"How old school of an online RPer are you?" probably would have gotten less people upset than the question posed. NOT that I feel they are justified in being upset... just saying.
I kinda think they were, because RP doesn't mean game.
There were kids RPing people on myspace a few years ago.... so I guess that's a game? There are people who RP on Twitter and facebook now........... that's a game too?
I post on these forums, it's a pretty fun game.
Like I said, MUDs have been around since '85 and those were games. I have a professor who wrote and ran a MUD, 89-90 that had 2000 players at one time. MUDs are a game. Talking to people in a chat room isn't.
Hate to tell you, but back then those "chat rooms" WERE games, and were in fact better and more detailed "virtual worlds" than any graphical game has ever had.
So you could move around?
Could you move around in text only MUDS? Yes. Difference between our games and the text MUD was we had to type out what we did instead of clicking "WEST", " NORTH", "LOOK", etc. text boxes.
There were fight mechanics?
Ever hear of die rolls? You know, same mechanic emulated by every online MUD and most early graphical mmos, not to mention many modern ones?
So, basically you were playing DnD Remotely if you were even playing a P&P RPG at all... which really has nothing to do with being "online" and you could accomplish the same thing over a Phone Party Line? (which have been around since before phone numbers and operators )
What do you think you were doing with a MUD? You were playing DnD ( or other franchise ) remotely. And you were doing it *gasp* ONLINE, the same as we were our games.
So unless you now want to say text only MUDS were not games, I think the discussion has been ended.
Don't worry about it Zorvan I doubt many know what a "grue" is either. They'll have to look it up. LOL!
Wierd, i started playing online games with gs3 in 1992, and even though were about the same age, Ive never heard of the words "mun" or "grue" either.
"How old school of an online RPer are you?" probably would have gotten less people upset than the question posed. NOT that I feel they are justified in being upset... just saying.
I kinda think they were, because RP doesn't mean game.
There were kids RPing people on myspace a few years ago.... so I guess that's a game? There are people who RP on Twitter and facebook now........... that's a game too?
I post on these forums, it's a pretty fun game.
Like I said, MUDs have been around since '85 and those were games. I have a professor who wrote and ran a MUD, 89-90 that had 2000 players at one time. MUDs are a game. Talking to people in a chat room isn't.
Hate to tell you, but back then those "chat rooms" WERE games, and were in fact better and more detailed "virtual worlds" than any graphical game has ever had.
So you could move around?
Could you move around in text only MUDS? Yes. Difference between our games and the text MUD was we had to type out what we did instead of clicking "WEST", " NORTH", "LOOK", etc. text boxes.
There were fight mechanics?
Ever hear of die rolls? You know, same mechanic emulated by every online MUD and most early graphical mmos, not to mention many modern ones?
So, basically you were playing DnD Remotely if you were even playing a P&P RPG at all... which really has nothing to do with being "online" and you could accomplish the same thing over a Phone Party Line? (which have been around since before phone numbers and operators )
What do you think you were doing with a MUD? You were playing DnD ( or other franchise ) remotely. And you were doing it *gasp* ONLINE, the same as we were our games.
So unless you now want to say text only MUDS were not games, I think the discussion has been ended.
Don't worry about it Zorvan I doubt many know what a "grue" is either. They'll have to look it up. LOL!
Wierd, i started playing online games with gs3 in 1992, and even though were about the same age, Ive never heard of the words "mun" or "grue" either.
Well, missing "MUN" would be fairly easy if you didn't RP or play with RPer's much. But not knowing "grue" means you never ever played Zork!, and that's sacrilege!!
You know this was suppose to be a fun thread. That was it's intent. But no, some of you have some serious issues because you think people just make crap up and toss it out there. I wouldn't have started this thread if I thought so many of you are so full of hate you just can't stand it that someone tries to do something fun for a change. It was a little piece of gaming trivia. Oh and just like the word grue, some of you have never heard of...it is just as real as the word mun and just because you never heard it doesn't mean it is not a real word or wasn't used. Look it up. And next time don't be so quick and judgemental, because sometimes you might actually learn something.
You know this was suppose to be a fun thread. That was it's intent. But no, some of you have some serious issues because you think people just make crap up and toss it out there. I wouldn't have started this thread if I thought so many of you are so full of hate you just can't stand it that someone tries to do something fun for a change. It was a little piece of gaming trivia. Oh and just like the word grue, some of you have never heard of...it is just as real as the word mun and just because you never heard it doesn't mean it is not a real word or wasn't used. Look it up. And next time don't be so quick and judgemental, because sometimes you might actually learn something.
You know this was suppose to be a fun thread. That was it's intent. But no, some of you have some serious issues because you think people just make crap up and toss it out there. I wouldn't have started this thread if I thought so many of you are so full of hate you just can't stand it that someone tries to do something fun for a change. It was a little piece of gaming trivia. Oh and just like the word grue, some of you have never heard of...it is just as real as the word mun and just because you never heard it doesn't mean it is not a real word or wasn't used. Look it up. And next time don't be so quick and judgemental, because sometimes you might actually learn something.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but.. This is mmorpg.com. What did you expect?
I've had a good read though. I feel that im somewhat too young for some of those games everyone is reffering to, i haven't played Zork as an example.. And i've never heard the term "grue" before though Mundane i've had! Which surprises me.. But i guess hanging around Nwn did it for me.
Kudos for starting this one, but it would have been better if you knew that the people here usually flame for no particular reason and wave around their EP's (Funny how experience points became E-peen over the years huh?) I won't say that i'm a "old-school" player. There is no such thing.. People just started their gaming at different stages in their life, and i see no honor in being a Pen & papter dungeons and dragons player for years, yet that's who i am and i won't flame people who haven't tried out the little older games. Heck.. Generation changes sadly, but people can't stay stuck in the past.. No wonder the games are so awful nowadays Enough ranting from my side though. This post probably makes little to no sense. But i wont edit nor fix it.
The speed of the mole and the power of steel is my weapon
Played a lot muds tried meridian 59 but didn't like it same with EQ when it came out. UO was ok. Used to love the old BBS Door games. Played Star Trek on a mainframe in '75. Never heard on Mun. Learn something new every day. I bet there are a thousand words we used in our little online communities that have either morphed out of all recognition or aren't used any more. Computers used to be clusters of geeks interacting in limited ways back in the day. Remember war dialing? Thousands of crazy people trying to reach out to each other with Vic 20's. God we used to annoy people with that.
I used to be into phone phreaking, myself. I loved never paying for calls from payphones.
Heh , I was playing MuDs on my commodore 64 thru Quantum Link in 1982....This was the 1st multi user online experience , and was a helluva lotta fun....
Been a really long and fun road all these years and have made lotsa of great friends and many awesome experiences in so many worlds..:)
I remember back when you had to pedal a bicycle hooked up to charge a battery to power our video games. You played them projected onto the side of of your cow by a turtle with a light bulb stuck in his butt. Our favorite game was called "Stick Man". Everyone spent hours trying to construct an image that resembled a man from 6 pieces of video. We taught a local tribe of Native Americans known as the" Noob Arapahoe" how to play. But all they ever wanted to do was meet Chuck Norris. And gamble.
I remember back when you had to pedal a bicycle hooked up to charge a battery to power our video games. You played them projected onto the side of of your cow by a turtle with a light bulb stuck in his butt. Our favorite game was called "Stick Man". Everyone spent hours trying to construct an image that resembled a man from 6 pieces of video. We taught a local tribe of Native Americans known as the" Noob Arapahoe" how to play. But all they ever wanted to do was meet Chuck Norris. And gamble.
Luxury, we used ta' dream of day when we could afford a turtle with a bulb stuck up his ass. We had ta' make do with forcefeeding the brontosaurus copius amounts of laxatives and then get a team of men to stand behind him with flint to light his farts.
----- The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
Sorry, you're wrong, the term mun may not be used anymore but it was frequently used back in the early days of online role playing.
I've been playing online since LORD hit the BBS scene in 1989, and have never heard of the word either.
Same, PnP/BBS doors (ooooh CircleMUD on a 2-node system was my first MUD experience... it blew my mind) since 85-ish, MUDs like a fiend since about 92, gui MMOs since they were around. Never heard the word Mun, and it sounds like something generated by the Harry Potter generation. Why not just call them "muggles?" *roll*
Nobody outside whatever strange, small circle suggested it calls anybody "Muns..." And urban dictionary is about the last reliable source I'd go to for a consensus definition.
Now as for good early Doors: I did like LORD but it got bizarro as it grew (you can find many Legend of the GREEN dragon servers online now - clone of LORD)... Operation Overkill and OO2 were incredibly good, and Usurper was in my opinion a far superior re-stitching of LORD's basic underlying mechanics.
TW2002 was and still remains epic. Now almost all the old database apps are available for free, and TW is available via telnet ... Is there even still a concept (or purpose for) of a dial-up BBS? I can't remember when the last time was that I even had a phone modem, heck we don't even have a phone line at the house.
How dare you present him with logic! Don't you understand? He fights epic fights, in epic games, with epic toons....eats epic food and takes epic dumps! He has more e..pic..icity...ness in his little finger than you have in your whole unepic body! - ChicagoCub
I'm going to have to plead ignorance on the mun thing but since there are some old school peeps in this thread I've got a question. I know that MUD stood for Multi User Dungeon and MUSH was Multi User Shared Hallucination but what the heck did MOO stand for?
I'm from the old days of gaming when Doom was slowly starting to introduce death matches or when I would play with 8 buddies on Syndicate Wars and RP with them via a large BBS organization in Montreal.
I think my first true MMO was when Mankind Beta started back in early 1998.
I don't remember using the term MUN though... I always used PO
I'm going to have to plead ignorance on the mun thing but since there are some old school peeps in this thread I've got a question. I know that MUD stood for Multi User Dungeon and MUSH was Multi User Shared Hallucination but what the heck did MOO stand for?
MOO = Mud + Object Oriented and was a programming data base language that allowed other users of the MUD to use virtual creted objects.
I've been playing MMO's since Fates of Twinion on the Sierra Network, NWN on AOL, Dark Sun Online on TEN, UO, AC, DAOC, SWG, and a swath of the "next gen" games that have all pretty much sucked. Also played and admined on MUDs between the time after NWN was cancelled and Dark Sun and UO were released.
I have never heard the term Mun used in any of them.
"If MMORPG players were around when God said, "Let their be light" they'd have called the light gay, and plunged the universe back into darkness by squatting their nutsacks over it." -Luke McKinney, The 7 Biggest Dick Moves in the History of Online Gaming
"In the end, SWG may have been more potential and promise than fulfilled expectation. But I'd rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity." -Raph Koster
first game i ever played over any kind of internet connection? direct modem-to-modem Warcraft 2 and Duke Nukem 3d
first game meant to be truly played online? i remember playing Runescape when the patch that introduced Runite and the dragon quest was implemented and there was no 99 smithers , i think the highest at that point was high 80s
being only 18 my first MMO was Diablo2 which i can never recall seeing MUN used lol so no idea that being about 9 years ago now xD
Diablo 2 is NOT an mmo........... there is no MASSIVE multiplayer in Diablo 2...........people who call Diablo 2 an mmo also think anything with more than 2 players is an mmo.........
being only 18 my first MMO was Diablo2 which i can never recall seeing MUN used lol so no idea that being about 9 years ago now xD
Diablo 2 is NOT an mmo........... there is no MASSIVE multiplayer in Diablo 2...........people who call Diablo 2 an mmo also think anything with more than 2 players is an mmo.........
You are correct - D2 was not an MMO - but it was still a helluva great game.
I kinda think they were, because RP doesn't mean game.
There were kids RPing people on myspace a few years ago.... so I guess that's a game? There are people who RP on Twitter and facebook now........... that's a game too?
I post on these forums, it's a pretty fun game.
Like I said, MUDs have been around since '85 and those were games. I have a professor who wrote and ran a MUD, 89-90 that had 2000 players at one time. MUDs are a game. Talking to people in a chat room isn't.
Hate to tell you, but back then those "chat rooms" WERE games, and were in fact better and more detailed "virtual worlds" than any graphical game has ever had.
So you could move around?
Could you move around in text only MUDS? Yes. Difference between our games and the text MUD was we had to type out what we did instead of clicking "WEST", " NORTH", "LOOK", etc. text boxes.
There were fight mechanics?
Ever hear of die rolls? You know, same mechanic emulated by every online MUD and most early graphical mmos, not to mention many modern ones?
So, basically you were playing DnD Remotely if you were even playing a P&P RPG at all... which really has nothing to do with being "online" and you could accomplish the same thing over a Phone Party Line? (which have been around since before phone numbers and operators )
What do you think you were doing with a MUD? You were playing DnD ( or other franchise ) remotely. And you were doing it *gasp* ONLINE, the same as we were our games.
So unless you now want to say text only MUDS were not games, I think the discussion has been ended.
Don't worry about it Zorvan I doubt many know what a "grue" is either. They'll have to look it up. LOL!
Wierd, i started playing online games with gs3 in 1992, and even though were about the same age, Ive never heard of the words "mun" or "grue" either.
I kinda think they were, because RP doesn't mean game.
There were kids RPing people on myspace a few years ago.... so I guess that's a game? There are people who RP on Twitter and facebook now........... that's a game too?
I post on these forums, it's a pretty fun game.
Like I said, MUDs have been around since '85 and those were games. I have a professor who wrote and ran a MUD, 89-90 that had 2000 players at one time. MUDs are a game. Talking to people in a chat room isn't.
Hate to tell you, but back then those "chat rooms" WERE games, and were in fact better and more detailed "virtual worlds" than any graphical game has ever had.
So you could move around?
Could you move around in text only MUDS? Yes. Difference between our games and the text MUD was we had to type out what we did instead of clicking "WEST", " NORTH", "LOOK", etc. text boxes.
There were fight mechanics?
Ever hear of die rolls? You know, same mechanic emulated by every online MUD and most early graphical mmos, not to mention many modern ones?
So, basically you were playing DnD Remotely if you were even playing a P&P RPG at all... which really has nothing to do with being "online" and you could accomplish the same thing over a Phone Party Line? (which have been around since before phone numbers and operators )
What do you think you were doing with a MUD? You were playing DnD ( or other franchise ) remotely. And you were doing it *gasp* ONLINE, the same as we were our games.
So unless you now want to say text only MUDS were not games, I think the discussion has been ended.
Don't worry about it Zorvan I doubt many know what a "grue" is either. They'll have to look it up. LOL!
Wierd, i started playing online games with gs3 in 1992, and even though were about the same age, Ive never heard of the words "mun" or "grue" either.
Well, missing "MUN" would be fairly easy if you didn't RP or play with RPer's much. But not knowing "grue" means you never ever played Zork!, and that's sacrilege!!
GS3 used to be heavily RP enforced. You either RP'd or the GMs removed you from the game. Still, I cant say Ive ever heard anyone use the word mun.
Well, it's still used everyday in certain parts of the world.
"'Ey, mun! Come to Jamaica, mun!"
I have no idea what Mun stands for, and a google search made me none the wiser...
You know this was suppose to be a fun thread. That was it's intent. But no, some of you have some serious issues because you think people just make crap up and toss it out there. I wouldn't have started this thread if I thought so many of you are so full of hate you just can't stand it that someone tries to do something fun for a change. It was a little piece of gaming trivia. Oh and just like the word grue, some of you have never heard of...it is just as real as the word mun and just because you never heard it doesn't mean it is not a real word or wasn't used. Look it up. And next time don't be so quick and judgemental, because sometimes you might actually learn something.
I still lubs j00.
I played O's and X's from one school to another in 1983/4
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but.. This is mmorpg.com. What did you expect?
I've had a good read though. I feel that im somewhat too young for some of those games everyone is reffering to, i haven't played Zork as an example.. And i've never heard the term "grue" before though Mundane i've had! Which surprises me.. But i guess hanging around Nwn did it for me.
Kudos for starting this one, but it would have been better if you knew that the people here usually flame for no particular reason and wave around their EP's (Funny how experience points became E-peen over the years huh?) I won't say that i'm a "old-school" player. There is no such thing.. People just started their gaming at different stages in their life, and i see no honor in being a Pen & papter dungeons and dragons player for years, yet that's who i am and i won't flame people who haven't tried out the little older games. Heck.. Generation changes sadly, but people can't stay stuck in the past.. No wonder the games are so awful nowadays Enough ranting from my side though. This post probably makes little to no sense. But i wont edit nor fix it.
The speed of the mole and the power of steel is my weapon
I used to be into phone phreaking, myself. I loved never paying for calls from payphones.
Heh , I was playing MuDs on my commodore 64 thru Quantum Link in 1982....This was the 1st multi user online experience , and was a helluva lotta fun....
Been a really long and fun road all these years and have made lotsa of great friends and many awesome experiences in so many worlds..:)
Played UO, AC and EQ at launch never heard Mun. In UO we had avatars, EQ and AC called them toons.
I've been playing online since LORD hit the BBS scene in 1989, and have never heard of the word either.
I remember back when you had to pedal a bicycle hooked up to charge a battery to power our video games. You played them projected onto the side of of your cow by a turtle with a light bulb stuck in his butt. Our favorite game was called "Stick Man". Everyone spent hours trying to construct an image that resembled a man from 6 pieces of video. We taught a local tribe of Native Americans known as the" Noob Arapahoe" how to play. But all they ever wanted to do was meet Chuck Norris. And gamble.
I sing the songs that make the young girls cry.
Luxury, we used ta' dream of day when we could afford a turtle with a bulb stuck up his ass. We had ta' make do with forcefeeding the brontosaurus copius amounts of laxatives and then get a team of men to stand behind him with flint to light his farts.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
I've been playing online since LORD hit the BBS scene in 1989, and have never heard of the word either.
Same, PnP/BBS doors (ooooh CircleMUD on a 2-node system was my first MUD experience... it blew my mind) since 85-ish, MUDs like a fiend since about 92, gui MMOs since they were around. Never heard the word Mun, and it sounds like something generated by the Harry Potter generation. Why not just call them "muggles?" *roll*
Nobody outside whatever strange, small circle suggested it calls anybody "Muns..." And urban dictionary is about the last reliable source I'd go to for a consensus definition.
Now as for good early Doors: I did like LORD but it got bizarro as it grew (you can find many Legend of the GREEN dragon servers online now - clone of LORD)... Operation Overkill and OO2 were incredibly good, and Usurper was in my opinion a far superior re-stitching of LORD's basic underlying mechanics.
TW2002 was and still remains epic. Now almost all the old database apps are available for free, and TW is available via telnet ... Is there even still a concept (or purpose for) of a dial-up BBS? I can't remember when the last time was that I even had a phone modem, heck we don't even have a phone line at the house.
How dare you present him with logic! Don't you understand? He fights epic fights, in epic games, with epic toons....eats epic food and takes epic dumps! He has more e..pic..icity...ness in his little finger than you have in your whole unepic body! - ChicagoCub
I'm going to have to plead ignorance on the mun thing but since there are some old school peeps in this thread I've got a question. I know that MUD stood for Multi User Dungeon and MUSH was Multi User Shared Hallucination but what the heck did MOO stand for?
I'm from the old days of gaming when Doom was slowly starting to introduce death matches or when I would play with 8 buddies on Syndicate Wars and RP with them via a large BBS organization in Montreal.
I think my first true MMO was when Mankind Beta started back in early 1998.
I don't remember using the term MUN though... I always used PO
"Player Of" = PO
MOO = Mud + Object Oriented and was a programming data base language that allowed other users of the MUD to use virtual creted objects.
Well I answered no because I have no idea what a MUN is, but I certainly know what a MUD is & have played them.
I've been playing MMO's since Fates of Twinion on the Sierra Network, NWN on AOL, Dark Sun Online on TEN, UO, AC, DAOC, SWG, and a swath of the "next gen" games that have all pretty much sucked. Also played and admined on MUDs between the time after NWN was cancelled and Dark Sun and UO were released.
I have never heard the term Mun used in any of them.
"If MMORPG players were around when God said, "Let their be light" they'd have called the light gay, and plunged the universe back into darkness by squatting their nutsacks over it."
-Luke McKinney, The 7 Biggest Dick Moves in the History of Online Gaming
"In the end, SWG may have been more potential and promise than fulfilled expectation. But I'd rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
-Raph Koster
being only 18 my first MMO was Diablo2 which i can never recall seeing MUN used lol so no idea
that being about 9 years ago now xD
first game i ever played over any kind of internet connection? direct modem-to-modem Warcraft 2 and Duke Nukem 3d
first game meant to be truly played online? i remember playing Runescape when the patch that introduced Runite and the dragon quest was implemented and there was no 99 smithers , i think the highest at that point was high 80s
Diablo 2 is NOT an mmo........... there is no MASSIVE multiplayer in Diablo 2...........people who call Diablo 2 an mmo also think anything with more than 2 players is an mmo.........
Diablo 2 is NOT an mmo........... there is no MASSIVE multiplayer in Diablo 2...........people who call Diablo 2 an mmo also think anything with more than 2 players is an mmo.........
You are correct - D2 was not an MMO - but it was still a helluva great game.