I really hate when people use "breath of fresh air" to describe something they like...... it's so annoying and meaningless.
It's like saying, "Hi, I want to say something meaningful to show my support of this concept, but I lack the originality to think of a new analogy that wasn't used by the 10 people posting above me."
I also can't stand "woot", "toon", "hardcore <insert word>", "rofl", "carebear", and I'm sure there's lots of others....
Text-tards. A classification for people who are in front of a keyboard and constantly type like they're sending a text message on their cellphone.
omg ther R liek 2 mny ppl who do tht n its jus as bad when dey R liek lol nub lol an oh w8 wat is bad iz when dey dun use punctuation at all cuz its liek how hrd is it rly 2 us a . or , lol wat iz up wit dat oh watevr gg oh btw i m sry if dis is sorta hard 2 kno wut i m talkin bout but if it is lol l2read nub and btw ur mom haha lol gg ne waiz
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
QQ = I wish I knew the person who came up with this stupid shit. I WISH i knew.
Pro-insert class = LF pro-whatever to come dps / heal / tank some dumb shit that doesn't require the most dps in the world but I am not willing to take anyone that isnt 100% geared to the brim and needs nothing from whatever it is im doing...this screams selfish, insecure, moron. Plus...if you are a "pro" you get paid to participate in the activity that you are doing. Look it up...www.webster.com it might be websters... i cant remember.
Fail (and all variations ex: epic fail) = People use this so wrong...it wouldnt annoy me as much if they would just use it in a sentence correctly, but just saying the word "fail" drives me F'ing nuts. It puts me into such a frenzy that I want to physically hurt the person. I am a huge English / grammar nazi.
Hardcore = really so your game is hardcore b/c you can pvp wherever you want to? Your game is hardcore because the last raid has 100x bosses that are so much more "hardcore-er" than the game I play so I must be a what? *look below*
Carebear = ah yes. I must be a carebear because I don't like something you like. I must be a carebear because I don't enjoy getting corpse camped for an hour or two. I should be "hardcore" or "pro" and then I wouldnt be so much of a carebear. Maybe if I corpse camped your ass for 2 hours taking away the time that you're using for your enjoyment you wouldn't be calling me a carebear.
Fanboy = people are using this like ketchup and they aren't even putting it on the right foods man! I like x game therefore I am a fanboy. Get real people...I know half of all the shit most of this community says is just to piss off other people and entice some kind of remark that's hostile in nature.
Like I said before...im a real grammar / English nazi, and I absolutely hate when people use than or then wrong. I see it allllllll the damn time. I even caught in one of the main articles that are written for this site. That shit drives me up the wall i tell you. Just say the sentence out loud and see if it makes any damn sense to use than or then. I would guess that 98% of the time you would get it right if you just did that.
Yes but how many of us occasionally let these words slip in even though we abhor them? I think ‘fail’ was the last word I used like this and thought, oh no did I use that?
Your post is quite literally riddled with missing punctuation, improper capitalization, incomplete sentences, and poor syntax, yet you're claiming to be a grammar Nazi ("Nazi" is a proper noun that should be capitalized, by the way) and criticizing an MMORPG.com article for mixing up "then" and "than"?
I don't disagree with your sentiment — common misspellings like "probibly" and "scavange" are pet peeves of mine, too — but you're not a grammar Nazi by any stretch of the imagination.
Currently Playing: EVE Online Retired From: UO, FFXI, AO, SWG, Ryzom, GW, WoW, WAR
How can you call a product poorly supported when they're putting in zombie Stormtroopers and fairy wings, Jestor? If that's not service, I don't know what is.
Currently Playing: EVE Online Retired From: UO, FFXI, AO, SWG, Ryzom, GW, WoW, WAR
Getting back on topic, there are quite a few "Internet/MMORPG slang" terms that I find highly annoying and distasteful. I think my top five are:
lvl I hate this with a passion. I hate it when it appears in single-player games, too. It just seems so ignorant. If you can't spell out the world "level," at least use "Lv." or something similar.
pls/plz When people use this slang in an MMORPG, I interpret it as: "I want something from you, but I can't even be bothered to spell out the word 'please.'"
thx/ty/yw See above, you'd think a thank-you would be worth bothering to spell out.
noob This one is self-explanatory.
u/ur God, I hate this. As with "lvl," it just looks so ignorant and lazy to me.
That being said, I've come to accept and overlook these slang terms, or I'd have gone crazy playing games in the MMORPG genre long ago. I've even embraced some of the slang, like "pwnt," "owned," "wat/wut" (which I think are kind of funny), etc.
Currently Playing: EVE Online Retired From: UO, FFXI, AO, SWG, Ryzom, GW, WoW, WAR
Endgame: read literally this would be the end of the game, beyond which there can be no more of the game left to play.
The word "endgame" has been around for decades, originally applied to chess when most of the pieces are gone from the board. It's not really an MMORPG buzzword — and you are at least partially wrong. "Endgame" has never referred to the literal end of anything, rather it refers to the events leading up to said imminent end.
The "endgame" of an MMORPG, put simply, is when you've played through the low-level, mid-level and even most of the high-level content, and reached the final tier of activity. The term is very appropriate. What other word would you have people use?
Originally posted by championsFan
Sandbox: doesn't exist outside of hype, nostalgia, and partials.
So you say. Yet, when someone says "sandbox MMORPG," I know exactly what they mean, and can name a dozen games considered to be from that category. You may argue that different people have a different idea about what it means, which is true, but that is also true of the word "cat." People think of very different mental images when they hear that word, it's what happens because people are born different from one another.
The word is functional, it can be easily understood by a wide section of the gaming populace, and quite frankly, only theme park fans claim "it doesn't exist" because they know sandbox fans think theme park games are inferior.
Nice post but I disagree with the sandbox sentiment sandbox is as subjective a term as most of the others and I say that because the only people who seem to put this concrete stamp on games are those who feel there experience has reached a level to make other's insignificant. Most offline game players would automatically think any mmo is a sandbox and really because for the most part they are. Even the twelve games you could name that you think are sandbox have restricitions, so who has the right to say when the restrictions become enough to label a game something else?
I tend towards theme park games because I find it a more robust experience to have the option of a main story etc. but I have never felt pigeonholed into doing what the devs said I should. I've played many theme parkk games for well over a years time and many of them I have never completed the linear path provided by the devs. I have used the sandbox funcionality to create a crafter,mercenary, etc. and done simply what I wanted to.
And you're losing me with your explanation of the term sandbox as it relates to the word "cat" because for one I'm fairly certain everyone in the world agrees a "cat" is a feline,mostly distinguished by four legs fur and retractable claws, sure I call people cat but I know damn well what a cat is and I'm fairly certain as you stated most of the world get's the same idea basically you're stretching with that example.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
"I don't have to justify how I play" and other such nonsense like that. People take this stuff so personally when talking about playing games. This is especially true in solo vs group debates. It's often the proponents of solo play who use this phrase. No one is telling you how you play a game. No one really cares how you're playing unless it directly relates to how they are playing. The criticism isn't for you. It's for the people who make the games. They don't want you to stop playing the way you want, they want the companies who make the games to make them for them, not for you. You're right, you don't have to justify how you play. What you have to justify is why your kind of game is an improvement to the genre and how it will solve the problems we all face in MMOs.
Important facts: 1. Free to Play games are poorly made. 2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals. 3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE. 4. Community is more important than you think.
Someone saying "LAWL" in vent/chat should be punishable by law with bludgeoning with large metal or wooden objects to the offenders' groin.
What if the offender is female?
I'll add my dislikes to the list I suppose:
"carebear"- been hating this one since AC1 and having to contend with the Darktide servers overuse of it
"/fail, /epic fail" - it was funny at first, now way overused
"WoW clone" - used to describe EVERY game that came out after WoW, and some before it for those that don't know any better
"WoW killer" - said about nearly every AAA title released since WoW
"This game sucks because I played eleventy billion hours the first week it was out and I'm at level cap, there is no end game, this game is an /epic fail! it will be closed in a year" -used by all the 1337 hardcore gamers, for every game, forever.
That pretty much covers it for me.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
I dislike the use of "@, instead of at". The word is two f#&cking letters. Technically you need two keystrokes to type "@"...so just type the actual word. Sheeeesh!
....I couldn't help but chuckle though...when ...while playing an mmo...a player criticized another players character design by calling him an "Avatard".
In your description of "skill" your forgot it's cousin
which loosely translated means the following:
"I have no intelligent argument or am simply too ignorant/apathetic to actually read the thread and post anything of substance, but want to feel like I am part of the in crowd so am compelled to reply anyway."
Check the sig. : )
Everybody knows Sandal is the real hero to DA:O.
Gotta love DA:O, never thought I'd get to experience (being politically incorrect here) a retarded Dwarf.
Check the sig. : )
Everybody knows Sandal is the real hero to DA:O.
Heh, yep. My wife told me that I actually said the word "enchantment" twice in my sleep the other day.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
I really hate when people use "breath of fresh air" to describe something they like...... it's so annoying and meaningless.
It's like saying, "Hi, I want to say something meaningful to show my support of this concept, but I lack the originality to think of a new analogy that wasn't used by the 10 people posting above me."
I also can't stand "woot", "toon", "hardcore <insert word>", "rofl", "carebear", and I'm sure there's lots of others....
I hate "this isn't the MMO for you". Or "this isn't the game for you". As a response when somebody asks for some type of content in a forum.
Text-tards. A classification for people who are in front of a keyboard and constantly type like they're sending a text message on their cellphone.
omg ther R liek 2 mny ppl who do tht n its jus as bad when dey R liek lol nub lol an oh w8 wat is bad iz when dey dun use punctuation at all cuz its liek how hrd is it rly 2 us a . or , lol wat iz up wit dat oh watevr gg oh btw i m sry if dis is sorta hard 2 kno wut i m talkin bout but if it is lol l2read nub and btw ur mom haha lol gg ne waiz
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
QQ = I wish I knew the person who came up with this stupid shit. I WISH i knew.
Pro-insert class = LF pro-whatever to come dps / heal / tank some dumb shit that doesn't require the most dps in the world but I am not willing to take anyone that isnt 100% geared to the brim and needs nothing from whatever it is im doing...this screams selfish, insecure, moron. Plus...if you are a "pro" you get paid to participate in the activity that you are doing. Look it up...www.webster.com it might be websters... i cant remember.
Fail (and all variations ex: epic fail) = People use this so wrong...it wouldnt annoy me as much if they would just use it in a sentence correctly, but just saying the word "fail" drives me F'ing nuts. It puts me into such a frenzy that I want to physically hurt the person. I am a huge English / grammar nazi.
Hardcore = really so your game is hardcore b/c you can pvp wherever you want to? Your game is hardcore because the last raid has 100x bosses that are so much more "hardcore-er" than the game I play so I must be a what? *look below*
Carebear = ah yes. I must be a carebear because I don't like something you like. I must be a carebear because I don't enjoy getting corpse camped for an hour or two. I should be "hardcore" or "pro" and then I wouldnt be so much of a carebear. Maybe if I corpse camped your ass for 2 hours taking away the time that you're using for your enjoyment you wouldn't be calling me a carebear.
Fanboy = people are using this like ketchup and they aren't even putting it on the right foods man! I like x game therefore I am a fanboy. Get real people...I know half of all the shit most of this community says is just to piss off other people and entice some kind of remark that's hostile in nature.
Like I said before...im a real grammar / English nazi, and I absolutely hate when people use than or then wrong. I see it allllllll the damn time. I even caught in one of the main articles that are written for this site. That shit drives me up the wall i tell you. Just say the sentence out loud and see if it makes any damn sense to use than or then. I would guess that 98% of the time you would get it right if you just did that.
im done ranting...i could go on forever.
Yes but how many of us occasionally let these words slip in even though we abhor them? I think ‘fail’ was the last word I used like this and thought, oh no did I use that?
Your post is quite literally riddled with missing punctuation, improper capitalization, incomplete sentences, and poor syntax, yet you're claiming to be a grammar Nazi ("Nazi" is a proper noun that should be capitalized, by the way) and criticizing an MMORPG.com article for mixing up "then" and "than"?
I don't disagree with your sentiment — common misspellings like "probibly" and "scavange" are pet peeves of mine, too — but you're not a grammar Nazi by any stretch of the imagination.
Currently Playing: EVE Online
Retired From: UO, FFXI, AO, SWG, Ryzom, GW, WoW, WAR
Can you blame use for using Stupid phrases when we are bombarded by poorly supported product.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog - https://www.facebook.com/GoodOldReliableNathan
How can you call a product poorly supported when they're putting in zombie Stormtroopers and fairy wings, Jestor? If that's not service, I don't know what is.
Currently Playing: EVE Online
Retired From: UO, FFXI, AO, SWG, Ryzom, GW, WoW, WAR
Faceroll - this is a new stupid word creeping up. It has a similar meanining to 'owning' or 'rolling' your enemy I believe.
O_o o_O
Getting back on topic, there are quite a few "Internet/MMORPG slang" terms that I find highly annoying and distasteful. I think my top five are:
lvl I hate this with a passion. I hate it when it appears in single-player games, too. It just seems so ignorant. If you can't spell out the world "level," at least use "Lv." or something similar.
pls/plz When people use this slang in an MMORPG, I interpret it as: "I want something from you, but I can't even be bothered to spell out the word 'please.'"
thx/ty/yw See above, you'd think a thank-you would be worth bothering to spell out.
noob This one is self-explanatory.
u/ur God, I hate this. As with "lvl," it just looks so ignorant and lazy to me.
That being said, I've come to accept and overlook these slang terms, or I'd have gone crazy playing games in the MMORPG genre long ago. I've even embraced some of the slang, like "pwnt," "owned," "wat/wut" (which I think are kind of funny), etc.
Currently Playing: EVE Online
Retired From: UO, FFXI, AO, SWG, Ryzom, GW, WoW, WAR
Worst one in my book.
Hah! .. Faceroll is an awesome word.
In my experience, it's most often used to define a class that is very overpowered/easy.
"Pfft, you play a Warlock. All you need to do to win is roll your face on the keyboard."
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
Hah! .. Faceroll is an awesome word.
In my experience, it's most often used to define a class that is very overpowered/easy.
"Pfft, you play a Paladin. All you need to do to win is roll your face on the keyboard."
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
Hah! .. Faceroll is an awesome word.
In my experience, it's most often used to define a class that is very overpowered/easy.
"Pfft, you play a Paladin. All you need to do to win is roll your face on the keyboard."
Though my natural inclination is to disagree (this is still teh intarwebz after all), I find myself unable to counter such an unequivocal truth.
I tip my hat to you, sir.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
Someone saying "LAWL" in vent/chat should be punishable by law with bludgeoning with large metal or wooden objects to the offenders' groin.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
The word "endgame" has been around for decades, originally applied to chess when most of the pieces are gone from the board. It's not really an MMORPG buzzword — and you are at least partially wrong. "Endgame" has never referred to the literal end of anything, rather it refers to the events leading up to said imminent end.
The "endgame" of an MMORPG, put simply, is when you've played through the low-level, mid-level and even most of the high-level content, and reached the final tier of activity. The term is very appropriate. What other word would you have people use?
So you say. Yet, when someone says "sandbox MMORPG," I know exactly what they mean, and can name a dozen games considered to be from that category. You may argue that different people have a different idea about what it means, which is true, but that is also true of the word "cat." People think of very different mental images when they hear that word, it's what happens because people are born different from one another.
The word is functional, it can be easily understood by a wide section of the gaming populace, and quite frankly, only theme park fans claim "it doesn't exist" because they know sandbox fans think theme park games are inferior.
Nice post but I disagree with the sandbox sentiment sandbox is as subjective a term as most of the others and I say that because the only people who seem to put this concrete stamp on games are those who feel there experience has reached a level to make other's insignificant. Most offline game players would automatically think any mmo is a sandbox and really because for the most part they are. Even the twelve games you could name that you think are sandbox have restricitions, so who has the right to say when the restrictions become enough to label a game something else?
I tend towards theme park games because I find it a more robust experience to have the option of a main story etc. but I have never felt pigeonholed into doing what the devs said I should. I've played many theme parkk games for well over a years time and many of them I have never completed the linear path provided by the devs. I have used the sandbox funcionality to create a crafter,mercenary, etc. and done simply what I wanted to.
And you're losing me with your explanation of the term sandbox as it relates to the word "cat" because for one I'm fairly certain everyone in the world agrees a "cat" is a feline,mostly distinguished by four legs fur and retractable claws, sure I call people cat but I know damn well what a cat is and I'm fairly certain as you stated most of the world get's the same idea basically you're stretching with that example.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
epic fail is the one i hate . normally used by people that are trying to defend the game they are in and troll another game without playing it .
as for a word rather than a phrase . noob . i mean everyones new to a game or an element of a game at some point and makes mistakes .
both are used by people with an immature attitude .
"I don't have to justify how I play" and other such nonsense like that. People take this stuff so personally when talking about playing games. This is especially true in solo vs group debates. It's often the proponents of solo play who use this phrase. No one is telling you how you play a game. No one really cares how you're playing unless it directly relates to how they are playing. The criticism isn't for you. It's for the people who make the games. They don't want you to stop playing the way you want, they want the companies who make the games to make them for them, not for you. You're right, you don't have to justify how you play. What you have to justify is why your kind of game is an improvement to the genre and how it will solve the problems we all face in MMOs.
Important facts:
1. Free to Play games are poorly made.
2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals.
3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE.
4. Community is more important than you think.
Someone saying "LAWL" in vent/chat should be punishable by law with bludgeoning with large metal or wooden objects to the offenders' groin.
What if the offender is female?
I'll add my dislikes to the list I suppose:
"carebear"- been hating this one since AC1 and having to contend with the Darktide servers overuse of it
"/fail, /epic fail" - it was funny at first, now way overused
"WoW clone" - used to describe EVERY game that came out after WoW, and some before it for those that don't know any better
"WoW killer" - said about nearly every AAA title released since WoW
"This game sucks because I played eleventy billion hours the first week it was out and I'm at level cap, there is no end game, this game is an /epic fail! it will be closed in a year" -used by all the 1337 hardcore gamers, for every game, forever.
That pretty much covers it for me.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
Finer than a frog's hare is the worst here in Tennessee.Should be outlawed.
Carolyn R Barnett
I dislike the use of "@, instead of at". The word is two f#&cking letters. Technically you need two keystrokes to type "@"...so just type the actual word. Sheeeesh!
....I couldn't help but chuckle though...when ...while playing an mmo...a player criticized another players character design by calling him an "Avatard".
In your description of "skill" your forgot it's cousin
which loosely translated means the following:
"I have no intelligent argument or am simply too ignorant/apathetic to actually read the thread and post anything of substance, but want to feel like I am part of the in crowd so am compelled to reply anyway."