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Single-player RPGer Looking to Make the Leap

KMiller1984KMiller1984 Member Posts: 8


I have spent a majority of my gaming life playing single-player RPGs and am now interested in making the leap into MMORPGs. I've included the type of RPGs I tend to favor below in the hopes that some of you can tie them to some released/soon to be released MMORPGs.

Things I like in a singe-player RPG:

  • Lore (background history, solid story, chracters, etc.)

  • Semi-open world (Bethesda games seem a little to open ended for me yet a lot of the JRPGs seem to closed).

  • Medium to steep learning curve/effort to get the best items/equipment. I like to put some work in to be rewarded yet I cannot devote whole days to one task. I would rather be able to work at it piecemeal or for a few hours per day to get a reward.

  • Intelligent AI who actually try to avoid/use tactics when fighting.

Examples of my favorite RPGs:

  • Baldur's Gate series

  • Planescape: Torment

  • Final Fantasy IV - VII

  • Knights of the Old Republic

Things I would like in an MMORPG:


Payment method:

  • F2P or P2P, does not matter to me.


  • No full loot/full PVP. I wouldn't mind territorial, group, etc but as long as I can choose to get involved.


  • Majority solo but harder quests/areas requiring group effort. That way I could log on for a few hours and do things myself but if I had time for a long session I could group up for greater rewards.



  • Doesn't matter, although I have a PC which will play anything out today or the near future.



  • Open, I wouldn't mind if dungeons were instanced but open areas/cities I would like to not be instanced.


  • Fantasy or Sci-fi, it doesn't matter as I enjoy both equally.



  • Initial appearance options are not a big deal but I would like in-depth customization when it comes to building your character or his/her equipment (crafted or just finding it as loot).

  • Crafting/trade skills would be a plus but I could live without.

  • I would like skill based but class based isn't out of the picture as long as you can customize as you gain in strength.

  • Housing would be a huge plus.


Thanks for any help in advance and hopefully the post isn't to long.

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