I don't know how you Americans can play on English-only servers and not get bored (although, from what I've experienced 1st hand, there are some REALLY serious literacy problems over there that EU servers seem like a better place when it comes to english fluency and grammar). Seriously, I'd feel so alienated if I didn't occasionally read/hear something written in Russian or Turkish... ya know, players most notorious for typing exclusively in their native language (nothing against them, just from my experience).
What are you trying to say exactly? Is English your native language?
You're saying you like ot chat in Russian or Turkish some times, or you don't? It's really hard to tell what you're trying to express here.
Generally speaking, it does not really matter where the person lives - every country has its fair share of douches. As mentioned, it is kind of nifty plaing with folks from around the globe in EVE as long as you can get around any language barriers. To some extent, there may be greater differences between people in NY and GA than between NA and EU.
I'd rather play with folks from the EU, etc than my own continent of NA. The larger majority of idiots and all around douchebags tend to be from NA sadly.
When you live in the UK, you get used to playing in a multicultural environment.
My guildmates are: English, Scottish, Welsh, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Finnish, Belgian, French, Spanish, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Estonian, Romanian, Italian, Greek and an Aussie (God knows how she snuck in).
It's a veritable smorgasbord of ethnicity and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's interesting to have discussions with people from different backgrounds with different perspectives on life.
I think server zones are set up about right; I wouldn't mind having the canadians on our side (they seem practically european to start with) but I think that adding the entire spectrum of american ethnicities into the mix would be a bit too much.
The latency thing is important too, of course.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
I don't know how you Americans can play on English-only servers and not get bored (although, from what I've experienced 1st hand, there are some REALLY serious literacy problems over there that EU servers seem like a better place when it comes to english fluency and grammar). Seriously, I'd feel so alienated if I didn't occasionally read/hear something written in Russian or Turkish... ya know, players most notorious for typing exclusively in their native language (nothing against them, just from my experience).
Quite true. When I played Requiem often I got quite used to all the Russian text in the chat box, wasn't too bad after the initial "wth?" feeling.
As far as NA servers and fluency + grammar.... Yes, you are correct. NA is filled with people who think, "Why should it matter what I type? It's just the internet." People over here tend to take the internet for granted, and I've had multiple instances where I corrected people out of the kindness of my heart only to face serious backlash for even correcting it.
I've learned that if you tell someone it's actually spelled "rogue" that people will get infuriated and all of a sudden you become the bad guy somehow for pointing out that "rougue" is a form of makeup.
It just comes with the territory of being in the U.S. We seem to have the worst educational level across our population out of any first-world country. You get used to it after a while.
But back on topic: I've never had issues playing with Europeans, but then again I don't assume I'm better than them just because I'm from the U.S.
I don't know how you Americans can play on English-only servers and not get bored (although, from what I've experienced 1st hand, there are some REALLY serious literacy problems over there that EU servers seem like a better place when it comes to english fluency and grammar). Seriously, I'd feel so alienated if I didn't occasionally read/hear something written in Russian or Turkish... ya know, players most notorious for typing exclusively in their native language (nothing against them, just from my experience).
What are you trying to say exactly? Is English your native language?
You're saying you like ot chat in Russian or Turkish some times, or you don't? It's really hard to tell what you're trying to express here.
What's the problem? Could be because I'm not really making any point, just commenting how I prefer multi-lingual atmosphere when it comes to MMOs (dunno, just gives an extra dimension to that game, or it's just me being weird). And no, English isn't my native language so if it's because of that... yeah, it happens.
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
I've learned that if you tell someone it's actually spelled "rogue" that people will get infuriated and all of a sudden you become the bad guy somehow for pointing out that "rougue" is a form of makeup.
That's "rouge" by the way.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
I don't know how you Americans can play on English-only servers and not get bored (although, from what I've experienced 1st hand, there are some REALLY serious literacy problems over there that EU servers seem like a better place when it comes to english fluency and grammar). Seriously, I'd feel so alienated if I didn't occasionally read/hear something written in Russian or Turkish... ya know, players most notorious for typing exclusively in their native language (nothing against them, just from my experience).
some friends from europe came over a while back and when they eard us speak in english or french(quebec)
they asked us why you guys still use the old english(1600 era)
we were baffled we didnt know what to say !
we asked :what ?french and english from america use the old english ?
they said hell ya!we recognise most of the word because they are very old word we havent used in century !
men!try convincing european or the rest for that mather that north america isnt retarded after that!
we all cracked a smile !but i think those european nailed the issue!
average citizen born in america still use the old english or the old french so no wonder lot have problem understanding
I'll take my game as multicultural as I can get it. That and I could find people to play with all times of the day/night cosidering that if I play in off times locally, there's always someone from somewhere else that's on their prime time. That and it's just fun to experience opinions from other people in different parts of the world and see for yourself how they react to things.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
I don't know how you Americans can play on English-only servers and not get bored (although, from what I've experienced 1st hand, there are some REALLY serious literacy problems over there that EU servers seem like a better place when it comes to english fluency and grammar). Seriously, I'd feel so alienated if I didn't occasionally read/hear something written in Russian or Turkish... ya know, players most notorious for typing exclusively in their native language (nothing against them, just from my experience).
What are you trying to say exactly? Is English your native language?
You're saying you like ot chat in Russian or Turkish some times, or you don't? It's really hard to tell what you're trying to express here.
What's the problem? Could be because I'm not really making any point, just commenting how I prefer multi-lingual atmosphere when it comes to MMOs (dunno, just gives an extra dimension to that game, or it's just me being weird). And no, English isn't my native language so if it's because of that... yeah, it happens.
Oh, I can see that. I also dont' mind grouping with people when there's a communication barrier, as long as we can work things out.
I have had some funny complete party wipes in those situations though, don't pull doesn't mean pull right now, lol.
When you live in the UK, you get used to playing in a multicultural environment.
My guildmates are: English, Scottish, Welsh, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Finnish, Belgian, French, Spanish, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Estonian, Romanian, Italian, Greek and an Aussie (God knows how she snuck in).
It's a veritable smorgasbord of ethnicity and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's interesting to have discussions with people from different backgrounds with different perspectives on life.
I think server zones are set up about right; I wouldn't mind having the canadians on our side (they seem practically european to start with) but I think that adding the entire spectrum of american ethnicities into the mix would be a bit too much.
The latency thing is important too, of course.
When you live in the US, you get used to playing in a multicutural environement. My guildmates are Californians, Texans, Georgians, Floridians, and even folk from as far away as Alaska.
When you live in the UK, you get used to playing in a multicultural environment.
My guildmates are: English, Scottish, Welsh, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Finnish, Belgian, French, Spanish, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Estonian, Romanian, Italian, Greek and an Aussie (God knows how she snuck in).
It's a veritable smorgasbord of ethnicity and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's interesting to have discussions with people from different backgrounds with different perspectives on life.
I think server zones are set up about right; I wouldn't mind having the canadians on our side (they seem practically european to start with) but I think that adding the entire spectrum of american ethnicities into the mix would be a bit too much.
The latency thing is important too, of course.
When you live in the US, you get used to playing in a multicutural environement. My guildmates are Californians, Texans, Georgians, Floridians, and even folk from as far away as Alaska.
I havn't laughed so hard after reading something for a long time, thank you
I'm from Toronto (most culturally diverse city in the world) Canada, so it was extra special for me
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I like global servers due to the activity at every time of the day. And I've never had latency issues playing on Asian or European servers. Unlike FPS games 200 ping is fine with most MMOs.
Definitely enjoy playing with people from other places. The saddest thing is that the written English of foreign born, non-english speaking people tends to be as good or better than people from the U.S. & Canada.
One lovely conversation which included some Super Group mates some of which I knew their locations:
"Croc" (U.S. Detroit): okay, meat at mission, getting some insps.
"Minxy" (Belgium (iirc)): steak?
"???" (dk Pick up member): bacon?
Me "Caffeine Girl" (U.S.): chicken?
"Croc": wtf r u guys taking about?
Minxy: lol
???: lol
I definitely agree with this. I'm from the UK and I notice a dismaying amunt of grammatical and spelling mistakes in players from the UK. In fact, it's reached a point where I can usually tell that someone is not a native Entlish speaker because the standard of their English is higher. Even more sad is the fact that when I comment on how good their English is, they usually apologise for it not being better!
*pores over post repeatedly for mistakes in spelling or grammar*
p.s. Why is it so hard to quote someone now? I had to fiddle around with the /quote code to get it to work so that my post wouldn't be inside the quote box. Or is it just me? ^^
Definitely enjoy playing with people from other places. The saddest thing is that the written English of foreign born, non-english speaking people tends to be as good or better than people from the U.S. & Canada.
One lovely conversation which included some Super Group mates some of which I knew their locations:
"Croc" (U.S. Detroit): okay, meat at mission, getting some insps.
"Minxy" (Belgium (iirc)): steak?
"???" (dk Pick up member): bacon?
Me "Caffeine Girl" (U.S.): chicken?
"Croc": wtf r u guys taking about?
Minxy: lol
???: lol
I definitely agree with this. I'm from the UK and I notice a dismaying amunt of grammatical and spelling mistakes in players from the UK. In fact, it's reached a point where I can usually tell that someone is not a native Entlish speaker because the standard of their English is higher. Even more sad is the fact that when I comment on how good their English is, they usually apologise for it not being better!
*pores over post repeatedly for mistakes in spelling or grammar*
p.s. Why is it so hard to quote someone now? I had to fiddle around with the /quote code to get it to work so that my post wouldn't be inside the quote box. Or is it just me? ^^
New forum upgrades, and the software has bugs.
I can quote about 50% of the time, the other 50% it's all jacked up.
I'm from europe (Sweden) but I prefer playing on NA servers because on EU servers it's often near impossible to have a conversation with other players. Most people only speak very rudimenary english if any, and those who do speak english (the brits) usually speak some wacky accent that I can't decipher unless they use text chat. :P
I definitely agree with this. I'm from the UK and I notice a dismaying amunt of grammatical and spelling mistakes in players from the UK. In fact, it's reached a point where I can usually tell that someone is not a native Entlish speaker because the standard of their English is higher. Even more sad is the fact that when I comment on how good their English is, they usually apologise for it not being better!
*pores over post repeatedly for mistakes in spelling or grammar*
p.s. Why is it so hard to quote someone now? I had to fiddle around with the /quote code to get it to work so that my post wouldn't be inside the quote box. Or is it just me? ^^
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
I definitely agree with this. I'm from the UK and I notice a dismaying amunt of grammatical and spelling mistakes in players from the UK. In fact, it's reached a point where I can usually tell that someone is not a native Entlish speaker because the standard of their English is higher. Even more sad is the fact that when I comment on how good their English is, they usually apologise for it not being better!
*pores over post repeatedly for mistakes in spelling or grammar*
p.s. Why is it so hard to quote someone now? I had to fiddle around with the /quote code to get it to work so that my post wouldn't be inside the quote box. Or is it just me? ^^
lmao, I knew, I just knew I would make typos. They are typos, honestly ^^
The only thing I dislike about playing with or aggainst people living in other countries is the LAG.
I don't mind when their english isn't the greatest, hell I make typos all the time so my english can seem broken too :P But one thing I can't stand is the continuous lag, ever try to fend off a "teleporting" pker glitching around from spot to spot? It is not fun..
I don't want the server to be a complete ghost town due to the continent restrictions. Having various worldly populations ensures a continuous population.
Very low latency is only needed in fps-type games, and not a majority of mmo's.
i played FFXI for about 3 years or so and found many friends from NA and Asia, me being EU(german), i would miss them and i would hate it to log on EU server only and cant meet them ingame. 8sorry for my bad english)
Unfortunately, you are missing an option or two. Why should I have to play with Canadians? Would rather play with Euros. Some do not want to play with Canadians nor Euros.
Canadians are North America.
Which is an issue for some people.
Soon as we finish up with those nasty messes in the middle east we'll be looking to annex some new States to the Union. (need to get some folks to help us run our new health care programs)
But what I really love about EVE is that I do get a chance to game with people all around the globe. I've been corpmates with folk from at least a dozen or more nations and think most games should be designed like this.
With reference to EVE, player sovereignty is heavily dependent on 24H timezone coverage. One is not only able to play with people all over the world, one is activeyl encouraged to.
I don't want to log into a new server and find out 90% of the people on it only speak french, german, spanish, or something.
Not knocking on EU people or bilinguals or anything, but in order to really create community in a MMO you have to share a common language.
IF latency is not an issue, and that's a big if, then the better way to organize servers would be by language. I can certainly appreciate a French person wanting a French server, a Spanish speaking person wanting a Spanish server, and so on.
What are you trying to say exactly? Is English your native language?
You're saying you like ot chat in Russian or Turkish some times, or you don't? It's really hard to tell what you're trying to express here.
I'd rather play with folks from the EU, etc than my own continent of NA. The larger majority of idiots and all around douchebags tend to be from NA sadly.
When you live in the UK, you get used to playing in a multicultural environment.
My guildmates are: English, Scottish, Welsh, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Finnish, Belgian, French, Spanish, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Estonian, Romanian, Italian, Greek and an Aussie (God knows how she snuck in).
It's a veritable smorgasbord of ethnicity and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's interesting to have discussions with people from different backgrounds with different perspectives on life.
I think server zones are set up about right; I wouldn't mind having the canadians on our side (they seem practically european to start with) but I think that adding the entire spectrum of american ethnicities into the mix would be a bit too much.
The latency thing is important too, of course.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
Quite true. When I played Requiem often I got quite used to all the Russian text in the chat box, wasn't too bad after the initial "wth?" feeling.
As far as NA servers and fluency + grammar.... Yes, you are correct. NA is filled with people who think, "Why should it matter what I type? It's just the internet." People over here tend to take the internet for granted, and I've had multiple instances where I corrected people out of the kindness of my heart only to face serious backlash for even correcting it.
I've learned that if you tell someone it's actually spelled "rogue" that people will get infuriated and all of a sudden you become the bad guy somehow for pointing out that "rougue" is a form of makeup.
It just comes with the territory of being in the U.S. We seem to have the worst educational level across our population out of any first-world country. You get used to it after a while.
But back on topic: I've never had issues playing with Europeans, but then again I don't assume I'm better than them just because I'm from the U.S.
What's the problem? Could be because I'm not really making any point, just commenting how I prefer multi-lingual atmosphere when it comes to MMOs (dunno, just gives an extra dimension to that game, or it's just me being weird). And no, English isn't my native language so if it's because of that... yeah, it happens.
That's "rouge" by the way.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
some friends from europe came over a while back and when they eard us speak in english or french(quebec)
they asked us why you guys still use the old english(1600 era)
we were baffled we didnt know what to say !
we asked :what ?french and english from america use the old english ?
they said hell ya!we recognise most of the word because they are very old word we havent used in century !
men!try convincing european or the rest for that mather that north america isnt retarded after that!
we all cracked a smile !but i think those european nailed the issue!
average citizen born in america still use the old english or the old french so no wonder lot have problem understanding
us lol!
I'll take my game as multicultural as I can get it. That and I could find people to play with all times of the day/night cosidering that if I play in off times locally, there's always someone from somewhere else that's on their prime time. That and it's just fun to experience opinions from other people in different parts of the world and see for yourself how they react to things.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Oh, I can see that. I also dont' mind grouping with people when there's a communication barrier, as long as we can work things out.
I have had some funny complete party wipes in those situations though, don't pull doesn't mean pull right now, lol.
When you live in the US, you get used to playing in a multicutural environement. My guildmates are Californians, Texans, Georgians, Floridians, and even folk from as far away as Alaska.
I havn't laughed so hard after reading something for a long time, thank you
I'm from Toronto (most culturally diverse city in the world) Canada, so it was extra special for me
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I like global servers due to the activity at every time of the day. And I've never had latency issues playing on Asian or European servers. Unlike FPS games 200 ping is fine with most MMOs.
Make games you want to play.
I definitely agree with this. I'm from the UK and I notice a dismaying amunt of grammatical and spelling mistakes in players from the UK. In fact, it's reached a point where I can usually tell that someone is not a native Entlish speaker because the standard of their English is higher. Even more sad is the fact that when I comment on how good their English is, they usually apologise for it not being better!
*pores over post repeatedly for mistakes in spelling or grammar*
p.s. Why is it so hard to quote someone now? I had to fiddle around with the /quote code to get it to work so that my post wouldn't be inside the quote box. Or is it just me? ^^
New forum upgrades, and the software has bugs.
I can quote about 50% of the time, the other 50% it's all jacked up.
I'm from europe (Sweden) but I prefer playing on NA servers because on EU servers it's often near impossible to have a conversation with other players. Most people only speak very rudimenary english if any, and those who do speak english (the brits) usually speak some wacky accent that I can't decipher unless they use text chat. :P
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Great Britain is the name of the island, so it is a perfectly reasonable thing to say.
lmao, I knew, I just knew I would make typos. They are typos, honestly ^^
The only thing I dislike about playing with or aggainst people living in other countries is the LAG.
I don't mind when their english isn't the greatest, hell I make typos all the time so my english can seem broken too :P But one thing I can't stand is the continuous lag, ever try to fend off a "teleporting" pker glitching around from spot to spot? It is not fun..
I don't want the server to be a complete ghost town due to the continent restrictions. Having various worldly populations ensures a continuous population.
Very low latency is only needed in fps-type games, and not a majority of mmo's.
i played FFXI for about 3 years or so and found many friends from NA and Asia, me being EU(german), i would miss them and i would hate it to log on EU server only and cant meet them ingame. 8sorry for my bad english)
I like playing with my fellow Europeans.
With reference to EVE, player sovereignty is heavily dependent on 24H timezone coverage. One is not only able to play with people all over the world, one is activeyl encouraged to.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Yeah it's all about latency and language for me.
I don't want to log into a new server and find out 90% of the people on it only speak french, german, spanish, or something.
Not knocking on EU people or bilinguals or anything, but in order to really create community in a MMO you have to share a common language.
IF latency is not an issue, and that's a big if, then the better way to organize servers would be by language. I can certainly appreciate a French person wanting a French server, a Spanish speaking person wanting a Spanish server, and so on.