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Salem's Adventures in Darkfall: The Prologue

SalemPhoenixSalemPhoenix Member Posts: 47

The purpose of this review is to produce an unbiased and somewhat educational read from my experiences with Darkfall. After a launch with more problems than a crack-addict, pop-“star” (whose name goes without saying), Darkfall has always remained present in the back of my mind as one to watch. Well my friends, watched I have, but now is time for action and with that comes my first step into the world of Agon.


Well I mislead you a little there, you see I’m not quite ready to step into Agon yet because I have yet to finish downloading the game. The torrent was painfully slow and the patcher more so, although my ISP recently restricted peer-to-peer transfers so the torrent speed was to be expected. In light of this I opted to download via a third party and while I wait, I thought I’d write a prologue if you will. So what is the purpose of this you ask? Well keep reading and your questions will be answered.


This read could be somewhat long if I were to write it as one post. So I will break it up over several pieces as my journey through Darkfall progresses. A good reviewer will write about the subject in question from the viewpoint of its target audience, however this has not always been the case with some of the previous official Darkfall reviews. I intend to cover my own experiences of the game over time before ending in a summary and a review written entirely as if I fit the niche crowd at which this game is aimed. Who knows, I may already be in that crowd. Fear not, I have a vast experience of MMO’s so any opinions of my own come from playing a great deal in both themeparks and sandboxes.


So essentially, the purpose of this is to write an honest and detailed commentary that potential players can read as a resource that is without extreme posts from both sides of the Darkfall fence.


Before I do make those steps into Agon, I am going to read up and watch a few of the guides. Now bear in mind here that I will likely not follow them in order to experience Darkfall on its own merit and learn my own way. These are useful player-created guides though, so do watch/read what is available in preparation for your own journey. While you don’t have to do everything they say, they do have some good advice. (Links are below)

The next piece will cover from character creation to the first few hours in game.


Take care out there for now,




Valroths Accelerated Character Development Guide Part One

(Subsequent parts are accesible from this intitial video and of course, watch them in order).


  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183

    looking forward to seeing your reactions to the game. I'll be reading this thread :)


  • KruulKruul Member UncommonPosts: 482

    I hope you enjoy  you stay. Hopefully you found a new new

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