Originally posted by neonaka Originally posted by striker09dx
Everyone is talking about North Korea vs USA , but the don't seem to grasp the fact that more and more people are either becoming stupid or unable to control themselves. And common sense is really loosing ground. In korea it becames this midnight ban thing, in USA its about warning labels. (hot coffee warning, cig cancer warnings.. ) Why should the country impose these on your child? Can you just "tell" him/her to go to bed? People don't know how to raise children these days.. Im losing faith in humanity.
I agree with this guy, why can't parents just be parents. If you do not want to take the time to raise them, then don't have them.
They'd have to send a tweet or post a comment on their child's facebook page, because the thought of getting up to tell their child to go to bed is mind numbing and requires work (movement of the legs). It is a sad state and each generation of child seems to be getting lazier and more stupid. I understand the whole go with the flow when it comes to technology but I guess because my generation grow up with the technology and not as the technology is standard that there is such a huge difference. When I was a kid their was video games and stuff to do but online gaming except for MUDs wasn't around or at least not many people know about them.
So I really have to blame the virtual connection for all the issues, now since you don't even have to call a person you can just txt them or "poke" them or whatever other stupid internet lingo bullshit is out there. The days of actually talking to someone one face to face as a majority is gone. While it is convenient the laziness is at it's peak. I'm sure there will be people playing WoW while the world comes to a close instead of spending their lasting minutes with their family and friends. Now I'm not saying everyone is like this that is growing up in these technological times but it's a huge percent that shouldn't be allowed to have child.
[[ DEAD ]] - Funny - I deleted my account on the site using the cancel account button. Forum user is separate and still exists with no way of deleting it. Delete it admins. Do it, this ends now.
and my mom never stopped telling me how I was an Internet Addict....yeah right. Well that was when I was 15-16
QUESTION: Quote: Originally Posted by Xridnasa: - What's a "grocery store"? Is that like McDonald's? - ANSWER: Quote: Originally Posted by sidimazz: - Kind of, just without the rapist.
I understand the desire to want to control the useless deaths of children and such that have been happening over there due to neglect, but really there have only been a few cases and it's absolutely absurd to limit an adults time on a computer.
If they're paying to play the game, they should be allowed to play however long they want. If they die doing it, thats their problem.
I find it ridiculous. If they try this in America, I'm gonna get really annoyed. I pay for my internet, I get to do what I want, when I want. *brandishes fists*
How can you pay for Bandwidth but then get told how to use it and how long u can use it? Wouldnt this cross over into other internet uses like Forum trolling and MMORPG.com reading?
If they did this in America I would probably move to canada or start anarchy.
Sometimes....people can't take care of themselves...Happily you r not one of them but some definetly need help...that's why you got Uncle Sam, Big Brother, Obama watching over you.
In short, we made laws so people dont kill each other...we can do the same with internet which will soon become a real drug...to a lesser extent...of course
QUESTION: Quote: Originally Posted by Xridnasa: - What's a "grocery store"? Is that like McDonald's? - ANSWER: Quote: Originally Posted by sidimazz: - Kind of, just without the rapist.
Wow some of the recent laws in Korea are really out there. A few weeks back they outlawed gold farming as a profession now they going after time in game.
Well solution to this is having more than one account and just flipping back and forth as needed to decieve the timer.
They don't mention details on how to implement such measures.
If an underaged person uses the internet from home, then the internet connection will be registered to the parents. How do you see who's sitting in front of the computer? Maybe during the afternoon the children used the computer and in the evening/night the parents. Dunno if they are trying some kind of authentication system too.
Who's to check accounts of "f2p" MMO`s? You can create several accounts with just registering fake personas. You could bypass the midnight time frame with with several accounts.
I'm not sure they can enforce the new measures by blocking IP adresses or throttling the bandwith of a certain ip adress after a certain time. By e.g. resetting your router your internet provider will give you a new dynamic ip adress. Remains to be seen how this works. Unless of course the internet providers are part of the solution. You could maybe bypass this throttling by owning a small home based company and being able to negotiate some other conditions with your internet provider. There exist always some ways to bypass restrictions. Even if you would have to aquire two (or more) contracts with different internet providers.
The measures just harm those that cannot help themselves because they don't have the resources (money) or knowledge. But as some other poster said, maybe this will give some players the opportunity to do something else during off-times.
I understand the desire to want to control the useless deaths of children and such that have been happening over there due to neglect, but really there have only been a few cases and it's absolutely absurd to limit an adults time on a computer.
If they're paying to play the game, they should be allowed to play however long they want. If they die doing it, thats their problem.
I find it ridiculous. If they try this in America, I'm gonna get really annoyed. I pay for my internet, I get to do what I want, when I want. *brandishes fists*
How can you pay for Bandwidth but then get told how to use it and how long u can use it? Wouldnt this cross over into other internet uses like Forum trolling and MMORPG.com reading?
If they did this in America I would probably move to canada or start anarchy.
Anarchists of the world UNITE!!.....
Keep in mind that Korea is rather authoritarian(look at their past history before becoming some what democratic). No doubt some of the politicians figured that this would be a good way to pander to some of the soccer mom types who are no doubt in hysteria(as usual for such types) over some of the recent head lines.
I understand the desire to want to control the useless deaths of children and such that have been happening over there due to neglect, but really there have only been a few cases and it's absolutely absurd to limit an adults time on a computer.
If they're paying to play the game, they should be allowed to play however long they want. If they die doing it, thats their problem.
I find it ridiculous. If they try this in America, I'm gonna get really annoyed. I pay for my internet, I get to do what I want, when I want. *brandishes fists*
How can you pay for Bandwidth but then get told how to use it and how long u can use it? Wouldnt this cross over into other internet uses like Forum trolling and MMORPG.com reading?
If they did this in America I would probably move to canada or start anarchy.
Read the original post, they said "underaged gamers" which is fully appropriate.
Americans have this crazy notion somehow that they are free. Noone in america is free, and just because we tote the title of democratic government doesn't mean we get to just do whatever we want whenever we want.
You can believe what you want to believe, but you are a slave. The government owns you and everything about you. You have no power here. If those in power wanted you would be sitting in a jail cell right now rotting away.
Our government (americans) is one of the most politically corrupt and greedy goverments in the world, and if they wanted to limit your internet usage, they could (and prolly will) and there isn't a thing you or anyone else is going to do about it.
What are you going to do to stop it? Write a letter to your senator? The very people in these power blocks that are removing all your freedoms... You think they really care about you?
They care about their 6 figure paychecks not your gaming time or how much you can spend indoors.
In america you will do what you are told, or you will live in the streets and freeze to death in the winter. It has always been that way. You are nothing more than a little cog in a huge machine that turns each day. You either keep turning so the machine functions or you pay the price for that. Doesn't sound like freedom to me.
Sure we have it a lot better living standards wise than other countries, but do not think for one minute that we live is this "land of the free" utopia that everyone seems to think we do. It is very far from it.
Just because our governement has not gone to the extremes that other countries have taken, doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing so.
Woah Nelly! Have you ever *been* to another country? By reading your post, I can only guess not. And if you have, you haven't remained long enough, or deep enough, to be subject to laws and repercussions as a native might. The US has one of the most corrupt governments in the world? Where is the proof or supporting *facts* to this outlandish claim? The US government has one of the most stable, most checks-and-balances heavy mechanics amongst western civilisation. While no system is perfect, and any and every-one can point to instances where the cracks have swallowed situations... you have only to respond to your own questions...
- Have *you* written a letter to your senator? Honestly? And *if* you have (which a reader can easily discern you haven't, by your tone and other lack-of-support for your claims), what exactly came of it?
- Do you *really* think that every politician that seats public office does so for selfish reasons? What about doctors? Lawyers?
- In america you have the freedom to burn a flag in anger, in front of the very government that gave you that right. You can also go on prime-time TV and bash your president to no end, and serve no jail time whatsoever.
Honestly dude, not only is this post off-topic and deserving of a different forum board, but your opinions hit like wet spaghetti when you have no facts, no logical backing to support them.
The funny thing is, the people with the loudest mouths are often the ones who never seek to use the resources that are right in front of them. Typical to point out problems rather than assist with finding solutions.
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc. We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be. So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away. - MMO_Doubter
Americans have this crazy notion somehow that they are free. Noone in america is free, and just because we tote the title of democratic government doesn't mean we get to just do whatever we want whenever we want.
You can believe what you want to believe, but you are a slave. The government owns you and everything about you. You have no power here. If those in power wanted you would be sitting in a jail cell right now rotting away.
Our government (americans) is one of the most politically corrupt and greedy goverments in the world, and if they wanted to limit your internet usage, they could (and prolly will) and there isn't a thing you or anyone else is going to do about it.
What are you going to do to stop it? Write a letter to your senator? The very people in these power blocks that are removing all your freedoms... You think they really care about you?
They care about their 6 figure paychecks not your gaming time or how much you can spend indoors.
In america you will do what you are told, or you will live in the streets and freeze to death in the winter. It has always been that way. You are nothing more than a little cog in a huge machine that turns each day. You either keep turning so the machine functions or you pay the price for that. Doesn't sound like freedom to me.
Sure we have it a lot better living standards wise than other countries, but do not think for one minute that we live is this "land of the free" utopia that everyone seems to think we do. It is very far from it.
Just because our governement has not gone to the extremes that other countries have taken, doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing so.
Woah Nelly! Have you ever *been* to another country? By reading your post, I can only guess not. And if you have, you haven't remained long enough, or deep enough, to be subject to laws and repercussions as a native might. The US has one of the most corrupt governments in the world? Where is the proof or supporting *facts* to this outlandish claim? The US government has one of the most stable, most checks-and-balances heavy mechanics amongst western civilisation. While no system is perfect, and any and every-one can point to instances where the cracks have swallowed situations... you have only to respond to your own questions...
- Have *you* written a letter to your senator? Honestly? And *if* you have (which a reader can easily discern you haven't, by your tone and other lack-of-support for your claims), what exactly came of it?
- Do you *really* think that every politician that seats public office does so for selfish reasons? What about doctors? Lawyers?
- In america you have the freedom to burn a flag in anger, in front of the very government that gave you that right. You can also go on prime-time TV and bash your president to no end, and serve no jail time whatsoever.
Honestly dude, not only is this post off-topic and deserving of a different forum board, but your opinions hit like wet spaghetti when you have no facts, no logical backing to support them.
The funny thing is, the people with the loudest mouths are often the ones who never seek to use the resources that are right in front of them. Typical to point out problems rather than assist with finding solutions.
Careful, don't set off the Palin supporter with you crazy logic. The only rhetoric his post was missing was "Socialism"
Lets stay on the topic of the thread guys . Voice your opinions and comment on THIS topic. If you want to discuss political differences that you have with another user, the Politics and Religon section is the place to do it.
The post above (as stated in the thread) was off-topic. Apologies.
I'm curious to learn, however, why my previous post on this thread was removed. It had direct pertinence to the topic at hand: limiting of online time.
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc. We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be. So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away. - MMO_Doubter
I understand the desire to want to control the useless deaths of children and such that have been happening over there due to neglect, but really there have only been a few cases and it's absolutely absurd to limit an adults time on a computer.
If they're paying to play the game, they should be allowed to play however long they want. If they die doing it, thats their problem.
I find it ridiculous. If they try this in America, I'm gonna get really annoyed. I pay for my internet, I get to do what I want, when I want. *brandishes fists*
Please understand that not everywhere is like in US. In many countries in the world, such as many european countries, the goverment takes a more active role in trying to preserve the health of their citizens, sometimes by "controlling" them like this.
But even in US you are not allowed to do "what you want, when I want" with the Internet. For example I would guess downloading child pornography is not legal in US? Not saying it is the same just making a point that the line needs to be drawn somewhere.
I don't like government control, especially in petty things, but the one thing I do believe a government is tasked with is protecting its citizens. This, however, seems a bit extreme. If the problem was so widespread that one could legitimately argue that the country, as a whole, lacked self-control when it comes to gaming, then something like this could be expected. But it's not that widespread. Are there more cases of gaming addiction and deaths due to it coming from Korea? Yes, as far as I know. However, that doesn't mean it's time for the government to step in.
I need to find some friends in Korea and ask how they feel .
Lets stay on the topic of the thread guys . Voice your opinions and comment on THIS topic. If you want to discuss political differences that you have with another user, the Politics and Religon section is the place to do it.
That is where this thread should be. This is all about politics.
If a mod can move it, it should be moved. It's impossible to discuss this topic without getting into political debate.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
Americans have this crazy notion somehow that they are free. Noone in america is free, and just because we tote the title of democratic government doesn't mean we get to just do whatever we want whenever we want.
You can believe what you want to believe, but you are a slave. The government owns you and everything about you. You have no power here. If those in power wanted you would be sitting in a jail cell right now rotting away.
Our government (americans) is one of the most politically corrupt and greedy goverments in the world, and if they wanted to limit your internet usage, they could (and prolly will) and there isn't a thing you or anyone else is going to do about it.
What are you going to do to stop it? Write a letter to your senator? The very people in these power blocks that are removing all your freedoms... You think they really care about you?
They care about their 6 figure paychecks not your gaming time or how much you can spend indoors.
In america you will do what you are told, or you will live in the streets and freeze to death in the winter. It has always been that way. You are nothing more than a little cog in a huge machine that turns each day. You either keep turning so the machine functions or you pay the price for that. Doesn't sound like freedom to me.
Sure we have it a lot better living standards wise than other countries, but do not think for one minute that we live is this "land of the free" utopia that everyone seems to think we do. It is very far from it.
Just because our governement has not gone to the extremes that other countries have taken, doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing so.
Woah Nelly! Have you ever *been* to another country? By reading your post, I can only guess not. And if you have, you haven't remained long enough, or deep enough, to be subject to laws and repercussions as a native might. The US has one of the most corrupt governments in the world? Where is the proof or supporting *facts* to this outlandish claim? The US government has one of the most stable, most checks-and-balances heavy mechanics amongst western civilisation. While no system is perfect, and any and every-one can point to instances where the cracks have swallowed situations... you have only to respond to your own questions...
- Have *you* written a letter to your senator? Honestly? And *if* you have (which a reader can easily discern you haven't, by your tone and other lack-of-support for your claims), what exactly came of it?
- Do you *really* think that every politician that seats public office does so for selfish reasons? What about doctors? Lawyers?
- In america you have the freedom to burn a flag in anger, in front of the very government that gave you that right. You can also go on prime-time TV and bash your president to no end, and serve no jail time whatsoever.
Honestly dude, not only is this post off-topic and deserving of a different forum board, but your opinions hit like wet spaghetti when you have no facts, no logical backing to support them.
The funny thing is, the people with the loudest mouths are often the ones who never seek to use the resources that are right in front of them. Typical to point out problems rather than assist with finding solutions.
Careful, don't set off the Palin supporter with you crazy logic. The only rhetoric his post was missing was "Socialism"
My friend I have been all over this planet. I spent the better part of my 20's in the United States Navy sailing all over this globe. I was also a CTR in the Navy which afforded me the inside look of disgusting corruption that our goverment is capable of.
I could write a book on the ways this country has not only wronged it's own citizens but also the world. So please before you make outlandish claims of people not knowing what they have done or seen, when you do not even know the person you are referring to, or making some left field finger pointing to Palin or Socialism, really serves no purpose. At least I was trying to make a point in my post. The only thing you two accomplished was trying to disprove for some odd reason what I was saying with no proof of your own.
You know nothing about me, just as I know nothing about you. Which it is more than likely better than way. I still stand behind what I say. The US Government is one of the most politically corrupt goverment bodies on planet earth. I would even venture to say it is #1 from what I have witnessed in my lifetime. Take that for what you will.
poster 44:i began to call it the bipolar _________.all regime have had it .from the early days to this era
china must be laughing when they see our struggle.do you honestly think asia didnt see they these days in the past
they got 4000 + years of history ,i bet we ask them something, they would say "been there done that" their only
stain for both japan and china was us america japan let themselves lulled by the our promisses or the british ones(witchever it is!) .in the end its not better they were probably happier the way they worked back then, less stress .china and japan are close to a solution and the rest of the world fear this.china and japan need each other !thats it !they dont need us lol!
poster 44:i began to call it the bipolar _________.all regime have had it .from the early days to this era
china must be laughing when they see our struggle.do you honestly think asia didnt see they these days in the past
they got 4000 + years of history ,i bet we ask them something, they would say "been there done that" their only
stain for both japan and china was us america japan let themselves lulled by the our promisses or the british ones(witchever it is!) .in the end its not better they were probably happier the way they worked back then, less stress .china and japan are close to a solution and the rest of the world fear this.china and japan need each other !thats it !they dont need us lol!
China is well on it's way to becoming the new #1 super power of this world. We americans are slowly self destructing ourselves with our ignorance and greed. Sad part is, it is not as far off as you might think. Americans think they know everything, in reality we know nothing, the rest of the world laughs at us for our ignorance and laziness.
The power shift is in full swing. You are right also, I can fully see China and Japan coming together to solidify one giant power bloc.
I understand the desire to want to control the useless deaths of children and such that have been happening over there due to neglect, but really there have only been a few cases and it's absolutely absurd to limit an adults time on a computer.
If they're paying to play the game, they should be allowed to play however long they want. If they die doing it, thats their problem.
I find it ridiculous. If they try this in America, I'm gonna get really annoyed. I pay for my internet, I get to do what I want, when I want. *brandishes fists*
Please understand that not everywhere is like in US. In many countries in the world, such as many european countries, the goverment takes a more active role in trying to preserve the health of their citizens, sometimes by "controlling" them like this.
But even in US you are not allowed to do "what you want, when I want" with the Internet. For example I would guess downloading child pornography is not legal in US? Not saying it is the same just making a point that the line needs to be drawn somewhere.
Certainly, but not by any government. That way leads to tyranny. Governments are simply groups of *people* who are self selected by a system of power to rule. They have no more virtues than anyone else, and considering the record, quite a few more vices. Parents should be making these types of decisions for their own children, not some group of power hungry politicians.
I understand the desire to want to control the useless deaths of children and such that have been happening over there due to neglect, but really there have only been a few cases and it's absolutely absurd to limit an adults time on a computer.
If they're paying to play the game, they should be allowed to play however long they want. If they die doing it, thats their problem.
I find it ridiculous. If they try this in America, I'm gonna get really annoyed. I pay for my internet, I get to do what I want, when I want. *brandishes fists*
I actually think this would be perfect in USA the knock on effects could be less fattys and maybe academic levels of education will increase if only to grade 1, to be fair isnt like bush left them with any rights anyway.
LOL yeah right...They should tax the hell out of the Fat Man food...Internet dont get them fat..Its what they put in there mouth and swallow does...America is two face anyways..How so? If they worry that people are getting fat because of the Internet..Cut out the internet and what would the EXCUSE be then?Just another way of reaching there dirty hands into the consumer pockets...
Some people rob you at gun point..Others will rob you at "Ball Point Pen"
poster 44:i began to call it the bipolar _________.all regime have had it .from the early days to this era
china must be laughing when they see our struggle.do you honestly think asia didnt see they these days in the past
they got 4000 + years of history ,i bet we ask them something, they would say "been there done that" their only
stain for both japan and china was us america japan let themselves lulled by the our promisses or the british ones(witchever it is!) .in the end its not better they were probably happier the way they worked back then, less stress .china and japan are close to a solution and the rest of the world fear this.china and japan need each other !thats it !they dont need us lol!
China is well on it's way to becoming the new #1 super power of this world. We americans are slowly self destructing ourselves with our ignorance and greed. Sad part is, it is not as far off as you might think. Americans think they know everything, in reality we know nothing, the rest of the world laughs at us for our ignorance and laziness.
The power shift is in full swing. You are right also, I can fully see China and Japan coming together to solidify one giant power bloc.
Thats entirely possible. But keep in mind that all empires through out history have fallen. The American empire will be no exception. The American leadership is over extending its resources, and badly hollowing out its industrial base. Not to mention its intellectual capital is more and more made up of non Americans. The consequences are going to be dire.
Be that as it may, these types of decisions should be made by the childrens parents, not some power hungry politicians.
poster 44:i began to call it the bipolar _________.all regime have had it .from the early days to this era
china must be laughing when they see our struggle.do you honestly think asia didnt see they these days in the past
they got 4000 + years of history ,i bet we ask them something, they would say "been there done that" their only
stain for both japan and china was us america japan let themselves lulled by the our promisses or the british ones(witchever it is!) .in the end its not better they were probably happier the way they worked back then, less stress .china and japan are close to a solution and the rest of the world fear this.china and japan need each other !thats it !they dont need us lol!
China is well on it's way to becoming the new #1 super power of this world. We americans are slowly self destructing ourselves with our ignorance and greed. Sad part is, it is not as far off as you might think. Americans think they know everything, in reality we know nothing, the rest of the world laughs at us for our ignorance and laziness.
The power shift is in full swing. You are right also, I can fully see China and Japan coming together to solidify one giant power bloc.
Thats entirely possible. But keep in mind that all empires through out history have fallen. The American empire will be no exception. The American leadership is over extending its resources, and badly hollowing out its industrial base. Not to mention its intellectual capital is more and more made up of non Americans. The consequences are going to be dire.
Be that as it may, these types of decisions should be made by the childrens parents, not some power hungry politicians.
I fully agree with that, it should be on the parents to control their children not have the government do it for them. Our society (world society not just american) has become so convaluted and twisted over the years though that parents have no friggin idea how to raise children.
Example, when I disrespected my mom or dad growing up, I got the wrath brought down on me. I knew better after the first couple ass kickings not to do it anymore.
Nowadays that behavior is "frowned upon and illegal".
Which is why I can't even walk through the mall with my wife and kids due to all the snot nosed punks running around cursing, and being an overall cancer to society.
Their parents just drop them off at the door to run around and terrorize the rest of the people there who have common sense. All because the parents have better things to do than raise their kids.
They'd have to send a tweet or post a comment on their child's facebook page, because the thought of getting up to tell their child to go to bed is mind numbing and requires work (movement of the legs). It is a sad state and each generation of child seems to be getting lazier and more stupid. I understand the whole go with the flow when it comes to technology but I guess because my generation grow up with the technology and not as the technology is standard that there is such a huge difference. When I was a kid their was video games and stuff to do but online gaming except for MUDs wasn't around or at least not many people know about them.
So I really have to blame the virtual connection for all the issues, now since you don't even have to call a person you can just txt them or "poke" them or whatever other stupid internet lingo bullshit is out there. The days of actually talking to someone one face to face as a majority is gone. While it is convenient the laziness is at it's peak. I'm sure there will be people playing WoW while the world comes to a close instead of spending their lasting minutes with their family and friends. Now I'm not saying everyone is like this that is growing up in these technological times but it's a huge percent that shouldn't be allowed to have child.
and my mom never stopped telling me how I was an Internet Addict....yeah right. Well that was when I was 15-16
Originally Posted by Xridnasa:
What's a "grocery store"? Is that like McDonald's?
Originally Posted by sidimazz:
Kind of, just without the rapist.
Sometimes....people can't take care of themselves...Happily you r not one of them but some definetly need help...that's why you got Uncle Sam, Big Brother, Obama watching over you.
In short, we made laws so people dont kill each other...we can do the same with internet which will soon become a real drug...to a lesser extent...of course
Originally Posted by Xridnasa:
What's a "grocery store"? Is that like McDonald's?
Originally Posted by sidimazz:
Kind of, just without the rapist.
Wow some of the recent laws in Korea are really out there. A few weeks back they outlawed gold farming as a profession now they going after time in game.
Well solution to this is having more than one account and just flipping back and forth as needed to decieve the timer.
They don't mention details on how to implement such measures.
If an underaged person uses the internet from home, then the internet connection will be registered to the parents. How do you see who's sitting in front of the computer? Maybe during the afternoon the children used the computer and in the evening/night the parents. Dunno if they are trying some kind of authentication system too.
Who's to check accounts of "f2p" MMO`s? You can create several accounts with just registering fake personas. You could bypass the midnight time frame with with several accounts.
I'm not sure they can enforce the new measures by blocking IP adresses or throttling the bandwith of a certain ip adress after a certain time. By e.g. resetting your router your internet provider will give you a new dynamic ip adress. Remains to be seen how this works. Unless of course the internet providers are part of the solution. You could maybe bypass this throttling by owning a small home based company and being able to negotiate some other conditions with your internet provider. There exist always some ways to bypass restrictions. Even if you would have to aquire two (or more) contracts with different internet providers.
The measures just harm those that cannot help themselves because they don't have the resources (money) or knowledge. But as some other poster said, maybe this will give some players the opportunity to do something else during off-times.
Read the original post, they said "underaged gamers" which is fully appropriate.
Woah Nelly! Have you ever *been* to another country? By reading your post, I can only guess not. And if you have, you haven't remained long enough, or deep enough, to be subject to laws and repercussions as a native might. The US has one of the most corrupt governments in the world? Where is the proof or supporting *facts* to this outlandish claim? The US government has one of the most stable, most checks-and-balances heavy mechanics amongst western civilisation. While no system is perfect, and any and every-one can point to instances where the cracks have swallowed situations... you have only to respond to your own questions...
- Have *you* written a letter to your senator? Honestly? And *if* you have (which a reader can easily discern you haven't, by your tone and other lack-of-support for your claims), what exactly came of it?
- Do you *really* think that every politician that seats public office does so for selfish reasons? What about doctors? Lawyers?
- In america you have the freedom to burn a flag in anger, in front of the very government that gave you that right. You can also go on prime-time TV and bash your president to no end, and serve no jail time whatsoever.
Honestly dude, not only is this post off-topic and deserving of a different forum board, but your opinions hit like wet spaghetti when you have no facts, no logical backing to support them.
The funny thing is, the people with the loudest mouths are often the ones who never seek to use the resources that are right in front of them. Typical to point out problems rather than assist with finding solutions.
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc.
We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be.
So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away.
- MMO_Doubter
Careful, don't set off the Palin supporter with you crazy logic. The only rhetoric his post was missing was "Socialism"
The post above (as stated in the thread) was off-topic. Apologies.
I'm curious to learn, however, why my previous post on this thread was removed. It had direct pertinence to the topic at hand: limiting of online time.
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc.
We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be.
So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away.
- MMO_Doubter
Please understand that not everywhere is like in US. In many countries in the world, such as many european countries, the goverment takes a more active role in trying to preserve the health of their citizens, sometimes by "controlling" them like this.
But even in US you are not allowed to do "what you want, when I want" with the Internet. For example I would guess downloading child pornography is not legal in US? Not saying it is the same just making a point that the line needs to be drawn somewhere.
My gaming blog
I don't like government control, especially in petty things, but the one thing I do believe a government is tasked with is protecting its citizens. This, however, seems a bit extreme. If the problem was so widespread that one could legitimately argue that the country, as a whole, lacked self-control when it comes to gaming, then something like this could be expected. But it's not that widespread. Are there more cases of gaming addiction and deaths due to it coming from Korea? Yes, as far as I know. However, that doesn't mean it's time for the government to step in.
I need to find some friends in Korea and ask how they feel .
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
That is where this thread should be. This is all about politics.
If a mod can move it, it should be moved. It's impossible to discuss this topic without getting into political debate.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
ok ok, let's reduce north america only to canada =P
At least in the European Union there is a true freedom in every sense of the word. (some eastern countrys are still not very democratic)
dont know about the religion part?but its true that midnight ban on online gaming wasnt made by game dev or gamer
so it 100% politcal amunition!true its indirect but in the end it ends up 100% political debate in some way somewhere
god i hate it when its not black or white .can you imagine some get rich with just mixxing white and black so all become gray!
My friend I have been all over this planet. I spent the better part of my 20's in the United States Navy sailing all over this globe. I was also a CTR in the Navy which afforded me the inside look of disgusting corruption that our goverment is capable of.
I could write a book on the ways this country has not only wronged it's own citizens but also the world. So please before you make outlandish claims of people not knowing what they have done or seen, when you do not even know the person you are referring to, or making some left field finger pointing to Palin or Socialism, really serves no purpose. At least I was trying to make a point in my post. The only thing you two accomplished was trying to disprove for some odd reason what I was saying with no proof of your own.
You know nothing about me, just as I know nothing about you. Which it is more than likely better than way. I still stand behind what I say. The US Government is one of the most politically corrupt goverment bodies on planet earth. I would even venture to say it is #1 from what I have witnessed in my lifetime. Take that for what you will.
And we thought North Korea was bad....
poster 44:i began to call it the bipolar _________.all regime have had it .from the early days to this era
china must be laughing when they see our struggle.do you honestly think asia didnt see they these days in the past
they got 4000 + years of history ,i bet we ask them something, they would say "been there done that" their only
stain for both japan and china was us america japan let themselves lulled by the our promisses or the british ones(witchever it is!) .in the end its not better they were probably happier the way they worked back then, less stress .china and japan are close to a solution and the rest of the world fear this.china and japan need each other !thats it !they dont need us lol!
China is well on it's way to becoming the new #1 super power of this world. We americans are slowly self destructing ourselves with our ignorance and greed. Sad part is, it is not as far off as you might think. Americans think they know everything, in reality we know nothing, the rest of the world laughs at us for our ignorance and laziness.
The power shift is in full swing. You are right also, I can fully see China and Japan coming together to solidify one giant power bloc.
Many of you are missing the point, it is putting a limit on children, not adults.
LOL yeah right...They should tax the hell out of the Fat Man food...Internet dont get them fat..Its what they put in there mouth and swallow does...America is two face anyways..How so? If they worry that people are getting fat because of the Internet..Cut out the internet and what would the EXCUSE be then?Just another way of reaching there dirty hands into the consumer pockets...
Some people rob you at gun point..Others will rob you at "Ball Point Pen"
Thats entirely possible. But keep in mind that all empires through out history have fallen. The American empire will be no exception. The American leadership is over extending its resources, and badly hollowing out its industrial base. Not to mention its intellectual capital is more and more made up of non Americans. The consequences are going to be dire.
Be that as it may, these types of decisions should be made by the childrens parents, not some power hungry politicians.
I fully agree with that, it should be on the parents to control their children not have the government do it for them. Our society (world society not just american) has become so convaluted and twisted over the years though that parents have no friggin idea how to raise children.
Example, when I disrespected my mom or dad growing up, I got the wrath brought down on me. I knew better after the first couple ass kickings not to do it anymore.
Nowadays that behavior is "frowned upon and illegal".
Which is why I can't even walk through the mall with my wife and kids due to all the snot nosed punks running around cursing, and being an overall cancer to society.
Their parents just drop them off at the door to run around and terrorize the rest of the people there who have common sense. All because the parents have better things to do than raise their kids.