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I need to know which server is merely more active? I know all servers all are but which ones has more population, then? (no pvp or rp servers please) -- I rarely ever see very many people in lowbie areas. Yes, I know most people rushed through content to 80. I just wanted to know which server is more beneficial for me to create a character on.
I checked the wow census all the time and it's not updated very often, so which servers have you seen that has been mentioned frequently? Thanks
Btw, I have a couple of toons on Fenris for 2+ years and I feel like starting over. With more interesting, intelligent, friendly & helpful people. No offense to those on Fenris. Most percentage of the time, we don't get help when we need it.
It'd be more fun if everyone's there for eachother, no?
"More active"? Then just head for the high population servers at your playtime, or search for a guild that's about having fun on all levels instead of joining that scheduled gear grinding (imo) called raiding, though you will have the option to choose that later on after you have the fun you are seeking in early levels.
I played on Warsong and Altar of Storms, both of which are PvP servers, so can't really help you on giving specific server or guild names.
The problem is every time I check realm list - it's mostly full/medium so it's kinda of hard to choose from that. :P I personally want to know WHICH one of THOSE servers are good for me. Most people just pick one based on a "cool" name in their eyes or follow wherever their friends are on. Most of my friends left, so it's kinda of hard atm.. lol.
I've been playing off-and-on for...about 4 years now, on a variety of different server types. It really depends on what you're looking to do. But regardless, the only servers that I've been on in the past year or so that aren't overrun with douchebags, are the RP/RP-PVP servers. I'm sorta partial to Emerald Dream myself, which is an rp-pvp one...which is doubly what you said you didn't want.
IIRC, Bloodhoof was decent, and so was Aerie Peak
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.
I was going to recommend Echo Isles, but then I saw you say, "friendly, intelligent, interesting, and helpful people". Well, one night looking at Trade Chat will show you why I won't recommend it. I manage to survive because I ended up in a good guild.
Eh, I guess I didn't really contribute anything except don't try Echo Isles... or, if you do, either A) Roll Horde or leave Trade every time you go to a major city.
Well, thanks.
I was advised not to go on RP server due to the fact I don't roleplay -
Pvp 24/7 on all territories on Malganis wasn't so much fun, imo lol. Made me feel helpless and I never really level up to the point I could take care of myself from the gankers
So yeah, normal servers are best for me.
I'm not so sure about the recommended servers - Sorta of skeptical on the "gtfo you suck" concept on the newly 80's players.. heh.
Oh I know it's mostly like that on every server - Im not new to the game. I just want to be able to enjoy myself this time. I can handle those wankers in trade chat; that's not the problem. The major thing about seeking out a better server is TO BE ABLE to meet new people, be in a good guild, and to finally raid. The past 2 years; I have a total of 4 80's and Im still not in epic gear nor finished anything that most guys did in a matter of uh, what.. 10 days? Geesh. Im not saying I want to rush through content otherwise I would have. Can't I just really enjoy the game, form new friendships, and not having to solo through most content again? :P My friends got burnt out with WoW and left, so I'm the only one left on Fenris and it got awfully boring.
World of Warcraft's population, or any MMO population always consists of a mix of useful and non useful community members. No server is going to be better except a RP server where the population and chat regulations generally cut down the ass hats.
True, but I don't roleplay. It defeats the purpose of joining a RP one.
really hard to say what server to join since there are so many and most of packed. PVE and RPPVE servers tend to have the mature populations while pvp tend to lean the other way.
Guess I'll pick Alexstrasza. :P
If you want 'Mature' and 'Intelligent' stay away from Alleria.
You can actually feel your IQ drop the second you hit 'Enter'
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
lol okay, thanks for the tip.
I rerolled on Echo Isles. /shrug
I would go ahead and roll on a RP server. I played on a RP server for over a year and never RP'd once, so go for it. Contrary to the name, no one really RPs on them. There will still be alot of idiotcy on them, but is a little less in my experience.