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Buying EQ2

KyoLiKyoLi Member Posts: 3

I have recently heard alot about EQ2 being Super Kool and I thought I buy it, played EQ back in the day and it was nice and thn I stoped playing. Anyway what I need to know is that I live in the UK and here it will be released on the 19th of November for about £25-35 and in the US it is being released on the 9th of November. What I need to know is If I order the EQ2 from the US instead and get it by 10 November or so.... Will it be any different from the EQ2 I will buy in UK? I am confused. any advice will be appriciated. I want it asap coz I dnt wanna miss out on too much. hehe



  • HubabubaHubabuba Member Posts: 229

    Just a guess here, but I'd say the Euro servers will not be open before the 19th so you'd be stuck playing on US servers with US time zone players.  But I don't think the game itself would be any different /shrug

  • DyrttDyrtt Member Posts: 422

    Dont take this as gospel...

    I am pretty sure the game will be the same, code-wise at least. The reason i think so is becasue as an Amereican player, I can still play on the Euro servers for some games. Also, the other night I was playing the beta with a guy who claimed to be in the Netherlands at the time. This leads me to believe that there is no difference in computer hardware from country to country (like with televisions) thus, there should be no reason for there to be multiple versions of the game.

    like I said, I cant say for sure. if anyone has any specific info on this I would like to hear as well.

  • KyoLiKyoLi Member Posts: 3

    Can i please have a answer to this...

  • KaleidKaleid Member Posts: 2

    Heres the deal. I live in Sweden and the game will be realesed here the 9th as well. Its going to be realesed the 9th in Us, and most parts of Europe at the same time, Uk included so the 19th is prolly an old date or simply wrong or maybe you have talked to a smaller store?

    The game itself will be the excact same either here in europe or in Us as you are free to choose if you want to play on a euro server or Us server (many europeans want to play Us servers with their old mmo friends). Kudos to Soe for that, to many games (like WoW as an example) forces europeans to euro servers and the other way around.

    As an old Ac player for almost 5 years now i think i gonna start out on a Us server though but maybe have an alt on the euro ones!

    If i should be wrong about the realeses (wich im not) you can ofcourse order the Us realese from an online store over there and have it fedexed, good luck.



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