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I am very happy that it seems this game will offer alot of solo content. People are comparing every game to World of Warcraft, and this will be no different; One of the major things that made WoW so popular, is that it has massive amount of solo content to offer.
Every MMO today has "some" ambitions to be popular, and today, I swear, that this is impossible unless solo content is offered both before and at end level.
So, finally I have a new sci-fi game to wait for, after the failure of Fallen Earth!
Make us care MORE about our faction & world pvp!
Fallen Earth failed?? I don't think so ! Far from it in fact. Just cause most 15 yr olds can't play it is a win!
I dont mean to troll your post but this is one of the main reasons I won't even consider TOR. My guess is TOR will have fairly linear gameplay, enough quests to drive me mad, and likely very bland if any pvp content. Not too mention it will likely give no challenge whatsoever if what I've read about it correct.
Keep in mind I'm huge fan of pvp and not a very big Star Wars fan so I'm kind of biased...I've played many MMOs and I no longer have any interest in new MMOs based on books or movies. My prediction is TOR will likely contain nothing new from current games and will have enough quests to make someone like myself pull their hair out of boredom in no time. PVE focused MMOs just arnt my thing anymore, sadly. LOTRO turned me right off of PVE driven games and I'm sure TOR will have a very similar focus: 1000's of story driven quests to keep the fans happy for a decade and pvp as a second thought. Personally I'll pass but have fun!! :-)
"I play Tera for the gameplay"
Did you play KoTOR? If so, did you enjoy it? For me, it was so much fun and so entertaining. The first play through was great - I played the "good guy" then the next I played "evil" - the dialog options from the second playthrough had me rolling! I played it over and over and over (and over and over and over).
If they put as much though into the NPC dialog ... and the gameplay is as fun as KoTOR (with the pauses turned off - pauses on wasn't nearly as fun) then this is going to be a huge hit... I personally can't wait to check it out!
These are the kinds of posts that should be around but far too often aren't. I agree with the op I love solo content and I love pve but I realize this isn't for everyone and more importantly you realized it too and didn't take this as an opportunity to dis anyone who doesn't agree with you with all the usual insults that we get from people who don't care for our particular play style. Having said that I am hopeful that TOR can in fact break the mold and offer some decent pvp unlike my current mmo of choice lotro. It would be fun to get into a bit of pvp sometimes.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Did you play KoTOR? If so, did you enjoy it? For me, it was so much fun and so entertaining. The first play through was great - I played the "good guy" then the next I played "evil" - the dialog options from the second playthrough had me rolling! I played it over and over and over (and over and over and over).
If they put as much though into the NPC dialog ... and the gameplay is as fun as KoTOR (with the pauses turned off - pauses on wasn't nearly as fun) then this is going to be a huge hit... I personally can't wait to check it out!
I havent played it but like I said I cant stand PVE focused MMOs anymore. They bore me to death.... I truly hope TOR is good but for anyone who enjoys pvp my guess is TOR won't deliver.
My prediction is TOR will turn out like LOTRO is now: A following of avid fans will keep it running. I'm sure TOR will be around for a long time though because theres alot of big star wars fans around. Also Bioware is a kick ass company! I hope they do well with their first MMO. :-)
"I play Tera for the gameplay"
What? No trolls yet? They will come, to tell you to play a single player game if you want to solo, or that solo plyers are killing MMOs. But I agree with you. The first thing I look for is the ability to solo effectively. I do not want to be at the mercy of others when I feel like gaming. But i like the format of an MMO. Questing, looting, levelling up. Some single player RPG's offer a similar experience, but not enough. And they can't compete with the size of an MMO, and of course crafting and chatting.
SW:TOR is the #1 MMO I am looking forward to, followed by The Secret World ( fingers crossed on that one).
this game is directed at casual gamers not bioware gamers this game is guna be lame this game was guna be good but the effect to instant revive if u die is bs, then the game looks easy and by the videos it looks easy the only time u seem to die is when u got 20 ppl firing at u (troop video) and also straight after he could revive himself on the spot this is guna be like starwars covered in cushions
Fallen Earth did not fail. Far from it.
Next, the fact that TOR seems to be way to be only about solo content is the biggest reason I will avoid this game like the plague. I enjoy soloing, but I also like and want group content. I play MMOs for the community and the fact I can either group with friends or run PUGs and make new ones.
yeah, it always makes me laugh about when i see those kinda comments. it dont need alot of brainwork to understand why casual gamer who dont care much for grouping or raiding plays and mmo game then, while the answer is , world is alive full with other players not just programmed npc's. looking forward this game if theres much of a solo content!
l o l
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I am sure that this game will offer alot and/or more than enough content for groups. As for me, as a Lone Wolf, I need solo content. Relying upon others or complete strangers with their hard-to-adapt-to behaviors (just like mine), is very of hard for someone who is a casual player. Not that I am in that category, but I really can't stand to be dependant upon others to have a portion of fun in any game.
Personally I see no problem with lots of solo content in an MMO, as there are and will always be more than enough content for those who want to group. At least by the standards of MMO's today.
How pvp will be handled we still have to see, as that part is mostly some kind of "additional" content in most MMO's. It has been a long time since I played WoW, but that game developed into a more of PvP MMO than raid MMO, at least if you ask me. It's best counterpart, Lord of the Rings Online, has no PvP, and by that, it has not become a mega hit like WoW.
These are of course my personal feelings, but feel free to discuss!
Make us care MORE about our faction & world pvp!
I am very much looking forward to playing this game. Not only have I enjoyed all my past Bioware experiences and am an avid Star Wars fan but I agree with the OP on having much content that can be soloed if I wish to. I enjoy grouping but do not really enjoy having to group to accomplish things, level up, etc. I like to have the option to group to do something greater than one might be able to accomplish even as a heroic figure within the game. I like the opportunity to socialize within an MMO but if I am stuck because I have no one to group with when I decide to logon at some odd hour or perhaps need to get a quest done to advance and it necessitates a group then I am put off. I play a game for fun and those things (requiring or forcing grouping) are not fun when you are without others that you enjoy grouping with. Warhammer tried to address this with public quests so that there might always be someone around to group with to accomplish a common goal. It did not work. Concept was sound in theory. Problem was they could not get past the individuals at the keyboard. What happens when thay are tards? When you consistently wipe because there is little to no teamwork or they up and leave the group with no warning. You are stuck again looking for others to play and this can become frustrating.
Guilds can mitigate this somewhat but again you will eventually have members join that are not like minded, have conflicting attitudes, need to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, etc. and some will be booted from the guild. All this drama when I simply want to play a game for the few hours I may have before real life starts calling again.
I understand why some folks like the forced grouping concept and the hardships certain mmo's provide. That is fine. Having games for so called 'hardcore' gamers is fine. There also needs to be some things that provide sheer fun and an escape, if only briefly, for folks. I am hoping that this game is one of those things.
I disagree. My favorite MMO to date is based around pvp and its probly the most fun MMO experience I've had since starting online games. PVP for me adds a "real" feeling to a MMO that you dont get in single player games or PVE MMOs. I tend to always pick open pvp servers (open world pvp) because I enjoy the feeling of some fear ingame not knowing how close the other faction is at that moment. WoW has a similar feeling but the graphics and the game overall is stale for many people now, including myself.
MMOs with little or no pvp feel like a grind to me. Maybe because I'm older (30) or maybe its because I've played too many MMOs. Either way I have no interest in running around in a world doing nothing but quests with no fear at all for your life. I don't care how well the MMO is or what frachise it is, I get bored without open world PVP and/or RVR. From what I've seen so far it looks like BioWare has the same focus Turbine does with LOTRO....its unfortionate for fans of PVP :-(
"I play Tera for the gameplay"
idiot, that instant revive was a developer command, players wouldnt be able to do that.
I don't see what people have against grouping, at least most of the time.
IMO a game should be solo-friendly to the point that you can do something meaningful when you don't have the time or desire to find a group. However, most games lately (including SWTOR I'm sure) are going to follow the shallow mold laid out by WoW and let everyone solo everything.
Why play MMOs?
Just play single player RPGs ... They often offer much more in-depth gameplay mechanics, allow you to actually be the "hero" and some of them are awesome and will provide hundreds of hours of entertainment without a monthly fee. If you don't think it's social enough, play in Windowed mode and leave MSN open (joking ...).
I want to see more games that offer solo but provide tangible benefits for grouping. After all, WoW has shown us how a completely soloable leveling game creates terrible max level players and a very loosely connected player community.
Played - UO, FFXI, WAR, WoW, EVE
Currently - Bored.
Personally, I don't know when it was mandatory for every new mmo to be a hardcore pvp online game, ( or even forced grouped pve ). There are plenty of titles out there that are trying to fill this player base. Most suck, agreed.. but hey, that's the inherent flaw with mmo-pvp games.
I would think people would be tired of the weak attempts at trying to make pvp mmo's. I know I have. *cough* WAR / AoC *cough*
If you really want to pvp, try Dark Fall or a console FPS. FPS (for me at least) are way more entertaining when I want to pvp, and they do a far better job of it than any mmo"RPG"s currently on the market.
As for Old Republic, I personally think it's being produced for the people who loved KOTOR 1 and 2 (as most KOTOR fans view Old Republic as KOTOR 3 Online). And really, that's the smartest thing Bioware can do with this title. It will satisfy a huge fan base who loved their Xbox titles. And if it's really KOTOR 3 Online, where you can buddy up for some missions, then I think I will love Old Republic for what it is.
idiot, that instant revive was a developer command, players wouldnt be able to do that.
It even said "Debug", people just have selective memories.
I'm not against solo play. I admit I actually enjoy it sometimes, but I'm not going to pay $15/month to solo in a multiplayer game. There are better games out there I can play without a subscription. But as far as a sci-fi RPG goes, yeah it should be pretty cool.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
I don't think people are against grouping, it's actually the opposite. I never see posts saying "Groupers are destroying the genre" or anything resembling it.
Being a person that enjoys solo play, I'll speak for myself, MMOs offer far more then SPRPGs, I find it more enjoyable to be part of a persistent world, seeing and interacting with other players in either conversation or PvP. Something SP games do not offer. I don't want 100s of hours of entertainment, I want endless hours of entertainment, this is something I could only find in a MMO.
Do you believe soloable leveling creates terrible players? And that alone is the problem. Truth is, I have meet countless skilled individuals that were solo players, people that never wanted to touch end game or take part in any group activities outside of PvP. While I have seen plenty horrible solo players, I have also seen just as many bad group players.
In my five years in WoW, most of the people I meet were not people that normally played games. Most of them I figure would probably not play a game again if WoW went down the drain. I have a question, and be truthful, "if" you played WoW, was it seriously the solo players fault for the community not being tight with each other, or is it the elitest group players without patience and always the ones to disband a group on the first death. I think it's the latter. So I'll be the first to say it, WoWs grouping community is mostly filled of people that ARE destroying the genre due to piss poor attitudes.
I'll probably catch some flames for this but, I always seen solo players more in touch with the game then groupers, hell most of them don't need a extra person to carry them around.
GroupP:LFG <group quest>
SoloP: that's soloable if you can kite him.
GroupP: ?
Anyways, that's my opinion.
Xfire: WoW hours this week: 21. What?
For all the people wondering about PvP:
Don't worry, Bioware has Mythic helping them now. If you're a troll, you'll think I'm being sarcastic. If you want this game to succeed, you'll see this as a good thing.
To the OP, it seems like (at least lately) around here, the biggest sin you could commit is mention "solo" or "group". Before you know it, Ihmotepp and the gang will roll in here proclaiming how there needs to be more (ahem) "Games with Challenging Group Content Throughout the Game, Not Just At the End!", not these (ahem) "dumbed down solo pieces of crap a monkey could play".
Did you play KoTOR? If so, did you enjoy it? For me, it was so much fun and so entertaining. The first play through was great - I played the "good guy" then the next I played "evil" - the dialog options from the second playthrough had me rolling! I played it over and over and over (and over and over and over).
If they put as much though into the NPC dialog ... and the gameplay is as fun as KoTOR (with the pauses turned off - pauses on wasn't nearly as fun) then this is going to be a huge hit... I personally can't wait to check it out!
I havent played it but like I said I cant stand PVE focused MMOs anymore. They bore me to death.... I truly hope TOR is good but for anyone who enjoys pvp my guess is TOR won't deliver.
My prediction is TOR will turn out like LOTRO is now: A following of avid fans will keep it running. I'm sure TOR will be around for a long time though because theres alot of big star wars fans around. Also Bioware is a kick ass company! I hope they do well with their first MMO. :-)
God, I hope it won't be as slow, grindy, and bland as LOTRO. I do hope that they have the same attention to detail and Polish as in LOTRO, only with a better crafting system, faster style gameplay, and more shit to do.
A witty saying proves nothing.
That's a horrible comparison. I loved PvP in SWG and WoW. Does Call of duty work like either of those?
lol Darkfall......
Xfire: WoW hours this week: 21. What?
Just because he plays WoW that means he likes to Solo? Sometimes I wonder if people have even actually played WoW.
The entire end-game consists of raids and other instances which ALL require GROUPs.
Just because he plays WoW that means he likes to Solo? Sometimes I wonder if people have even actually played WoW.
The entire end-game consists of raids and other instances which ALL require GROUPs.
Not my point. I should have been more clear. "There are better games out there I can play without a subscription", does he mean SPRPGs? If so I already said what I think about this. Soloing in a SPRPG =/= Soloing in a MMO.