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since i've tried a sh*t load of mmos and not this one i'm giving it a try ...its only 20 bucks ... but before i'am currently downloading the trial ...and i still have some question
does it worth it ?
i'm a student and dont have much time to play ... will i enjoy it even if i play in short sessions?
people say its a pain to get a group is it true?
can i solo some content?
Does it worth it? I assume the question is "Is it worth it?"
In which case I would say it depends on your playstyle.
I am a full time college student and I find time to play once in a while. I have been playing for 5 years and I do not have much done. Currently only have 3 characters at max level and have done virtually no end game.
If you are a student and you only have short Sessions to play the game I would say in all honesty don't bother. The only reason I as a full time student am able to play the game is because I have 2 very long play sessions, almost 8 hours twice a week. If I had to play the game 1 hour a day or 2 but every day I couldn't get anything done.
It is a pain to get into groups, currently there are hardly any new players in the game. The reason is because there is no real reason for a new player to stay. No low lvl community, no low new players to talk to, hell the Auction house in the Starter towns does not even have armor and weapons for new players half the time. Quite frankly it is a huge pain to get started in this game. However once you do reach level 20 everything gets a lot easier. If you manage to reach level 20 you will most likely want to stick around because you start to get in contact with more players, and you reach Jeuno, a town with a lot of people and low level players.
Can you solo some content....
Kinda, If you are high enough level you can solo a lot of things. Eventually though you will need help to do things. Even if you manage to solo your way to 75 without getting help from anyone, which is very hard to do. You still won't be able to do End game Limbus and Sky without help with the Zilart Missions and the Chains missions. I have actually been stuck trying to get help with the Chains missions for over 7 months now. IT is very hard to get stuff done in a game that depends entirely on the community to help its players, and then the community no longer does the missions or quests you need done. Basically what I am saying is, you can solo to max level but to do anything past that you will need people. And people who will be for the most part unwilling to help you do missions that are required to progress. Basically if you are not doing the missions when they are popular or "The thing to do" you are assed out.
As a fellow casual player I recommend you try the demo out first. I honestly do not think you will enjoy the game at its current state. Had I started the game right now I would have quit it after a week. But since I started when the low lvl community was very large, and there was still a lot unknown about the game and getting 1 job to lvl 75 was a huge deal for people I just stuck around. If you decide to play, Make sure to join a linkshell that is helpful or try to find one. Some people will help you with little low lvl stuff like Genkai or your Artifact armor. But the real big stuff once you are 75 for the most part you will be screwed. Especially if you only have small play sessions of 1-2 hours a day. This is quite frankly not a casual friendly game. I would recommend checking out FFXIV or another mmo that suits your playstyle more.
thank you for your answers
i'll try the demo ... but frankly i dont know what my play style is ... i've got nearly every boxed mmo out there and i'm pissed off i just want to have an " adventure" again
recently i bought DFO i enjoyed it but ...i dont know i'm a pve player not realy pvp so i' want something with huge pve and dont send me to WoW ... i got 10 lvl 80 so ... im realy pissed of it
Depending on what you want from an adventure, I can tell you first hand FFXI does not tell you how or where to do ANYTHING you WILL BE lost as hell your first few days. No tutorial or nothing. Basically puts u in the world and tells you good luck. So you may consider that an adventure.
yeah maybe. .. but since i can't get the trial... i just dont know anymore .. download is stuck at 1.7g of download of 2g and it doesn't move ... so i think it tells me to move on..
There is too a tutorial, not only in-game that briefly teaches you basic info and give you some nice rewards, but there is a website with full video explanations on how to do everything...New Player Guide!
Also there are a ton of new players, and veterans alike on new jobs all over the lower level zones. Yeah sure its not packed with billions of them running around, but they are there. Why is there no reason for new players to stay...thats a bunch of BS? There is a community there if one takes a moment and not treats FFXI like your playing WoW or something else...wave to your fellow player or say hi to them when they pass by...9/10 times that other player will stop what they're doing briefly and turn to say hi or wave also, and toss a few buffs on you as well. {there isn't much chat being discussed openly in pretty much any channel, usually its dead quiet all the time, but who wouldn't prefer that with the occasional greeting and brief help than the continuous name-calling berating and noob chat that goes on in other MMOs.}
The 3 beginner city AHs don't need to have starter equipment, because with the economy back on its feet the way it was originally designed there are plenty of options/choices from NPC merchants that can support any new player up to lvl 12+, then one can purchase gear from the gate guards using conquest points and that gear can support most jobs up to 15-18+ which at that time one would be getting their sub-job and almost ready to head off to Jeuno where all the gear in that AH is plentiful.
I will agree that the learning curve is extremely difficult top wrap your head around and quite the challenge over all other MMOs combined, but also with tons of changes to XP gain to Easy & Decent con mobs, one can solo to lvl 10 on any job within a few short hours, and continue to solo all the way to 20 quite easily at which time they start the trek to Jeuno where the party portion of the game tends to hit full stride. You can start that at lvl 10+ still in the Dunes, and it can be a bit more difficult to get started, but its very possible with vets always there grabbing low lvl jobs/new players and syncing with them. There is also the "Fields of Valor" quests one can do every Vana'diel day which rewards a nice chunk of XP, and gil as well as tabs to purchase buffs with, Plus the Moghancement buffs every week, and the adventurer blue/brown crates which can have some nice pieces of gear in them and temp/perm potions which usually cost a small fortune.
If you start this game with the mindset to fail, because of posts like this that stick to their high lvl characters and don't know what they're talking about with low end gameplay anymore, then yes you will fail and want to give up! However, if you get started with the mindset that its a new game with tons of things to do and explore especially if you've never played it before and actually communicate with other players you'll find it to be the most rewarding PvE adventure ever taken. You won't get much done, or at least feel like you've made much progress right away...that will always take a while in FFXI...its the nature of the game, but stick with it and you'll understand how great it after a time.
Anyway, if you'd like some help, stop by out LS forums by clicking on my signature where you'll find guides to almost everything and links to every popular FFXI website out there. Unlike most veterans, we welcome new players and "will" help you get started without making it sound like you've already failed and shouldn't bother playing...hehe