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So for about three weeks here I was having a lot of fun in WoW. I have two level 80s, a human warrior and a night elf druid. Thus, I can fulfill all of tanking, dps, and healing roles. However, now that the new dungeon feature has arrived, I find I have absolutely nothing to do. I've run all the dungeons a million times, mastered them, gotten epic-quality gear and let's face it...unless I raid Icecrown there's nothing left to do.
This game feels like it's adhering to such an old formula of MMORPGing. I can either raid or quit now, or start another class I probably won't have fun playing. It's pretty sad that I, going to work and school, have essentially beat most of this game and there's nothing but raiding one dungeon left for me. Should a casual player really have trouble finding something to do in an MMORPG with millions of subscribers?
In my opinion, this game has needed alternate advancement for a long time. It looks like I'm unsubbing already.
Everyone on this site:
1: MMORPGs are DOOMED, and I have the answers to save them!
2: THIS game's gonna kill WoW!
3: I wish things would go back to the Golden Age of MMORPGs, which only existed in my mind...
This is just about all MMO's. You're limiting yourself. There are other great classes other than a Druid and (ugh) a Warrior. The thing is that there are quite a few races thus providing many different starting areas and many different paths to take from 1 to 80 as far as questing. Then you have the "other" faction. For instance (and don't get offended), I'm not down with the Alliance. But I have recently rolled an alt human. And That still leaves a Nightelf to play and a Dranei. Don't limit yourself. Swallow that pride and broaden you horizons. You may actually like it.
Getting too old for this $&17!
The paths to max level are roughly equal on both sides - especially after ~30. It's largely cosmetic. It'll say "Go and kill monkies in the name of the alliance!" or "Go and kill monkies in the name of the horde!" You get what i mean?
You suggestions will keep him occupied (if he can be bothered doing the same things for different people) for a few weeks at best. The bottom line is that he's correct. If you don't want to do battlegrounds/arenas (they may be closed between seasons) then there is absolutely nothing to do in wow.
I quit it a while ago now. WOTLK was released and it took us all of 2 months to have naxxramas on farm status trying to get the immortal title every week. We'd already done naxxramas originally so we were bored off it within a week. We felt cheated by the recycled content. Now times have changed even further and they are throwing epic items at you even more so than before. A guy can get excellent gear in a short space of time just by using the dungeon finding tool. Beyond that, the ONLY content is one single raiding instance.
The problem imo? Too easy. It's far too easy to level, it's far too easy to get gear, it's far too easy to raid, it's far too easy to group. Anyone can do it, and because of that everyone is doing it, and because of that why on earth would you have any pride over what you have?
To go back to an old game by comparison - everquest took a LONG LONG time to level in. If you were bad or an idiot you got a reputation which stuck with you for months and months. But if you were good you got a reputation too, because things were difficult and good people were needed to do those difficult things. There were many different dungeons and the raid content was 1 spawn per server. This meant only a few people had that awesome looking item, but there were other awesome looking items. People didn't seem to fuss over "this is the best item in game", because there were alternatives and if you had one of those top 5 items, you were awesome.
There was pride in it, you felt genuine pride over your achievements because they weren't handed to you. It felt so much sweeter to do something difficult.
Wow gives you things for free, items, levels, everything. And due to that, there's no pride.
WoW was ignoring lower content ever since BC was released. It has appeared that there is more focus on getting you more powerful than enjoying the lower levels in new ways.
I quit towards the end of BC for many reasons, the hum drum of it was one of them.
I find that in most MMOGs the most fun I have is setting my own goals, and not just settling for the goals that the game sets for you. Also remember it's not all about reaching that goal, but getting there that is the fun and rewarding part... or at least it's supposed to be. I find that I can have fun in any MMOG no matter how long I've been playing it usually.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"
Member Since March 2004
Well the question is not so mutch "is there anything to do" as "what do you want to do in-game" Have you tried all the content, have you done all the raids. If so do you like that kind of content.? If you do have you tried to get gear that is not overgeard for the raid and taken a swing at the hard-modes. If you like PvP take a stab at 3v3 or 5v5 arena and take the world with storm as a master galdiator.
So, my friend what do you want to do.?
This have been a good conversation
I left a month or so ago because all I had to look forward to was pvp or raid. Not too fond of the pvp in wow and I would rather spend the evening with convicted serial killers than an hour with raiders.
WoW as far as pre WOTLK was great. But I still have fun playing. It just doesn't get old for me. But at the same time, I don't play everyday. I'm not one of those people to sit there for countless hours only to have an 80 in a week. It actually took me a year or so to hit 70 because I have other games, a job and a family to support and spend time with. I do agree that Blizz has made the game way too easy for everything and that should be changed. I worked my ass off to get my first mount at 40 and now these fktards are now getting them at 20. But being able to travel anywhere whether be it by foot or whatever, made the game feel less "restricted". That open world environment. Aion was great for its hard grind level and otherwise. But it lacked that forementioned quality that WoW has. If they were to have a game that combined both Aion and WoW's plus's, I would be one happy camper. Maybe one day someone will get it right.
Getting too old for this $&17!
But who is to say what "right" is? Some would argue that WoW has a perfect amount of "grind" - in that there isn't too much grind, really. Then others would say Aion's "grind" is great, because it seperates the hardcores from the casuals, and if you're at max level it already proves you're dedicated, or some crap.
I personally think that WoW is pretty great, but needs some sandbox elements added. Player-built things, that use professionally constructed modules that can be added - i.e Blizzard-made models that can be put into one of many Blizzard-made outer shell houses. Give the ability to change textures/colours, and you're set with a nice looking player housing system.
While I'm not too much on player housing, it would give something for a lot of currently bored players something to do. But it doesn't have to stop there, what about this supposed "war" that is happening? Add in the ability to capture certain territories, and they're getting back on track with that regard.
And, once again I'll say it, they still have all those factions and races to add to the game yet. Neutral faction is supposedly coming in WotLK - or at least the ability to change from horde to alliance, or some crap like that.
Anyway, I'll stop ranting now. But I think WoW has enough "potential" to keep millions playing for years to come.
I am playing EVE and it's alright... level V skills are a bit much.
You all need to learn to spell.
There's been a bit of an "end of term" feel to WoW since the announcement of Cataclysm. The whole game is currently geared towards the defeat of Arthas, and while this is fine for the hardcore raiders, everyone else is left with very little to motivate them. Since the whole game will be changed come the arrival of Cata, the game seems a little hollow at the moment unless you're into PvP or raiding.
Achievements, PvP, tradeskills, etc.. any of that interest you besides PvE instances? If not, then you probably are done with the game as you say, since you don't raid, don't pvp, don't care to achieve or do tradeskills. There's really only so many things they can make you play for that are pure PvE-based. It's why more and more MMO's are incorporating PvP into their games, battlegrounds, smaller raids (something you can try, 10man raids), etc..
What alternate advancement are you looking for? AA's a la EQ? AA's are nothing but a grind on top of a grind. While it was refreshing & fun for awhile, it gets very old when there are now over 3000 AA's available in EQ.
Why not temporarily end your WoW subscription, do some other things and then resub to WoW after a number of content updates, so you'll have some new content to look forward to?
I assume you are playing the game for fun, in that case, if it isn't fun anymore, do something else.
WoW got the 3 R's.
Resilience, Reputation, Repetition
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
I can only judge your boredom based off your lack of desire to play anymore. Nothing wrong with that. It's a personal problem that can only be rectified by acceptance that WoW no longer has a place for you. No talks about what you can do or what you should do to get more out of it. Any effort from this point on to force yourself to enjoy this game anymore will only serve to further turn your once joyful experience to a deep seeded resentment for having to give up on the one thing that you devoted so much of your nonrefundable time to.
Best thing to do now is to march forth unhindered by your past experiences and don't allow them the chance to dictate how you enjoy future ones. Sort of like women, each one offers different experiences that you can draw from and make of it as you will, but just because they all share the same superficial qualities that women have had for centuries doesn't mean women are to be treated superficially .
Seriously, take a break. Then come back into the game (MMOs in general not just WoW) with a clear head in a few months.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
You played wow to max lvl knowing that you wouldn't like PvP or raiding? Jesus why don't you just become a professional ballet dancer then decide you don't like wearing skimpy clothing.
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
Erm,do you actually read the op's thread? His problem is that apart icc raiding he doesnt have anything intresting else to do in the game. Whats the point to make another alt?? So he can do the same boring stuff again?? The purpose of a game is to be intresting,have lots of fine things to do and have fun. Not to roll alts.
I have to agree with the OP. The game has got extremely stale for the same reasons and PVP is non existant on my server. Aside from tthe fact that PVP is so terrible in that game is probably why people don't play anymore.
I hope people will just let the game die so we can all move on to better things.
Like the ones we got shoved up our asses in the last 3 years?
No thank you. I'll continue playing WOW till at least there is something decently better.
PvP is a blast since the new season started, I would recommend it to anyone since the resilience upgrade and healing downgrade in PVP makes for very intersting and longer fights.
55K honor points for an item... nice and fun grind instead of playing the boring alternatives, thank you.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
To each his own. But there is nothing left in that game that is worth logging in for anymore.
Correction, that's YOUR opinion. Millions of people clearly don't agree.
And they have fun or they wouldn't pay for it.
While you created an account on just to post this in a WOW forum.
How sad really.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
Correction, that's YOUR opinion. Millions of people clearly don't agree.
And they have fun or they wouldn't pay for it.
While you created an account on just to post this in a WOW forum.
How sad really.
Wow. Taken your Meds today? Hmm.. PMT? There there... I understand. You see you bitch so much I must have you confused for one.
Actually I created an account on here to be able to get a Beta key for another MMORPG. And I'm not sure why you feel like you need to "Correct" me. I never said my opinion was anyone elses. Sigh.... I grow tired of you. Just shut up please.
That's because the only endgame option in wow is farm raids/arena/bg's/heroics for gear. You MUST farm or else you will fall behind the gear treadmill as 100% of blizzards additional viable content is only focused on getting better gear rather than doing something new.
Its really a god awful game design. Want to take a few months off you have to grind to catch up, and once you have caught up there is nothing do to other than make a new character and start grinding again.
I already spend time in the gym running on a treadmill, no reason to do the same when I turn on my computer. I think ill keep playing eve.
^^ Correct
I think wow at this point has so many subs due to the fact that there is nothing that is better. The core gameplay mechanic is what WoW has going for it. I have been around WoW for along time. Long before the original title was World of Warcraft, I followed it through its early incarnations, when it was a follow up "hero class" based game to Warcraft 3. I was in the first phase of beta, and have played on and off since then. I only continue to play because it is where my family reside, it is where my friends reside, it is where my co-workers reside. When I ask the question to those that still play, it is the same answer, there is nothing better and everyone they know still logs in. I have watched as WoW blatantly steals the fun mechanics from less popular games and puts them into theirs and call it their own, while the blind audience thinks amazing this is innovative(personally I think Blizzard should have been sued a hundred times over, although i guess you cant copyright the concept of features in the game but only the game/characters/story itself).
Anyhow the topic is correct, WoW only has one facet, and thats all they rely on, GAMEPLAY. Look at what end game is about, its about PvE runs or PvP matches, all focused on just the gameplay/class mechanics. It still amazes me that it can lack everything else that a true online world would have. Lets label some of these things
1. Open world with huge areas to explore (Do not get me wrong, its not a complete roller coster ala AoC, but its still bumper cars) I have played games that it took 8 hours just to run from one side of the continent to the other. AMAZING amount of content, areas to explore, I played that game for 4 years and still ran into areas where i was in complete shock and awe just amazed I never saw that part of the content)
2.Item customization, seriously its not hard to let people dye their gear. Actually its quite simple. Although I could imagine being the group in charge of images/art and saying oh no thats impossible with the programming logic we could never do that. Then after the meeting grinning to myself as i knew i secured my high pay low work job for a while longer.
3.Housing. Seriously I should not have to say more. Yes we know your landscape is small (see #1) (also admitted by devs in some long ago post on the old boards) but make it an instance if you do not want to add landmass or increase scale.
4.Constant updates. Do not get me wrong Blizzard does alot better than other companies, but I have played games with 30 day content updates. Major story arc's, new area's, changes to land masses, roaming MoB's controlled by devs to advance the story and add some fun.
5.Player driven world. Make player decisions mean something, let them help you evolve the game. Perfect example, an event where the decision of player to give one object or another to an NPC decided the outcome of major story driven elements, the event actually changed the entire view of a character and the world thereafter in future content updates.
Now I am sure I am skimming on the top and there are probably many more answers, and this is just really a rant. Maybe someone will read, a magic dev in the sky who wants to make us all happy can take these suggestions and make the everlasting ultimate game (well if they follow just these rules it will be the ultimate for me lol, i know we are all diff)
And P.S. I know alot of those subjects scream SANDBOX and i know what game titles I will hear, and trust me I have played them all. Most Sandbox games lack the one major thing that wow has, GREAT MECHANICS/GAMEPLAY. (lol or the world is scaled horribly and you feel like a giant or midget, some of you know what i am talking about)
Well if you play WoW there is really no other reason to play the same type of mmos because all of them are a carbon copy with a different skin. If you really want to try something different I would try Eve, Fallen Earth and Global Agenda.