While I understand that it's not possible to mention every game, I think Warhammer 40k should have been.
The fact that it's so similar to fantasy is hugely under-estimated. I have friends who play WoW and Warhammer Online, that you can't get to touch sci-fi with a stick. They hate Starwars, Star-Trek, or anything space related. There's zero chance they'll ever give games like EVE a chance, just because of the space theme.
But I bet you they'll play Warhammer 40k when that comes out, IF it's good, and I play it myself and recommend it to them.
So that game has a huge potential to bridge the gap between fantasy and sci-fi.
You want Mech? You want High Sci-Fi? You want a world in chaos? Are you still stuck on Elves, Orcs and Dragons? You want the "Death Star" in a hand gun?
Try Palladium Books: Rifts for an MMORPG. Center your MMO on just the Coalition War in north east America and you wont even cover a fraction of the world. What ever tickles your Sci-Fi fancy, its there.
Well one of the better MMO's that could come out would be a Battletech/ Mechwarrior. But that would involve Smith and Tinker getting on the ball and doing something. Plus getting out of litigation and copy right crap would be good to.... really hate Harmony Gold... also if there was a Mechwarrior/ Battletech mmo it would have to be done Right
Perpetuum looks like it may be really good.
Eve online with Mechs? Sign me up!!!!
The problem with Perpetuum is that a mech game would make an awesome action game. Instead, Perpetuum's controls, UI, and gameplay are all direct rip offs of Eve (plus gravity and ground of course). It's not action at all, it's the same lock on and then turn your weapons on gameplay Eve uses.
You want Mech? You want High Sci-Fi? You want a world in chaos? Are you still stuck on Elves, Orcs and Dragons? You want the "Death Star" in a hand gun? Try Palladium Books: Rifts for an MMORPG. Center your MMO on just the Coalition War in north east America and you wont even cover a fraction of the world. What ever tickles your Sci-Fi fancy, its there. Want to know more? click here--> Palladium Books
This times a thousand. Nothing like a scantily clad magic user riding a fury beetle kicking ass alongside a SAMAS pilot. That would is so huge it hurts just to think about it.
There is NO miracle patch.
95% of what you see in beta won't change by launch.
Hope is not a stategy. ______________________________ "This kind of topic is like one of those little cartoon boxes held up by a stick on a string, with a piece of meat under it. In other words, bait."
The Palladium Megaverse is too large when you get right down to it. If you were to focus on a small area, you would inevitably receive the complaints from folks wishing they had included this or that. If you were to skimp on it, how would it be any different than any of the other games out there? The various world books do not offer "higher" level content, just alternate content.
Still, Rifts will always be one of my favorite PnP-RPGs.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
still no mention of a mecha mmo...the west is in a drought for a fast paced booster mecha game IMO, it would be even sicker if they managed to incorporate that into an mmo! As for perpetuum, i hear they are practically encroaching upon copy right infringment; it looks exactly like eve and the same exact gameplay(click, and rotate) as well, also those chicken legged mechs with no fast paced action is just a big turnoff to me.
Did I miss it, or did Bill really forget to mention Entropia Universe? This game is one of the most realistic MMOs in that it has no ridiculous races (as a human being, you enter the game as a human) and no classes - you can educate yourself in any or all professions, given enough time and/or money, just as in real life. The way you can spend and make real money in this gane is also something future SciFi MMOs should look into.
Entropia is NOT a good game model. It is a virtual cassino dressed up as an MMO. Its even worse than having to buy useful items in an item shop, you have to buy EVERYTHING useful with real money, including ammo for killing anything.
What I'm enjoying and looking forward to the completion of, is the resurection of E&B at enb-emulator.com
That Mecha > Mech thing makes me think of the difference between cutesy and gritty. Sure, there are some gritty mecha stories out there - but for the most part they fall into the pretty boy thing that does not work for somebody no longer getting an allowance from mom and dad.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Man CCP has this sub-genre locked. Lets hope BP and Funcoms next sci-fi game are good. Good series of articles thanks.
That would depend on whether or not Bioware can pull off making SWTOR into a "WoW in space" subscriptions wise.
OK I got my crystal ball out. I want you to come back to this post and remember exactly what Im saying to you right now.
Six months after release TOR will struggle to even have 300k subscribers.
Got that? I've already seen enough of the gameplay to know WoW players will not stick with it and from what ive read out of the dev logs its not going to be enough of a mmo to keep the wow haters happy.
I will probably enjoy it because I love Bioware but no its not gonna do much.
Some may disagree, some may flame but just look at the combat videos and tell me wow players will mess with it for longer than 30 days.
How can you have even seen any of the gameplay when they haven't even shown any gameplay yet?
Also, "struggling" for 300K subscriptions? That's a pretty decent subscriber base actually.
Heh I wouldn't make that claim if i haven't seen multiple gameplay videos of TOR. check around there are quite a few walk throughs to watch.
300k is an insult to a company that basically prints it's own money.
CCP was a small indy nothing so to gain subs from 30k to 320k in 6 years is something but to a company like Bioware they expect big things.
Don't get me wrong im looking forward to the game I just don't see it being the next big thing. It certainly won't have any sort of effect on Eve at all.
Can you link to any of these supposed gameplay videos?
You want Mech? You want High Sci-Fi? You want a world in chaos? Are you still stuck on Elves, Orcs and Dragons? You want the "Death Star" in a hand gun? Try Palladium Books: Rifts for an MMORPG. Center your MMO on just the Coalition War in north east America and you wont even cover a fraction of the world. What ever tickles your Sci-Fi fancy, its there. Want to know more? click here--> Palladium Books
Goddamn I want a Rifts MMO! I loved playing that game with my late-night chums, and I've always thought the game world was a fascinating place.
Someone make a Rifts MMO! Cyber knight class for the win!
Edit: Huh, it looks as if Palladium hasn't updated their website design since about 1996.
Again with what, 40 world books, over 10 dimension books, over 10 sourcebooks, how many main books, conversion books for tie-ins to Palladium's other games - with how many books there?... how would you see them even starting with Rifts?
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
I would love to see an mmo based off of China Mieville's Bas-Lag Universe (i know it is steampunk but /shurg).
What i do not want to play is a fantasy world dressed up in sci fi, witch is what Star Wars is at heart. I want to see meaningful conflicts, and being forced to make choices , that are not cut and dry. I think the mmo genre need s a good kick in the ass, however it will take more then just killing ten rats with a light saber instead of a sword to do it.
The only game on that list that seems interesting is Earthrise, been following it for a while now.
I am also very interested to see how dust 514 comes out , and am willing to buy a ps3 or an xbox to play it. (I think it will look nice next to my 8bit nintendo console , the only one i have ever owned) I like feeling i am fighting for something and not just to climb a leader board something that most mmo's have failed at.
I am hopeful Vigil Games will hand us a winner with War Hammer 40k. I have to agree with the other posts I've read though. Dealing with death in WH40k will be difficult to explain and manage. The table top game and the game lore is absolutly viscious. If you fall in combat there are usually no second chances.
Perhaps a wise decision to not go head to head with your main competition [Eve Online] and instead offer a different experience in a similar arena.
In my honest opinion, if you offered the exact same experience as Eve sans the way-over-the-top skills/real time training system and with more realism to PvP combat (large ships do in fact lock on faster to small ships than the other way around, and a missile in the face hurts MORE when you're going fast, not less lol), I'd sub it today. I can spend all day in a space game, but I just can't stand the feeling that when I'm logged into New Eden, CCP is playing ME
You'll have to accept most people only having 1 account though - without the real time skill system dragging at your heels, most people won't be running multiple accounts to take away that pain.
FPS games in MMO make lag fest if not controlled instanced battlefields. The server would have to do too many computations.
Planetside didn't have that much of a problem (I'm sure it still doesn't, but the population on it now is so low it probably doesn't matter). Didn't have instanced battlefields in the way most people try to spread this myth around, and while there may have been pop locks they were significantly higher than 32 v 32.
SciFi ground combat MMOs do tend to want to lean towards shooter style FPS in my mind, for precisely the reason one of the other posters mentioned. Its already straining credulity in GenericFantasyRPG001 to have to swing your rusty axe fifty times to kill a rat, but to have to do the same to kill a low level anything in a ground based shooter is silly. From what I've seen with most that try to put out a "SciFI" ground based MMO is that they simply want to replicate the formula that works in a fantasy game, namely tank/dps/healer/cc and that's what you end up with, which lowers what can be done and forces the stand around and shoot mechanics (or worse yet the travesty that is Star Trek Online's ground based I don't even know what to call it, not combat).
Well one of the better MMO's that could come out would be a Battletech/ Mechwarrior. But that would involve Smith and Tinker getting on the ball and doing something. Plus getting out of litigation and copy right crap would be good to.... really hate Harmony Gold... also if there was a Mechwarrior/ Battletech mmo it would have to be done Right
Perpetuum looks like it may be really good.
Eve online with Mechs? Sign me up!!!!
The problem with Perpetuum is that a mech game would make an awesome action game. Instead, Perpetuum's controls, UI, and gameplay are all direct rip offs of Eve (plus gravity and ground of course). It's not action at all, it's the same lock on and then turn your weapons on gameplay Eve uses.
Your description of Perpetuum just gave me a sci-fi rts geek hard on.
This one is nine minutes long and shows off the jedi at first. his running animations are stiff and combat slow as shit. The WoW warrior makes this guy look like hes attacking under water. very similar to WAR combat for its melee characters and something that turned off damn near half off the wow players that tried that game.
Heres the tropper looking like a mentally retarded robot all slow and clunky. LINK
Makes the WoW hunter actually look good in comparison.
Heres an older alpha video of a female jedi that looks like her feet are glued to the ground during combat (you may need to scan the video to find it). LINK
Look at the combat animations, the UI, the running animations. I'm sorry if this game can't pick up WoW players its gonna rot just like WAR. seeing that combat why in the hell would I play those classes instead of the ones WoW is offering?
Well one of the better MMO's that could come out would be a Battletech/ Mechwarrior. But that would involve Smith and Tinker getting on the ball and doing something. Plus getting out of litigation and copy right crap would be good to.... really hate Harmony Gold... also if there was a Mechwarrior/ Battletech mmo it would have to be done Right
Perpetuum looks like it may be really good.
Eve online with Mechs? Sign me up!!!!
The problem with Perpetuum is that a mech game would make an awesome action game. Instead, Perpetuum's controls, UI, and gameplay are all direct rip offs of Eve (plus gravity and ground of course). It's not action at all, it's the same lock on and then turn your weapons on gameplay Eve uses.
Your description of Perpetuum just gave me a sci-fi rts geek hard on.
Shadowlands has been blown the fuck up, the aliens have pissed off elsewhere, and it's back to good ole' clan vs Omni with the neuts in the middle.
Update the combat system so it's not slow and tedius....but keep the buffs, the MASSIVE itemization, implants, nanos, etc.
Keep the original professions, and add a few more.
And BAM!! You'd have a GREAT Sci-FI game.
I miss Anarchy Online so much....kinda like Pre-NGE SWG....but just like that, the game is just not the same now, and it's hard to go back to slow, clunky combat and ancient graphics.
At least I have Darkfall for now. (which is really funny, since I used to HATE phantasy games)
Originally posted by battleax Ground combat, however, is more difficult. No one expects that their 40 megawatt pulse rifle will require an entire clip of pew-pew to down a stinking rat, and that's exactly why this fails so often. I can kill rats with a BB gun for crying out loud! Developers are hung up on recreating the original Everquest combat that has been replicated to every MMO melee combat engine. It's not enough to bring subscribers to continue to have little numbers pop up over opponent heads. Noobs shouldn't have to pew-pew their little fingers off to kill rats, bats, and skeletons. If I have a rifle of any type - gauss, laser, slug, plasma, you name it - it should be one shot, one kill on yard trash and unarmored opponents. Period. End of story.
I’m sorry but I felt compelled to comment on this.
So having my character summon a fiery meteor from the heavens to slay a Wild Boar is somehow more realistic? Or perhaps my character wielding a one-ton, behemoth of a two handed axe and repeatedly beating a humanoid NPC is somehow more realistic?
I personally find nothing wrong with having to repeatedly attack an NPC to kill it. I view it as a simple requirement of the entire gaming industry and really don’t have any issues playing a game which uses it.
U know what the most awesome sci-fi mmo would be? Starcraft Online. Now that would be truly epic. Would love to see it within 5 years. With Blizzard u gonna be sure it will be good even better than Bioware: SWTOR.
If they manage to resurrect Anarchy Online with the new engine, I wont care even about SW:TOR (assuming it wont be a sci-fi wow with a better story).
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. A. Einstein
The future is already here...and in production....pre-alpha demo already available...
While I understand that it's not possible to mention every game, I think Warhammer 40k should have been.
The fact that it's so similar to fantasy is hugely under-estimated. I have friends who play WoW and Warhammer Online, that you can't get to touch sci-fi with a stick. They hate Starwars, Star-Trek, or anything space related. There's zero chance they'll ever give games like EVE a chance, just because of the space theme.
But I bet you they'll play Warhammer 40k when that comes out, IF it's good, and I play it myself and recommend it to them.
So that game has a huge potential to bridge the gap between fantasy and sci-fi.
You want Mech? You want High Sci-Fi? You want a world in chaos? Are you still stuck on Elves, Orcs and Dragons? You want the "Death Star" in a hand gun?
Try Palladium Books: Rifts for an MMORPG. Center your MMO on just the Coalition War in north east America and you wont even cover a fraction of the world. What ever tickles your Sci-Fi fancy, its there.
Want to know more? click here--> Palladium Books
Perpetuum looks like it may be really good.
Eve online with Mechs? Sign me up!!!!
The problem with Perpetuum is that a mech game would make an awesome action game. Instead, Perpetuum's controls, UI, and gameplay are all direct rip offs of Eve (plus gravity and ground of course). It's not action at all, it's the same lock on and then turn your weapons on gameplay Eve uses.
FPS games in MMO make lag fest if not controlled instanced battlefields. The server would have to do too many computations.
This times a thousand. Nothing like a scantily clad magic user riding a fury beetle kicking ass alongside a SAMAS pilot. That would is so huge it hurts just to think about it.
There is NO miracle patch.
95% of what you see in beta won't change by launch.
Hope is not a stategy.
"This kind of topic is like one of those little cartoon boxes held up by a stick on a string, with a piece of meat under it. In other words, bait."
The Palladium Megaverse is too large when you get right down to it. If you were to focus on a small area, you would inevitably receive the complaints from folks wishing they had included this or that. If you were to skimp on it, how would it be any different than any of the other games out there? The various world books do not offer "higher" level content, just alternate content.
Still, Rifts will always be one of my favorite PnP-RPGs.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
still no mention of a mecha mmo...the west is in a drought for a fast paced booster mecha game IMO, it would be even sicker if they managed to incorporate that into an mmo! As for perpetuum, i hear they are practically encroaching upon copy right infringment; it looks exactly like eve and the same exact gameplay(click, and rotate) as well, also those chicken legged mechs with no fast paced action is just a big turnoff to me.
Mecha > mech
Entropia is NOT a good game model. It is a virtual cassino dressed up as an MMO. Its even worse than having to buy useful items in an item shop, you have to buy EVERYTHING useful with real money, including ammo for killing anything.
What I'm enjoying and looking forward to the completion of, is the resurection of E&B at enb-emulator.com
RF Online fall down, go boom in the West.
That Mecha > Mech thing makes me think of the difference between cutesy and gritty. Sure, there are some gritty mecha stories out there - but for the most part they fall into the pretty boy thing that does not work for somebody no longer getting an allowance from mom and dad.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
That would depend on whether or not Bioware can pull off making SWTOR into a "WoW in space" subscriptions wise.
OK I got my crystal ball out. I want you to come back to this post and remember exactly what Im saying to you right now.
Six months after release TOR will struggle to even have 300k subscribers.
Got that? I've already seen enough of the gameplay to know WoW players will not stick with it and from what ive read out of the dev logs its not going to be enough of a mmo to keep the wow haters happy.
I will probably enjoy it because I love Bioware but no its not gonna do much.
Some may disagree, some may flame but just look at the combat videos and tell me wow players will mess with it for longer than 30 days.
How can you have even seen any of the gameplay when they haven't even shown any gameplay yet?
Also, "struggling" for 300K subscriptions? That's a pretty decent subscriber base actually.
Heh I wouldn't make that claim if i haven't seen multiple gameplay videos of TOR. check around there are quite a few walk throughs to watch.
300k is an insult to a company that basically prints it's own money.
CCP was a small indy nothing so to gain subs from 30k to 320k in 6 years is something but to a company like Bioware they expect big things.
Don't get me wrong im looking forward to the game I just don't see it being the next big thing. It certainly won't have any sort of effect on Eve at all.
Can you link to any of these supposed gameplay videos?
Goddamn I want a Rifts MMO! I loved playing that game with my late-night chums, and I've always thought the game world was a fascinating place.
Someone make a Rifts MMO! Cyber knight class for the win!
Edit: Huh, it looks as if Palladium hasn't updated their website design since about 1996.
Again with what, 40 world books, over 10 dimension books, over 10 sourcebooks, how many main books, conversion books for tie-ins to Palladium's other games - with how many books there?... how would you see them even starting with Rifts?
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Hey Hey
I would love to see an mmo based off of China Mieville's Bas-Lag Universe (i know it is steampunk but /shurg).
What i do not want to play is a fantasy world dressed up in sci fi, witch is what Star Wars is at heart. I want to see meaningful conflicts, and being forced to make choices , that are not cut and dry. I think the mmo genre need s a good kick in the ass, however it will take more then just killing ten rats with a light saber instead of a sword to do it.
The only game on that list that seems interesting is Earthrise, been following it for a while now.
I am also very interested to see how dust 514 comes out , and am willing to buy a ps3 or an xbox to play it. (I think it will look nice next to my 8bit nintendo console , the only one i have ever owned) I like feeling i am fighting for something and not just to climb a leader board something that most mmo's have failed at.
Welcome Home
I am hopeful Vigil Games will hand us a winner with War Hammer 40k. I have to agree with the other posts I've read though. Dealing with death in WH40k will be difficult to explain and manage. The table top game and the game lore is absolutly viscious. If you fall in combat there are usually no second chances.
Perhaps a wise decision to not go head to head with your main competition [Eve Online] and instead offer a different experience in a similar arena.
In my honest opinion, if you offered the exact same experience as Eve sans the way-over-the-top skills/real time training system and with more realism to PvP combat (large ships do in fact lock on faster to small ships than the other way around, and a missile in the face hurts MORE when you're going fast, not less lol), I'd sub it today. I can spend all day in a space game, but I just can't stand the feeling that when I'm logged into New Eden, CCP is playing ME
You'll have to accept most people only having 1 account though - without the real time skill system dragging at your heels, most people won't be running multiple accounts to take away that pain.
Planetside didn't have that much of a problem (I'm sure it still doesn't, but the population on it now is so low it probably doesn't matter). Didn't have instanced battlefields in the way most people try to spread this myth around, and while there may have been pop locks they were significantly higher than 32 v 32.
SciFi ground combat MMOs do tend to want to lean towards shooter style FPS in my mind, for precisely the reason one of the other posters mentioned. Its already straining credulity in GenericFantasyRPG001 to have to swing your rusty axe fifty times to kill a rat, but to have to do the same to kill a low level anything in a ground based shooter is silly. From what I've seen with most that try to put out a "SciFI" ground based MMO is that they simply want to replicate the formula that works in a fantasy game, namely tank/dps/healer/cc and that's what you end up with, which lowers what can be done and forces the stand around and shoot mechanics (or worse yet the travesty that is Star Trek Online's ground based I don't even know what to call it, not combat).
Perpetuum looks like it may be really good.
Eve online with Mechs? Sign me up!!!!
The problem with Perpetuum is that a mech game would make an awesome action game. Instead, Perpetuum's controls, UI, and gameplay are all direct rip offs of Eve (plus gravity and ground of course). It's not action at all, it's the same lock on and then turn your weapons on gameplay Eve uses.
Your description of Perpetuum just gave me a sci-fi rts geek hard on.
Holy shit I can't wait.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
Of course. LINK
This one is nine minutes long and shows off the jedi at first. his running animations are stiff and combat slow as shit. The WoW warrior makes this guy look like hes attacking under water. very similar to WAR combat for its melee characters and something that turned off damn near half off the wow players that tried that game.
Heres the tropper looking like a mentally retarded robot all slow and clunky. LINK
Makes the WoW hunter actually look good in comparison.
Heres an older alpha video of a female jedi that looks like her feet are glued to the ground during combat (you may need to scan the video to find it). LINK
Look at the combat animations, the UI, the running animations. I'm sorry if this game can't pick up WoW players its gonna rot just like WAR. seeing that combat why in the hell would I play those classes instead of the ones WoW is offering?
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
Perpetuum looks like it may be really good.
Eve online with Mechs? Sign me up!!!!
The problem with Perpetuum is that a mech game would make an awesome action game. Instead, Perpetuum's controls, UI, and gameplay are all direct rip offs of Eve (plus gravity and ground of course). It's not action at all, it's the same lock on and then turn your weapons on gameplay Eve uses.
Your description of Perpetuum just gave me a sci-fi rts geek hard on.
Holy shit I can't wait.
RTS? There's nothing RTS about it.
I am looking forward to hopefully being able to don the moniker of World of Darkness Fanboy. I hope CCP allows for that to happen, lol!
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
I want Anarchy Online 2.
Shadowlands has been blown the fuck up, the aliens have pissed off elsewhere, and it's back to good ole' clan vs Omni with the neuts in the middle.
Update the combat system so it's not slow and tedius....but keep the buffs, the MASSIVE itemization, implants, nanos, etc.
Keep the original professions, and add a few more.
And BAM!! You'd have a GREAT Sci-FI game.
I miss Anarchy Online so much....kinda like Pre-NGE SWG....but just like that, the game is just not the same now, and it's hard to go back to slow, clunky combat and ancient graphics.
At least I have Darkfall for now. (which is really funny, since I used to HATE phantasy games)
I’m sorry but I felt compelled to comment on this.
So having my character summon a fiery meteor from the heavens to slay a Wild Boar is somehow more realistic? Or perhaps my character wielding a one-ton, behemoth of a two handed axe and repeatedly beating a humanoid NPC is somehow more realistic?
I personally find nothing wrong with having to repeatedly attack an NPC to kill it. I view it as a simple requirement of the entire gaming industry and really don’t have any issues playing a game which uses it.
U know what the most awesome sci-fi mmo would be? Starcraft Online. Now that would be truly epic. Would love to see it within 5 years. With Blizzard u gonna be sure it will be good even better than Bioware: SWTOR.