This reeks of a company desperate to empty their physical inventory of this game and maximize their revenues before the whole thing collapses.
I won't read too much into it, this game went on sale if I remember correctly the week after it came out through Atari and furthermore Cryptic in my opinion doesn't seem like they are trying to hide the state of the game as we have seen companies do in the past. While they haven't released any concrete numbers that I am aware of the interviews I've read have went after them and they have not once tried to sugar coat the situation (even if they don't always say the right things).
I've seen far too many games in much worse shape than thislast longer so again I just think you are reading far too much into this, did the game have a smooth start? far from it though much less rough than you can tell if you just listen to forum posters. I don't even see the game moving in a direction that will keep me subbed to it (yet). But I'm fairly certain you'll be reading posts like this one insinuating that "the whole thing collapses.".
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
lol I was gonna say something similar... But ya beat me to it
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I won't read too much into it, this game went on sale if I remember correctly the week after it came out through Atari and furthermore Cryptic in my opinion doesn't seem like they are trying to hide the state of the game as we have seen companies do in the past. While they haven't released any concrete numbers that I am aware of the interviews I've read have went after them and they have not once tried to sugar coat the situation (even if they don't always say the right things).
I've seen far too many games in much worse shape than thislast longer so again I just think you are reading far too much into this, did the game have a smooth start? far from it though much less rough than you can tell if you just listen to forum posters. I don't even see the game moving in a direction that will keep me subbed to it (yet). But I'm fairly certain you'll be reading posts like this one insinuating that "the whole thing collapses.".
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....