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Do you think that video will turn alot of people off? Personally, I can't wait.
This was probably the best video I've seen so far. Others that are interested in this game should also watch them if you haven't seen them already. They are the interview at Gamescon.
The poster of the video said it was from an alpha stage, so it'll probably change quite a bit by the time we get to play it. It did look a little slow, but it could just be that its a demonstration.
Do you know for certain?
Was no one else bothered that this guy was playing all 3 characters? Maybe you all aren't, but I'm sick and tired of botting. If a person would rather play 3 characters than spend the time to get to know the community, so he has 2 other real people playing, just isn't a good first impression of Final Fantasy when that's the first thing I see.
Well I have to say (being an older gamer) I love Final Fantasy games,I have to ask though how many more of these fantasy elves,dwarfs,gnome sort of mmo's can this genre take?
I know the video is from alpha but again it is just nice graphics of an elf running around killing some over sized bunny.
I really wish this genre would move on.
I will buy final fantasy 13 but as for the online game I am not to sure.
Honestly if you look back 10 years and how everything in life has progressed with computers and how good we have it today the mmo world seem's to be stuck...sorry just me venting.
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
ROFL...he was not playing any of these characters...this is from Gamescom last fall in Germany where Square-Enix first showed the game in a playable state, and allowed the attendees to play it for 15min durations. This is just a compilation of all the videos released from that event combined into one. FFXIV is not out yet, and won't be until later this year...beta hasn't even started yet!
this is what happens when you dont use common sense *face palm*
- FFXI with a visual update.
- FFXI with more balanced dps output from DD classes.
- FFXI with better pc control scheme ( for those that don't like controllers ).
Yes, Please!!!!!
No, Thanks!!!!!
Square Enix has a gem with FFXI. All they have to do is drop the Play Online crap and a few tweaks would make the game even better than it already is. I think they will be making a huge mistake with the direction that FFIV is moving towards.
facepalm indeed lol
anyways im still stoked for it. and for that demonstration the people playing were asked to follow some rules apprently where they had to purposely do things slow and have it explained to them while they play (notice no magic from the taru?) and not to mention the characters were way overpowered on purpose, so i wouldnt make that the final decsion. once beta stuff starts comming out (atleast until open beta) then start becoming concerned
I love that it appears to still be the slower, thought-provoking style of gameplay that FFXI thrives on; than just another zerg-fest-til-you-win MMO.
1) well "looks" wise its does look like FFXI with a new world and updated charater models
2) i agree, im kind of sick of the bandwagon jobs, but we dont know how the game works yet, so give it some time
3) they already adressed that they built the PC and 360 on diffrent clients so no worries there.
the last part confuses me, FF4 really has nothing to do with this TBH...not sure what you are getting at.
and FFXI is great, played for 4+ years and is the best MMO ive ever played, but its old and most people have done quite a bit of the game, so im not sure why you dont want a brand new adventure, with new storys, classes, world, quests, endgame...ect.
i can see your probly concerned it will be too mainstream like most everything after WoW was (aka: becomeing very casual freindly and a bit too quest based) but give it some time before you freak out and judge it before we know more then like 1% of whats going into it.
I think I couldnt really tell enough about gameplay to decide if I like it or not. Seemed like the characters were really just trying to figure out how to run around and attack stuff. Which if it was people at a gamecon playing for just 15 min makes sense. The music was a bit off-putting at first. Sounded like it was lifted from a BBC sitcom, but it got better nearer the end. The game world was really good looking and the characters looked ok.
Do keep in mind that Square-Enix also stated in an interview during that event that those visuals were only running at 50%! So can't wait to see the 100% version...
The music was a bit off-putting at first. Sounded like it was lifted from a BBC sitcom, but it got better nearer the end.
You don't like the Chocobo song?
That looks like very old game footage.One thing i don't like is that goofy circle thing around the player,what is that all about,it is not necessary at all.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Only a few months ago and the first ever game footage, plus its the Alpha version and that targeting reticule is more than likely a placeholder for testing and to help those that got to play it for the first time! I do hope that is not what we'll see in release either, or at least be able to turn it off!
The players didn't seem like they knew what they were doing, especially with the Ranger character. He couldn't even target anything but himself.
It's not a good representation of the gameplay, but it did give a good idea of the interface and graphics.
The players didn't seem like they knew what they were doing, especially with the Ranger character. He couldn't even target anything but himself.
It's not a good representation of the gameplay, but it did give a good idea of the interface and graphics.
You can still tell just by the movement speed when the characters are running a lot that its not gonna be a fast game, also with the way your char has that classic FFXI overstep/slide when stopping and changing directions. I personally love that very much.
That is one thing that really hooked me about FFXI as well is the time it took to get places since most of it was on foot. Really made it feel like you were in a huge world; which it is, but ever more!
Sorry, I didnt realize there was nostalgia involved since I never played 11 (or any FF actually). Is this like the ultima Stones song?
The players didn't seem like they knew what they were doing, especially with the Ranger character. He couldn't even target anything but himself.
It's not a good representation of the gameplay, but it did give a good idea of the interface and graphics.
I honestly hope this is just a case of the players not knowing how to play. I could take a short nap between attacks if combat is that slow. I realize this is alpha footage, but it looks terribly boring as is.
Chess is thought provoking, this is just painfully slow gameplay, nothing though provoking about it. Only a geriatric would need to take a 5 second break between each swing of your sword. I don't need that long to think about my next move.
The players didn't seem like they knew what they were doing, especially with the Ranger character. He couldn't even target anything but himself.
It's not a good representation of the gameplay, but it did give a good idea of the interface and graphics.
I honestly hope this is just a case of the players not knowing how to play. I could take a short nap between attacks if combat is that slow. I realize this is alpha footage, but it looks terribly boring as is.
Chess is thought provoking, this is just painfully slow gameplay, nothing though provoking about it. Only a geriatric would need to take a 5 second break between each swing of your sword. I don't need that long to think about my next move.
Well in the typical western MMO, one only needs to think about thwacking the enemy as quickly as possible and spam hotkeys until your index finger falls off, then start using your middle one and down the line. However, in FFXI and more than likely FFXIV by the looks of things so far, its going to be very similar and there is a ton more going on that one has to pay attention too.
I read so many posts everywhere of gamers that have never played FFXI and the first thing they always say is it looks boring and nothing is happening. I've played every western MMO to date and FFXI for almost 4 yrs and I can say that there is 100x more things you have to be aware of, pay attention too, understand, and think about in combat than any western MMO has ever provided or thought to include.
Thus why I say thought provoking and intelligent combat!
I played FFXI until about level 32 THF before I got bored of the slow pace and constant LFG. I do have some experience with the game. I've also been playing MMOs since 1997, I'm not just some twitchy ADHD gamer.
I loved the feel of the FFXI world, it was great... but the gameplay was just bogged down by the overall pacing of the game.
I'll say with utmost certainty that if the pacing of those battles follows through to retail, the game will bomb hard.
PS. It seems players still can't jump? Sigh.
The combat will be slow but it doesn't necessarily mean it will be bad.
Will give this game a try. Never played FFXI. Really interested in what the fans love about that game so much.
If you want to see the game-play, here's an interview with the producer while he's playing.
The game will not bomb in the least. Most people I know like how FFXI played and want it that way again. The group dynamics, strategy etc is what people can t wait for. If FFXIV is just an upgrade to FFXI with a few new things i ll be very happy. If it s totally different i ll still be happy. It s a win win for me. That said the game will do just fine even if those videos were an indication of close to release.
No you cannot jump, there is no reason too, but there is a possibility that swimming and climbing may be added later.
Do remember though that FFXI has been in the #2 spot under WoW this entire time for population and popularity...its different thus there is a huge community of gamers that enjoy this slow style, just like there is a huge community of gamers that enjoy the bunny-hopping madness of WoW. All the other western MMOs that just copy & paste WoW don't last because gamers already have WoW and why play a clone that does nothing new when you have WoW which does everything way better for that style!
No you cannot jump, there is no reason too, but there is a possibility that swimming and climbing may be added later.
Do remember though that FFXI has been in the #2 spot under WoW this entire time for population and popularity...its different thus there is a huge community of gamers that enjoy this slow style, just like there is a huge community of gamers that enjoy the bunny-hopping madness of WoW. All the other western MMOs that just copy & paste WoW don't last because gamers already have WoW and why play a clone that does nothing new when you have WoW which does everything way better for that style!
Not to start an argument but FFXI is definitely not in the number 2 spot, it's not even close to the number 2 spot currently. It's 4th or 5th at best behind Lineage, Lineage 2, Aion and Runescape.
FFXIV won't die a short death by any means, that's not what I'm insinuating. But if the pacing is too slow, it'll start off at a sprinting pace then hemorrhage subscribers back to WoW at an obscene rate.
I'm definitely buying FFXIV... but the gameplay will need to be a little faster and actively more involving during combat moment by moment if it wants to keep my interest over a long period of time.
I disagree about jumping being unnecessary. Yes, it's a tiny feature, but video games became popular because of jumping. Not including makes me feel like I'm glued to the ground.
There's no way this game is gonna bomb... don't say that... never say that, Goonies never say die!
Heh, from what I can tell it looks like it will be the same pace as FFXI. I like it though.
If you take WoW and compare it to this game, you realize 2 very prominant things.
1. They both have really well made game mechanics and functions. (remember FFXI is older and made for cross platform)
2. FFXI has a harder learning curve and slower paced. WoW is easy to pick up and play at a fast pace.
I like both but if I had to pick I'd go the FFXI style. It's more the EQ style which I grew up with and respect. WoW is fun though, I've given it plenty of props.