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After reading about 4 threads and numerous posts about the use/no-use of VC in-game (I had quite the LOLfest reading them) I had to create my own. As an old-school FFXI player (started on PS2 then moved to PC then to 360) I must say that anyone claiming VC is a waste or is not needed must have NEVER been in a real linkshell. You might have been in a "social" linkshell were people get together and BS and XP, cool. But if you were ever in a HNMLS in FFXI you would know that VC can be the difference between a wipe or a recovery. It saves you those precious seconds you require to type and your able to perform better. Go fight Tiamat without chat filters on with 30-40 characters in the zone and tell me if you can read every instruction spammed though your chat log! Or try to expand the chat log to read what you missed during one of those fights, lol. Those people who posted in previous threads claiming Ventrilo/TS is a waste and is not needed have NEVER entered Dynamis, NEVER did BSNM runs, and never did ANY God runs in Sky or in Sea. They are the ones still with their <Looking for party.> icon up and are sitting in Valkurm Dunes with their lvl 13 BLM. You know the type, they played a few hours worth of the game and got a few levels and feel they have a firm grasp on the WHOLE ENTIRE game now so they MUST be right. Anyways....
I don't wanna have to bounce between my PC and PS3 to change Vent channels or mute someone. 2 forms of VC would be nice in-game. Party-wide VC for XP and quest purposes and then Linkshell-wide VC for HNMLS and guild related matters. I hated being in a linkshell till I got Ventrilo. No one ever talked or didn't feel like typing. Mis-tells are too eazy to do also. I've seen some unreal drama started in linkshells due to mis-tells. VC allows you to build a better relationship with those you play with because VC is a lot more personal and you can talk about other things non-game related on the way to your next objective instead of silence. It keeps the chat log clear of unwanted clutter and frees your hands up to do more. It helped me build reps with my guildmates because I got to know those people better and their voices. A lot goes unsaid if you always have to type it all out. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, add some sort of VC for us serious gamers and let the "weekend warriors" stick to typing...
ITT : Casual Group XPer Nerd Raging at HNMLS player.
Different playstyles are different. Having voice chat in game doesn't ruin your experience, but not having it would ruin his.
It's practically confirmed that the next firmware version will bring cross game voice chat, so, whats the problem here? Just ad the members of your party to the friends list and make a voice chat room O.O.
Besides, if every multiplayer game supports voice chat why wouldnt FFXIV?
I really dont understand this post really, you speak of VC like if was some otherwordly rarity, when in fact its available to all MP PS3 games already....
I assume you mean FPS as multiplayer, I have yet to see a MMORPG that included voice chat. Voice chat will help but it is not required to do raids. I've raided plenty of times without voice chat while using a keyboard to type. As long as you know what to do and raid leader explains well before a raid. Like in previous threads I'm all for voice chat but it is not a must, you can enjoy raids just fine without VC as long as you know your job and know what to do in a situation. So people stop trying to shove VC onto people, if they don't want to use it then they don't want to use it.
I don't think anyone is trying to shove voice chat onto people. If you don't want to use it, then you won't. But if it isn't in the game at all, then the people who DO want to use it don't have the option to.
I assume you mean FPS as multiplayer, I have yet to see a MMORPG that included voice chat. Voice chat will help but it is not required to do raids. I've raided plenty of times without voice chat while using a keyboard to type. As long as you know what to do and raid leader explains well before a raid. Like in previous threads I'm all for voice chat but it is not a must, you can enjoy raids just fine without VC as long as you know your job and know what to do in a situation. So people stop trying to shove VC onto people, if they don't want to use it then they don't want to use it.
I dont mean FPS, I mean every multiplayer games, from action to FPS to adventure to racing, every PS3 multiplayer games have voice chat, just like the Xbox360 does, so, its obvious that FF will have it too, and if no mmorpg has it yet its because theres no mmorpg launched on the ps3 yet.
I still dont understand why the OP asked for VC like if was some kind of rare thing
Hate to break it to the OP not everyone you run across will be playing on the PS3. I for one will be playing on the PS3 I however don't see Voice com playing any major role on the PS3 for it unless all or most of your LS are using it. Now I'm not saying voice chat is a bad idea I just don't see it playing a major role for FFXIV on the PS3 for the PC however it will. I have used vent for the Dynamis shell I was in maybe only half the alliance was in yet we still completed our goal because it's not voice chat that helps you it's common sense.
So Voice chat is a nice thing to have I just don't see it being a must. Also chances are the PS3 voice chat that will be added is going to be premium so not everyone is going to have it. As for an in game voice chat I don't think it will work honestly the best thing to do in a situation where you need 2 screens is to have 2 screens one for chat and another for your damage box or opt to have your damage appear as bubble.
Its just the people who call someone a noob or something just because they don't want to use VC which make it seems like they are trying to force someone to use VC.
Ok I see what you are saying, but there is no info to let us know that it will be implemented just because its a PS3 multiplayer game. I highly doubt that it will. What I think will happen like someone above said Sony will add cross game chat via PSN and if you want to chat with someone in a PT just add em to your friend list and make a chat room.
yes its comming to PSN, but not in the way you think. They are going to make it part of their pay to play service for one (not 100% confirmed, but it was mentioned as being part of it) and again it wont be like 360 were you can chat as a party, its going to be 1 on 1 (as of now) so that just wont work. also you have to take into account that not everyone will play with just PS3 users, i have a friend that will play on PC and doesnt have a PS3...what then?
Like FFXI on 360, there was no chat type oin an MMO, and i can garuntee it wont be liek that on PS3. SE has to put it in to work across platforms in order for the game to do that.
I personally would love for them to put an OPTIONAL VC in the game, purely becuase not everyone can have a PC and PS3 going at all times and it would make it much more convient for the players, not having to add people to lists or send out server passwords or whatever. But with that comes some issues like more and more people wanting you to use it to party or w/e, though i personally feel it wouldnt get that bad like many others claim.
I would like it purely for us being able to chat corss platform, but il live if they dont.
I assume you mean FPS as multiplayer, I have yet to see a MMORPG that included voice chat.
There is a growing list of mmos using voice chat in game .Take a look to list .You can have several chat channells party/corp/alliance etc in eve, any technical limitation to have several chatrooms at PS3 ?
I don't understand how players play console mmos without voice chat. Consoles aren't pcs which shouldn't require a keyboard to communicate with players.
well technically they don't, and you can use the virtual on screen keyboard to talk....which is very slow. But like anyone with half a brain that knows what an MMO is and requires, they get any old usb keyboard and use that, or they quickly realize they need one (and they are pretty cheap and each console has a keypad accesory for their systems). Just because it doesnt "require" one doesnt mean people arent smart enough to get one.
See...someone gets it! I'm not forcing VC on players. I'm explaining how FFXIV should have in-game VC because anyone who played/plays FFXI knows any 3rd party app ran in the background is violation of ToS. That's why Windower (even without hacks running) was a ToS and could get you banned while playing on PC. Hell, after asking a GM on in-game chat after a God wipe (very embarrassing...) if Ventrilo was considered a violation and he replied "Any programs ran outside the game is considered a no no, but what the game looks for is in the code serverside so it won't pick up any apps they aren't looking for (a.k.a Hacks)" PSN multichat just doesn't cut it and its text know, sorta like the chat box in-game. Defeats the purpose...
Even if the VC option is not cross platform it would still help us on the PS3. If I was playing on PC then I woun't not have posted this thread. I made the switch while playing FFXI from PC to 360 thinking "Hey, why don't I just play on the 360 and use the mic?!" WRONG! No in-game VC for 360 users and the only way you could do it was setting up a VC party outside the game and invite and mute that way. Which required you to open up the profile dashboard, which in turn defeats the usage of it because you can't "pause" the game.
well technically they don't, and you can use the virtual on screen keyboard to talk....which is very slow. But like anyone with half a brain that knows what an MMO is and requires, they get any old usb keyboard and use that, or they quickly realize they need one (and they are pretty cheap and each console has a keypad accesory for their systems). Just because it doesnt "require" one doesnt mean people arent smart enough to get one.
Well understood but I would find it to be such in inconvience touse a keyboard for a console mmo. That would mean I have to keep switching between the keyboard and the controller. Why would any console user want to do that ? I guess that is why I decided to play this game on the pc instead. It is so much easier to communicate with people in group play.
Well both systems have these things u can buy that attach to the controler that are mini keyboards, which i knowa friend of mine uses, it works well for the poeple who text alot. If you think about it, when you go to type, you switch off the mouse too. You take you right hand off the mouse to use both hands to type and you use the both the keyboard + mouse to move, where as if you use a control, you do it all on that one device. When you have the control in your hands (usualy resting on your lap as does your keyboard) its not much of a transition from one to the other.
I wanna thank everyone who took the time to read this post and cast your vote in the poll.
Listen, I'm all in it for VOIP on the computer because everyone uses at PTT (push-to-talk) key. PS3? Hell no. I've recently been playing WKC. I have a VERY expensive 5.1 setup (the rear speakers alone are 600 a pair) and the last thing I want to hear is
A. You yelling
B. You eating
C. You sneezing
D. Loop from your TV speakers
E. Your wanna-be wangster voice
Honestly, I've been playing WoW, FFXI, and a lot of other MMORPGs for a LONG time. I've NEVER once met a wangster kid but I swear to God I've spoken to at least 3 this week; they piss me off.
So: Unless the PS3 firmware update magically decides to include a PTT button: I'd say force PS3 users to use a keyboard. The LAST THING I WANT is to have to deal with hearing random crap coming out of my speakers because some dudes can't adjust their mic properly.
This is truth.
I've played ffxi from pc launch and never ever used vent. I can honestly say that vent was not needed. My hnm ls that did everything from the first NA kirin to tiamat and other dragons when CoP first came out ( we were the kind of players that like to be first to everything) never used vent, we all used common sense. We had a very high sucess rate due to these things called common sense and knowing how to do your job, not voice chat.
VC can be helpful but its not as important as you make it seem ( as long as you and your ls mates have half a brain). I would rather have SE work on awesome content and gameplay then have the option to be able to hear some fat kid eating cheetos in his mic or yelling at his mom that he doesnt want to shower. I have heard both of these things while playing halo and MW2