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It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! coming soon. Looking for staff and wiki contributors.

Hey folks

I've been waiting anxiously to make this post for quite some time, so without further adieu, I present to you,

For the past couple of months me and a small team of people much more talented than I have been working feverishly on an STO Wiki / Community site. With the imminent launch into Open Beta looming just around the corner I think this is a good time to reveal our work to the world :D

It's very much still a work in progress and registration is, for the moment, still closed until data templates are finalized and the NDA is lifted.

So far the design side of the site is coming along very well, but in order to get this beast nailed down by launch we could use a few people with a some specific talents. Which brings me to my next point, expanding our team.

We need the following additions to the dev team.


  • MediaWiki - I could use someone who is well versed in Wiki syntax, specifically with MediaWiki. I've not had as much time as I would have liked to read up on the more advanced features of MW and it would save us all a ton of time if we had someone to help with data templates and general Wiki related brain picking.
  • phpBB - I need someone who is experienced in phpBB theming and customization. Moding experience is a huge plus. Anyone interested should have a very strong understanding of PHP, CSS and the inner workings and guts of phpBB
  • Content - Of course, we're going to need a dedicated team of content contributors. The nature of a Wiki lets anyone edit or contribute, but I would also like to get together a team of people who are passionate about STO, have good writing ability and are interested in helping make this site the best STO related Wiki it can possibly be. Responsibilities will include making sure the site is updated ASAP after patches, content releases, expansions, etc. The Contributor team will also be responsible for fact checking new entries/edits made by users and making sure all submitted content conforms to the sites respective templates and layout and editing them accordingly. At first this group will be more or less invite only by the current team, but we're looking for a fairly large group here so don't hesitate to throw your name in if you're interested.
  • Moderators - We're going to need a medium sized group of forum moderators. At first the forums are going to be very focused and small staying on topics specifically Wiki related, but I hope in the future to expand them into a full fledged STO community. This is going to require a hand full of no-BS people with moderation experience.
  • Translators - The majority of the site will be in English, but I do recognize that there's a sizeable group of people around here who's first language isn't English. Anyone interested in translating articles would be welcome. This will not be a development priority but if we can get enough volunteers I'm sure we can get some of the more important parts of the site to be multi-lingual.


If you think you meet the requirements for one or more of these positions and would like to be part of our project, please send an email to

Please include the position(s) you would like to work on in the subject line of the email. If you are considered someone from the team will get in contact with you to get an account set up with the proper permissions. This is going to be an ongoing project so applications will be kept around for quite a while as we hash out exactly how many people the team can handle without toes being stepped on.

All applications must include:

  • Forum name
  • A very brief history of your time in the STO community
  • What you can contribute to

Additionally, all Content Contributor applications must include

  • What you anticipate to play the most (Fed/Klingon? Profession?)
  • Play style (PvP, PvE, mixed. RP, casual, hardcore, etc. Please be as detailed as possible)
  • An example of your writing ability. Either a quest write-up from another game or an example mock-up quest guide (This is optional, but will greatly improve your chances of being selected)


Examples of any past work you've done related to the position(s) being applied for will help your chances a lot. Links to constructive posts on the forums are included in this category. Posting history will be reviewed to see if we think you're a good fit for the team, but if you think you have some particular posts that stand out, feel free to link to them in your application.

If you think I or other members of the dev team know you well enough feel free to just contact us directly and forgo the application process.

Over the next few days more site-specific info will be added to the home page including a page to keep you up to date on our progress. Any questions can be sent to me via PM or posted here. You can also find me most of the time in irc://

A big thanks to the community as a whole. We're looking forward to working with you!

Feel free to stop by the IRC channel at irc:// with any feedback or questions

To easily get there, just type "/join #sto-intel" from the main STO chat channel

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