Viral Marketing is more or less defining the channel and how you promote the message. Almost everyone utilizes viral marketing in this digital age. The misconception is that Viral Marketing completely defines into Stealth/Buzz Marketing. That's where the promotion or message does not carry the brand name per say and people don't know their being marketed to. Both have the similar goals and go hand-and-hand to generating good word of mouth. There are some pretty heavy laws between what you can do with viral marketing and what you can't do. I think a lot of what you see or what some claim are in assumptions that some spam in order to create buzz (marketing) around certain games or brands. Nonetheless, it's an interesting topic at least from a community management point of view because we all help promote the overall message -- our great game.
See Famine identifies his afilliation. That is disclosure. That is clearly not stealth nor is his advocacy "viral".
But examine the origin of the word "fan" it comes from the word "fanatic". Many of the most persistent "viral" marketers are not paid (and are often paying a sub) the very competent ones are often groomed and feted by the companies whose game they are a fanatic for.
This site is composed of a large portion of fanatics. We all know this. This forum is diving into a cesspool. Cesspools have germs in them.
Viral marketing trying to create a primary infection point? Not that much. Viral marketing from a Secondary Infection point? HELL YEAH.
Half of them don't even know they got infected even though they had lunch with people at some convention. Its not a lie if you believe it, Jerry.
I have been banned twice in the last 3 weeks
See Famine identifies his afilliation. That is disclosure. That is clearly not stealth nor is his advocacy "viral".
But examine the origin of the word "fan" it comes from the word "fanatic". Many of the most persistent "viral" marketers are not paid (and are often paying a sub) the very competent ones are often groomed and feted by the companies whose game they are a fanatic for.
This site is composed of a large portion of fanatics. We all know this. This forum is diving into a cesspool. Cesspools have germs in them.