I am looking for a new mmo right now. I already tried STO and it's utterly boring. I am looking forward to FFXIV and Black Prophecy.
EVE doesn't interest me at all. Earth and Beyond was one of my favorite MMO of all times, tho they got shut down.
Any ideas? Pay to play, preferably..
Just give some criterias you want about the game m8<
looks like you like sci fi. I cant help you without knowinh what you want
Do you like fantasy games?
karos is new
if you like dota style or diabloish :BATTLE OF IMMORTAL GOES CLOSE BETA TODAY
from the gamer word have been spewing it looks like this is one title gamer will be playing a lot
saw the leveling armor pretty cool to see your weapon evolve in front of your eyes!
try Star wars galaxies or anarchy online if you like sci fi