It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!'s Garrett Fuller recently had a chance to ask a few questions of Lance Robertson, the new Lead Producer on NetDevil's Jumpgate Evolution.
Give us a status on Jumpgate Evolution. How is the game coming along?
Lance Robertson:
The game is certainly coming along well, but new challenges crop up every day. We have added several new team members recently (myself included) and have been getting fully up to speed.
At this point, we're actively seeking to expose all sorts of issues ranging from minor playability problems to large scalability issues and everything in between. The content design team is pushing forward and fleshing out all sectors with exciting missions and encounters. We continue to successfully test and hone the PvP experience and I'm very much looking forward to showing it all off to a much larger audience.
Read the New Lead Producer Interview.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
TBH this sounds like the game Star trek should have been. beenw aiting long time for this game to drop,it feels like that sci-fi show that used to come on in the 90's called Babylon 5, that show was proper sick. This game just sounds more and more better.
Here's what I think is going to happen:
The first twitch-combat space MMO with a satisfyingly vast persistant space, fun and somewhat impactful PVP combat, a good variety of things to do other than combat, good visuals and a reasonably polished overall experience will find a lot of subscribers queueing at its gates.
So here's looking at you, JGE... Hurry up and release for red dwarf's sake!!!
I WISH TO GOD. that before you ask any questions, your interviewer should take the time to do some home work, take 5 minutes to look over the jumpgate code masters and US forums and you will soon see what most of the major concerns and fears are for this game, as a member of the digital press, you (MMORPG and fuller) could have done much much more with this interview and many others.
If only you had done your home work, and asked the right questions, instead of the same old canned crap we have come to expect from these interviews, its like you guys dont care what the reply is as long as you get something to add to the site.
My only comment, GET IT RELEASED ALREADY!!
I love the softball questions, why not ask them the hard questions?
You have been around a few years, why do you need to change your team leadership at this stage? What it tell some people, that the game is not right and that you need someone else to fix it would you like to make a statement?
Why not ask questions that get to the heart of the matter?
WoW! Changed lead producer's 5 years into development, with several delays already. I
predict this game will not be launched. The writing's all on the wall.....
Boba Fett-"Reality doesn't care if you believe it."
Good job Fuller.. I know the Devs are being secretive, so i thank you for whatever info you gather for us, while, we all "most- anxiously" await the Beta for JGE to role out.
My god, he used a lot words to say absolutely nothing of any substance. About the only thing I was able to sorta/kinda glean from that is they have increased emphasis on PvP which is NOT what I wanted to hear. Of course, the questions asked weren't exactly detailed either, leaving huge amounts of wiggle room.
Yeah my thoughts exactly, I mean come on for god sake, mmorpg has become the main focal point for mmo fans so how can they continue to let us down but not getting to the truth, it should be their duty to their fans to root out all their little dark secrets, or at the very least find out what the fans from any specific game are actually worried about or wanting to know and then ask those questions.
Interviews like this are a joke, same things being asked for the past two years, there is only so many ways they can answer the same damn questions, it must be an art form for them now.
If they have Railguns, I am sold.
That's it really.
If you rip game reps apart they wont give you interviews in future.
This game is misnamed. It is no longer an evolution of the original Jumpgate like we were told. The only thing that has gotten better is the graphics, everything else has been simplified, stupified, or removed.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
"By joining Jumpgate, tell us what experience you bring?"
What is this, a job interview?
What do I care about his experience, all I want to hear is about the game, which sadly I didn't. really. Just another filler and it keeps repeating lately.