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I see lots of people, like myself compair games to SWG. Granted, it was my first MMO ever, made some great life long friends, but then in a blink of an eye, it was gone. All of it. Maybe it was the whole WOW era, or maybe my generation grew up?
I didn't mind you had one character per account, I was such a freak about the game, I had three active accounts to have three charaters on one server, and used my brothers account for one as well. I had my PVP girl, whom was a Riffelman/Doc, I had my Dancer/ID to give my guildies private buffs for PVP battles. I had my Tailor/Crafter on whom I played when I needed a break from PVP and wanted to make cash. I then had my TK/Fencer for my Jedi Hunter.
I liked the fact that, you could know almost all people on your server. At some point you either traded a valuable Item, or created something specifically for them. You may have even killed them in PVP when guilds would declair war on one another and then no matter where you were, you could be attacked at any moment. Or you may have been dancing, to buff them up.
I remember many times, just going out to farm Night Sisters with a few of my friends, to get the OH SO RARE Nightsister Bracer (Which I owned 2, because I am a girl and guys like to give gifts to girl gamers teehee) I remember running off on Naboo to find some AMAZING Place to put my house, to to have an awesome view of a waterfall. I also remember attending "In Game" weddings, was rare but some people really took the RPG serious and loved it.
I liked the fact that I could go to the Cantina and mingle and chat. This game wasn't about who could get to END GAME first, because there was no end game. You had so many combinations that you could be with skills. The options were endless. I had many friends who didn't combat at all, they just ran a store, designed clothes and outfits to wear around when you weren't pvping.
So, if there are any of you who are old SWGers, didn't mind the semi crappy graphics, but loved the game as it was, before the "WOW" craze happened, I would like to know.
I do however blaim the fail of the game on SOE. They took a perfectly good game, tried to make it theme park and ruined it. I think if they did a HUGE Rollback on that game, with a bit of fine tuning, maybe even a different type of server, they would get most if not more then the old subscribers they had before.
I just really want my SWG back
~*`*~ Vixen ~*`*~
don't get me wrong the game had many cool ideas but all in all the original SWG was just bad. NGE just added insult to an already severely injured game.
Was in beta and played up until the week of NGE. If you had asked me this question sometime before January of 2008 I probably would have said yes. As it stands now I wouldn't. I just don' SOE anymore. I mean, I'm not frothing at the mouth dreaming that SOE would blow up and neither to I log on everyday to post something bad about them. If the topic is on them then sure I'll state that I don't think that much of them. As it stands, though, I've just made a decision as a consumer that I won't ever play one of their games again. No matter the genre, no mattter the platform. It was made very clear to me by their actions that they did not wwant me as a customer. I'm cool with that. There are other games and other companies that do.
Yes, I'd like to have my SWG back. But it took me almost 3 years (Nov 2005 to January 2008) of wishing for it to realize it ain't going to happen. That's also the point at which I made the decision to not purchase or pay for anything Sony moving forward. Such is the relationship between buyer and seller. *shrug*
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
SWG was losing 10,000 subs a month.
Where were all those players going?
WoW killed SWG. Beat it like a red headed step child.
In an attempt to stop the hemorrhaging of players, Sony implemented the NGE, but that just made things worse.
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
Hell no, I wouldn't play SWG in any form.
I totally agree, SOE is a joke. They could have had one of the greatest games ever, but they ruined it, for me as well. I have never played any SOE game besides SWG, and as well don't plan on it at all. If only Lucas would take the WHOLE GAME and give it to another company, with same ideas, same theme.... JACKPOT!
But yes, I am stuck. I have no game to play, no where to go. I have tried just about all games out there,, so now, I am left to just post and read post until something comes along
~*`*~ Vixen ~*`*~
I would have to say no.
I enjoyed SWG back in 2003 when I first played it, but my experience of MMOs up 'til that point was limited to Ultima Online and the short-lived Earth and Beyond. I'm a bit of a Star Wars geek, so the idea of a 3d virtual world based on the setting was an extremely attractive one.
I fell in love with the IDEA of the game.
That was enough to keep me playing for a while but I was gradually losing interest in the game even before the debacles of the CU and NGE. I miss some of SWGs mechanics like the changing resources, crafting and non-combat skills, but I found the rest of the game to be fairly bland.
7 years is a long time, and a lot has changed since then. My expectations as a gamer are a lot higher now. I couldn't go back, no matter how much nostalgia I might feel from time to time.
What great innovations in MMORPGs have "raised your expectations?"
Instancing? RMTs? I am sorry, I don't see much innovation to be honest... all I see WoW, which everyone says is "awesome," because it perfected EQ mechanics basically. MMORPGs really have not progressed snce WoW was released really. So there really is nothing to raise one's expectations.
As far as to the OP, I play Pre-CU SWG by any means necessary. Why, the rest of MMORPGs stink really....
--When you resubscribe to SWG, an 18 yearold Stripper finds Jesus, gives up stripping, and moves with a rolex reverend to Hawaii.
--In MMORPG's l007 is the opiate of the masses.
--The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence!
--CCP could cut off an Eve player's fun bits, and that player would say that it was good CCP did that.
Just my opinions. We're all entitled to them, you don't have to agree.
I like instancing in moderation. It solves more problems than it creates.
I don't like RMT, I'm more of a traditional subscription man.
My expectations have been raised both by technological advances and innovations in general gaming, not specifically MMOs. I enjoy single player games, both on PC and PS3.
Well my experience with SWG started in 2003.To be honest it was a good world which made interaction vital.
This actually pretty good.You needed the doctor for buffs ,the crafter for all your gear since everything was craftable and decayed and the musicans for buffs.So i loved the whole interaction thing but the actual world was a bit too boring.Adventuring was extremely boring .
When i stopped been a weaponsmith and decided i want to adventure i lost total intrest in the game.The crafting was actually more fun i found out and i burnt out already.The resources idea was superb though!
If SOE would bring back SWG and make the asked for and needed changes that many Professions Rep lobbied for, I would play it in a heart beat. IMO.. SWG could of easily become the best MMO out there in western culture, if only the SOE leadership would suck it up, admit to mistakes, and do what had to be done. I started playing SWG on day 1, and from that day till the day I left (months later, right before NGE) I felt that I was caught in the middle between a battle between the Devs and the Players. Many of the players pointed out glaring problems with the game, made wonderful suggestions in cleaning things up, however, it always appeared that SWG devs would refuse to admit their design in critical areas was stupid and wrong, and would do everything in their power to avoid that admission. IMO, this lead to the game NEVER getting fixed as it should of been.
There are times that, devs need to swallow their pride, do what needs to be done.. Have any of you actually read or heard of a design team that freely admits when the screw the pooch? I've never..
Played in beta and dabbled on a friends account on and off during those first months. The environments were boring because there was no real exploration because there was nothing interesting to find. Everything was randomly generated, which they bragged about during development. Not sure why, since it just produces cookie cutter worlds. The only content were those quest generated camps that popped up. NOT interesting at all. There were no POIs except Jabba's place back then if I recall. It was just a whole lot of grinding, mob camping and more grinding. BOOOORING!
Laying down to snipe a mob was the 1 thing that I remember being different. Otherwise, there was nothing FUN about the game.
The battle system wasn't all that engaging either. Groups were all about spamming and zerging targets. No strategy necessary. The toughest creatures in the game(whatever those dragons were called) were being obliterated almost on day 1 because plenty of people in beta found all the exploits, which is quite sad. Because the combat system was slow and boring, early PvP wasn't fun either. It all starts with the combat mechanics and they weren't well designed.
The BIGGEST problem was being forced to watch an Entertainer just to continue playing to recoup energy or whatever it was called. It was ABSURD!! It was FORCED downtime. If I want to socialize in the cantina, let me do it on MY terms. I think there were NPCs as well at some point, but its been years. Still doesn't matter though. HORRIBLE mechanic.
Decorating an apartment? Couldn't care less. I have an actual house I decorate and have to maintain in real life. Doing that in a game is fun? C'mon!!
Crafting? Couldn't care less.
Running a town? I run a family with real people;)
Chatting or socializing in a cantina isn't gameplay. I can socialize in every MMO fairly easily.
RPing an alien? Not interested.
OLD SWG was great for RPers or SW fanatics, but for most people it was a boring game after the initial rush of OOOOOHHH a Starwars MMO. Oh yeah....grinding like a loser to become a Jedi? Great gameplay folks. Not=)
I beta tested SWG and played for about 9 months after launch. There were a lot of cool things about it, and some hugely uncool things. On balance I liked it and would play original SWG again or a game similar to it, if they fixed a few things - the bogus path to Jedi by grinding professions being one of them.
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
Your problem imo is that you looked at SWG as a game. SWG was never a game it was a living world.
I did play SWG in it's prime, before WoW, and I would play it again.
The old incarnation of SWG just needed two things worked on, which was fleshing out bugs, and more content. Those were the only two drawbacks of the game... well, aside from the ridiculous Jedi hologrind fiasco. Unfortunately SOE completely missed the point and then CU and NGE happened...
I'd say that's a definite yes on my part. If the game had never changed I'd probably still be playing, granted all that has been added so far was added to the pre-cu game, minus the CU-NGE combat changes and level based systems as well as the loot card game.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
did play swg before wow but wouldn't play nether now swg keeps changeing daily at sonys wims and wow just so borring
BUT make it Everquest 1 and that be a YESS
moo all
SWG had all the right mechanics in place to make a good MMO. It was killed by it's clueless developer and greed. If it was made by CCP then it would have been a success by now, like EVE is.
Definite 100% Yes to the CU...I LOVED The CU version of SWG...A probable Yes to the Pre-CU though they would have to do something about the Hologrind...I thought that was pretty dumb...
Honestly not sure if I would play. I have never played the game and after EQ I was hesistant to try another Sony game.
Hehe. I know, stupid me to think a videogame is a videogame=)
One simple yet very powerfull innovation that SWG lacked was the 'Create All' button on th crafting interface. I usually love crafting in MMORPGs so I jumped into SWG crafting right away when I started playing that game (months before the CU). I then realized that to skill up crafting I had to produce hundreds of the same items and the only way to do it was to click through the same 4-5 screens hundreds of times. Once my wrist started really hurting i was forced ot give up on crafitng. Games before SWG had a 'Create all' option to skip pointless clicking and it is now a standard feature but SWG decided to ruin their player's wrists instead.
Let's not forget the stupid fact that a rifleman who wanted to be a 'sniper' had pretty much the same range as a pistoleer.
I compare many games to SWG, in fact I'd probably say I compare this entire genre to SWG. SWG was far ahead of its time and I think that anyone who really knows anything about mmos knows this.
That being said, I would not play SWG pre-CU before WOW. Why? Because SWG pre-CU failed utterly in creating content for those not into crafting or sandboxes. There's a darn good reason I left of WOW, and it is specifically because of that content issue (note that I was a big time crafter, but even crafters need variety in gameplay).
Don't get me wrong, I think without a shadow of a doubt that many mechanics from SWG should be in the modern mmo. Everything from player housing to player economy to their in-depth crafting and industrial system. But that system cannot survive on its own, at least not with the market we have today.
All that will survive, or more importantly be a hit, is the merging of WOW and pre-CU SWG, or in other words the hybrid. The hybrid is the next generation of mmos, and someday not only will we be able to play something similar to our old beloved SWG, but we will also have more options with more combat and quest oriented content. It really will be quite glorious. We just have to be patient a few more years.
A "game" can be so much more than "PEW PEW", button mashing combat and questing. Some of us have broader horizons, and can appreciate it...others like yourself apparently cannot.
It is a shame, really. You don't know what you're missing.