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Weekly Discussion 11/09

Lyra-StoneLyra-Stone Lyra Studios DevMember Posts: 31

I am short on time.


What kinds of weather effects would you like to see? Keep in mind this is a dream.

Lyra Studios, LLC


  • JMandrakeJMandrake Member Posts: 139

    since this is a dream weather effect could be based on alot of things.

    instead of a weather system like we got on earth and able to predict somewhat the weather. We could have some kind of  nightmarish effect onthe dream, it rains when people have more nightmares than dreams. its sunny when people are having good dreams and so on.

    But how to determine this effect?  woudl say random it if it rains then more nightmares are present in the dream, if it is sunny then less of them are around.


    What would be really cool is if you have lightning and thunder have the thunder hit the sametime as the lightning and make the lightning different colors. This way there is no delay and when you hear a bigboom then expect for some kind of flash the fraction of second afterward.

  • JacobKnollJacobKnoll Member Posts: 31

    Dream Wind, where arts like razorwind could have a wind effect, forcing players away from the caster maby, as a fatesender begins casting razorwind a small wind begins too form around them forcing other players back with a small force over time that increased as the art came to completion, then when the art fired there would be a blast of wind to send those players (who are crawling toward the caster in an attempt to disrupt them) flying back.. (chalkrams might be slowed down/deflected a tiny bit as well if they are fired at the fatesender while they are casting)( the wind should be small at first and slowly build up). An earthquake cast by a gatekeeper might cause stormy weather and wind turbulance/vortexes eminating from the caster, in a similar effect to razorwind only more chaotic, to be used as protection against advancing enemys trying to break through a ward or enter through a protected passage way, could also be used to temporarily thwart a large amount dangerous monsters and give time to a party trying to cast a long group art. Wind could exist in open spaces in a smaller degree, making traverse over steep narrow inclines dangerous. Also in cold, icy bleak areas of the game, players might shiver and they might slow their pace depending on willpower. It might be good to have an art that helps casting an art in turbulance.

  • GerrozGerroz Member Posts: 16

    I dont think dream "weather" should be normal at all. In fact I think it should behave in a similar manner to what the plane is associated with.

    To take a few examples, KoES is supposed to be chaotic and dark, so it would do so the umbrics were most of the time filled with dark clouds/lightning storms and the likes. On the other hand, the Basin was created to reflect the perfect plane of Nirvana, and would be bright with light breeze. Planes not associated with houses as much...Ossuary is pretty much a graveyard for the dead whose names are forgotten, a dread place, which would grant it with ghost-like sounding, strong winds, perhaps a hint of winter.

    you get the picture. Weather effects according to beliefs/role of houses as well as history of the planes themselves.

  • RikkuULRikkuUL Member Posts: 32

    Hrm well I have to agree, I think the weather should have to do with the plain, such as the strong winds in the valley of TOKE errr Totality lol. where you would make sure you stick close to the wall not to be blown off the cliff.
    though the idea of weather in the dream seems kinda strange to me, as weather seems so outaplace if the dream is truly in my mind.

  • JMandrakeJMandrake Member Posts: 139

    didn't thought of it that way, good idea Gerroz, actualy, thats excellent.

    EP could have a red sky from the flames that EP once burnt.

    UoC home plane could have sandstorm since it is earth tone.

  • JacobKnollJacobKnoll Member Posts: 31

    To continue my idea on how weather could affect players, I think it would be interesting to see dream seers with an art that they could cast on themselves that would drop the temperature of the room around them (this could reinforce their role as an assassin/spy/tracker/scout). This could slowly rob a fleeing target of willpower, slowing their pace, making a powerful, but bewildered enemy who can't see his assassin/stalker use up all their will elements and slow down to such a degree that the dream seer would be able to dispatch them almost unchallenged with a severe volley of blasts. Of course it would also be interesting for invisible characters stalking a player to emit a very small/almost obscure radiation (like a breath of warm air in the cold winter) to give the pursued character a difficult to see but clear visual indication of his assassin. Of course a character would know when they are being stalked in a warm plane, but if they had been traversing a winter bound area of the dream, then a stalking dream seer might go undetected and the draining willpower could be overlooked as the much smaller, natural drain imposed from cold areas. Maybe there might be changing seasons in reclamation, with cold winter, windy autumns and warm summers. Maybe weather is controlled by houses or the weakening of a house prime not suitably fueled by its members. A neglected house prime would allow winter to take hold of its plane and the house would be susceptible to assassin dream seers (almost undetectable) trying to weaken house members for an upcoming challenge by an aspirant guild. Soul masters could "tune in" to the "health" of a houses prime even before the plane had become cold and frostbitten. This would give aspirant guilds or warring rival houses an indication of when the best time to strike is or help house members gauge in advance before things got bad, what changes need be made in participation. Having cold weather in a houses respective plane should not be an advantage especially when, it gives assassins an edge (and plenty of time and space) at picking off house members who rely upon traveling to the remote areas of their plane far from their house or sanctuary to collect chalk rams or elements at the best Gen spots. Preventing house members from traveling freely upon their own lands, already inhibited by the frost and the excessive cost to hold a steady supply of will elements, would make it near impossible for members to hunt or Gen for items to reverse the health of an ailing house prime. House members would have to travel to planes of better climate/health/fortitude (possibly controlled by enemy factions) to recover nightmare essences and items to invigorate their own lands.

  • FarrawwayFarrawway Member Posts: 12

    Can we have frictionless ice?  That would be really cool... and quite evil, if you put it in certain places.

    Just out of curiosity, say, in a place like Chasm of Souls, could you put soot/fire rain, or fountains from the ground shooting up and outward.  Like lava bits.  That would be crazy for when the dream is at a "high pressure" point, or just "restless"...

    To keep within the thought pattern of it being a dream, and it being "created based on reality of cloudsbreak"... and the fact that I'm an eccentric person... can you make the colors of the rain/snow/soot/fire/clouds, etc... Not quite "correct", make it look more dreamy... Like, maybe the rain is orange one day, or pink... Ooo, do we have a "moving" point of light like a sun?  Can you make the rain/clouds the color that it would be for that time of day, like, dim grays in the morning, and golden oranges, reds, and pinks, at sunset, beautiful rainbow colors throughout the day?  That would be kind of dreamy...

    Can we get mud "spots"? Like, in edgeward barrows, if it rains (in a desert? lol)... the ground could get really mucky and cause walking/running problems :)

    Maybe I'm just psycho.  Oh well.

  • RikkuULRikkuUL Member Posts: 32

    that sounds cool, expecially say a room with an ice floor which has a shammie in it, step in through the portal and find your arse sliding right toward this nasty looking shammie.
    Would be an amusing experience, enabling the enviroment to add to the strategy of attacking the mares. wiether the particular enviroment be a hinderence or a particular benefit. sounds all cool to me

  • Dragon_ULDragon_UL Member Posts: 18

    I always thought it would be cool to look out into the never ending chaos oceans in the Rifts and see swirling red clouds and exlosive lighting raining down.  I would love to see this in Rec.

    As for the other planes, weather could just easily fit the plans.

    Mt. Illapse--Windy and rainy the higher you get the colder, and the rain turns to snow.

    Edgward--Windy and sand storms.


    And so on....

    I would suggest these weather effects happen spontaniously though to add more effect.

  • FarrawwayFarrawway Member Posts: 12
    The basin always struck me as being a dense vegitated forest... like a rainforest... I think a light fog or mist would fit quite well, very humid and warm...
  • JMandrakeJMandrake Member Posts: 139

    best example for the basin is you remember in starwars 1 when they arrived on nabu, in the jungled, with all the different sounds, +fog + humidity!!!

    That would rock.

  • JacobKnollJacobKnoll Member Posts: 31

    I think almost everybody who posted liked the idea of having "dream like" weather conditions and "special" conditions that identify with each plane. I think each plane should have both good and bad "dream weather", according to what is natural to that plane. This weather/health of a plane should be dependent on how well its "house/gaurdians" maintain it. Maby a house prime has a direct link to the weather/health of its plane (it already has a link to its spirit gaurdians). I think the weather should have a substancial effect on players, so players should be able to control that effect to some degree and use "dream weather" as metaphor to describe the "roleplaying condition" of certain areas in the dream.

    As an example, House Calenture has become preoccupied with campaigns of war for too long and evernight plateau and the prime have been heavily taxed and have gone without maintanence. Soon dream storms erupt upon the plateau and strong/concentrated, strange nightmares have been sweapt from the deep of the chaos by these storms. The storms on evernight have been raging for so long that it seems as if the very boundaries of the plateau could give way to the chaos. The brave dreamers of House Calenture have reported seeing Powerful/concentrated nightmares while trying to restore focus to their plane just as the ancient dreamers did when they formed the dream city. Some extra concentrated nightmares have been reported to randomly intensify the adverse dream weather already reaking havok upon the plateau, even worse, some nightmares are so powerfull and the portals of the plane have become so weak that the nightmares can pass right through them leaving dreamers totally unprotected in this dangerous area.

    Conditions on mount Illapse are especially dangerous as strong dreamwinds and dream ice are brought from intense storms. The dreamers of light have reported that members have been blown clear off the side as chaos nightmares pass through the area and evoke a fierce wind. Dreamers of the light also find it difficult to bring essences they have gathered from other planes to the top of mount Illaspse because it becomes so cold as they near the top that they can barley move. Other rival houses who like to hunt or interact/study the rare ominous chaos nightmares have been hampering the efforts of the dreamers of light in restoring order within Mt Illapse. Some Chaos nightmares have had a particularly dangerous effect of leaving a blanket of dream ice in their trail, other times they will become enraged and blanket an entire area making it virtually impassable. Perhaps in time, if other houses do not come to the dreamers of light's help, the ancient sanctuaries hunting grounds and relics will be virtually closed off to everybody except the very strongest in the dream.

  • joncijonci Member Posts: 48
    I think having black meteors streaking across the sky would be cool. Maybe when a darkmares is in the area, they would appear in that area and the adjacant areas.

    "Insanity isn't a problem, its a vivid imagination!"

    "I'm not insane. I just have a vivid imagination!"

  • GerrozGerroz Member Posts: 16

    How bout this idea


    Each house has their own weather and the house which controls the heartstone of a plane then adopts their particular weather to that plane. For instance, say UoC has desert type weather associated with them, while DoL has snowy.

    UoC then invades illapse and takes over one of their heartstones. Soon after the weather effects of that portion of illapse slowly change into desert type. This could have many different types of effects, if anyone like the idea, they are welcome to suggest

  • JacobKnollJacobKnoll Member Posts: 31

    I think it would be very interesting to see the weather controlled by player actions. "Good/Bad" dream weather that results from player actions and affects "natural" elements within reclamation as well as the imediate social issues such as the change of power in a strong house. Dream weather should hold real consequences for those who neglect the "nature" of the dream. Houses that suffer many succesions of overthow should have weather that punishes all dreamers; those who cause the discordance and those who fail to stop the discordance. Perhaps there will be reasons for a guild to protect sacred land not actually under their imediate control.

    For example. The land that connects one sacred land to another is strife with war and power struggle; there has been a heavy toll on the "condition/harmony" of the land and as a result harsh dream weather signals the chaos by dealing heavy blows onto all dreamers it encompasses. This may be unwelcome for Parties who rely upon safe passage through the afflicted area. An uncommon change in power would have little effect on this weather, but continuous strife would make all parties suffer and render the land almost without value except for those few who are capable of utilizing the adverse conditions as a means to hunt incredible nightmares that might be summoned form the deep chaos by harsh dream weather or venture to isolated sanctuaries, relics and whatnot.

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