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Hi, i started playing this game recently, i'm currently lv 3, so far i really enjoyed this game, but after i started doing quests with groups, i noticed the no one uses a little tactic while doing dungeon, it's only get in, smash everything as fast as you can, who cares of the casters who hits you from the distance, if ppl die, well again who cares, oh look, an optional objective, should I ask if someone wanna do it? Nahhhhh, i want to finishhhhhh... And so on.
WTF? D&D is a pve, basically roleplay game, about EXPLORING dungeons, this kind of play is really crappy for me (i played wow, i know what i'm talking about).
So what i'm asking is, does it get better at higher levels?
I have been in a couple of groups like this, but learned to avoid them.
There are a few simple things you can do to avoid them.
1. Never join any group that advertises through general chat, always use LFM to find your groups.
2. Don't join any group that says they are going to zerg a quest. Ask at the start of the quest if they are going to do the optionals, or mention you are a new player and would prefer to take it slow.
3. If starting your own groups put no-zerg in the description (it helps a lot).
It does get better later, but only because some of the later quests are a lot tougher compared to Korthos/Harbour quests and rushing off on your own usually = dead.
The Enlightened take things Lightly
this is great advice
also, if you are playing on the new server, Orion, theres probably many seasoned players trying to earn Favor fast
(trying to complete quests as fast as possible to earn favor to unlock Drow and other features)
EQ2 fan sites
ok thx for the advices, i'll stick around a little more then
PAtryz, truth be told, I've been in a few groups like that, but the vast majority of people ive teamed up with have been stellar, and ive really been adding people to my friends list like never before.
I really love this game
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I notice the same thing at lower levels. The higher CR dungeons for the most part force groups to pay more attention to strategy and class reliance in order to be successful. I don't linger long in groups that refuse to stay together and make the most of their effort, inevitably such efforts become a huge waste of time not to mention incurring expensive repair bills.
Del Cabon
A US Army ('Just Cause') Vet and MMORPG Native formerly of Trinsic, Norath and Dereth. Currently playing LOTRO.
I agree most groups I have been in have been awesome. Also if they are just going around smashing everything they may be missing parts of the dungeons. Such as one dungeon I remember to do part of it you need a rogue to unlock a gate to get a chest in it or something like that. Also the more you play the more puzzles you get, in Stormreach there is a fun solo quest you do that you can not smash anything, you fail the quest if you smash so many things. I thought that was fun. I also enjoy the puzzle quest quite a bit.
BTW nice pick of Freddie, Queen was a great band, they still aren't bad but not the same without Freddie.
God Bless,