just right click on the broken image and show picture till it pops up. but don't think that solves it, try to submitt it....then you'll have another undending back button saga.....
As the globe turns....a saga of epic proportions with the back and submit buttons battleing it out for controll.
Hey buddy. I hate to burst your bubble of over enthusiasm but... You need to create an account over at the WoW Community site and I've been trying for the past 10minutes. Good luck with that.
Bah you all lucky....
And you're lucky you don't live next to me
so umm where do u actually download the client once you get the key? Blizz or thru FP still?
so umm where do u actually download the client once you get the key? Blizz or thru FP still?
Well you're given a link from fp to download the client but... you can't download it because of their server overload.
i just keep getting that stupid gamespy bullshit
Right on, thankyou
now on to the Key wait
Five Ninjas are like a bundle of twigs. Together they are hard to break, but separated they are easily snapped.
Five Ninjas are like a bundle of twigs. Together they are hard to break, but separated they are easily snapped.
hahahah, I actually found that one funny. Look at the image dead link
just right click on the broken image and show picture till it pops up. but don't think that solves it, try to submitt it....then you'll have another undending back button saga.....
As the globe turns....a saga of epic proportions with the back and submit buttons battleing it out for controll.
I'm in. I had to fight for about 5 minutes...
Evil FP! Still trying.
Downloadin the file now YAYYYY
life is great *drops photon cannon*
Five Ninjas are like a bundle of twigs. Together they are hard to break, but separated they are easily snapped.
Five Ninjas are like a bundle of twigs. Together they are hard to break, but separated they are easily snapped.
Ya... Now I need the accont too. Well I got the client from Blood Clan this weekend so at least I don't have to deal with that hell.
The sig that I wish I could use:
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Well at least you all got KEYS! I am still fighting with FP
Um... No.
1337est of teh 1337,
Got farther than me. I can't get off the key page
says its now closed...so i missed out. This is some fucking lame ass bullshit...EQ2 here i come
Now FP's open beta is closed now. They ran out