The thing is most quest text are badly written, in that they are not entertaining nor draw you in. So no, I do not read them,especially if they are walls of text and just tells you to kill 5 boars, a simple "Pesky boars annoy me, kill them now and get 100 gold." would suffice.
I usually speed read through them, if at all. Unless there's no form of quest helper like in LORTO or wow then you pretty much are forced to read them.
I always read the quest story, as the first replier pointed himself, I too am a RPGer and I expect to be inmersed into the game, why play an RPG if you don't?
Also people had to think long and hard about creating those quests and stories, they deserve the players to read them and acknowledge them.
Depends on the game , depemds on my mood, but 80% of the time...yep. I read 'em.
If they're well written and add another layer to the game (or just funny and make me laugh), I'll keep reading.
On alts, not so much, but again, it depends on the game.
In Fallen Earth I love all the dialogue, and remember grinning when a mission-giver told me he wanted 15 coyotes killed 'cause they drove him nuts howling. Every alt of mine has picked up that quest, just to help the poor guy out. And because the description managed to be a KTR quest that was honest about it.
EQ2, read it all too. WoW, not so much. Aion, hardly at all past ascension, up to that it was cool, but the interesting quest-text died down after that. WAR, again, not so much, although I did notice that Chaos areas seemed to have had more love in the quest-text than Order did.
The next generation of MMO will have voice actors acting out the quest text much like Dragon Age Origins. A few MMOs already have many voice overs.
I really, really dislike the voice overs in games. They take too long. I can read much faster than a voice over can read to me. So, as long as there is always an option to turn off the voice overs, then it's alright.
As far as reading quest text, if it's the first run through that quest, then yes I read it. Otherwise, I really don't. It's unfortunate that quest text has been simplified and highlighted. It would be nice if you had to really pay attention to what the text in order to complete the task. But then you get too many people that would complain that the quest was broken or the game was too complicated for them.
I remember getting a quest in 9Dragons where I had to run to another NPC to find out the name of an herb or something. I ran over, clicked, and ran back. To my surprise, a box popped up for me to type in the name of the herb. I did have to go back and talk to the other NPC again because I didn't remember the exact name. That's a simple enough twist that would help keep immersion in the game. Do domething to make the player pay more attention instead of playing on cruise control. Of course, the lazy players will just shout out asking for the answer.
The next generation of MMO will have voice actors acting out the quest text much like Dragon Age Origins. A few MMOs already have many voice overs.
I really, really dislike the voice overs in games. They take too long. I can read much faster than a voice over can read to me. So, as long as there is always an option to turn off the voice overs, then it's alright.
As far as reading quest text, if it's the first run through that quest, then yes I read it. Otherwise, I really don't. It's unfortunate that quest text has been simplified and highlighted. It would be nice if you had to really pay attention to what the text in order to complete the task. But then you get too many people that would complain that the quest was broken or the game was too complicated for them.
I remember getting a quest in 9Dragons where I had to run to another NPC to find out the name of an herb or something. I ran over, clicked, and ran back. To my surprise, a box popped up for me to type in the name of the herb. I did have to go back and talk to the other NPC again because I didn't remember the exact name. That's a simple enough twist that would help keep immersion in the game. Do domething to make the player pay more attention instead of playing on cruise control. Of course, the lazy players will just shout out asking for the answer.
Hmm...for me it depends on the quality and talent of the voiceovers. I think they're great in DA. In fact, that's one of the things that stood out to me about that game. Although if a game used voiceovers for all of its quests and it was done at a qulaity level such as in Aion then I suppose that would royally suck.
Although I do agree that voiceovers should be optional if for no other reason than for the hearing impaired.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
The thing is most quest text are badly written, in that they are not entertaining nor draw you in. So no, I do not read them,especially if they are walls of text and just tells you to kill 5 boars, a simple "Pesky boars annoy me, kill them now and get 100 gold." would suffice.
Exactly. I've seen my fill of "kill me 5 X whatever" quests, and I just don't care on the flimsy rationale any more. I wish there was an option to have the full quest blurb for those that like it, and a minimal set of instructions for those who are fed up to the back teeth with superfluous waffle that is near-identical to the superfluous waffle 10 years ago.
Same here, would be kinda foolish to not read them, else I would get myself in that "Wow Clone boat" which I believe is often those who do not read could pretent/think that every MMORPG is a WoW clone because they simply do not take the time to actually read the stories.
"Traditionally, massively multiplier online games have been about three basic gameplay pillars combat, exploration and character progression. In Alganon, in addition to these we've added the fourth pillar to the equation: Copy & Paste."
Yes, I read every qurst at least once. The individual quests themselves do not usually have good writing but as a whole the quests in an area can create a story.
Story aside the quest text tell you what you have to do. I cant tell you how many times people have asked in General chat how or what to do for quest.
I remember this one time when someone asked in General chat "how do you do this quest? Im in the right area and Ive been killing these mobs for like an hour now" so I replied "if you had read the quest you would know that you only had to go to the place and use the quest item".
I do sometimes, but often in MMOs it doesn't matter, like people have said and its boring and not very imaginative. So I often scan through it for the key words and go. I will miss things, but I usually play with my wife and she reads them, and we play together, so maybe that has made me lazy about reading them too.
There are some games I have and some I haven't it has really depended on the whether the devs did a good enough job of making the game world seem relevant, I played LOTRO for quite some time, and though I don't play it anymore right now it is still my favorite mmo and I fervently read every quest even on my alts. I more recently played STO and quickly stopped reading quest text because it was so utterly meaningless, I even recall the one and only "diplomacy" quest where you are asked to speak to a bunch of miners and learn the grievances of the colony while you do have to talk to them all you can literally speak to the ambassador a thousand times til you answer his questions correctly beyond that I don't recall ever needing to know anything else quest wise nor being very interested or pulled into the story as I have been in games like LOTRO and even WOW for that matter.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics. Reply Add Multi-Quote
I love to read it if there is a reason. if I know the answer to the task is given immediatly, ofc 99% or so go lazy, since today MMOs got 100s of quests with little to no story other than the NPC need something done, and heey there you are...the ever so helpful guy just walkin by.
atleast Im too dragon age I read..well listen to.. and "talk" to all the NPCs and find it just about the best part of the game.
With Asheron's Call being my first MMO way-back-when, I was introduced to story-telling inside the MMOs and loved it. I've read what NPCs had to say ever since, if the writing was good enough. And most of the time I hopped in a game where I couldn't stand reading the dialogue, I moved on.
I like knowing at least why I'm doing something for a certain NPC. My wife on the other hand has never read a single one, I don't think. To each their own.
Why bother playing an MMORPG is all you want to do is click accept and follow the little arrow on the compass. You might as well be playing a console game.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
only when i first started mmos years and years and years ago
now only for directions, iPVP so pve is just a hurtle to get past for me
I can appreciate this as I can easily see players just interested in the pvp aspect of some of these games having to deal with pve content that just doesn't interest them.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
I never read it. There's usually a final sentence at the bottom, saying what must i do.
I used to read everything when i started MMOs with EQ, when quests wasn't just an easier way to get 5 levels to be able to move to next area to do the same.
Now after years and years of quest grinding games it's so meaningless i'd rather grind on mobs. So no, i don't read it, if i can do quest by just clicking "I accept" and "Done". It's actually sad.
I didnt used to until i played Spellborn. *spoiler* i was doing this mission about this guy that ben charged of killing someone, if you think is him you have the choice to take him to outskirts of the city, I was thinking why not killing him or arrest him insted of banning him? After i started a new alt i start reading quest logs and learned why. Then It several things in-game start making sense.
"you are like the world revenge on sarcasm, you know that?"
Why bother playing an MMORPG is all you want to do is click accept and follow the little arrow on the compass. You might as well be playing a console game.
Not one MMORPG on the market now, or in the past, comes even close to being a real RPG. For all the actual interaction with the NPCs and the game world you get, you may as well be playing a console game. As in a console game, nothing actually changes in a so-called MMORPG, no matter what you choose to do. For example, the Innkeeper who asked you to kill 10 rats infesting his cellar will do the same thing ad infinitum to every new character made, even tough you apparently "solved" his problem. Likewise saving the Dwarf princess you have to rescue - she'll be back in the dungeaon as soon as you leave waiting for the next character to come along, year after year.
I see no point in wading through a bunch of crap that adds zero to the game or quest - after so many years of seeing this crap, I no longer care why an NPC wants rats dead or a princess rescued. If it shaped the world, maybe, but as it stands now it's a waste of their effort and my time to read the crap padded around the invariably repetitive objective.
Unless its some big quest chain or something that seems interesting no. More or less its less interesting than the kids books you get in cereal boxes. So why would I waste my time reading about Miss Hobbo and her suspicions of the possibility of rat people in the area... the same rat people I have been killing for 2 hours.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
I was like that until I read through my 10,000th cookie-cutter quest.
The thing is most quest text are badly written, in that they are not entertaining nor draw you in. So no, I do not read them,especially if they are walls of text and just tells you to kill 5 boars, a simple "Pesky boars annoy me, kill them now and get 100 gold." would suffice.
I usually speed read through them, if at all. Unless there's no form of quest helper like in LORTO or wow then you pretty much are forced to read them.
Realy depends on the game, if Im feeling involved at the time sure, others times I just want my lvl/gear/gold then i just hit accept and am on my way
I always read the quest story, as the first replier pointed himself, I too am a RPGer and I expect to be inmersed into the game, why play an RPG if you don't?
Also people had to think long and hard about creating those quests and stories, they deserve the players to read them and acknowledge them.
Depends on the game , depemds on my mood, but 80% of the time...yep. I read 'em.
If they're well written and add another layer to the game (or just funny and make me laugh), I'll keep reading.
On alts, not so much, but again, it depends on the game.
In Fallen Earth I love all the dialogue, and remember grinning when a mission-giver told me he wanted 15 coyotes killed 'cause they drove him nuts howling. Every alt of mine has picked up that quest, just to help the poor guy out. And because the description managed to be a KTR quest that was honest about it.
EQ2, read it all too. WoW, not so much. Aion, hardly at all past ascension, up to that it was cool, but the interesting quest-text died down after that. WAR, again, not so much, although I did notice that Chaos areas seemed to have had more love in the quest-text than Order did.
I really, really dislike the voice overs in games. They take too long. I can read much faster than a voice over can read to me. So, as long as there is always an option to turn off the voice overs, then it's alright.
As far as reading quest text, if it's the first run through that quest, then yes I read it. Otherwise, I really don't. It's unfortunate that quest text has been simplified and highlighted. It would be nice if you had to really pay attention to what the text in order to complete the task. But then you get too many people that would complain that the quest was broken or the game was too complicated for them.
I remember getting a quest in 9Dragons where I had to run to another NPC to find out the name of an herb or something. I ran over, clicked, and ran back. To my surprise, a box popped up for me to type in the name of the herb. I did have to go back and talk to the other NPC again because I didn't remember the exact name. That's a simple enough twist that would help keep immersion in the game. Do domething to make the player pay more attention instead of playing on cruise control. Of course, the lazy players will just shout out asking for the answer.
Hmm...for me it depends on the quality and talent of the voiceovers. I think they're great in DA. In fact, that's one of the things that stood out to me about that game. Although if a game used voiceovers for all of its quests and it was done at a qulaity level such as in Aion then I suppose that would royally suck.
Although I do agree that voiceovers should be optional if for no other reason than for the hearing impaired.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Exactly. I've seen my fill of "kill me 5 X whatever" quests, and I just don't care on the flimsy rationale any more. I wish there was an option to have the full quest blurb for those that like it, and a minimal set of instructions for those who are fed up to the back teeth with superfluous waffle that is near-identical to the superfluous waffle 10 years ago.
In RPGs yes. In MMOs no.
"Traditionally, massively multiplier online games have been about three basic gameplay pillars combat, exploration and character progression. In Alganon, in addition to these we've added the fourth pillar to the equation: Copy & Paste."
Yes, I read every qurst at least once. The individual quests themselves do not usually have good writing but as a whole the quests in an area can create a story.
Story aside the quest text tell you what you have to do. I cant tell you how many times people have asked in General chat how or what to do for quest.
I remember this one time when someone asked in General chat "how do you do this quest? Im in the right area and Ive been killing these mobs for like an hour now" so I replied "if you had read the quest you would know that you only had to go to the place and use the quest item".
I do sometimes, but often in MMOs it doesn't matter, like people have said and its boring and not very imaginative. So I often scan through it for the key words and go. I will miss things, but I usually play with my wife and she reads them, and we play together, so maybe that has made me lazy about reading them too.
There are some games I have and some I haven't it has really depended on the whether the devs did a good enough job of making the game world seem relevant, I played LOTRO for quite some time, and though I don't play it anymore right now it is still my favorite mmo and I fervently read every quest even on my alts. I more recently played STO and quickly stopped reading quest text because it was so utterly meaningless, I even recall the one and only "diplomacy" quest where you are asked to speak to a bunch of miners and learn the grievances of the colony while you do have to talk to them all you can literally speak to the ambassador a thousand times til you answer his questions correctly beyond that I don't recall ever needing to know anything else quest wise nor being very interested or pulled into the story as I have been in games like LOTRO and even WOW for that matter.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics.
Add Multi-Quote
I love to read it if there is a reason. if I know the answer to the task is given immediatly, ofc 99% or so go lazy, since today MMOs got 100s of quests with little to no story other than the NPC need something done, and heey there you are...the ever so helpful guy just walkin by.
atleast Im too dragon age I read..well listen to.. and "talk" to all the NPCs and find it just about the best part of the game.
Yes i allways read them
But i prefer NPC's that talk like in AoC first 20 levels or many quests in EQ2. Its so much more immersive if they actually talk.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
With Asheron's Call being my first MMO way-back-when, I was introduced to story-telling inside the MMOs and loved it. I've read what NPCs had to say ever since, if the writing was good enough. And most of the time I hopped in a game where I couldn't stand reading the dialogue, I moved on.
I like knowing at least why I'm doing something for a certain NPC. My wife on the other hand has never read a single one, I don't think. To each their own.
Why bother playing an MMORPG is all you want to do is click accept and follow the little arrow on the compass. You might as well be playing a console game.
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
I can appreciate this as I can easily see players just interested in the pvp aspect of some of these games having to deal with pve content that just doesn't interest them.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I never read it. There's usually a final sentence at the bottom, saying what must i do.
I used to read everything when i started MMOs with EQ, when quests wasn't just an easier way to get 5 levels to be able to move to next area to do the same.
Now after years and years of quest grinding games it's so meaningless i'd rather grind on mobs. So no, i don't read it, if i can do quest by just clicking "I accept" and "Done". It's actually sad.
I didnt used to until i played Spellborn. *spoiler* i was doing this mission about this guy that ben charged of killing someone, if you think is him you have the choice to take him to outskirts of the city, I was thinking why not killing him or arrest him insted of banning him? After i started a new alt i start reading quest logs and learned why. Then It several things in-game start making sense.
"you are like the world revenge on sarcasm, you know that?"
One of those great lines from The Secret World
Not one MMORPG on the market now, or in the past, comes even close to being a real RPG. For all the actual interaction with the NPCs and the game world you get, you may as well be playing a console game. As in a console game, nothing actually changes in a so-called MMORPG, no matter what you choose to do. For example, the Innkeeper who asked you to kill 10 rats infesting his cellar will do the same thing ad infinitum to every new character made, even tough you apparently "solved" his problem. Likewise saving the Dwarf princess you have to rescue - she'll be back in the dungeaon as soon as you leave waiting for the next character to come along, year after year.
I see no point in wading through a bunch of crap that adds zero to the game or quest - after so many years of seeing this crap, I no longer care why an NPC wants rats dead or a princess rescued. If it shaped the world, maybe, but as it stands now it's a waste of their effort and my time to read the crap padded around the invariably repetitive objective.
Unless its some big quest chain or something that seems interesting no. More or less its less interesting than the kids books you get in cereal boxes. So why would I waste my time reading about Miss Hobbo and her suspicions of the possibility of rat people in the area... the same rat people I have been killing for 2 hours.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.