game looks amazing running background resolutions of 2048 x 2048!!
Step 1:go to your Run command and type REGEDIT and click OK.
Step 2: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then click on Software.
Step 3: Click PlayOnlineUS and Square Enix folder, then the FinalFantasyXI tab.
Step 4: You should see 2 "strings", 003 and 004. Double click to open them, and change the value on 003 to 800, then change 004 to 800. You will notice the values to the right after you click OK will change to the corresponding resolution.
2048 x 2048 = 800 and 800
1600 x 1600 = 640 and 640
1280 x 1280 = 500 and 500
Almost all people like FFXI when they start playing but after a month most will see the negative things that every mmorpg has.
Things wich aren't good in FFXI is that it is lacking PVP and after lvl 40 the lvl grind is very high and finding parties is really really hard.
And I must warn you that it will take atleast 1 hour for finding a party and most of the time it takes like 3 hours.
Also the game is not soloble after lvl 20 or you have to choose for 16 xp a kill where you get normal get 200 xp a kill.
cool, i hope you continue to enjoy the game. what server are you on?
liek that guy tebola said you can tweak FFXi in a lot of ways to make it better. go to and look around in the forums for step-by-step guides on ffxi tweaking. Hope you have fun with ffxi!
Thx for the info guys :>
Dam I need a party ><
World: Remora
Nation: San d'Oria
Job: Warrior
Job lvl: 4
Race: Hume Male
Can someone please make me a sig. I would like it to have something to do with an eagle(the bird) Somewhere near the eagle can you put the words "Global Defense Initiative". Could you also have the line "If you can't buff up, don't step up!". Thanks!
Private Message me about it!
FFXI easy best game ever just stick with it ^^
48mnk 38thf 36war 35sam 34whm
30rdm 30blm 25bst
I havent really gotten high enough to the point were i NEED a party,
but I think it will be very hard for me to find a party.. I'ev never been a biger partyer.. even in RO.
Does anyone think its possible to get at a pretty high lvl solo?
World: Remora
Nation: San d'Oria
Job: Warrior
Job lvl: 4
Race: Hume Male
well your only lvl 4 you should solo till 10 ya i know it sucks but its how it works but later in the game just awsome. o and no you cant solo till a high lvl unless you are a bst or maybe a few lvls if you are a rdm/nin
48mnk 38thf 36war 35sam 34whm
30rdm 30blm 25bst
I have two 75 jobs.
FFXI is amazing. It's a very difficult game. Work hard. Have fun. Big payoffs.
Enough said~
EQ: 65 Druid. 65 Rogue (Cancelled;2002)
Final Fantasy XI: 75 Monk. 75 Ninja. (Current)
EQ2: Prospective?
EQ: 65 Druid. 65 Rogue (Cancelled;2002)
Final Fantasy XI: 75 Monk. 75 Ninja. (Current)
EQ2: Prospective?
FFXI is a GREAT game!
it takes a LOT of time but it's worth it, and now with CoP the story becomes more like the old FF wit homega and ultima weapon and stuff
FFXI is a great game when yo uare in parties. The first 10 levels will be a bit boring as you will fighting the same monsters over and over until you decide to go to party with another gropu to lvl up even more. The grind is somewaht tedious and long. As everone has said. after lvl 20, lvling gets longer and even longer. You would be very lucky to get more than 2 levels withint 3-4 hours.
But the great part of the game is when you party with friends or LS mates and do quests or missions. Those are reallly fun and gives a good sense of partying like in the old FF's, just more traveling and more arguig . Overall, there are tons of things to do. Don't get into the mode where you expect to be lvl 75 in 1 month. That wil lbe crazy and impossible (unless you place 24/7 the whole time). Enjoy the bits and pieces of the game. Get bored of one thing? do some thing totally different
It's not a bug in the software, it's a feature .