Buy darkfall since A. Mortal online is in beta, and B. Mortal online more than likely wont be ready at launch, so darkfall will give you some time to let Mortal mature.
^^This is pretty much the argument right now. If you have the patience to wait for Mortal Online to mature for a few months, then you may as well play it as its core systems seem more inclined to longer play and a larger base audience. While Darkfallers insist their game is (and has been) doing better in population each week since launch, AV refuses to release any information to support this statement. IMO giving out sub number (if they are higher than most expect) could only be good publicity in my eyes. IMO, purchasing DF is like buying a ship with a leak. Its slowly sinking yet the merry band is playing on like their is nothing to worry about. They ask for your subscription money for a few more months until better things are there. If thats your thing, fine, I just prefer looking at things in a bit longer investment.
^^This is pretty much the argument right now. If you have the patience to wait for Mortal Online to mature for a few months, then you may as well play it as its core systems seem more inclined to longer play and a larger base audience. While Darkfallers insist their game is (and has been) doing better in population each week since launch, AV refuses to release any information to support this statement. IMO giving out sub number (if they are higher than most expect) could only be good publicity in my eyes. IMO, purchasing DF is like buying a ship with a leak. Its slowly sinking yet the merry band is playing on like their is nothing to worry about. They ask for your subscription money for a few more months until better things are there. If thats your thing, fine, I just prefer looking at things in a bit longer investment.
In this analogy MO is a husk of a ship with no planks, sails, or oars. And its manned by a skeleton crew with neither the manpower or the money to finish construction anytime soon. Meanwhile, they are taking donations to build the ship from hopeful souls who want a ride to the "promised land".
And its maiden voyage is suppose to be next month...
I'd rather have a leaky ship. But Good Luck with that.
^^This is pretty much the argument right now. If you have the patience to wait for Mortal Online to mature for a few months, then you may as well play it as its core systems seem more inclined to longer play and a larger base audience. While Darkfallers insist their game is (and has been) doing better in population each week since launch, AV refuses to release any information to support this statement. IMO giving out sub number (if they are higher than most expect) could only be good publicity in my eyes. IMO, purchasing DF is like buying a ship with a leak. Its slowly sinking yet the merry band is playing on like their is nothing to worry about. They ask for your subscription money for a few more months until better things are there. If thats your thing, fine, I just prefer looking at things in a bit longer investment.
Oh please.....Look this up You can clearly notice a growth based on these stats. Hell, you are doing the exact same thing with MO that you accuse "DarkFallers" of doing....except that instead of backing up Mortal Online with any type of argument, you "bash" DarkFall.
Hell, many MO players will agree that the game is far from a Launch and you've probably seen what a bad Launch did to DarkFall and if Star Vault choose to release MO in a few weeks like they announced (I believe so...), they'll suffer from the exact same issue. And with the surge of players trying the game, new servers issues will pop up, game will be unplayable and players will leave.....just like it happened with DarkFall.
So please, spare me the crap that DarkFall is sinking when it clearly isn't and that MO is the second coming of Christ. You don't know yet.
Dude that thread is such a bullshit ... Lets take for example Cairn alliance on EU 1. It consists of around 600 players, and of which there are about 50-100 active if you count people who play around 1 day per week aswell ... These number in that thread mean like nothing as long clans dont clear inactive which they arent doing. Hell there are even in top 10 biggest clan which is 100% inactive (Stoped playing or transfered to NA 1, who knows ... ).
There is no proof that DF is sinking or not. The only proof is that you can ride hours through the world without seeing a single player which was impossible at launch...
So please, spare me the crap of blue eyed fanboys and haters. There is nothing you can do just wait and watch what will happen to DF except make the newbie life easyer so they stick to DF and get addicted
I don't know. Darkfall will be more fun for a bit while MO works out some kinks, but I think that MO may have more potential if it ever gets off the ground. DF is definitely fun, but when it comes down to it all you have is a single melee swing, a block, a rocket launcher with different speeds and AOE explosions, and a bow. The rest is skill and stat grind.
Don't get me wrong DF is loads of fun, but I don't see anything ever changing these basics as they constantly focus on creating PvP hotspots, and 90% of all expansions are dumped into chaos chests with a ridiculously rare chance of ever seeing one of these items. Things like a simple safe for your house that you might have spent 50k-150k for can go for more than your house because they make them so ridiculously rare.
What I am saying is unless you really get into guild politics DF can get old after a few months with nothing to really make it fresh again. This isn't a content driven game it is a system driven game and in general they aren't really focusing on making their systems any deeper. If they start opening up some of the dungeons and polishing up some group PvE content which would in turn create PvP hotspots like they are constantly trying to do, or add some depth to their current systems it could be the sandbox that lives on and grows strong like EVE, but they aren't and show no intention to.
MO devs I think have a much broader focus with deeper systems in mind, but it as at least 6-12 months from being stable and interesting enough to really compete. I think DF has worked itself into a pigeon hole while MO has made itself too broad for now, but if it lives and is successful enough to grow this is a great thing.
DF is pretty solid now, but at launch it had almost none of it's promised features. If they said they had it they made sure to have a small bug that made it impossible to do. Such as inability or nearly impossible cost to create ships. Extremely rare armor that was worse than some of the most common, etc. DF was a mangled heap of what it is now at launch so these games provide potential to a starved market. The market is less starved for MO though than it was for DF.
Currently, MO is unplayable so dont play it yet. You can play darkfall if you want, but me, i left DF because of the grind and now and today, they still got the stats grind. If you dont mind at not being competitive on pvp and you join a clan to contribute, darkfall is good, but otherwise, play something else and like me, wait teal MO is playable or complete.
darkfall is doing great, join the fun. or sit out and watch everyone else enjoy it. your choice. check out the mortal online videos too, i think if you watch 2 of 3 of them you'll never even think of the game again. i was so excited about mortal from the forums, and then to see what they created just makes me so fucking angry. oh well, darkfall is fucking epic, i lol so hard at people who arent playing it.
Oh please.....Look this up You can clearly notice a growth based on these stats. Hell, you are doing the exact same thing with MO that you accuse "DarkFallers" of doing....except that instead of backing up Mortal Online with any type of argument, you "bash" DarkFall.
Hell, many MO players will agree that the game is far from a Launch and you've probably seen what a bad Launch did to DarkFall and if Star Vault choose to release MO in a few weeks like they announced (I believe so...), they'll suffer from the exact same issue. And with the surge of players trying the game, new servers issues will pop up, game will be unplayable and players will leave.....just like it happened with DarkFall.
So please, spare me the crap that DarkFall is sinking when it clearly isn't and that MO is the second coming of Christ. You don't know yet.
Dude that thread is such a bullshit ... Lets take for example Cairn alliance on EU 1. It consists of around 600 players, and of which there are about 50-100 active if you count people who play around 1 day per week aswell ... These number in that thread mean like nothing as long clans dont clear inactive which they arent doing. Hell there are even in top 10 biggest clan which is 100% inactive (Stoped playing or transfered to NA 1, who knows ... ).
There is no proof that DF is sinking or not. The only proof is that you can ride hours through the world without seeing a single player which was impossible at launch...
So please, spare me the crap of blue eyed fanboys and haters. There is nothing you can do just wait and watch what will happen to DF except make the newbie life easyer so they stick to DF and get addicted
Had you bothered reading the thread I linked. He does mention that the EU numbers are not as accuate as the NA numbers because of transfers and inactivities.
" A caveat to the numbers above. The NA count seems to be more accurate than the EU count, but both have confirmed inactive players. It's long been known that the clan counts take quite awhile to remove inactive or now even transferred players. So, just remember that before taking these numbers as absolutes."
Oh please.....Look this up You can clearly notice a growth based on these stats. Hell, you are doing the exact same thing with MO that you accuse "DarkFallers" of doing....except that instead of backing up Mortal Online with any type of argument, you "bash" DarkFall.
Hell, many MO players will agree that the game is far from a Launch and you've probably seen what a bad Launch did to DarkFall and if Star Vault choose to release MO in a few weeks like they announced (I believe so...), they'll suffer from the exact same issue. And with the surge of players trying the game, new servers issues will pop up, game will be unplayable and players will leave.....just like it happened with DarkFall.
So please, spare me the crap that DarkFall is sinking when it clearly isn't and that MO is the second coming of Christ. You don't know yet.
Dude that thread is such a bullshit ... Lets take for example Cairn alliance on EU 1. It consists of around 600 players, and of which there are about 50-100 active if you count people who play around 1 day per week aswell ... These number in that thread mean like nothing as long clans dont clear inactive which they arent doing. Hell there are even in top 10 biggest clan which is 100% inactive (Stoped playing or transfered to NA 1, who knows ... ).
There is no proof that DF is sinking or not. The only proof is that you can ride hours through the world without seeing a single player which was impossible at launch...
So please, spare me the crap of blue eyed fanboys and haters. There is nothing you can do just wait and watch what will happen to DF except make the newbie life easyer so they stick to DF and get addicted
Had you bothered reading the thread I linked. He does mention that the EU numbers are not as accuate as the NA numbers because of transfers and inactivities.
" A caveat to the numbers above. The NA count seems to be more accurate than the EU count, but both have confirmed inactive players. It's long been known that the clan counts take quite awhile to remove inactive or now even transferred players. So, just remember that before taking these numbers as absolutes."
So what? There is no difference between wrong numbers and wrong numbers! As long no one of AV confirm numbers its just pure guessing.
I agree with what most people are saying. MO is not unplayable, though. However, at the moment, Darkfall is a much more fleshed out game. Mortal will be better in 6 months or so, I think, but for now it doesn't have much to do. The main difference I see is that Mortal's skill system forces people to specialize in a type of gameplay, forcing people to interact with eachother for certain things, like aquiring materials or gear. basically it forces an economy and allows everyone to be different, with different strengths and weaknesses. In Darkfall everyone can learn every skill to every extent. Basically everyone is working toward being the same character. Also the melee combat in Darkfall is worse. People can call Mortal a CS knife fight all they want, but DF isn't even that far. DF is just click spamming, you can't effectively dodge or block, so it's all about clicking faster than the other guy and hoping you have more HP.
Still, for the time being, DF has more to do of more consequence. They at least have guild wars with sieges, some more PVE than MO has at the moment, although they may be adding more mobs before release, and world objectives like the Sea Towers. It's a toss up. Mortal will be better than DF, in my opinion of course, in 6 months or so. If you don't want to wait though, DF is probably the better call to start enjoying yourself. If you have the patience, though, MO might be better. You can get in on the ground level and learn how everything works while still enjoying yourself in PVP or crafting. MO's crafting DESTROYS Darkfall's.
I am not even sure MO will be here 6 months down the road.
MO right now is df if they went with the 2005 launch. Its core gaming systems seem to be better then DFs. But DF has a lot more to offer and is bandaiding (many cases not totally curing however) there problems fast.
The Melee in MO looks like it should be better. But most people i talk to seem to think its worse then DF current melee system. Mostly due to tech issues. .
I can't say anything about current state of the Mortal Online, because I'm not in beta. But there are few design / philosophical differences between two games: MO has consensual war declarations (both sides have to agree to go to war), stat loss for reds, and does not racial wars. And in DF - when you have negative alignment - noone will call you "a murderer"
If the other side refuse the war declaration, they still can get raped so whats the problem? I also heard that if you refuse a war declaration, you still get a penalty for that like losing gold. If you also dont have enough gold to refuse a declaration, you will be forced to go to war.
If the other side refuse the war declaration, they still can get raped so whats the problem? I also heard that if you refuse a war declaration, you still get a penalty for that like losing gold. If you also dont have enough gold to refuse a declaration, you will be forced to go to war.
The reason that is a problem is that you do not need a game engine to do the same thing anyway. Take a second and imagine a real war threat. Clearly in real war you don’t have the option of declining a war declaration but you DO have the ability to bargain your way out it.
So with a game that has war declaration acceptance “hard coded” it removes the creativity of player bargaining, and yes, people bargain their way out of war in Darkfall.
What I described above is the real concept of a 'sandbox'
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Seems very stable and polished compared to the current state of MO
Has a better UI and chat system than MO in its current state
is easier to figure out what to do in the beginning and has about a half dozen quests to help get you started without holding your hand and walking you through everything
People are usually willing to answer questions
You get a bit of a 3rd person perspective when using a melee weapon
Much easier to find information to help you get acquainted with the game (e.g. websites, maps, forum posts etc)
Most everything useful is gathered and/or crafted.
Item decay rate feels about right.
Darkfall cons:
Vets were able to macro many or all of their stats and skills to the ceiling for months , but now AV has decided to police and ban newcomers that are macroing/scripting
The UI is still somewhat clunky, no matter how much tweaking you do
Chat system functions fine, but needs a lot of improvement
Griefers/PKs will greatly hinder your crafting advancement, by easy-mode killing/looting you while you're gathering resources
Unwillingly being a preferred means of acquiring resources for said griefers/PKs
No central means of trade besides trade channel chat
Too easy to be scammed/exploited in any non-clan member trading
Skill grind is about right, but Stats seem far too much of a grind
No skill decay and no specialization. Everyone can master all of the melee/archery/magic/crafting/gathering abilities, making it feel like its just a FPS with a prerequisite grindfest to participate.
Asshats that hunt newbies instead of looking for a fair fight/raid
MO Pros:
Much more to offer in concept of game mechanics
Will have a system to make griefing more of a risk
Some graphics aspects are superior to Darkfall
More customization
Better inventory system
More crafting depth
MO Cons:
Unfinished, and far from being ready for a solid release at this point
Nothing in the way of helping you get acquainted/interacting with the game world in your first steps in the game
Chat and UI systems are pretty sad in their current state
Out of game Information resources for newbies is either extremely vague or very hard/time consuming to find
Controls/movement are very awkward compared to Darkfall
Death seems too inconvenient for a FFA-Open PvP game.
NPCs offer no help at this point, not even so much as a name or identification over their head.
SV needs money and will likely push the game out before its in a releasable state
Asshats that hunt newbies instead of looking for a fair fight/raid
Seems very stable and polished compared to the current state of MO Has a better UI and chat system than MO in its current state is easier to figure out what to do in the beginning and has about a half dozen quests to help get you started without holding your hand and walking you through everything People are usually willing to answer questions Much easier to find information to help you get acquainted with the game (e.g. websites, maps, forum posts etc) Most everything useful is gathered and/or crafted. Item decay rate feels about right.
Darkfall cons:
Vets were able to macro many or all of their stats and skills to the ceiling for months , but now AV has decided to police and ban newcomers that are macroing/scripting The UI is still somewhat clunky, no matter how much tweaking you do Chat system functions fine, but needs a lot of improvement Griefers/PKs will greatly hinder your crafting advancement, by easy-mode killing/looting you while you're gathering resources Unwillingly being a preferred means of acquiring resources for said griefers/PKs No central means of trade besides trade channel chat Too easy to be scammed/exploited in any non-clan member trading Skill grind is about right, but Stats seem far too much of a grind You get a bit of a 3rd person perspective when using a melee weapon No skill decay and no specialization. Everyone can master all of the melee/archery/magic/crafting/gathering abilities, making it feel like its just a FPS with a prerequisite grindfest to participate. Asshats that hunt newbies instead of looking for a fair fight/raid
MO Pros:
Much more to offer in concept of game mechanics Will have a system to make griefing more of a risk Some graphics aspects are superior to Darkfall More customization Better inventory system More crafting depth
MO Cons:
Unfinished, and far from being ready for a solid release at this point Nothing in the way of helping you get acquainted/interacting with the game world in your first steps in the game Chat and UI systems are pretty sad in their current state Out of game Information resources for newbies is either extremely vague or very hard/time consuming to find Controls/movement are very awkward compared to Darkfall Death seems too inconvenient for a FFA-Open PvP game. NPCs offer no help at this point, not even so much as a name or identification over their head. SV needs money and will likely push the game out before its in a releasable state Asshats that hunt newbies instead of looking for a fair fight/raid
on MO having better game mechanics I still find it odd how everyone just completely looks over things such as boats and building cities in DF which was one of my top reasons I was intrested in DF in the first place.
Building and sailing ships is a game mechanic that MO does not nor will have.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
At the moment, Darkfall is a much more complete and polished game. Mortal Online is currently borderline unplayable in my opinion. I think it will eventually be a great game, but it has a long way to go.
I would suggest you do the same thing I am doing. Play Darkfall for now and give Mortal Online a good 6 months to a year to continue developing. Then play it as well...
Seems very stable and polished compared to the current state of MO Has a better UI and chat system than MO in its current state is easier to figure out what to do in the beginning and has about a half dozen quests to help get you started without holding your hand and walking you through everything People are usually willing to answer questions Much easier to find information to help you get acquainted with the game (e.g. websites, maps, forum posts etc) Most everything useful is gathered and/or crafted. Item decay rate feels about right.
Darkfall cons:
Vets were able to macro many or all of their stats and skills to the ceiling for months , but now AV has decided to police and ban newcomers that are macroing/scripting The UI is still somewhat clunky, no matter how much tweaking you do Chat system functions fine, but needs a lot of improvement Griefers/PKs will greatly hinder your crafting advancement, by easy-mode killing/looting you while you're gathering resources Unwillingly being a preferred means of acquiring resources for said griefers/PKs No central means of trade besides trade channel chat Too easy to be scammed/exploited in any non-clan member trading Skill grind is about right, but Stats seem far too much of a grind You get a bit of a 3rd person perspective when using a melee weapon No skill decay and no specialization. Everyone can master all of the melee/archery/magic/crafting/gathering abilities, making it feel like its just a FPS with a prerequisite grindfest to participate. Asshats that hunt newbies instead of looking for a fair fight/raid
MO Pros:
Much more to offer in concept of game mechanics Will have a system to make griefing more of a risk Some graphics aspects are superior to Darkfall More customization Better inventory system More crafting depth
MO Cons:
Unfinished, and far from being ready for a solid release at this point Nothing in the way of helping you get acquainted/interacting with the game world in your first steps in the game Chat and UI systems are pretty sad in their current state Out of game Information resources for newbies is either extremely vague or very hard/time consuming to find Controls/movement are very awkward compared to Darkfall Death seems too inconvenient for a FFA-Open PvP game. NPCs offer no help at this point, not even so much as a name or identification over their head. SV needs money and will likely push the game out before its in a releasable state Asshats that hunt newbies instead of looking for a fair fight/raid
on MO having better game mechanics I still find it odd how everyone just completely looks over things such as boats and building cities in DF which was one of my top reasons I was intrested in DF in the first place.
Building and sailing ships is a game mechanic that MO does not nor will have.
I agree with most of that stuff except I dont agree with your statement of a DF positive is "everything must be harvested/gathered" unless your talking about magic boxes that appear in the woods containing homes and slot machines for whoever wanders by is gathering. This is a joke system and its a shame that this stuff isnt crafted like a "sandbox" game should. I also disagree with the death system being a con but this is my own opinion. The entire idea of the etherworld is that it will be a "dangerous place" and it has potential to be a metagame. One example is of the necromancy school of magic being able to *interact* with dead characters trying to do a corpse run. I see this as good gameplay potential, but I know others want to have to respawn and rush back into battle as soon as possible too. Also, being rushed into a launch is actually exactly what Darkfall did too and I agree they paid for that.
I left out ships simply because I haven't experienced that content in Darkfall yet. However, in MO building a house and extensions without having to loot a rare drop deed seems a bit more accessible. I'm not saying either game is bad or trying to convey that either game is better than the other. To do so would be an irresponsible opinion due to the fact that they're in entirely different development timelines. I just wanted to list pros and cons that I've encountered in each game and their design plans at this point in time and leave the decision open-ended. Noone knows if SV will deliver on Mortal anymore than we know what AV has in the works to improve and add to Darkfall. I just try to enjoy (and in some cases be frustrated by) what both have to offer.
Seems very stable and polished compared to the current state of MO Has a better UI and chat system than MO in its current state is easier to figure out what to do in the beginning and has about a half dozen quests to help get you started without holding your hand and walking you through everything People are usually willing to answer questions You get a bit of a 3rd person perspective when using a melee weapon Much easier to find information to help you get acquainted with the game (e.g. websites, maps, forum posts etc) Most everything useful is gathered and/or crafted.
False in the case of House Deeds or similar items. There are also a few Armor Sets (Ancient) which cannot be crafted. Ships and Warhulk's main ingredient (Orb of Might and Astrolabe) are not craftable either. Item decay rate feels about right.
Darkfall cons:
Vets were able to macro many or all of their stats and skills to the ceiling for months , but now AV has decided to police and ban newcomers that are macroing/scripting
As mentionned by Moderators and Customer Support, NO Account were banned for Macro'ing and the message on the forum was actually a misunderstanding from an email. You will NOT get banned for Macro'ing as long as it is something that is possible to do with the current system. You must also be Attending to the Macro otherwise you will be kicked from Server. This only goes for AFK gathering as AFK swimming/running may result in a kick, 3 day ban, 7 day ban, empty bank, permanent ban. The UI is still somewhat clunky, no matter how much tweaking you do
Some will say the UI is good, some don't like it. I personally didn't have any issue with it. Chat system functions fine, but needs a lot of improvement
Agreed, Chat System is Horrible. Griefers/PKs will greatly hinder your crafting advancement, by easy-mode killing/looting you while you're gathering resources
It's not as bad as it seems. After a few days, you quickly notice a pattern as to when these PKers come and where do they go. Usually you can avoid them without any issue after you've understood their pattern/schedule. Unwillingly being a preferred means of acquiring resources for said griefers/PKs
True and False. Raiding Clan cities will yield a lot more ressources than an NPC City filled with new players. Only difference is the difficulty. No central means of trade besides trade channel chat
There's player vendor deeds which works like they did in UO. An NPC that you can install in your house and will sell items to other players for you. Too easy to be scammed/exploited in any non-clan member trading
This is false. There are very few scammers roaming in DarkFall as the word quickly spread about who not to trade with. Trades are often handled in NPC towns for the protection of the Tower OR in powerful clan cities known for being fair. Neutral Clan Cities also works. Skill grind is about right, but Stats seem far too much of a grind
True No skill decay and no specialization. Everyone can master all of the melee/archery/magic/crafting/gathering abilities, making it feel like its just a FPS with a prerequisite grindfest to participate.
Wrong. Magic has had Specialization since July and Melee/Archery since December. Melee and Archery will offer skills such as Destroyer/Mage Killer, which disables ALL Elemental Magic, Necromancy and Arcane Magic. A player may still use Lesser, Greater, Witchcraft and Spell Chanting Magics though. Some other skills will also reduce your max mana by 5-10% and will stack with additional Specialization penalities. Asshats that hunt newbies instead of looking for a fair fight/raid
It's not as bad as it seem. It's always the same 2 players for every NPC Cities and often clans on their way will help to take them down. DarkFall is actually fairly peacefull around NPC Cities with the exceptions of Fridays and Week-ends where most of the PK'ing roam around but they rarely stay for too long.
Just going to clarify a few things.
Most of the Cons have been fixed since the Expansion. As for PK'ers, it's often non-players who will say those things as I roam around NPC Towns a lot myself and rarely notice any PKers. Many Bloggers also share similar experience.
Ships and navel combat IS planned for mortal but its a ways down the road. This is probably one of the more exciting sandbox areas IMO and its nice to see DF has this up and running. The Kraken looks like a lot of fun even if the animations are terrible.
Buy darkfall since A. Mortal online is in beta, and B. Mortal online more than likely wont be ready at launch, so darkfall will give you some time to let Mortal mature.
^^This is pretty much the argument right now. If you have the patience to wait for Mortal Online to mature for a few months, then you may as well play it as its core systems seem more inclined to longer play and a larger base audience. While Darkfallers insist their game is (and has been) doing better in population each week since launch, AV refuses to release any information to support this statement. IMO giving out sub number (if they are higher than most expect) could only be good publicity in my eyes. IMO, purchasing DF is like buying a ship with a leak. Its slowly sinking yet the merry band is playing on like their is nothing to worry about. They ask for your subscription money for a few more months until better things are there. If thats your thing, fine, I just prefer looking at things in a bit longer investment.
Darkfall, since MO will not be ready for quite some time. (Summer 2010?)
In this analogy MO is a husk of a ship with no planks, sails, or oars. And its manned by a skeleton crew with neither the manpower or the money to finish construction anytime soon. Meanwhile, they are taking donations to build the ship from hopeful souls who want a ride to the "promised land".
And its maiden voyage is suppose to be next month...
I'd rather have a leaky ship. But Good Luck with that.
Oh please.....Look this up You can clearly notice a growth based on these stats. Hell, you are doing the exact same thing with MO that you accuse "DarkFallers" of doing....except that instead of backing up Mortal Online with any type of argument, you "bash" DarkFall.
Hell, many MO players will agree that the game is far from a Launch and you've probably seen what a bad Launch did to DarkFall and if Star Vault choose to release MO in a few weeks like they announced (I believe so...), they'll suffer from the exact same issue. And with the surge of players trying the game, new servers issues will pop up, game will be unplayable and players will leave.....just like it happened with DarkFall.
So please, spare me the crap that DarkFall is sinking when it clearly isn't and that MO is the second coming of Christ. You don't know yet.
Dude that thread is such a bullshit ... Lets take for example Cairn alliance on EU 1. It consists of around 600 players, and of which there are about 50-100 active if you count people who play around 1 day per week aswell ... These number in that thread mean like nothing as long clans dont clear inactive which they arent doing. Hell there are even in top 10 biggest clan which is 100% inactive (Stoped playing or transfered to NA 1, who knows ... ).
There is no proof that DF is sinking or not. The only proof is that you can ride hours through the world without seeing a single player which was impossible at launch...
So please, spare me the crap of blue eyed fanboys and haters. There is nothing you can do just wait and watch what will happen to DF except make the newbie life easyer so they stick to DF and get addicted
EvE doors
See the best doors on EvE-on!
I don't know. Darkfall will be more fun for a bit while MO works out some kinks, but I think that MO may have more potential if it ever gets off the ground. DF is definitely fun, but when it comes down to it all you have is a single melee swing, a block, a rocket launcher with different speeds and AOE explosions, and a bow. The rest is skill and stat grind.
Don't get me wrong DF is loads of fun, but I don't see anything ever changing these basics as they constantly focus on creating PvP hotspots, and 90% of all expansions are dumped into chaos chests with a ridiculously rare chance of ever seeing one of these items. Things like a simple safe for your house that you might have spent 50k-150k for can go for more than your house because they make them so ridiculously rare.
What I am saying is unless you really get into guild politics DF can get old after a few months with nothing to really make it fresh again. This isn't a content driven game it is a system driven game and in general they aren't really focusing on making their systems any deeper. If they start opening up some of the dungeons and polishing up some group PvE content which would in turn create PvP hotspots like they are constantly trying to do, or add some depth to their current systems it could be the sandbox that lives on and grows strong like EVE, but they aren't and show no intention to.
MO devs I think have a much broader focus with deeper systems in mind, but it as at least 6-12 months from being stable and interesting enough to really compete. I think DF has worked itself into a pigeon hole while MO has made itself too broad for now, but if it lives and is successful enough to grow this is a great thing.
DF is pretty solid now, but at launch it had almost none of it's promised features. If they said they had it they made sure to have a small bug that made it impossible to do. Such as inability or nearly impossible cost to create ships. Extremely rare armor that was worse than some of the most common, etc. DF was a mangled heap of what it is now at launch so these games provide potential to a starved market. The market is less starved for MO though than it was for DF.
Currently, MO is unplayable so dont play it yet. You can play darkfall if you want, but me, i left DF because of the grind and now and today, they still got the stats grind. If you dont mind at not being competitive on pvp and you join a clan to contribute, darkfall is good, but otherwise, play something else and like me, wait teal MO is playable or complete.
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darkfall is doing great, join the fun. or sit out and watch everyone else enjoy it. your choice. check out the mortal online videos too, i think if you watch 2 of 3 of them you'll never even think of the game again. i was so excited about mortal from the forums, and then to see what they created just makes me so fucking angry. oh well, darkfall is fucking epic, i lol so hard at people who arent playing it.
Dude that thread is such a bullshit ... Lets take for example Cairn alliance on EU 1. It consists of around 600 players, and of which there are about 50-100 active if you count people who play around 1 day per week aswell ... These number in that thread mean like nothing as long clans dont clear inactive which they arent doing. Hell there are even in top 10 biggest clan which is 100% inactive (Stoped playing or transfered to NA 1, who knows ... ).
There is no proof that DF is sinking or not. The only proof is that you can ride hours through the world without seeing a single player which was impossible at launch...
So please, spare me the crap of blue eyed fanboys and haters. There is nothing you can do just wait and watch what will happen to DF except make the newbie life easyer so they stick to DF and get addicted
Had you bothered reading the thread I linked. He does mention that the EU numbers are not as accuate as the NA numbers because of transfers and inactivities.
" A caveat to the numbers above. The NA count seems to be more accurate than the EU count, but both have confirmed inactive players. It's long been known that the clan counts take quite awhile to remove inactive or now even transferred players. So, just remember that before taking these numbers as absolutes."
Dude that thread is such a bullshit ... Lets take for example Cairn alliance on EU 1. It consists of around 600 players, and of which there are about 50-100 active if you count people who play around 1 day per week aswell ... These number in that thread mean like nothing as long clans dont clear inactive which they arent doing. Hell there are even in top 10 biggest clan which is 100% inactive (Stoped playing or transfered to NA 1, who knows ... ).
There is no proof that DF is sinking or not. The only proof is that you can ride hours through the world without seeing a single player which was impossible at launch...
So please, spare me the crap of blue eyed fanboys and haters. There is nothing you can do just wait and watch what will happen to DF except make the newbie life easyer so they stick to DF and get addicted
Had you bothered reading the thread I linked. He does mention that the EU numbers are not as accuate as the NA numbers because of transfers and inactivities.
" A caveat to the numbers above. The NA count seems to be more accurate than the EU count, but both have confirmed inactive players. It's long been known that the clan counts take quite awhile to remove inactive or now even transferred players. So, just remember that before taking these numbers as absolutes."
So what? There is no difference between wrong numbers and wrong numbers! As long no one of AV confirm numbers its just pure guessing.
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I agree with what most people are saying. MO is not unplayable, though. However, at the moment, Darkfall is a much more fleshed out game. Mortal will be better in 6 months or so, I think, but for now it doesn't have much to do. The main difference I see is that Mortal's skill system forces people to specialize in a type of gameplay, forcing people to interact with eachother for certain things, like aquiring materials or gear. basically it forces an economy and allows everyone to be different, with different strengths and weaknesses. In Darkfall everyone can learn every skill to every extent. Basically everyone is working toward being the same character. Also the melee combat in Darkfall is worse. People can call Mortal a CS knife fight all they want, but DF isn't even that far. DF is just click spamming, you can't effectively dodge or block, so it's all about clicking faster than the other guy and hoping you have more HP.
Still, for the time being, DF has more to do of more consequence. They at least have guild wars with sieges, some more PVE than MO has at the moment, although they may be adding more mobs before release, and world objectives like the Sea Towers. It's a toss up. Mortal will be better than DF, in my opinion of course, in 6 months or so. If you don't want to wait though, DF is probably the better call to start enjoying yourself. If you have the patience, though, MO might be better. You can get in on the ground level and learn how everything works while still enjoying yourself in PVP or crafting. MO's crafting DESTROYS Darkfall's.
I am not even sure MO will be here 6 months down the road.
MO right now is df if they went with the 2005 launch. Its core gaming systems seem to be better then DFs. But DF has a lot more to offer and is bandaiding (many cases not totally curing however) there problems fast.
The Melee in MO looks like it should be better. But most people i talk to seem to think its worse then DF current melee system. Mostly due to tech issues. .
I can't say anything about current state of the Mortal Online, because I'm not in beta.
But there are few design / philosophical differences between two games:
MO has consensual war declarations (both sides have to agree to go to war), stat loss for reds, and does not racial wars.
And in DF - when you have negative alignment - noone will call you "a murderer"
As it is right now, MO is a bad game. Certainly it has potential but I believe that it will be years before it starts to live up to the potential.
I would rather play a great game right now. That's why I play Darkfall.
If the other side refuse the war declaration, they still can get raped so whats the problem? I also heard that if you refuse a war declaration, you still get a penalty for that like losing gold. If you also dont have enough gold to refuse a declaration, you will be forced to go to war.
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The reason that is a problem is that you do not need a game engine to do the same thing anyway. Take a second and imagine a real war threat. Clearly in real war you don’t have the option of declining a war declaration but you DO have the ability to bargain your way out it.
So with a game that has war declaration acceptance “hard coded” it removes the creativity of player bargaining, and yes, people bargain their way out of war in Darkfall.
What I described above is the real concept of a 'sandbox'
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Darkfall Pros:
Darkfall cons:
MO Pros:
MO Cons:
darkfall atm, maybe MO in about a year down the line.
on MO having better game mechanics I still find it odd how everyone just completely looks over things such as boats and building cities in DF which was one of my top reasons I was intrested in DF in the first place.
Building and sailing ships is a game mechanic that MO does not nor will have.
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Please do not respond to me
MO every day of the week! ^^
I enjoy it really much even if it is still in beta!
At the moment, Darkfall is a much more complete and polished game. Mortal Online is currently borderline unplayable in my opinion. I think it will eventually be a great game, but it has a long way to go.
I would suggest you do the same thing I am doing. Play Darkfall for now and give Mortal Online a good 6 months to a year to continue developing. Then play it as well...
on MO having better game mechanics I still find it odd how everyone just completely looks over things such as boats and building cities in DF which was one of my top reasons I was intrested in DF in the first place.
Building and sailing ships is a game mechanic that MO does not nor will have.
I agree with most of that stuff except I dont agree with your statement of a DF positive is "everything must be harvested/gathered" unless your talking about magic boxes that appear in the woods containing homes and slot machines for whoever wanders by is gathering. This is a joke system and its a shame that this stuff isnt crafted like a "sandbox" game should. I also disagree with the death system being a con but this is my own opinion. The entire idea of the etherworld is that it will be a "dangerous place" and it has potential to be a metagame. One example is of the necromancy school of magic being able to *interact* with dead characters trying to do a corpse run. I see this as good gameplay potential, but I know others want to have to respawn and rush back into battle as soon as possible too. Also, being rushed into a launch is actually exactly what Darkfall did too and I agree they paid for that.
I left out ships simply because I haven't experienced that content in Darkfall yet. However, in MO building a house and extensions without having to loot a rare drop deed seems a bit more accessible. I'm not saying either game is bad or trying to convey that either game is better than the other. To do so would be an irresponsible opinion due to the fact that they're in entirely different development timelines. I just wanted to list pros and cons that I've encountered in each game and their design plans at this point in time and leave the decision open-ended. Noone knows if SV will deliver on Mortal anymore than we know what AV has in the works to improve and add to Darkfall. I just try to enjoy (and in some cases be frustrated by) what both have to offer.
Just going to clarify a few things.
Most of the Cons have been fixed since the Expansion. As for PK'ers, it's often non-players who will say those things as I roam around NPC Towns a lot myself and rarely notice any PKers. Many Bloggers also share similar experience.
Ships and navel combat IS planned for mortal but its a ways down the road. This is probably one of the more exciting sandbox areas IMO and its nice to see DF has this up and running. The Kraken looks like a lot of fun even if the animations are terrible.