I dont want to play it anymore,because it sounds like the game is so bad,im starting to think the WoW Fourm is going to crash into the planet "Negativity" And live there.Is there anything good about it?,i know there is,but right now the feedback im getting is Negative.Why? we talk about the game being great and then we change our minds.About 95% of the stuff i hear about here is negative,and 5% is positive.
Lol, sorry that we all made you change your opinion.
It's not that the game is so bad, it's just that is became so popular to the point where just about every developer copied the core mechanics, and offered it all for free. Since the majority of wow's players are "casual"(according to blizzard), If more people realized they can get the same ammount of enjoyment for free, I don't think it would still be as popular as it is today.
It's like I mentioned before, they play it because it is what they know, and are used to. Suppose the ammount of friends you have playing it is a factor as well.
Please don't take this the wrong way but why would you play a game based on any forums? It's probably better just to play the game and form your own opinions and decide if it's fun for you or not. I think sharing opinions on the forums are fine, and you may agree with many of them, but never base your decision to play, or not to play, because of them.
As has already been said above, make up your own mind about whether you like the game or not and play or don't play based on that decision alone.
If you look at the forums for any game, anywhere there will be people who used to play it 24/7, burned out and now call it the worst game on the planet so shuld you never play any game ever.
Gaming like many things is a subjective matter, some of the games i wouldn't touch with a barge pole have their dedicated fans and that doesn't make them wrong or me right it just means we have different tastes and it would be a pretty boring world if everyone liked the same stuff.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
When the official forums of a game are that way you kinda wonder how people really feel about the game. Something's not right when a large number of people spend most of their time posting crazy stuff on the forums instead of actually playing the game.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Depends what you consider to be a 'large' amount of people and what type of players they are?
I have been in the game from the off and have never spent that much time around the official forums at all, but the times i have been there it always seems to be the same people posting the same stuff over and over, much like most forums for any game or subject.
As with anything, you take other peoples opinions for what they are, a personal opinion, make up your own mind whether you agree with it or not and then move on to form your own opinion on the matter.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Forums are there for complaining. Generally speaking if you don't have a problem with the game, you won't post on the forums. I have found this true not only for game forums but for a lot other forums (such as sports forums) as well.