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I played CO for a while when it first came out and it was A LOT of fun but noticed real quick that melee was severely unbalanced compared to ranged. I am not all that interested in PVP but am wondering if melee got a buff recently or not?
From what I saw in game it didn't look like melee was unbalanced (I assume you mean in the negative) at all.
The few characters that I had made that had some melee seemed to work fine and I kept seeing people with swords tearing things up.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I've recently invested some time playing the pvp in this game. Myself, I'm a munitions character. I played several rounds of pvp with mostly the same people one night and the one guy I had problems taking down was a melee character. He could get attacks off faster and they seemed to maybe even do more damage. Granted, I could fly up into the air and snipe him but if I ever got to low he had ways of yanking me off my board. Was he overpowered or just incredibly skilled I don't know, but when I read your post I immediately thought of this story.
That's good to know! I am willing to admit that I may not have been all that good at melee. My goal was to create characters that had a strong concept and not necessarily a great synergy of powers. I did however do a lot a research on power selection. I am very much considering coming back as I am bored with CoX.
Yeah, concept characters are a hard one.
The few characters I tried that had melle and ranged skills usually came down to me just using the ranged. The melee worked extrmemely well. But repeatedly hitting the attack button for melee over hitting one ranged button and letting my engergy run that attack until it was done got tiring.
I started finding myself just using melee "because". With the exception of a hit that knocks all your opponents away from you. That came in handy.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Melee owns. All melee classes I've tried have been great fun.
The melee buffs happened the first week of May, and now PvP is at least 50% melee, and many ranged players are saying "oh melee is too strong now", so it's a good time to play if you're a melee player.