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NDOORS Interactive recently announced a promotion whereby a new box that could potentially contain some of the game's most rare and sought after items would be made available for 3999 Gcoins at Atlantica Online's item mall, and that 5% of the gross revenue generated from the event would be donated to the Child's Play charity.
This is no longer the case.
NDOORS Interactive has announced today that due to negative player feedback Child's Play has withdrawn themselves from the event:
...we are saddened to inform you that due to some negative player complaints, Child’s Play has regrettably asked to be withdrawn from our efforts to raise money for their cause. We were informed that Child’s Play received negative emails from Atlantica Online players around the nature of the donation and the box, causing them to request removal from our fundraising efforts.
It is incredibly unfortunate that we are unable to give the donation amount that you, our players, raised to this charity due to the negativity of certain players around the nature of the donation and an optional, opt-in purchase. While we recognize that not all of our players were negative towards the donation and/or box, it is regrettable that the actions of a few have prevented our players, as a whole, from donating to this cause (we say “as a whole” because our players can still donate directly, and we encourage you to do so).
Read the full announcement here.
Just goes to show that some people will complain about the sky being blue. And those people should be put on a spaceshuttle and be shot into the sun.
oooh 5%. that's pretty giving. (yes, it's the thought that counts, better than nothing, etc but c'mon now)
donate via the charity website and get a tax receipt instead of dumping 95% of the fund into the item mall wallet /shrug
sounds like bull shit to me, ndoors are greedy bastards just play the game you will see what i mean
Well, label me as one of those "negative people". I DETEST when companies try a blatant cashgrab, throw some stupid trifling amount (5%) to a charity and try to pass themselves off as doing something "good".
If ndoors is so into the ideals behind this charity, let them make a large donation and keep the best items in the game out of it.
yup, your seat's saved for complaining about ppl complaining which will make you complain too because they'll be complaining about you complaining about the complainers complaining about your comment.
So now instead of getting those stupid 5%, the children get nothing. Well done.
So now instead of getting those stupid 5%, the children get nothing. Well done.
Orrrrr......instead of being greedy fucks and involving some cashscam in the whole thing, ndoors could just make a donation? Nonsense to do something asblatantly obviously greedy and self serving as this, try to pass it off as charity, then put the owness on the players when they call bullshit.
Blizz just pulled the same shit. Its crap.
"charity" should not involve the company "being charitable" making a pile of money off it. Luckily, most people aren't too dense to see this kind of scheme for what it is....though, obviously , there are those dense few.
So now instead of getting those stupid 5%, the children get nothing. Well done.
Orrrrr......instead of being greedy fucks and involving some cashscam in the whole thing, ndoors could just make a donation? Nonsense to do something asblatantly obviously greedy and self serving as this, try to pass it off as charity, then put the owness on the players when they call bullshit.
Blizz just pulled the same shit. Its crap.
"charity" should not involve the company "being charitable" making a pile of money off it. Luckily, most people aren't too dense to see this kind of scheme for what it is....though, obviously , there are those dense few.
The motives are irrelevant. They are still going to sell those items in their item shop. That will not change. They were going to donate some to charity and now they are not. That is the bottom line. So to the people that complained I say 'well done'.
Be pissed all you want.
hey Arche, when's the blastoff time for that shuttle to the sun? You're complaining about complainers which makes you a complainer. Kinda makes you look a fool doing exactly what you bitched about others doing in this not so long thread. Short term memory issues?
So now instead of getting those stupid 5%, the children get nothing. Well done.
Orrrrr......instead of being greedy fucks and involving some cashscam in the whole thing, ndoors could just make a donation? Nonsense to do something asblatantly obviously greedy and self serving as this, try to pass it off as charity, then put the owness on the players when they call bullshit.
Blizz just pulled the same shit. Its crap.
"charity" should not involve the company "being charitable" making a pile of money off it. Luckily, most people aren't too dense to see this kind of scheme for what it is....though, obviously , there are those dense few.
The motives are irrelevant. They are still going to sell those items in their item shop. That will not change. They were going to donate some to charity and now they are not. That is the bottom line. So to the people that complained I say 'well done'.
Be pissed all you want.
yep, and it's the players fault that ndoors couldn't just make a donation without trying to use "charity" as advertising. it isn't......
I didnt complain, I made an observation and gave an opinion. I didnt go out of my way to complain about the motives of a company charity event. I would really like to know how many of those who complained about it actually donated to that charity themselves.
A couple of days before christmas, i gave a homeless guy 20 bucks. I didn't need to come here to post about it, tie it in to some way to make gains from it myself, expect any recognition in return..etc(i only mention it now for illustrative purposes). I did it because the frikkin guy looked like he could use 20 bucks more than me.
The meaning of charity has been lost. When you wanna do something nice, just do it. Giving 5% of your massive cashgrab away, with hoopla and fanfare and "oh look how charitable we are" is NOT charity. Its advertising.
I don't even play this craptastic game, but I am glad the players over there know bullshit when they smell it.
Welcome to the real world.
Welcome to the real world.
the real world also includes AIDS , lying politicians, people who kill puppies , and acid rain.....
doesnt mean those are good things.
Welcome to the real world.
the real world also includes AIDS , lying politicians, people who kill puppies , and acid rain.....
doesnt mean those are good things.
I dont remember saying the real world was all good. My point was that before the complaints they were going to give something, and now they not anymore. To me thats what matters in this story. What is better, doing something good for everyone, even if the motive is greed, or doing nothing at all? I would like to know this, because I dont see how the charity's details would have actually hurt anyone.
Id also like to add that the rep from ndoors whining about how the players called bullshit on their...well, umm..bullshit, is a douche. Write them a check yourself mr rep and stop whining and blaming the players that your ad campaign was a failure.
ndoors new marketing rep, Smedley :P
ouch, actually I wouldn't wish that on them....much
You're free to think that. There is no way for me to prove im not a rep from ndoors, just like there is no way for you to prove I am.
Have a nice day.
Welcome to the real world.
the real world also includes AIDS , lying politicians, people who kill puppies , and acid rain.....
doesnt mean those are good things.
I dont remember saying the real world was all good. My point was that before the complaints they were going to give something, and now they not anymore. To me thats what matters in this story. What is better, doing something good for everyone, even if the motive is greed, or doing nothing at all? I would like to know this, because I dont see how the charity's details would actually hurt anyone.
Listen, Im not disagreeing that whatever the motive , them getting something is better than nothing. I'm not hating on you for having an opposing opinion to mine.
I'm hating on ndoors for being greedy douchebags .
Again, my point stands...instead of whining, they should just write a check. it isn't like their cash shop is losing money or anything. Blaming your playerbase for not buying into their scumbag, greedy motives is offensive to me. That's all.
Completely agree. So far, the only game I've seen that decided to do this the way it should be is Wizard101... that is, 100% of all money earned off of people who bought a special mount went to charity. Seriously, is it really THAT hard to say "Hey, let's spend an hour or two desinging this special *thing* and then not only get a tax write-off as a company, but get good promotion and good feelings as well!"
It was bad enough when Blizz was all "Yeah, 50%!", but 5% is just terrible. It's throwing crumbs at those who are suffering and going "What, I'm giving them crumbs! How dare you get upset over this! It's better than nothing!"
You're free to think that. There is no way for me to prove im not a rep from ndoors, just like there is no way for you to prove I am.
Have a nice day.
Lol, i wasnt claiming you to be a rep, i was talking about the quote in the op
You're free to think that. There is no way for me to prove im not a rep from ndoors, just like there is no way for you to prove I am.
Have a nice day.
You may want to reread the original post, as that's what lawn was talking about...
You're free to think that. There is no way for me to prove im not a rep from ndoors, just like there is no way for you to prove I am.
Have a nice day.
Lol, i wasnt claiming you to be a rep, i was talking about the quote in the op
Allright, I misuderstood you then. Probably because I saw no whining in the press release. I saw a rep explaining why the campaign was cancelled. How do you explain why it was cancelled without mentioning the 'why'?
Yeah.. but even Blizz donated 50% of the revenue for these items. To me, 50% of the procedes does show good intention. 5% is simply an attempt to gain free advertising and a false incentive for players to actually buy the items.
This is purely opinion and speculation, but if I owned a company like ndoors, I think a better way to raise awareness for a charity might be to give away a free "pet" with some sort of likenessto the charity or something. i.e. the childs play bear or some shit like that. Then encourage the players to make donations on their own.
Win /win. You get to look good for raising awareness of the charity, while probably generating some donations and make nothing off it so you dont look like greedy scumbags.
I bet there was never any discussion about going that route though, despite how endeared to the charity in question ndoors is. I also noticed they didnt say anything like, since things didnt go as planned, we would still like childs play to recieve a donation, so we are just gonna give them 100 grand....
I mean...if we arent making anything off it, fuck em , right?