Hey guys im thinking about buying eq2 but first of all i was wandering if u lot could tell me how it will run on my computer, my specs are as follows:-
AMD Athlon xp 3000+
@2.17 GHz
1 Gig RAM
GeForce FX 5700 LE 256mb
All i really know lol!
Thanx in advance
It'll run just fine.
I'm running it on a Athlon XP 1700+ with 1GB RAM and an FX5600 and it runs like a champ.
I run it on High Performance mode, which still looks great. You can undoubtedly go higher quality than that.
that 5700LE is really going to drop your performance it only runs at 250mhz/400mhz where the regular 5700 runs at 425mhz/500mhz. if you have $103.00 or $177.00 you could spend on a new card, then you could buy the regular 5700 model (103.00) or the 5700ultra (177.00 which is cloacked at 475mhz/1ghz) and you would see a huge improvement. you can find these at http://www.newegg.com all of the other stuff looks fine though, just that gfx card is really a bottleneck for you, and will reduce the quality you could be playing at.
EDIT:theo that FX5600 is better than the 5700LE though it runs at 325mhz/500mhz so he will probably have to run at about the same settings as you, high performance. just because the processor will be doing a lot more of the work.
Level 21 Gnomish Mage
Level 19 Night Elf Hunter
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You will be able to run on Balenced with no problem. Maybe be able to bump up the enviorment textures and shadows more.
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