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could someone list the PvP modes? like CTF, TDM, etc...

quickman007quickman007 Member Posts: 125

well i found out there's no TDM mode (-.-) so i just want to know what modes they do have.



  • SpatterCatSpatterCat Member UncommonPosts: 80

    Control, Breach, Payload, Demolitions, Double Agent, and hmmm, one more...

  • Originally posted by SpatterCat

    Control, Breach, Payload, Demolitions, Double Agent, and hmmm, one more...


    Merc PvP:

    Control -  three points that accumlate points over time is you control them.

    Breach - 3 control points that must be taken in consecutive order.  One side is aggressor the other defender.  Once the point is taken its done onto next.

    Payload - sort of like breach but there is an object on a track that moves forward or backward depending on which side has control of the point around the object.  Three points that are the goal, if the aggressor gets to a point the get more time.  The aggressor must get  to end to win.

    Demolition - one of your guys gets in a robot and tries to get it to the other side.  Other guys also get robot.  First to three wins.

    Scramble - this is the one not mentioned above.  There are I think 6 potential spot that each side fights for control over.  Only one spot spawns at a times.  The one that spawns is random, thus the scramble.  First to 3 spots wins.


    Then there is AvA and Double Agent.


    Also there is the Arena.

  • quickman007quickman007 Member Posts: 125

    alright ty. i think i might get this, even though im not really into the whole objective thing. i pretty much just like killing people, which is why i love TDM....but territory control and the arena sound cool. to bad there's no info on there site...

  • Originally posted by quickman007

    alright ty. i think i might get this, even though im not really into the whole objective thing. i pretty much just like killing people, which is why i love TDM....but territory control and the arena sound cool. to bad there's no info on there site...


    My two cents when I first bought the game was at first "WTF no damage based on where you hit what kind of shooter is this."  Then after playing it for a few hours I was like "Man this is a lot more fun than I thought it would be".


    Each roll is pretty interesting and you can float in and out pretty easy and it pretty satisfying to do it.  I made my guy to snipe but I find taking out turrets and the other key parts of playing a recon kind of naturally flow into what you wind up wanting to do anyway (if you don't suck and are not oblivous)

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