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I bought WoW at launch and played in the beta. I enjoyed it until I discovered just how badly the whole item aquisition scheme fitted my time and style. I felt like I didn't have a chance at all to get the nice stuff no matter if I spent just as long time as those who got it (only over a longer period).
I play WAR currently and I like the system where everything you do sort of adds to your cup and when you're cup is full you can get the rewards (like the raid armor and weapons from WoW). I like this system a lot because it means that while I won't get my stuff as fast as others I WILL get it.
In WoW I felt more like I was a second grade citizen of the world and I could never get those top items. A friend of mine recently told me that it has become a lot easier to get the top armor, items and weapons in WoW. I decided to look at the WoW website and I was blows away. Not in a good sense that is. I was blown away by confusion over all the stuff and no apparent info on what to do to get it.
But what I do like about WoW is the incredible smoothness and responsiveness og the gameplay.
So my question is this: Has anything changed for the better for a very casual player like me (stopped played about 1½ years after release). What route can I take in WoW if I'd like to have top gear for PvP (I like PvP the most).
Can grind out Honor(AKA PvP gear) 3 ways.
1) By doing Heroic PvE
2) Grinding BG
3) Doing Lake Wintergrasp
I didnt mention Arena, because IMO, thats not Casual, since it not Pug Friendly.
you get honor by doing heroic pve instances? i recently returned as well, i quit it when tbc came..
im in my second month now and have full t9 and the epic achievement, so it is easy to get good gear, but to get all the best pve gear, you need to have achievement to get in the raids...kinda silly, im not a fan of how the achievement system has turned out to be used as a sort of elitist tool
i cant answer about the pvp since i moslty do pve
if you want fast reward play freerealm or other game lol.why force wow to become a 5 second game fix when you got some game exacly made for that time frame on your cellphone or computer
you want the same reward as the guy that as been grinding for 3 week but you can only spend 30 second in the game.
mmo are meant mostly for the long run
but some game are design for the 3 second game fix ,pick the proper game lol
shortest fight thing in wow is arenayou jump in fight a bit then get out often if you plan your time you can be there only 5 minute get out do laundry ,as long as you time your self with your partner you can have 5 minute fight
or battleground most often those are 15 to 30 minute fight.
but for the rest like the elite raid you want a raid elite to last 1 minute is it what you ask
you want to have free reward once you ve done 2000 k quest.
if game maker go the route you wish
in days past we had massive multiplayer online
today we only got multiplayer online game (since massive part was the open world stuff)
but the way you say we ll end up with only online game since mulitplayer part mostly wont be there anymore
im sorry you dont have time to game ,but most gamer have planner.and they plan their game time in their schedule
if a gamer need 4 hour run one time a week you will have to include that in your planner .
if you cant just play the card game incuded with all windows version.
you don't have to be so rude...
to the OP: Theyare releasing new contents (ICC) for now, which will drop T10 gears and equivalent. Even if this takes some "serious" dedication (dont come and say zomg its so ez to raid), but it is completely puggable..
On the other side, you can easily grind heroic dungeons and accumulate triumph emblems and exchange them for T9 (even PVP gears)- which is quite nice... You should be ready for ICC in a few weeks.'thol&n=nightstriker
Ding'd on 04-jan this year, and ready for toc25. - i have no guild (its my bank guild) and yet I did toc25 already - wiped on twin and disband.. :S
It is no longer BT and MC elite attitudes where u have to min max and spend all night raiding to get good gears.
After all I've written about, just don't expect to be as hot(gear-wise) as people raiding ICC and having all good gears in a single run, or even make it to the final boss of TOC10/25 in your first week of pugging.. There are a lot of people like you who is learning and most of them just disband on wipes.. but even new heroics drop nice items, so u can farm emblems while waiting for something good to drop for you!
If you want to comeback, can i send you a scroll of rez? pm me
Ok so they changed it so you can sort of slowly grind your way to the nice stuff? In a more casual solo/pug kind of way?
Scroll of rez... what's that?
yuppers.. you do dungeons you get 5-8 emblems of triumph per dungeons (like emblems of justice.. if u played BC) these emblems allows you to purchase PVP gears from previous seasons and previous tier (t9)
I almost forgot - the new LFG system makes you queue up against all other wow players on other servers- so no wait time to get in dungeons now ( well, u still have to wait a bit...)
There's also a quick raid (15 minutes top) which is (almost) always pugged- its call VOA - its quick, it drops good gears. Easy way to gear youself.
These are good gears, but the best of the best gears still takes some genuine effort. Top PVP gears still requires arena ratings. Latest tier (T10) still require you raiding latest bosses. (i wont complicate your life with frost emblems from dailies for now)
Well, scroll of ressurection, is like an invite I send you tp rejoin Wow. you get to play 10 days fro free on your account. Hit me up if you are up for it.
Hmmm I may want to resubscribe now. Just for a month and if I like it I may just have time to go through with a new character for the last time in the old lands before the next expansion that (as far as I've heard) changes the world completely.
Thanks for the replies... even the one with a wicked ulcer - I know deep down, drbaltazar, that you're a very intellectual and sensitive person.
I don't know. I wouldn't get too caught up in the gear treadmill. The game really is more fun when you just play at your own pace, meet people, and have fun. Once you start worrying about gearscore and stats and stuff like that, the game just becomes a tedious waste of time. To me at least.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
If you want TOP PvP gear you must do Arena , if you don't have achi <Just XXXX of US XXX> then you are screwed unless you have friends to play with you , if you want to get best weapons from PvE and you don't have 1 zyllion gearscore and achis for certain dungeons before you actually run them , then you are screwed.
This is how WoW looks in those days , i still prefer old days with BGs without "Arena Heroes" when me and lots of my friends got fun.
If you want the top gear and top ranks then WoW is a very hardcore experience with many unreasonable expectations and artificial barriers. However, if want to be casual and just want gear and content that is 'good enough' then it is quite wide open. You just have to learn not to obsess about stuff and take things in stride.
It's not so much gearscore, bragging rights or the desire to have pwnage gear that drives me. It's the fact that I really like the challenge of PvP and I can get annoyed when there is a clear barrier where competing on even terms is unachievable. I may have to put in more time to gather the honour points, but it is possible without being in a hardcore guils - that's what I'd like.
I agree 100%. I'd recommend staying in the lower level brackets for WoW PvP, honestly. Its fairly easy to "twink" up your own character. A lot easier than getting the new Arena season gear. That's one way you can stay "on par" with the majority of players you'll find in BGs, and probably give you an advantage in World PvP against most players near your level.
If you want good, balanced, non-gear-dependent PvP though, I'd recommend Team Fortress 2. It's a class based shooter, but as far as class balance and fun go, its untouchable in my opinion. Whenevver I get frustrated in WoW PvP, I can fire up a TF2 match and feel satisfied most of the time.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
I agree 100%. I'd recommend staying in the lower level brackets for WoW PvP, honestly. Its fairly easy to "twink" up your own character. A lot easier than getting the new Arena season gear. That's one way you can stay "on par" with the majority of players you'll find in BGs, and probably give you an advantage in World PvP against most players near your level.
If you want good, balanced, non-gear-dependent PvP though, I'd recommend Team Fortress 2. It's a class based shooter, but as far as class balance and fun go, its untouchable in my opinion. Whenevver I get frustrated in WoW PvP, I can fire up a TF2 match and feel satisfied most of the time.
I already have a good PvP game: Warhammer Online. It was not so impressive at launch so only played it for two months. But just resubscribed and it's amazing. The performance issues are gone and the things I didn't like have been fixed. It is without a doubt the best PvP MMO and PvE is much more varied and less grindy (no silly drop percentages on quest mobs).
The reason I am interrested in WoW again is because of the upcomming cataclysm expansion.
But everyone should give Warhammer a try. There's a free trial now. It is a pretty hardcore game in many ways. The epic hunt is not at all hardcore and if you play you with get the cool items without having to grind. The difficulty of PvE and public quests can be intense compared to wow. RvR is very challenging as well and requires a lot of teamwork.