I've been rolling this idea around for the last few days. Games, particularly MMOs, have a lot of data. It seems to me that gamers are a good target audience to sell Blu-Ray drives to yet I don't see that happening. The new Star Wars MMO seems like a good candidate for shipping on a Blu-Ray disc. Just imagine how much space all of those voice files are going to consume.
- Thinking of games like World of Warcraft and other games that ship on more than one disc, would you be willing to purchase a Blu-Ray version if it meant using only one disc?
- Would you consider it a benefit to be able to purchase an "anthology" version of a MMO (or any other type of game) that comes with all expansions and/or add-ons on a single Blu-Ray disc? Inserting the disc would probably load a launcher that would allow you to select which features to install.
- If leaving the Blu-Ray disc in the drive enabled more features (example: full 1080p HD videos for all cut scenes), would this be a positive thing or a negative thing in your opinion?
- Would a "super high resolution textures" option be something that you would be interested in? In other words, no compression at all is used by the dev studios, as is typically done to fit the game onto as few DVDs as possible and to reduce required hard drive space.
Obviously there would need to be an install base of disc readers before a company could produce BD versions of their games. This is all just for my own curiosity.
edit: added bullet points to (hopefully) make this easier to read.
movies - yes
game - not in the near future
Since your questions are limited to gaming this is almost identical to the CD to DVD transition.
The driving factor as a gamer is pretty much just going to be disk count. My friend who hates upgrading wouldn't upgrade till games were only available on DVD, I got one as soon as games I wanted were available on DVD because 5 CD's was annoying.
Once a few big titles do small Blu-Ray releases to save disks it'll start pushing Blu-Ray player sales to gamers.
Well my in progress computer upgrade will include a Blu-Ray drive. Not for the purpose of games but to watch movies. I think it will be a few years before we start seeing games on Bru-Ray. Look at how long it took for them to start using the DVD format back in the day. It sucked stuffing 3+ Cd's in to load a game. The added content would be cool but for me just needing to insert one disk is the biggest benefit.
I have a personal issues with Sony as a company, wether created, developed or published... so I guess my answer would be no. My appologize as I know that is a biased answer due to my hatred for that company.
No problem. I understand this response. I actually held off on buying a PS3 until quite some time after it launched because their attitude was very arrogant in the beginning (and still is to this day to an extent, though perhaps not as bad).
noquarter & Argean : I don't know how to multi-quote here, but the other responses are interesting too. The largest benefit for me would also be using a single disc as opposed to two or three DVDs (or more). MMOs have the potential to be huge releases, especially with expansions.
While typing the original post I was actually thinking of the way that games behaved when they first came to CD. Movies on the disc, voices, and games like Myst that were interactive videos or the like. Life (and technology?) is a circle. ;D Waiting for the disc to spin up is kind of irritating, but if I could have full uncompressed HD and multi-channel sound from the disc, well, spin away. heh heh..
Argean : Movies are a great reason too. I considered bringing that up but decided to stick to games. Recently I bought myself a 1080p monitor (Black Friday deals are great), so I've been considering this too.. though the PS3 does BD movies just fine.
Blu-Ray is Sony tech right? So no. I don't buy Sony products unless they make the only thing X and it's what I have to have, life or death type thing.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
Yea, with home theater PCs and 1920x1080 monitors so common, Blu-Ray movies on PC will probably create the install base publishers need to start releasing both DVD and Blu-Ray formats of games, and eventually phase out DVD.
It is Sony's format but not much you can do about it at this point, you will end up with Blu-Ray at some point. Some people say they can't see the difference between 1080p and standard DVD, I can only assume those people are blind or don't have their system set up right because the difference is amazing, I can easily tell between 1080p and 720p even.
I would prefer to get 2 optical drives, then stick 1 disk in each drive. However, Blu-Ray Drive does have that e-peen ability.