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Any good MMORTS games?



  • KarahandrasKarahandras Member UncommonPosts: 1,703

    wanted to mention the only must buy/try rts i can think of which would be any of the homeworld series

    another free rts i came across, not sure if it's an mmo or has a dedicated server is rising eagle

    turn based there's one called ufo alien invasion for anyone old enough to remember those games

    also may be worth keeping an eye on star trek supremacy kind of botf 2 and has an alpha u can check out

    as for bfme free if i think or come across one i will be sure to let u know:)

  • KarahandrasKarahandras Member UncommonPosts: 1,703
    Originally posted by Urvan

    Originally posted by Karahandras has some u may want to look at

    In my opinion that site is seriously crappy and definitely out of date.  

    not the most professional site out there but  list is quite easy to access and well ordered if not that current

  • KarahandrasKarahandras Member UncommonPosts: 1,703

    jus came across one called avalon heroes, is browser based i think, could be worth a try

  • Member Posts: 1

    In my opinion that site is seriously crappy and definitely out of date.  By the way, this is to the thread starter, ever tried Quantum Legacy?


    Hey, thanks for the feedback.  If you could be a little more specific, it might help me improve 

    I tried Quantum Legacy and 1) it is a browser game - most of those are either not real-time, or are total dreck, so I mostly keep those off my list  2) Didn't really have any fun with it.

  • StonefaceStoneface Member Posts: 21
    Originally posted by johnmatthais

    Originally posted by Urvan

    Originally posted by johnmatthais

    Originally posted by Urvan

    In my opinion that site is seriously crappy and definitely out of date. And the only comprehensive list on MMORTS games we have.  I've found better lists in my time, Game Ogre is exceptionally a good site for MMOs and its more clean/professional looking and more administrated/kept upto date. Yeah, I don't trust Game Ogre all that much. They keep too many games that died in the development process in there.

    By the way, t hisi sto the thread starter, ever tried Quantum Legacy? I wouldn't recommend it. Low player base and it demands a lot from your system, last I recall.  I strongly dissagree, did you even bother checking it before stating that? heck it can run in a web browser! System specs are as follows:

    512 Megabytes of RAM

    Pentium 3+ or equivalent

    GForce 2 or ATI 8500 (or better) compatible video card

    I'd say if your computer can't run that it must be more than 10 years old x.x;  Nore would it run any of the other RTS games known for the past 5-10 years!
    Have you ever played it?! It's a 3D MMORTS that runs in Shockwave! It lags like hell.
    You should also consider buying some RTS games with Multiplayer mode, alot of em are pretty cheap now days. He did ask for that on this page. I recommended Trash and 0 A.D. =D  I personally hadn't haerd of Trash before now seems there's a download for it, I guess ist free? Although no surprise really, judging by videos even games done in 2k, as its stated this game was apparently made in, look better if you ask me.. I personally like the look of 0 A.D though.

    Trash is often compared to Starcraft. Graphics aren't everything. That and you can't argue with free.
    There's Command and Conquer series, oneo f the best RTS series ever created if you ask me, and getting worse and worse with each release. Actually I'd have to somewhat agree here however I still say its a great series, especialy the Red Alert games.  However, I'm beta testing C&C4 and to me its just a cop out of RA3 >_> I didn't like C&C3 or RA3 either.

    there's the Warhammer 40k Dawn of War series, the first one would be a better choice than the second. The second is more of a tactical squad-based game than a true RTS. It's awesome, but it's niche.  Which is like most others that I could list but I'm not going to, any true RTS player would know them. One was alraedy mentioned, can ya guess which one? :P No, not really. By "tactical squad-based game" I mean you're limited to groups of maybe 5 max. That's drastically different than any other game mentioned here, and many will back me up on that one. I've played both games, for the record.

    there's also Warhammer - Mark of Chaos which is a little more like Total War and Battle for Middle Earth if ya into those type of RTS games. Total War and Battle for Middle Earth are nothing alike other than both being strategy games...I would know. I grew up with a friend who was addicted to the Total War games.  Its like TW and BFME in the way that you use units rather than singled out individuals that you can group and ungroup which normally contains range units, cavalry units and foot units, they also gain their new units from towns/castles that aren't actually viewable during construction like most other RTS games You can do this in most strategy games that have come out since Starcraft. In fact, it was often used by myself in the hundreds of hours I played Starcraft. I meant that TW is different in that it's almost a mix of a TBS and an RTS and is completely different from the games mentioned here, including DoW2. It's like mixing Risk with a traditional RTS.


    There he goes again.. I do actually have you on block John but I just had to see what comments you decided to make this time and saw a need to reply to one or two.. So there ya have it, of coruse my replies are in orange, thanks for responding my post once again it was most enlightening.. well at least you posted an interesting game to look at :P

    I find your sarcasm offensive. I feel as if you're belittling me. I wonder if I should "take care of it." -_-

    Anyways, back to informing the thread creator about MMORTS games, I just recalled ProxNora, a game by SOE, donno if its any good but looks promising enough and best of all its free even though its Sony lol. Also, Beyond Protocol has a free trial, I heard about that game before but never tried it, trailor looks good. Also, I located a site listing most known RTS games so I thought I'd post that too, enjoy :)  Oh and also check out Game Ogre and MMORTS Gamers

    EDIT: As soon as I saw EvE on that site you posted, I immediately discredited it entirely.

    EDIT2: Ohhh yeah, that RTS site is amazing. Not only is EvE listed as an RTS on that site, but that site also still says that EvE is currently on the Trinity expansion. xDDD


    Weird way of posting, maybe its a local thing..

    As to eve's inclusion on my site, many of those playing our genre also play this game down to the large scale storyline that sits well with those who play MMORTS. I added eve whilst on the Beyond Protocol beta - we were discussing (around oct/early nov) making the GTC or even player controlled space stations 'walk in' as its become termed. This was on the testers ventrillo and just occured as part of natural discussions. Come december CCP announced eves walk in stations and we were a bit gobsmacked. I assumed eve had such functionality built in and prob could move quick on ideas. The posting sounded imminent and had an effect of stilling any further discussions in that area - we considered eve to have it sewn up already as a brill new feature. Over a year passed and I suspected it was a thunder stealing release - implying imminent release whereas we know nothing more was mentioned.

    This led to my following eve, as CCP are quite innovative and as their multiplatform forays show now, they had the architecture built in from the start. As do many games in our genre now - they may falter down to low numbers - our genre does chew lightweights up, but they have sound games and massive potential to expand as they become more fluid... like CCP. If you consider that some popular games would need to seriously scale up their code and capacity to become the all in one universe game, whereas for the modern .net capable MMORTS we are seeing seed and develop now - they just need to scale down. Im betting that would require far less effort to realise the type of multiplatform/genre games we are seeing emerge now. This would need some organising and only those capable of bringing a MMORTS onto the game scene are worth betting on imo.


    BTW - Time of defiance is totally fre to play now, devs no longer are charging like a commercial venture- consider it a gift. They are working on a new title but nothing coming detail wise yet.

    And yes i will amend eve to a MMOG - one of the few games to not abuse MMORTS wildly and i pasted MMORTS in its genre slot...doh!

    and to the darkside - we merge and we have them ALL!! ;)

    Fabricati Diem, Pvnc
    ( Make My Day Punk)
    TIP OF THE DAY – If you're being chased by a police dog, try not to go through a tunnel, then on to a little seesaw, then jump through a hoop of fire. They're trained for that.

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