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Infinity Video Collection

PLEASE NOTE, these videos does in no way represent the current state of the game. All what you see is Work In Progress. Remember to watch them in the highest possible resolution. :) 


Atmospheric Flight Demo  (seamless transition between space and planet)

Infinity Fleet zoomout (Pre-render)

Physics & Motion Blur, Asteroids (Make sure to watch the end of the vid)

Missile Run (Infinity Combat Prototype) 

This is a video of the Bellerophon battleship in the Infinity engine.


Shuttle race in the Combat Prototype (Yes they are flying inside the tunnels of an asteroid :D )

Planet and Space Station

Rings of Saturn


Infinity Combat Prototype Trailer

Silverbow and Rain effects

Procedural generated nebulas (Amazing and beautiful)


Planet Ocean and Coastline

Infinity City In the works

Infinity: Terrain Slideshow


These vids below I think all is fan made and pre-made renders (Please correct me if im wrong).


Integrity Door Animation

Infinity Citytest Render

Infinity city battle render

Deltan City Render

Jet trails


( Link to downloadable hi-res videos on Infinitys homepage)


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