The people at Kotaku brought to light in the latest scans of Famitsu magazine the character customization options. Customizable options include: skin tons, eye colors, lip colors, hair colors, hair styles, tattoos, facial scars, waist, hip, character voice, and bust size.
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Oh come on, bust size?
Its japan. Same reason why anime characters have huge eyes.
Its japan. Same reason why anime characters have huge eyes.
rofl so true. If your a fan or even watch anime you know the japanese love huge breasts.
Good on them on adding the bust too so I can make a normal looking character not a body builder on steroids.
Not just the japanese !!
I'm glad we won't see 250 hume face #4 running around !
Yeah lots of customization! That's how i like it In most mmo's half the population look like sephiroth or cloud or something like that, they just look the same. The more i read about Final Fantasy 14 the more i get hyped up! Can't wait for it :P
It doesn't look like there is very much customisation at all, in my opinion. I'd rather have sliders on various facial features as opposed to what looks mostly like 'pick a face' and then some tinting and other things? For some reason they are allowing bust and waist size changes though... Perhaps this is just how much they've gotten completed so far?
Ningen wa ningen da.
Having more options = more customisation, and the game is still on development so don't lose hope for the sliders. I know they are listening to what people say and customization is a big factor on a mmo so they will definitly try their best to make customisation something inovative.