Looking for something different to play and always thought It'd be cool to give Aion a try but no free trials :-( Would love to get a trial or buddy key (whatever they are called). Not comfortable posting my email openly so you could just pm me here then I'll send it to ya. Much appreciated.
Anyone want to save me 15 dollars on a resub? Bought the game when it was first released and hated the grinding factor. Took me like 5 hours of griding to get through level 15 and couldnt bare how bad itd get at higher levels. But would like to try again now theyve changed that. So thats my email up there or send through PM on here Ill get it.
Never take life too seriously youre never gonna make it out alive.
I am looking to try Aion again, I have a account from last year thats inactive.
my email is ooojasong@hotmail.com
Would like to get a invite to Aion trial please
thank u in advanced
Looking for something different to play and always thought It'd be cool to give Aion a try but no free trials :-( Would love to get a trial or buddy key (whatever they are called). Not comfortable posting my email openly so you could just pm me here then I'll send it to ya. Much appreciated.
Anyone want to save me 15 dollars on a resub? Bought the game when it was first released and hated the grinding factor. Took me like 5 hours of griding to get through level 15 and couldnt bare how bad itd get at higher levels. But would like to try again now theyve changed that. So thats my email up there or send through PM on here Ill get it.
Never take life too seriously youre never gonna make it out alive.
Hey! I'm certainly buying the game , and I want the extra goodies the key provide , so if someone could PM me I'd really appreciate it!
Happy new year everyone!
Edit:NA version !
Played game at launch, want to check out new changes. 50/50 chance i resub....email or pm
playing: Dragon Age
Waiting: for FF14, Mass Effect
Want to try: Fallen Earth
Been wanting to find a good mmo to play for a while now and this one really interests me. A trial would be great
Can someone PM me a key please? I really want to try the game again...
Thank you!!!!
I'll split the gold with you.
Would love a trial =P
i would love to try this game, so if anyone would be nice enough to email me a buddy invite my email is :
thanks in advance
many thanks to whoever sent me one
I would love to give this game a go finaly.
PLAY WURM ONLINE!! www.wurmonline.com
I have been wanting to try this game out for a while now. Can someone please message me a trial invite? My email is j.buzzby@hotmail.com . Thank you
Would like to give it a shot. PM me if you have a key to spare.
Anyone want to hook me up with one?
EDIT: my bad, US, also want to note already own the game, just trying to hook someone up with the bonuses (plus play a bit before I use my key)
Guys when asking for serials please clarify your area of interest.
US or EU ?
I'd like to give this game a shot, and would very much appreciate a trial invite
email: raincheetah@yahoo.com
US version please
Hey guys, i'd like to get try this game too, so if you would send me a key it'd be great, and US Version please.
Thanks In Advance!!!
I'd like to try Aion too. pm. I might buy if I like. Thanks!!
Real as Reality Television!!!
Sorry. NA Version. tkimball34@yahoo.com
i would like to try please, NA cadaml@yahoo.com
Looking for buddy key as well. NA - kriegman @ yahoo . com
Thanks =D
Im in australia so I think the EU version is needed (He bought his retail)
Email - dzarko87@gmail.com