Again, if you learn to really read between the lines or maybe the actual quote you responded to/with, then you would understand where the "jumping the gun" part falls into play. Wait until they actually provide game altering items/features in their item shops before screaming for wolf here. Until then, the arguments and assumptions are pointless, you are just assuming the worst here. Let me know when it happens and perhaps I'll join you in your sentiments. Until then, as I have been saying, it all just looks childish and hilarious at the same time. The saddest part of it all, these posts are all coming from grown adults as has been mentioned earlier in this thread with responses that almost sounds like its coming from 5 year olds.
Only a fool waits until a sheep has been eaten to cry wolf. You cry wolf when you see a wolf, when you smell a wolf, when you hear a wolf.
You need to drive off or kill that wolf BEFORE the sheep start disappearing. Wolves eat sheep. The first wolf you see might not yet be hungry, but it will get hungry eventually.
If you want to further go into this Wolf eating sheep analogy. Then, I don't know about you less-thought-conscious folk but as for myself, I choose to be the Wolf and Blizzard can be my Sheep If they do anything that I find dissatisfactory, I will cancel my account, but this item shop doesn't even affect me or anyone else directly or their game experience again. Blizzard isn't going to eat us with this cash shop when it really is left up to the customers when and where they spend their money. Please try to understand my post more before responding to it or don't respond at all. You're still coming off as foolish and hilarious
Then again, I have to thank God or gods or whatever religion we like to follow around here that people like you exist to remind myself how much further ahead of the pack I really am. I tend to forget sometimes
EDIT: To sum up my posts in very simple Engrish...This item shop has a couple pets on it which do not affect your game experience. If you do not like it, then don't support it. It does not enhance or take away from anyone's game experience by having/not having it. If the existence of an Item shop really is affecting you that badly, cancel your subscription please so I can enjoy the game that much more by not having you in it. Thank you.
Another EDIT: I wonder are these just Americans (yes I am one too) that are up in arms about this? Because it really shows with all the self entitlement and righteousness flying about in regards to a small item shop releasing virtual vanity items.
Says who? What law are you looking at? Is there something you have found deep inside the human mind? Damn you guys that wants your belifes to be something that the rest of us have to go with.
RMT does belong to the game that can embrace it. Deal with it our just turn your back. Easy as that.
Only a complete tool would indicate they actually WANT to spend more money for the sake of spending more money. That's what this is about - not content, gameplay, fun - money. Yes, we all know companies are in the game business to make money. However, saying we should go along with RMT systems when a subscription-based model is already in place is like saying you don't mind walking around the street with your wallet falling trailing on a string behind you. You're just asking to be robbed and taken advantage of.
Try again.
Nice of you to call me a tool just becuse we dont agree. I can only guess that your life outside the screen is rather hard when you have to name others just becuse you disagree with em...Way to handle yourself. And I cant find anything that points to your belief that you h a v e to spend money on the pets to enjoy the game.
And you have to read my whole post. Not only the red text. Read my last line..or wait. No need to it becuse I will quote myself with red so you dont have any chance to miss it. " Deal with it our just turn your back. Easy as that.". Dont like the RMT system? Dont take any part with it, dont support it.
And your example with the wallet...You must have a hard time outside the screen and I would like to see that you dont answer my post becues your answer wont do anything good.
As long as this doesn't take away from the ingame loot, I don't care. I hope they don't start selling XP or ways to make your toon better with out playing the game. The cash shop has put a bad tast in my mouth, but not enough to stop playing...yet.
Wow, really? Why does any of this even cause such a big stink? I can only assume it's because people can't afford the items or something....
It WOULD be something if Blizz was sayin' we'll give you a level for every 10 bucks or Frostmourne for X dollars, but they're sayin' here's a cute lil pet that you can have if you want it, and if you don't, then don't get it...oh and if you get one of them we'll give some of your money to sick kids..
Frankly, I'm guna get both pets, and I'm guna proudly have them out and enjoy them immensely with no feeling of guilt or game breaking side effects, in fact I truly truly hope some of you too young to have a credit card poor and broke whiners send me tells about how dumb I am so I can giggle at your being so utterly destitute. (which is pretty rude of me...I know)
So..hasn't anyone else noticed the other things BLizz is doing for real money? Faction change, Race change, Server change..etc etc etc. All of these happen for real money but nobody is blowing their colon over them, the moment an ITEM gets offered in WoW that the uproarious uber l33ts can't get by grinding their lives away in game is DOOOM DOOM I TELLS YA!
Seriously, get over yourselves.
As for those of you saying this is just the begining they're guna offer more! are very likely correct, they will. The battlenet thing is a perfect place to be able to do such things. I would expect many cosmetic and vanity items to come and in fact encourage and anticipate them.
I will be upset if they start selling game impacting things, but I'm not guna even get remotely irate if all they offer is vanity and fun. I just hope they'll offer a mini ragnaros pet that shouts BY FIRE BE PURGED and lights squirrels on fire all the time....I'd stop raiding and just smote dream.
Long story short (Too late) get over it, if you can't afford it or dont' like it, don't get it. However I understand this is the internet and I am talking to the Forum browsing WoW crowd, which typically means nerd-raging single white teenage boys with acne and a bag of chips and a mini-fridge with mt.dew next to them at all times. So...meh, you may continue your nerd rage, I hath not the power to prevent...but if I did there'd be a big ol party.
You make two hugh assumptions. 1) that they will ever sell items and 2) that enough people think like you and will leave the game. I will bet that 50-60% of the people complaining here about it do not play WoW and have no effect on the sub numbers. I have not proof of this, but this will be my assumption.
Bingo, you win a prize. A majority of people complaining do not even play the game. A majority of those that are complaining that do play the game will not cancel their subscription. The small few who will cancel their subscription will be offset by the TON of money they make on the pet sales. If they want to charge for vanity stuff, whether it be a pet or a halloween mask or anything else, so be it. Hell, they charge you for a whole bunch of other stuff outside the subscription and they probably make a killing on that too because people buy it (if they didn't, they wouldn't continue to offer it).
One thing I will say, no matter what side of the issue you're on, I think it's absolutely reprehensible to harass those that do purchase these things in the game. Anyone who does should at least be suspended. Remember people, as with any microtransaction, no one forces you to buy anything. Don't attack those who do.
Charging players 2/3s of the monthly sub fee for a single pet is absolutely ridiculous.
Are you or anyone else being forced to purchase those pets? They aren't called *vanity* pets for nothing. Vanity can be rather expensive...
Yes, vanity pets in WoW are crazy expensive. The pets that are rare loot or take time to grind at the Argent Tournament sell for a nice chunk of IN GAME GOLD. And don't forget the trading card game rares. The rares don't go for cheap and the only way to get them is buy a bunch of trading cards or go to eBay and pay hundreds of dollars.
are you people serious? complaining about something as simple as a vanity pet? seems to me like there are too many crybabies out there whining because they think everything should be free. i personally believe that if it was something at actually affected gameplay, I WOULD BE PISSED TOO. but c'mon. this no different than having to pay for a race change because you decided you wanted to be a BE instead of an Orc or some crap. all cosmetic. they aren't selling some epic or legendary items with infinity bonus damage for real word cash. when they start that, then start complaining. they have been charging for non-essential things for a long time. quit your whining or just spend your money elsewhere.
Giving part of their newly discovered way of milking the cow to charity is only an attempt to prevent the loss of goodwill, but comes accross as cynical and causes them to loose even more goodwill. For some this may even be an eye-opener. Blizzard is no saint.
Nice long range mind reading skill you have there... I'm betting that the charity involved is VERY happy to have the money, in any event. Blizzard doesn't have to be any type of "saint" to help people like that. It also doesn't matter what their motivation is. The fact remains that the charity will receive money, that they otherwise wouldn't have.
Again, if you learn to really read between the lines or maybe the actual quote you responded to/with, then you would understand where the "jumping the gun" part falls into play. Wait until they actually provide game altering items/features in their item shops before screaming for wolf here. Until then, the arguments and assumptions are pointless, you are just assuming the worst here. Let me know when it happens and perhaps I'll join you in your sentiments. Until then, as I have been saying, it all just looks childish and hilarious at the same time. The saddest part of it all, these posts are all coming from grown adults as has been mentioned earlier in this thread with responses that almost sounds like its coming from 5 year olds.
Only a fool waits until a sheep has been eaten to cry wolf. You cry wolf when you see a wolf, when you smell a wolf, when you hear a wolf.
You need to drive off or kill that wolf BEFORE the sheep start disappearing. Wolves eat sheep. The first wolf you see might not yet be hungry, but it will get hungry eventually.
Ah yes... The "wonders" of preemptive attacks... We've seen how that works within the last 9 years now haven't we?... One must always be wary of those who would use *fear* of imaginary wolves for their own purposes...
I really do not see the issue here, Blizzard has been selling game cards that have codes on them that allows people to get items in game and some really cool things at that! So what is the difference? Instead they offer them for sell without all the hassle of buying the cards and hoping you get the code. There really is no difference. But because Blizzard did this...they are teh suck? Get real...they have had this for a long time now, whether you like it or not. It's just been disguised.
NOTE: I didn't read any of hte other repsonders post before commenting so if some one else all ready mentioned this I apologize. Also...I think BLizzard should giove a whole 100% of proceeds from the sells of the one pet to the Make A Wish Foundation. They are selling two pets. One gives them profit and the other goes to charity. That is cool with me.
I really do not see the issue here, Blizzard has been selling game cards that have codes on them that allows people to get items in game and some really cool things at that! So what is the difference? Instead they offer them for sell without all the hassle of buying the cards and hoping you get the code. There really is no difference. But because Blizzard did this...they are teh suck? Get real...they have had this for a long time now, whether you like it or not. It's just been disguised. NOTE: I didn't read any of hte other repsonders post before commenting so if some one else all ready mentioned this I apologize. Also...I think BLizzard should giove a whole 100% of proceeds from the sells of the one pet to the Make A Wish Foundation. They are selling two pets. One gives them profit and the other goes to charity. That is cool with me.
Blizzard is no longer the gaming company it was. It is now only buisness.
If you want to see what true indy gaming companies are doing then try out games like Trine, torchlight and Hinterlands. Pure gaming experince - game made by gamers - for gamers. That was the BLizzard of old. Now you will have to look for it elsewhere.
I do not plan to buy any products from BLizzard again. Cause now I know its no longer about the games - Its all pure buisness.
My money will continue to support gaming. NOT buisness.
I really do not see the issue here, Blizzard has been selling game cards that have codes on them that allows people to get items in game and some really cool things at that! So what is the difference? Instead they offer them for sell without all the hassle of buying the cards and hoping you get the code. There really is no difference. But because Blizzard did this...they are teh suck? Get real...they have had this for a long time now, whether you like it or not. It's just been disguised. NOTE: I didn't read any of hte other repsonders post before commenting so if some one else all ready mentioned this I apologize. Also...I think BLizzard should giove a whole 100% of proceeds from the sells of the one pet to the Make A Wish Foundation. They are selling two pets. One gives them profit and the other goes to charity. That is cool with me.
Sorry, I did not read your post. What did it say?
Dude - there is like a bazillion post on this thread...OMG if I took the time to read all the responses I'd be in an old folks home cleaning my dentures!
I really do not see the issue here, Blizzard has been selling game cards that have codes on them that allows people to get items in game and some really cool things at that! So what is the difference? Instead they offer them for sell without all the hassle of buying the cards and hoping you get the code. There really is no difference. But because Blizzard did this...they are teh suck? Get real...they have had this for a long time now, whether you like it or not. It's just been disguised. NOTE: I didn't read any of hte other repsonders post before commenting so if some one else all ready mentioned this I apologize. Also...I think BLizzard should giove a whole 100% of proceeds from the sells of the one pet to the Make A Wish Foundation. They are selling two pets. One gives them profit and the other goes to charity. That is cool with me.
True, but from what I am seeing and personally feel, this is about RMT as a whole more or less. Most don't even seem to have a problem with what WOW is doing at present, they are voicing concern in regard to where they may take this.
The outrage is linked to RMT slowly moving into the P2P model. Which is a justifiable thing to object to IMO. At least a card game is still a game you play to win or lose. When you take that aspect away from your product is it even a game anymore? What gets me is in single player gaming, would you pay RL cash for a single weapon or $1 for a potion? Most wouldn't, why it's done in MMO's is beyond me.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
It's not like this all started with pets. I mean, they have been charging for server transfers and then faction and race changes. This is all basically the same thing in my opinion. You don't have to pay for it if you don't want to. And it will hardly effect anyone else's game experience. But this is probably just the beginning, which is why so many are scared or irritated. It is the wrong direction for many players who probably believe that, if successful, will only get worse to where eventually they will be offering epic items and gold for sale. Time will tell.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
It's not like this all started with pets. I mean, they have been charging for server transfers and then faction and race changes. This is all basically the same thing in my opinion. You don't have to pay for it if you don't want to. And it will hardly effect anyone else's game experience. But this is probably just the beginning, which is why so many are scared or irritated. It is the wrong direction for many players who probably believe that, if successful, will only get worse to where eventually they will be offering epic items and gold for sale. Time will tell.
I think paying for new game services like thoose are ok (but still dont like it). No one expected theese thing to be included in the sub and it have neveer been. Pets and things like that have been included in the monthly sub for 5 years and now suddenly they are charging $10 for a stupid pet. Its nothing but a greedy money grab from one of the most loved gaming companies who many of us have grown up with. Box+expansions+monthly sub should cover things like this.
Also pets given from the TCG and Blizzcon are bonuses for a seperate product and is not nearly as bad as an actual store that sells in game items (even if they are only cosmetical).
If WoW = The Beatles and WAR = Led Zeppelin Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
Originally posted by Malickie True, but what I am seeing and personally feel, this is about RMT as a whole more or less. Most don't even seem to have a problem with what WOW is doing at present, they are voicing concern in regard to where they may take this. The outrage is linked to RMT slowly moving into the P2P model. Which is a justifiable thing to object to IMO. At least a card game is still a game you play to and win or lose. When you take that aspect away from your product is it even a game anymore? What gets me is in single player gaming, would you pay RL cash for a single weapon or $1 for a potion? Most wouldn't, why it's done in MMO's is beyond me.
Because MMOs are extremely competitive. Even if that is only competition for status - represented by vanity items like rare pets. Of course, the bought pets won't be rare, and frankly I would ridicule people who buy them.
I don't mock people with Blizzcon items or even items from the card game, because that money could have been spent on the specified purpose - attending the con, or playing the card game.
I bought the big expensive tabletop game with all the cool plastic miniatures - and the two expansions. No WoW premiums came with those, but I'd use them if they had, since I was buying the game anyway. IF they had been items that gave me any advantage in the game, I would not have used them.
Just to clarify my position - I also oppose Blizzard charging for account services. I have said this before, but I want to make it clear. Those services should either be no additional charge or not allowed at all. Don't give me that 'the charges are to prevent overuse', because it doesn't prevent the rich from using them as much as they like.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
But does it really matter if someone bought their super weapon or went killed some boss to get it? WoW is just a game, a bunch of pixels, what happens there is only fantasy, its not real life. Would it ruin my gameplay in all honesty ... no, not a jot.
I play online games the way I want to play them, I don't buy gold or in-game currency, I don't rush to maximum level, I just try and enjoy my time online. What someone else has or doesn't have, or how they achieved what they have, doesn't affect me in any way, my game is still the same. We can't always look around us and feel we have to have what others have, that erodes who we are.
I also agree with this article . The pets are a vanity item , & a poor one at that . Even the associated title that it will help you achieve is a vanity title .
Though many see this microtransaction as the thin edge of the wedge , I am optimistic enough to believe that Blizzard are not fools . They have a huge money making MMO at stake . If they were to introduce RMT items that gave a gameplay advantage , then the stampede away from WoW would be thunderous .
The one niggling doubt that I have is that adding RMT of gameplay advantageous items to a subscription game has been financially successful in the past . CCP introduced PLEX ( a RMT bought timecard that could be sold to other players for ingame money ) into EVEonline & the game is probably more popular now than it has ever been . In EVEonline , having the best ship & implants that money ( ISK ) can buy & not having to worry about the cost of replacing them is a big advantage .
My optimism has waned to wishful thinking as my niggling doubt grows .
But does it really matter if someone bought their super weapon or went killed some boss to get it? Yes, absolutely. WoW is just a game, a bunch of pixels, what happens there is only fantasy, its not real life. Would it ruin my gameplay in all honesty ... no, not a jot. I play online games the way I want to play them, I don't buy gold or in-game currency, I don't rush to maximum level, I just try and enjoy my time online. What someone else has or doesn't have, or how they achieved what they have, doesn't affect me in any way, my game is still the same. We can't always look around us and feel we have to have what others have, that erodes who we are.
Bragging is a big part of social interaction. In real life, and in an MMO. When you play an MMO, you do affect other players in at least a small way - unless you never group, never chat, and never use the AH.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
Only a fool waits until a sheep has been eaten to cry wolf. You cry wolf when you see a wolf, when you smell a wolf, when you hear a wolf.
You need to drive off or kill that wolf BEFORE the sheep start disappearing. Wolves eat sheep. The first wolf you see might not yet be hungry, but it will get hungry eventually.
If you want to further go into this Wolf eating sheep analogy. Then, I don't know about you less-thought-conscious folk but as for myself, I choose to be the Wolf and Blizzard can be my Sheep If they do anything that I find dissatisfactory, I will cancel my account, but this item shop doesn't even affect me or anyone else directly or their game experience again. Blizzard isn't going to eat us with this cash shop when it really is left up to the customers when and where they spend their money. Please try to understand my post more before responding to it or don't respond at all. You're still coming off as foolish and hilarious
Then again, I have to thank God or gods or whatever religion we like to follow around here that people like you exist to remind myself how much further ahead of the pack I really am. I tend to forget sometimes
EDIT: To sum up my posts in very simple Engrish...This item shop has a couple pets on it which do not affect your game experience. If you do not like it, then don't support it. It does not enhance or take away from anyone's game experience by having/not having it. If the existence of an Item shop really is affecting you that badly, cancel your subscription please so I can enjoy the game that much more by not having you in it. Thank you.
Another EDIT: I wonder are these just Americans (yes I am one too) that are up in arms about this? Because it really shows with all the self entitlement and righteousness flying about in regards to a small item shop releasing virtual vanity items.
Says who? What law are you looking at? Is there something you have found deep inside the human mind? Damn you guys that wants your belifes to be something that the rest of us have to go with.
RMT does belong to the game that can embrace it. Deal with it our just turn your back. Easy as that.
Only a complete tool would indicate they actually WANT to spend more money for the sake of spending more money. That's what this is about - not content, gameplay, fun - money. Yes, we all know companies are in the game business to make money. However, saying we should go along with RMT systems when a subscription-based model is already in place is like saying you don't mind walking around the street with your wallet falling trailing on a string behind you. You're just asking to be robbed and taken advantage of.
Try again.
Nice of you to call me a tool just becuse we dont agree. I can only guess that your life outside the screen is rather hard when you have to name others just becuse you disagree with em...Way to handle yourself. And I cant find anything that points to your belief that you h a v e to spend money on the pets to enjoy the game.
And you have to read my whole post. Not only the red text. Read my last line..or wait. No need to it becuse I will quote myself with red so you dont have any chance to miss it. " Deal with it our just turn your back. Easy as that.". Dont like the RMT system? Dont take any part with it, dont support it.
And your example with the wallet...You must have a hard time outside the screen and I would like to see that you dont answer my post becues your answer wont do anything good.
Have a nice weekend
I7@4ghz, 5970@ 1 ghz/5ghz, water cooled||Former setups Byggblogg||Byggblogg 2|| Msi Wind u100
As long as this doesn't take away from the ingame loot, I don't care. I hope they don't start selling XP or ways to make your toon better with out playing the game. The cash shop has put a bad tast in my mouth, but not enough to stop playing...yet.
Wow, really? Why does any of this even cause such a big stink? I can only assume it's because people can't afford the items or something....
It WOULD be something if Blizz was sayin' we'll give you a level for every 10 bucks or Frostmourne for X dollars, but they're sayin' here's a cute lil pet that you can have if you want it, and if you don't, then don't get it...oh and if you get one of them we'll give some of your money to sick kids..
Frankly, I'm guna get both pets, and I'm guna proudly have them out and enjoy them immensely with no feeling of guilt or game breaking side effects, in fact I truly truly hope some of you too young to have a credit card poor and broke whiners send me tells about how dumb I am so I can giggle at your being so utterly destitute. (which is pretty rude of me...I know)
So..hasn't anyone else noticed the other things BLizz is doing for real money? Faction change, Race change, Server change..etc etc etc. All of these happen for real money but nobody is blowing their colon over them, the moment an ITEM gets offered in WoW that the uproarious uber l33ts can't get by grinding their lives away in game is DOOOM DOOM I TELLS YA!
Seriously, get over yourselves.
As for those of you saying this is just the begining they're guna offer more! are very likely correct, they will. The battlenet thing is a perfect place to be able to do such things. I would expect many cosmetic and vanity items to come and in fact encourage and anticipate them.
I will be upset if they start selling game impacting things, but I'm not guna even get remotely irate if all they offer is vanity and fun. I just hope they'll offer a mini ragnaros pet that shouts BY FIRE BE PURGED and lights squirrels on fire all the time....I'd stop raiding and just smote dream.
Long story short (Too late) get over it, if you can't afford it or dont' like it, don't get it. However I understand this is the internet and I am talking to the Forum browsing WoW crowd, which typically means nerd-raging single white teenage boys with acne and a bag of chips and a mini-fridge with mt.dew next to them at all times. So...meh, you may continue your nerd rage, I hath not the power to prevent...but if I did there'd be a big ol party.
Bingo, you win a prize. A majority of people complaining do not even play the game. A majority of those that are complaining that do play the game will not cancel their subscription. The small few who will cancel their subscription will be offset by the TON of money they make on the pet sales. If they want to charge for vanity stuff, whether it be a pet or a halloween mask or anything else, so be it. Hell, they charge you for a whole bunch of other stuff outside the subscription and they probably make a killing on that too because people buy it (if they didn't, they wouldn't continue to offer it).
One thing I will say, no matter what side of the issue you're on, I think it's absolutely reprehensible to harass those that do purchase these things in the game. Anyone who does should at least be suspended. Remember people, as with any microtransaction, no one forces you to buy anything. Don't attack those who do.
Are you or anyone else being forced to purchase those pets? They aren't called *vanity* pets for nothing. Vanity can be rather expensive...
Yes, vanity pets in WoW are crazy expensive. The pets that are rare loot or take time to grind at the Argent Tournament sell for a nice chunk of IN GAME GOLD. And don't forget the trading card game rares. The rares don't go for cheap and the only way to get them is buy a bunch of trading cards or go to eBay and pay hundreds of dollars.
are you people serious? complaining about something as simple as a vanity pet? seems to me like there are too many crybabies out there whining because they think everything should be free. i personally believe that if it was something at actually affected gameplay, I WOULD BE PISSED TOO. but c'mon. this no different than having to pay for a race change because you decided you wanted to be a BE instead of an Orc or some crap. all cosmetic. they aren't selling some epic or legendary items with infinity bonus damage for real word cash. when they start that, then start complaining. they have been charging for non-essential things for a long time. quit your whining or just spend your money elsewhere.
Nice long range mind reading skill you have there... I'm betting that the charity involved is VERY happy to have the money, in any event. Blizzard doesn't have to be any type of "saint" to help people like that. It also doesn't matter what their motivation is. The fact remains that the charity will receive money, that they otherwise wouldn't have.
Only a fool waits until a sheep has been eaten to cry wolf. You cry wolf when you see a wolf, when you smell a wolf, when you hear a wolf.
You need to drive off or kill that wolf BEFORE the sheep start disappearing. Wolves eat sheep. The first wolf you see might not yet be hungry, but it will get hungry eventually.
Ah yes... The "wonders" of preemptive attacks... We've seen how that works within the last 9 years now haven't we?... One must always be wary of those who would use *fear* of imaginary wolves for their own purposes...
I really do not see the issue here, Blizzard has been selling game cards that have codes on them that allows people to get items in game and some really cool things at that! So what is the difference? Instead they offer them for sell without all the hassle of buying the cards and hoping you get the code. There really is no difference. But because Blizzard did this...they are teh suck? Get real...they have had this for a long time now, whether you like it or not. It's just been disguised.
NOTE: I didn't read any of hte other repsonders post before commenting so if some one else all ready mentioned this I apologize. Also...I think BLizzard should giove a whole 100% of proceeds from the sells of the one pet to the Make A Wish Foundation. They are selling two pets. One gives them profit and the other goes to charity. That is cool with me.
Sorry, I did not read your post. What did it say?
It does not affect gameplay so who cares. Anyone whining about this needs to have their head examined.
Blizzard is no longer the gaming company it was. It is now only buisness.
If you want to see what true indy gaming companies are doing then try out games like Trine, torchlight and Hinterlands. Pure gaming experince - game made by gamers - for gamers. That was the BLizzard of old. Now you will have to look for it elsewhere.
I do not plan to buy any products from BLizzard again. Cause now I know its no longer about the games - Its all pure buisness.
My money will continue to support gaming. NOT buisness.
They didnt find anything ;(
If WoW = The Beatles
and WAR = Led Zeppelin
Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
Sorry, I did not read your post. What did it say?
Dude - there is like a bazillion post on this thread...OMG if I took the time to read all the responses I'd be in an old folks home cleaning my dentures!
I guess the babies care because they are no longer spoon-fed
I guess the babies care because they are no longer spoon-fed
Why not keep this discussion above IQ lvl of 10?
If you need to tell others they are asholes - babies or noobs. Then think what your post will say about yourself.
True, but from what I am seeing and personally feel, this is about RMT as a whole more or less. Most don't even seem to have a problem with what WOW is doing at present, they are voicing concern in regard to where they may take this.
The outrage is linked to RMT slowly moving into the P2P model. Which is a justifiable thing to object to IMO. At least a card game is still a game you play to win or lose. When you take that aspect away from your product is it even a game anymore? What gets me is in single player gaming, would you pay RL cash for a single weapon or $1 for a potion? Most wouldn't, why it's done in MMO's is beyond me.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I guess the babies care because they are no longer spoon-fed
Why not keep this discussion above IQ lvl of 10?
If you need to tell others they are asholes - babies or noobs. Then think what your post will say about yourself.
Fair enough, I did sink lower than I should there
It's not like this all started with pets. I mean, they have been charging for server transfers and then faction and race changes. This is all basically the same thing in my opinion. You don't have to pay for it if you don't want to. And it will hardly effect anyone else's game experience. But this is probably just the beginning, which is why so many are scared or irritated. It is the wrong direction for many players who probably believe that, if successful, will only get worse to where eventually they will be offering epic items and gold for sale. Time will tell.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
I think paying for new game services like thoose are ok (but still dont like it). No one expected theese thing to be included in the sub and it have neveer been. Pets and things like that have been included in the monthly sub for 5 years and now suddenly they are charging $10 for a stupid pet. Its nothing but a greedy money grab from one of the most loved gaming companies who many of us have grown up with. Box+expansions+monthly sub should cover things like this.
Also pets given from the TCG and Blizzcon are bonuses for a seperate product and is not nearly as bad as an actual store that sells in game items (even if they are only cosmetical).
If WoW = The Beatles
and WAR = Led Zeppelin
Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
Because MMOs are extremely competitive. Even if that is only competition for status - represented by vanity items like rare pets. Of course, the bought pets won't be rare, and frankly I would ridicule people who buy them.
I don't mock people with Blizzcon items or even items from the card game, because that money could have been spent on the specified purpose - attending the con, or playing the card game.
I bought the big expensive tabletop game with all the cool plastic miniatures - and the two expansions. No WoW premiums came with those, but I'd use them if they had, since I was buying the game anyway. IF they had been items that gave me any advantage in the game, I would not have used them.
Just to clarify my position - I also oppose Blizzard charging for account services. I have said this before, but I want to make it clear. Those services should either be no additional charge or not allowed at all. Don't give me that 'the charges are to prevent overuse', because it doesn't prevent the rich from using them as much as they like.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
But does it really matter if someone bought their super weapon or went killed some boss to get it? WoW is just a game, a bunch of pixels, what happens there is only fantasy, its not real life. Would it ruin my gameplay in all honesty ... no, not a jot.
I play online games the way I want to play them, I don't buy gold or in-game currency, I don't rush to maximum level, I just try and enjoy my time online. What someone else has or doesn't have, or how they achieved what they have, doesn't affect me in any way, my game is still the same. We can't always look around us and feel we have to have what others have, that erodes who we are.
I also agree with this article . The pets are a vanity item , & a poor one at that . Even the associated title that it will help you achieve is a vanity title .
Though many see this microtransaction as the thin edge of the wedge , I am optimistic enough to believe that Blizzard are not fools . They have a huge money making MMO at stake . If they were to introduce RMT items that gave a gameplay advantage , then the stampede away from WoW would be thunderous .
The one niggling doubt that I have is that adding RMT of gameplay advantageous items to a subscription game has been financially successful in the past . CCP introduced PLEX ( a RMT bought timecard that could be sold to other players for ingame money ) into EVEonline & the game is probably more popular now than it has ever been . In EVEonline , having the best ship & implants that money ( ISK ) can buy & not having to worry about the cost of replacing them is a big advantage .
My optimism has waned to wishful thinking as my niggling doubt grows .
Bragging is a big part of social interaction. In real life, and in an MMO. When you play an MMO, you do affect other players in at least a small way - unless you never group, never chat, and never use the AH.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2