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ok i m confused!i knew this but its been a while ago !pentium erra lol!
i plan to go FULL HD!1920x1080, 1080 p 24 hertz refresh rate!the power behind my screen as to be 60 hertz!(america)
i think its 50 in europe!
24 hertz refresh rate?
60hertz power freq.or whatever its called
my question!can a 1920x1080x24hertz 1080p screen still be powered by 60 hertz current and still work!
like i say im confused back in the day :24 heartz refresh rate was independent of the 60 heartz power req of the screen
please help .i plan to go hd but at 24 hertz or 32 since at 32 is when human can start to see a diff.
second:are there any screen that support 24 heartz or they all do and its just a mather of graphic card support?
ty for any knowledge on this subject(hd on computer is very knew)
You need to stop worrying about hertz so much lol. Hertz is a generic term for times per second.
1080p 24 hertz means the screen refreshes 24 times per second.
120v 60 hertz power means the alternating current (AC) flips polarity 60 times per second.
They are totally unrelated, you're fine. The 120v 60hz power just gets switched into DC power by the power converter inside the monitor.
As for graphic card and 1080p 24hz support, a display can generally do any common refresh rate below its max listed refresh rate.