cause wow never stole anything from lotr tolkien yep they didint *realy they didint*
Uhhhh- WoW came before LOTRO and saying that Blizzard ripped off Tolkien would call into question all high fantasy material printed after 1940, including Everything by TSR Publications, Robert Jordan, and George RR Martin to name a few.
Just to make things clear... I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
Originally posted by Astralglide Originally posted by byson123 cause wow never stole anything from lotr tolkien yep they didint *realy they didint*
Uhhhh- WoW came before LOTRO and saying that Blizzard ripped off Tolkien would call into question all high fantasy material printed after 1940, including Everything by TSR Publications, Robert Jordan, and George RR Martin to name a few.
And? Pretty much everything you named is some variant of an inferior Tolkien derivative. Robert Jordan is a total hack, I read some of his Conan stuff. I'm glad Robert Howard died before he got a chance to see his Conan bastardized in such a fashion.
As for GRRM, I tried reading his Song of Fire and Ice series and was bored to tears by the second chapter of the first book. I went right back to my holy trinity of awesomeness. (Tolkien/Howard/Lovecraft)
No, when the legion (guild) reaches rank 3, the leader can upload a picture as the legion's logo. the wow logo there is just something the leader uploaded from his pc.
that sir, i did not know, however, its ridiculous that its possible, for example you could also upload a swastika? LOL
the swastika has been around for almost 600 years it still occurs today in the modern day culture of India, sometimes as a geometrical motif and sometimes as a religious symbol; it remains widely used in Eastern and Dharmic religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
please learn simple game mechanics before bitching about some lame shit that doesnt even matter, i garruntee that symbol was used by that guild in many things other than wow and now AION, its probaly a game hopping guild that thinks they love MMORPGS but just cant find there home, when the next mmo comes out.. guess what they will be there . alot of big guilds are like this and bring there symbols with them
This thread is great. We have the "do some research and leave my Aion alone you meanie-head!" fanbots, some weird guy who came in and accused WoW of copying Tolkien, and a "greatest country in the world" debate with some U.S. hating. Oh, and throw in some swastika discussion.
please learn simple game mechanics before bitching about some lame shit that doesnt even matter, i garruntee that symbol was used by that guild in many things other than wow and now AION, its probaly a game hopping guild that thinks they love MMORPGS but just cant find there home, when the next mmo comes out.. guess what they will be there . alot of big guilds are like this and bring there symbols with them
That symbol originated in WoW. Not sure why anyone would's a cool symbol. If a guild wants to use it, so?
I'm also confused how someone can, on one hand, make use of the term 'Asian cash shop' as a disparaging term, yet flip out on others for not liking Aion only because it's an Asian game. Starting to wonder if a lot of people just get baked before they post here.
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.
as a fan of WoW lore i find it insulting to see the Lordaeron icon in a game like Aion tho'.
I don't want to see any WoW symbols in aions pathetic world.
then wow should stop ripping stuff off lotr then:P untill then you should just stfu
link or gtfo
another sad day for mankind go watch the lotr movies then come back or gtfo dumb dumb or no go read the books even but i doubt you have ever read a book tho
still waiting for that link.........
seriously? you never even seen the movies of lotr? XD man you are such a major failure its funny go google it even a idiot like you can do that your making such a fool of your self:D your a shame for the rest of the wow fanboys hahaha
still waiting.........
I suppose you wouldn't take the address of your local library as an answer?
i dont think even knows what a library is by the looks of it lol
We shouldn't be hard for him, they might not have libraries in USA. I've heard that they have adults that can't read.
Just what we need more eurotrash bashin on us just to bash on it.just keep in mind you rotten bad tooth moron that 90% of the games and more than likely your OS comes from US.Ofc 90% of you peasants just steal your OS and pretty much all your games and music and movies to begin with.
I dont see why you can't use the "Swastika" Hitler wasn't the first one to use that symbol. The Japanese have used it and many other cultures have as well.
Unfortunately, popular opinion isn't on a first come, first serve basis.. There are far more people who understand the swastika shaped symble as exactly what it is most common as. The nazi swastika.
as a fan of WoW lore i find it insulting to see the Lordaeron icon in a game like Aion tho'.
I don't want to see any WoW symbols in aions pathetic world.
then wow should stop ripping stuff off lotr then:P untill then you should just stfu
link or gtfo
another sad day for mankind go watch the lotr movies then come back or gtfo dumb dumb or no go read the books even but i doubt you have ever read a book tho
still waiting for that link.........
seriously? you never even seen the movies of lotr? XD man you are such a major failure its funny go google it even a idiot like you can do that your making such a fool of your self:D your a shame for the rest of the wow fanboys hahaha
still waiting.........
I suppose you wouldn't take the address of your local library as an answer?
i dont think even knows what a library is by the looks of it lol
We shouldn't be hard for him, they might not have libraries in USA. I've heard that they have adults that can't read.
Just what we need more eurotrash bashin on us just to bash on it.just keep in mind you rotten bad tooth moron that 90% of the games and more than likely your OS comes from US.Ofc 90% of you peasants just steal your OS and pretty much all your games and music and movies to begin with.
Canada here:
Why doesn't the US just move to the Moon and leave everyone else alone then?
Right...they haven't found any oil there yet.
If you didn't understand, it's clearly because there is a world outside of the internet, gaming and operating systems. You depend on exports from other countries, so your defense is pretty much null. As for the downloading, that's the pot calling the kettle black.
Also, please stop giving people stuff to bash you with, it's at a point where it's all too easy.
as a fan of WoW lore i find it insulting to see the Lordaeron icon in a game like Aion tho'.
Well clearly aion is good enough to garner players who are still fans of WoW lore despite the fact that they are playing aion. I'd be proud to know my lore was good enough to bring into other games.
as a fan of WoW lore i find it insulting to see the Lordaeron icon in a game like Aion tho'.
I don't want to see any WoW symbols in aions pathetic world.
then wow should stop ripping stuff off lotr then:P untill then you should just stfu
link or gtfo
another sad day for mankind go watch the lotr movies then come back or gtfo dumb dumb or no go read the books even but i doubt you have ever read a book tho
still waiting for that link.........
seriously? you never even seen the movies of lotr? XD man you are such a major failure its funny go google it even a idiot like you can do that your making such a fool of your self:D your a shame for the rest of the wow fanboys hahaha
still waiting.........
I suppose you wouldn't take the address of your local library as an answer?
i dont think even knows what a library is by the looks of it lol
We shouldn't be hard for him, they might not have libraries in USA. I've heard that they have adults that can't read.
Just what we need more eurotrash bashin on us just to bash on it.just keep in mind you rotten bad tooth moron that 90% of the games and more than likely your OS comes from US.Ofc 90% of you peasants just steal your OS and pretty much all your games and music and movies to begin with.
Canada here:
Why doesn't the US just move to the Moon and leave everyone else alone then?
Right...they haven't found any oil there yet.
If you didn't understand, it's clearly because there is a world outside of the internet, gaming and operating systems. You depend on exports from other countries, so your defense is pretty much null. As for the downloading, that's the pot calling the kettle black.
Also, please stop giving people stuff to bash you with, it's at a point where it's all too easy.
I can't even comprehend how this thread got so off topic.
Nothing new though, as far as I remember every thread about legion emblems and their freedom on fansites ended up like this (nazis, WW II, etc), it just happened that someone wanted a new reason to call Aion a "WoW clone" and failed, you should mourn the loss of the WoW player that copied the Lordaeron symbol (the origins for this symbol might even come from Warcraft lore...).
You ever think that maybe it was a player who made that? IDK just throwing that out. IDK if there is customizable cloaks and stuff. But if NC soft did rip it off then thats just funny.
@ Vladkov I dont see why you can't use the "Swastika" Hitler wasn't the first one to use that symbol. The Japanese have used it and many other cultures have as well.
not to beat a thread already beaten in to submission but... i dont know about the rest of the old time mmo/gamers but i find it damn funny when every mmo/ game that allows player created guild/group glifs on their toons ALWAYS bring up "what if i use X sign" as an attempt to bash said game or ingame option lolol
most games i have played that have allowed player created glifs ingame generally have some sort of monitoring device/staff so very rarely does offencive items get on the server.
BUT its still funny to watch people try to use it for argumenitive discussion lmao
oh and epic thread derail-ment.. if i had a jpeg or gif of a train wreck i would totally post it for epic LOLs!!!! hahah
You ever think that maybe it was a player who made that? IDK just throwing that out. IDK if there is customizable cloaks and stuff. But if NC soft did rip it off then thats just funny.
@ Vladkov I dont see why you can't use the "Swastika" Hitler wasn't the first one to use that symbol. The Japanese have used it and many other cultures have as well.
The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
yeh exactly ..Islamic Jihad , and crusade been worst killers . as always religions are around to control humanity and Religion is the best weapon created by man.
My thread here went so far off-topic that its non-measurable :P, first talking about the Lordaeron symbol, then about nazi swastika's, chrisianity and jihads. ah well xD
My thread here went so far off-topic that its non-measurable :P, first talking about the Lordaeron symbol, then about nazi swastika's, chrisianity and jihads. ah well xD
Perhaps. But I think it's important to note, and this is something we can all agree on, is that I slapped down a little bitch that dared to question me.
You ever think that maybe it was a player who made that? IDK just throwing that out. IDK if there is customizable cloaks and stuff. But if NC soft did rip it off then thats just funny.
@ Vladkov I dont see why you can't use the "Swastika" Hitler wasn't the first one to use that symbol. The Japanese have used it and many other cultures have as well.
The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
Because Nazism pilar is the hatred of Jews and the holocaust is the result of. Where as christianity speaks for peace and understanding. Seperate between what the ideology says and what people did in the name of the ideology. For Nazism they were the same, for christianity it hasnt been.
Besides, the inquisition was what, 7-800 years ago? The holocaust was 6-70 years ago.
Also, you have the cross in many countries flags and half the countries in the world has christianity as official religion. Good luck convincing them to remove it from their flag.
You ever think that maybe it was a player who made that? IDK just throwing that out. IDK if there is customizable cloaks and stuff. But if NC soft did rip it off then thats just funny.
@ Vladkov I dont see why you can't use the "Swastika" Hitler wasn't the first one to use that symbol. The Japanese have used it and many other cultures have as well.
The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
Because Nazism pilar is the hatred of Jews and the holocaust is the result of. Where as christianity speaks for peace and understanding. Seperate between what the ideology says and what people did in the name of the ideology. For Nazism they were the same, for christianity it hasnt been.
Besides, the inquisition was what, 7-800 years ago? The holocaust was 6-70 years ago.
Also, you have the cross in many countries flags and half the countries in the world has christianity as official religion. Good luck convincing them to remove it from their flag.
(I know, it's not the best source but it's the closest one now) there was more than just antisemitism. And for the record, I don't support any of their ideologies or practices. I'm mentioning them just as a point of comparison.
You can't separate the ideology and people who practise it.
And man can only hope we will someday evolve enough to let the religions fade away. They're afterall merely a way to control people.
You ever think that maybe it was a player who made that? IDK just throwing that out. IDK if there is customizable cloaks and stuff. But if NC soft did rip it off then thats just funny.
@ Vladkov I dont see why you can't use the "Swastika" Hitler wasn't the first one to use that symbol. The Japanese have used it and many other cultures have as well.
The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
Because Nazism pilar is the hatred of Jews and the holocaust is the result of. Where as christianity speaks for peace and understanding. Seperate between what the ideology says and what people did in the name of the ideology. For Nazism they were the same, for christianity it hasnt been.
Besides, the inquisition was what, 7-800 years ago? The holocaust was 6-70 years ago.
Also, you have the cross in many countries flags and half the countries in the world has christianity as official religion. Good luck convincing them to remove it from their flag.
(I know, it's not the best source but it's the closest one now) there was more than just antisemitism. And for the record, I don't support any of their ideologies or practices. I'm mentioning them just as a point of comparison.
You can't separate the ideology and people who practise it.
And man can only hope we will someday evolve enough to let the religions fade away. They're afterall merely a way to control people.
I dont know excactly which is more disturbing. The fact that you seem to try and excuse the Nazi ideologi by saying it is not only anti-semitic but other things as well (something that I have not denied, Nazism is also anti-communist) or the fact that you seem to think that everyone who practice christianity, or other religions, are genocidal maniacs.
Some people who practised christianity, over 600 years ago, commited genocide in the name of christianity. But now the absolute majority do not. I go to church and people in my congregation collect money to send to people who need it, we do not commit, or promote, acts of genocide and nor does the overwhelming majority of christians who are anti-violent.
You have some issues with christianity, or religion, but alot of people who practice religion has done alot of good in the world (such as charity) and it is those that are, now, in majority. Not the extremists who use religion for their own, violent, purposes. If you cant see the difference then I feel sorry for you because then you are no different than a bigot.
You ever think that maybe it was a player who made that? IDK just throwing that out. IDK if there is customizable cloaks and stuff. But if NC soft did rip it off then thats just funny.
@ Vladkov I dont see why you can't use the "Swastika" Hitler wasn't the first one to use that symbol. The Japanese have used it and many other cultures have as well.
The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
Because Nazism pilar is the hatred of Jews and the holocaust is the result of. Where as christianity speaks for peace and understanding. Seperate between what the ideology says and what people did in the name of the ideology. For Nazism they were the same, for christianity it hasnt been.
Besides, the inquisition was what, 7-800 years ago? The holocaust was 6-70 years ago.
Also, you have the cross in many countries flags and half the countries in the world has christianity as official religion. Good luck convincing them to remove it from their flag.
(I know, it's not the best source but it's the closest one now) there was more than just antisemitism. And for the record, I don't support any of their ideologies or practices. I'm mentioning them just as a point of comparison.
You can't separate the ideology and people who practise it.
And man can only hope we will someday evolve enough to let the religions fade away. They're afterall merely a way to control people.
I dont know excactly which is more disturbing. The fact that you seem to try and excuse the Nazi ideologi by saying it is not only anti-semitic but other things as well (something that I have not denied, Nazism is also anti-communist) or the fact that you seem to think that everyone who practice christianity, or other religions, are genocidal maniacs.
Some people who practised christianity, over 600 years ago, commited genocide in the name of christianity. But now the absolute majority do not. I go to church and people in my congregation collect money to send to people who need it, we do not commit, or promote, acts of genocide and nor does the overwhelming majority of christians who are anti-violent.
You have some issues with christianity, or religion, but alot of people who practice religion has done alot of good in the world (such as charity) and it is those that are, now, in majority. Not the extremists who use religion for their own, violent, purposes. If you cant see the difference then I feel sorry for you because then you are no different than a bigot.
lots of sheep around .. well human is savage and have to control them by a tool other than guns , its Religion. I've got your point and i know that doesnt means if people are practicing they are also killing for their faith , however religious blindness is a highly contagious and life threatening disease. So personally i have problem with religion and fairy tail stories that are dangerous in practice. So its completely normal for him to say and defend what he is thinking .
I'm not here to prove anything since most of the times Religious have to prove their imaginary friend.
Uhhhh- WoW came before LOTRO and saying that Blizzard ripped off Tolkien would call into question all high fantasy material printed after 1940, including Everything by TSR Publications, Robert Jordan, and George RR Martin to name a few.
A witty saying proves nothing.
As for which country is the "best" in the world, this depends on the criteria used. The US is certainly at the top of some rankings.
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
And? Pretty much everything you named is some variant of an inferior Tolkien derivative. Robert Jordan is a total hack, I read some of his Conan stuff. I'm glad Robert Howard died before he got a chance to see his Conan bastardized in such a fashion.
As for GRRM, I tried reading his Song of Fire and Ice series and was bored to tears by the second chapter of the first book. I went right back to my holy trinity of awesomeness. (Tolkien/Howard/Lovecraft)
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that sir, i did not know, however, its ridiculous that its possible, for example you could also upload a swastika? LOL
the swastika has been around for almost 600 years it still occurs today in the modern day culture of India, sometimes as a geometrical motif and sometimes as a religious symbol; it remains widely used in Eastern and Dharmic religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
Open your mind child
Their is much hatred in this thread and continuing it will lead to the dark side.......
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
i seriously didn't know people were able to upload their own pic. -.-'
You are a great example of how smart the WOW community really is, please keep giving a people a reason to leave your Asian Cash Shop game.
These threads are funny though )
GW2 the future of MMO gaming
please learn simple game mechanics before bitching about some lame shit that doesnt even matter, i garruntee that symbol was used by that guild in many things other than wow and now AION, its probaly a game hopping guild that thinks they love MMORPGS but just cant find there home, when the next mmo comes out.. guess what they will be there . alot of big guilds are like this and bring there symbols with them
This thread is great. We have the "do some research and leave my Aion alone you meanie-head!" fanbots, some weird guy who came in and accused WoW of copying Tolkien, and a "greatest country in the world" debate with some U.S. hating. Oh, and throw in some swastika discussion.
That symbol originated in WoW. Not sure why anyone would's a cool symbol. If a guild wants to use it, so?
I'm also confused how someone can, on one hand, make use of the term 'Asian cash shop' as a disparaging term, yet flip out on others for not liking Aion only because it's an Asian game. Starting to wonder if a lot of people just get baked before they post here.
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.
I don't want to see any WoW symbols in aions pathetic world.
then wow should stop ripping stuff off lotr then:P untill then you should just stfu
link or gtfo
another sad day for mankind go watch the lotr movies then come back or gtfo dumb dumb or no go read the books even but i doubt you have ever read a book tho
still waiting for that link.........
seriously? you never even seen the movies of lotr? XD man you are such a major failure its funny go google it even a idiot like you can do that your making such a fool of your self:D your a shame for the rest of the wow fanboys hahaha
still waiting.........
I suppose you wouldn't take the address of your local library as an answer?
i dont think even knows what a library is by the looks of it lol
We shouldn't be hard for him, they might not have libraries in USA. I've heard that they have adults that can't read.
Just what we need more eurotrash bashin on us just to bash on it.just keep in mind you rotten bad tooth moron that 90% of the games and more than likely your OS comes from US.Ofc 90% of you peasants just steal your OS and pretty much all your games and music and movies to begin with.
Unfortunately, popular opinion isn't on a first come, first serve basis.. There are far more people who understand the swastika shaped symble as exactly what it is most common as. The nazi swastika.
I don't want to see any WoW symbols in aions pathetic world.
then wow should stop ripping stuff off lotr then:P untill then you should just stfu
link or gtfo
another sad day for mankind go watch the lotr movies then come back or gtfo dumb dumb or no go read the books even but i doubt you have ever read a book tho
still waiting for that link.........
seriously? you never even seen the movies of lotr? XD man you are such a major failure its funny go google it even a idiot like you can do that your making such a fool of your self:D your a shame for the rest of the wow fanboys hahaha
still waiting.........
I suppose you wouldn't take the address of your local library as an answer?
i dont think even knows what a library is by the looks of it lol
We shouldn't be hard for him, they might not have libraries in USA. I've heard that they have adults that can't read.
Just what we need more eurotrash bashin on us just to bash on it.just keep in mind you rotten bad tooth moron that 90% of the games and more than likely your OS comes from US.Ofc 90% of you peasants just steal your OS and pretty much all your games and music and movies to begin with.
Canada here:
Why doesn't the US just move to the Moon and leave everyone else alone then?
Right...they haven't found any oil there yet.
If you didn't understand, it's clearly because there is a world outside of the internet, gaming and operating systems. You depend on exports from other countries, so your defense is pretty much null. As for the downloading, that's the pot calling the kettle black.
Also, please stop giving people stuff to bash you with, it's at a point where it's all too easy.
Well clearly aion is good enough to garner players who are still fans of WoW lore despite the fact that they are playing aion. I'd be proud to know my lore was good enough to bring into other games.
I don't want to see any WoW symbols in aions pathetic world.
then wow should stop ripping stuff off lotr then:P untill then you should just stfu
link or gtfo
another sad day for mankind go watch the lotr movies then come back or gtfo dumb dumb or no go read the books even but i doubt you have ever read a book tho
still waiting for that link.........
seriously? you never even seen the movies of lotr? XD man you are such a major failure its funny go google it even a idiot like you can do that your making such a fool of your self:D your a shame for the rest of the wow fanboys hahaha
still waiting.........
I suppose you wouldn't take the address of your local library as an answer?
i dont think even knows what a library is by the looks of it lol
We shouldn't be hard for him, they might not have libraries in USA. I've heard that they have adults that can't read.
Just what we need more eurotrash bashin on us just to bash on it.just keep in mind you rotten bad tooth moron that 90% of the games and more than likely your OS comes from US.Ofc 90% of you peasants just steal your OS and pretty much all your games and music and movies to begin with.
Canada here:
Why doesn't the US just move to the Moon and leave everyone else alone then?
Right...they haven't found any oil there yet.
If you didn't understand, it's clearly because there is a world outside of the internet, gaming and operating systems. You depend on exports from other countries, so your defense is pretty much null. As for the downloading, that's the pot calling the kettle black.
Also, please stop giving people stuff to bash you with, it's at a point where it's all too easy.
I can't even comprehend how this thread got so off topic.
Wow now that's some pyramid.
Nothing new though, as far as I remember every thread about legion emblems and their freedom on fansites ended up like this (nazis, WW II, etc), it just happened that someone wanted a new reason to call Aion a "WoW clone" and failed, you should mourn the loss of the WoW player that copied the Lordaeron symbol (the origins for this symbol might even come from Warcraft lore...).
Sri Lanken Buddhism was the first to pioneer it.
not to beat a thread already beaten in to submission but... i dont know about the rest of the old time mmo/gamers but i find it damn funny when every mmo/ game that allows player created guild/group glifs on their toons ALWAYS bring up "what if i use X sign" as an attempt to bash said game or ingame option lolol
most games i have played that have allowed player created glifs ingame generally have some sort of monitoring device/staff so very rarely does offencive items get on the server.
BUT its still funny to watch people try to use it for argumenitive discussion lmao
oh and epic thread derail-ment.. if i had a jpeg or gif of a train wreck i would totally post it for epic LOLs!!!! hahah
The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
yeh exactly ..Islamic Jihad , and crusade been worst killers . as always religions are around to control humanity and Religion is the best weapon created by man.
My thread here went so far off-topic that its non-measurable :P, first talking about the Lordaeron symbol, then about nazi swastika's, chrisianity and jihads. ah well xD
Perhaps. But I think it's important to note, and this is something we can all agree on, is that I slapped down a little bitch that dared to question me.
Win freaking win, baby!
Cyborg99 made the mistake of responding to a troll and it rolled downhill from there.
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
Because Nazism pilar is the hatred of Jews and the holocaust is the result of. Where as christianity speaks for peace and understanding. Seperate between what the ideology says and what people did in the name of the ideology. For Nazism they were the same, for christianity it hasnt been.
Besides, the inquisition was what, 7-800 years ago? The holocaust was 6-70 years ago.
Also, you have the cross in many countries flags and half the countries in the world has christianity as official religion. Good luck convincing them to remove it from their flag.
My gaming blog
The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
Because Nazism pilar is the hatred of Jews and the holocaust is the result of. Where as christianity speaks for peace and understanding. Seperate between what the ideology says and what people did in the name of the ideology. For Nazism they were the same, for christianity it hasnt been.
Besides, the inquisition was what, 7-800 years ago? The holocaust was 6-70 years ago.
Also, you have the cross in many countries flags and half the countries in the world has christianity as official religion. Good luck convincing them to remove it from their flag.
Too much simplifying.
According to Wiki(I know, it's not the best source but it's the closest one now) there was more than just antisemitism. And for the record, I don't support any of their ideologies or practices. I'm mentioning them just as a point of comparison.
You can't separate the ideology and people who practise it.
And man can only hope we will someday evolve enough to let the religions fade away. They're afterall merely a way to control people.
The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
Because Nazism pilar is the hatred of Jews and the holocaust is the result of. Where as christianity speaks for peace and understanding. Seperate between what the ideology says and what people did in the name of the ideology. For Nazism they were the same, for christianity it hasnt been.
Besides, the inquisition was what, 7-800 years ago? The holocaust was 6-70 years ago.
Also, you have the cross in many countries flags and half the countries in the world has christianity as official religion. Good luck convincing them to remove it from their flag.
Too much simplifying.
According to Wiki(I know, it's not the best source but it's the closest one now) there was more than just antisemitism. And for the record, I don't support any of their ideologies or practices. I'm mentioning them just as a point of comparison.
You can't separate the ideology and people who practise it.
And man can only hope we will someday evolve enough to let the religions fade away. They're afterall merely a way to control people.
I dont know excactly which is more disturbing. The fact that you seem to try and excuse the Nazi ideologi by saying it is not only anti-semitic but other things as well (something that I have not denied, Nazism is also anti-communist) or the fact that you seem to think that everyone who practice christianity, or other religions, are genocidal maniacs.
Some people who practised christianity, over 600 years ago, commited genocide in the name of christianity. But now the absolute majority do not. I go to church and people in my congregation collect money to send to people who need it, we do not commit, or promote, acts of genocide and nor does the overwhelming majority of christians who are anti-violent.
You have some issues with christianity, or religion, but alot of people who practice religion has done alot of good in the world (such as charity) and it is those that are, now, in majority. Not the extremists who use religion for their own, violent, purposes. If you cant see the difference then I feel sorry for you because then you are no different than a bigot.
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The Swastika used by Hitler is not the same as the symbol used by a few other countries. And you're thinking China not Japan.
So no, Hitler's Swastika should never be allowed in a game.
Christianity has killed more people worldwide than nazis were able to kill.
And yet their symbol is allowed to show in public.
Because Nazism pilar is the hatred of Jews and the holocaust is the result of. Where as christianity speaks for peace and understanding. Seperate between what the ideology says and what people did in the name of the ideology. For Nazism they were the same, for christianity it hasnt been.
Besides, the inquisition was what, 7-800 years ago? The holocaust was 6-70 years ago.
Also, you have the cross in many countries flags and half the countries in the world has christianity as official religion. Good luck convincing them to remove it from their flag.
Too much simplifying.
According to Wiki(I know, it's not the best source but it's the closest one now) there was more than just antisemitism. And for the record, I don't support any of their ideologies or practices. I'm mentioning them just as a point of comparison.
You can't separate the ideology and people who practise it.
And man can only hope we will someday evolve enough to let the religions fade away. They're afterall merely a way to control people.
I dont know excactly which is more disturbing. The fact that you seem to try and excuse the Nazi ideologi by saying it is not only anti-semitic but other things as well (something that I have not denied, Nazism is also anti-communist) or the fact that you seem to think that everyone who practice christianity, or other religions, are genocidal maniacs.
Some people who practised christianity, over 600 years ago, commited genocide in the name of christianity. But now the absolute majority do not. I go to church and people in my congregation collect money to send to people who need it, we do not commit, or promote, acts of genocide and nor does the overwhelming majority of christians who are anti-violent.
You have some issues with christianity, or religion, but alot of people who practice religion has done alot of good in the world (such as charity) and it is those that are, now, in majority. Not the extremists who use religion for their own, violent, purposes. If you cant see the difference then I feel sorry for you because then you are no different than a bigot.
lots of sheep around .. well human is savage and have to control them by a tool other than guns , its Religion. I've got your point and i know that doesnt means if people are practicing they are also killing for their faith , however religious blindness is a highly contagious and life threatening disease. So personally i have problem with religion and fairy tail stories that are dangerous in practice. So its completely normal for him to say and defend what he is thinking .
I'm not here to prove anything since most of the times Religious have to prove their imaginary friend.