Update: players have been asking for a permanent way to advance their characters. I have now added a unique and interesting system for character advancement. Please see the latest post in the thread for details!
I've been working on my "Build-an-MMO-from-scratch-in-90-days challenge." Today is day 82. The game is still rough around the edges, but i'm to a point where I would like to get some feedback.
It's a 2D MMO written in Java. Here are some of the game features:
One seemless world (no sharding and no instancing).
Random dungeons. Lots of them.
You can find new items!
You can invent new items!
You can reverse engineer an existing item.
Nearly everything in the world is craftable including the ability to mint coins.
PvP (you can attack anyone anywhere, but in some areas there are penalties for attacking).
Full loot PvP (if you can kill your opponent, you can loot his belongings).
Player owned housing.
No restrictive classes, no skill-by-use grinding. Actually play the game instead of watching your XP bar or a countdown timer all day!
Monsters spawn in random locations at random times. Overtime they migrate. No more spawn camping.
More than 200,000 monsters roaming the overworld and in dungeons!
Have an permanent impact on the world. Place your house where you want to. Setup markets where you want to. Modify the terrain near your buildings. Be remembered as the person who found (or invented) a legendary item!
A sandbox game instead of a themepark one.
Very low system requirements to play. Nearly any modern computer with Java installed should do.
Runs on Windows | Mac OSX | Linux | Solaris and maybe a couple other places where Java is installed.
Compared the multi-gigabyte downloads of many MMOs, this one is only a couple-megabytes.
The Chipped Dagger is not for everyone. Yes it’s different, but in a good way.
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
I tried it. It reminded me of Tibia. It needs work, but it's OK for an alpha game that wasn't made by a big company.
Playing - EVE, Wurm
Retired - Final Fantasy XI, Anarchy Online, Mabinogi
Waiting - ArcheAge, Salem
HOW is it anything like Tibia?
Just the look of it, like an overhead view with tiles and everything.
Playing - EVE, Wurm
Retired - Final Fantasy XI, Anarchy Online, Mabinogi
Waiting - ArcheAge, Salem
I've had a dozen or so people log in and play so far. A few have given some feedback in game. I'm curious though what others think? Is it too hard to figure out how to play? It's level-less and skill-less by design (it's more about items and invention) but how to players view this?
Are people able to launch java ok or are there startup issues?
I'm hoping for more feedback.
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
I'm not going to lie, I'm having a great deal of fun.
Worth a try guys!
(no point in re posting my ideas here since I'm telling you in game.)
The game is fun until you die and don't feel like finding your corpse lol
EDIT: If you decide to try the game, don't try attacking yourself
Thanks to everyone who's logged in so far to give feedback and report bugs.
There's a new build up of the game. You now get an event log notice of your corpse location when you die to aid in finding your corpse. I also removed the ability to attack yourself! That was an interesting bug because I playtest everyday and never noticed that yet 4 or 5 players found it in quick order.
Please keep the suggestions and bug reports coming.
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
Awesome, good to know you are active in updating the game
Aye, build 86 is now live with various additional bugfixes and features.
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
Another day another build. 87 is now up and running. Please come have a looksie!
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
Please post patch notes
Eh its pretty good but not my type of style of gameplay. Good job though and great for that amount of work you put into it.
Hope it becomes bigger .
I'm Canadian EH?
sure thing:
build #87 patch notes:
+graphical updates for potions, leather jacket
+it was possible to enter/exit dungeons without being on an adjacent tile
+improved range checking when opening markets/crafting halls/reflecting ponds/banks
+increased bank size by 56% from 16 to 25 slots
+windows now close when out of range to use them (IE bank, crafter’s hall, reflecting pond, etc)
+weight-modified magic items had the wrong name (positive and negative were reversed)
+double click to loot now works!
+new players now start with a handful of minor potions
+starter chipped dagger damage buffed a bit (goes live with next content update)
+adjusted potion effectiveness (goes live with next content update)
+health and stamina regen values were not being applied
+increased max weight allowance
+stamina burn rates adjusted (now being applied correctly based on character weight)
build #88 patch notes:
[bugfix] tooltips were not being updated from doubleclick move
[bugfix] market item text now correct color based on item level
[bugfix] issue with mutliple login dialogs appearing if a player idles at the login screen
[update] compressed terrain data to reduce packet size
[bugfix] partially fixed issue on clients with low MTU values set
[bugfix] item weights were shown incorrectly in tooltips and lore windows
[bugfix] tooltips and lore windows were truncating long names
[bugfix] recipe lore windows were missing item names
[bugfix] was possible to duplicate harvestable items using a crafters hall!
[bugfix] mob corpse tooltips now have same text color as the mob had
[bugfix] various UI windows were unrecoverable after being closed
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
I thought the character display and item menu were pretty impressive but the land tiles/sprites not so much. I spent what time I had walking very far east when I happened upon someone's corpse. Ironically, as I was equipping their items I died from a beholder. I would assume if you lose everything from dying that you have a storage system, but if not add one, lol. Also, I think I'd feel more involved if the combat wasn't auto and I could click the target I wanted to kill, but thats really preference (maybe make it an optional setting?). I also assume you plan on improving everything I mentioned in the future so I don't think my feedback was really helpful at all, guess I need to play more to really say much.
Thanks for the feedback Oreo. The terrain looks a bit blocky because the world was generated with just a handful of tiles. There are actually about 1,000 unique terrain tiles, but you don't see most of them. I've been looking for a person who has an interest in world building to add some flair. There's a nice ingame world editing tool that I wrote to accomplish that. Regarding your storage issue, there's a bank very close to the start point with some secure storage space in it to use. Regarding targetting: yes you auto defend yourself if attacked, but you can switch targets at any time by double clicking on the monster you wish to attack. Yes the melee part isn't super interactive, but its' the upcoming magic system that will add much strategy to combat.
Today is also day 90 of development. There's a new update/content patch today. Here are the patchnotes:
[added] various new monster images, harvestable item images, and terrain tiles
[changed] adjusted magical item text colors
[changed] adjusted stamina drain a bit
[added] better error feedback when failing to load terrain data
[added] client now displays build number
[changed] map is now black by default, and info message in map titlebar to aid in MTU debugging issues
[changed] lowered max chat message length to 512 characters
[changed] lowered max packet size
[added] packet chunking to deal with player MTU issues
[bugfix] character sheet default values correctly zero’d now in the client at startup
[added] confirm dialog when attempting to destroy an item
[changed] reduced items per page in the market from 20 to 10
[bugfixes] various serverside bugfixes
[bugfix] map was not always refreshing after players respawns upon death
[bugfix] stamina drain was bugged and thus too high. stamina drain is now much more closely tied to character weight
[bugfix] recipe ingredient lists were not showing
[update] mob lore windows now give much more detailed information regarding monster abilities and lootable items.
content changes:
increased magic drop rates
increased recipe drop rates for most items (but somewhat lower for potions and coins)
monster hit points and abilities were somewhat lowered for the lowest level monsters.
monster hit points and abilities were _dramatically_ increased for higher level mobs.
drop rates for the highest level mobs is now substantially better than before.
drop rates for higher meta level monsters now scales much better and more difficult mobs should give better rewards.
doubled number of mob spawn location, and lowered active spawns for spawners
decreased the number of spawns for any individual spawn site before it goes away and a new random one is spawned elsewhere on the map to replace it
dozens of new harvestable items were added
base mob types increased from 11 to 40
Because of the magnitude of the change, the world was reset along with all the items in it. Today is a fresh start for everyone. A big thanks to everyone for all the testing and the great bug reporting and feedback!
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
Things has been pretty smooth with the new patch. There were a couple emergency restarts to fix a couple bugs but overall things are good. Yes the graphics are very oldschool, but if you want an MMO that offers something different you might want to give it a shot!
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
Today I cleaned up some of the UI features that players found annoying. I also added hotkeys for spells as that was an often requested feature!
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
If you're still looking for a mapper/environmental designer, after some thought and giving the game another try, I'd like to inform you that I have interest in filling the role.
I would be interested in this game if the map and sprites had some more detail.. The ones currently used remind me of all those games on BYOND and how much I dislike them.
I would also suggest that maybe making the map tiles and sprites larger.. It would cut down on view distance but would allow for more noticable details on the map and sprites.
The paperdoll and inventory are done well.
I wonder if round timers will be added.. In games like these it adds a bit to the game. Zooming across the map is a little weird.
And I hope real care is taken when making the sounds as that is really the most important aspect of a game with this setup.
Sure Lburn,
You can send me a message here, or on the chipped dagger forums or you can even usually find me ingame. Although sometimes i'm slow to reply ingame as i'm working in Eclipse much of the time.
I did originally think about a tick based system, but I don't really like them. I agree that letting people zip around can be problematic and that's why there's stamina in the game. You can move as fast as you like, but eventually you will run out of stamina.
Also, i've deployed builds 93, 93a, and 94. I continue to squish the most urgent bugs and i'm trying to get much needed functionality into the game as fast as I can. The community is also on the rise so things are looking up!
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
I've deployed patches 95, 95a, 96, and 96a now. Along with the many changes/additions/bugfixes I also improved the combat system. The special attacks are all now working ingame! It makes the combat system more strategic than before. The game continues to improve, and new players continue to join. Thus far about 250 players have player The Chipped Dagger!
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
Build 98 is up today!
Added market tabs to the burgeoning player-driven market.
Added ingame titles, and other players can now see your/titles and karma by mousing over your avatar.
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
This game takes PvE to an entirely new level!
Wanna go out of town? TOO BAD! There are thousands of corpses that block pathing in your way forming a maze you must fight through, cuz corpses last forever I guess.
Chipped Dagger should be called Endless Graveyard Online imo, would be MUCH more suiting.
I'll put that on the quotable quotes page!
The reason for all the headstones is that i'm not despawning them currently. I'm trying to make sure everythig has use in game such that players will actively pickup the items instead of just leaving the corpses. I'm currently working on the alchemy system. As soon as that's in players should be much more aggressive about cleaning up the corpses.
Also, I will enable corpse decay shortly after alchemy goes in. They are there now for testing purposes.
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle
I did add corpse despawning to one of the recent builds. Monster corpses now rot away in aobut 1 hour. Player corpses remain forever though.
100 Days of development and 30,997 lines of code later I have a playable MMORPG!
I did some website redesign yesterday to celebrate the milestone.
I've also deployed numerous additional builds including build 100. I finally added in corpse decay as players didn't like all the dead bodies around.
www.TheChippedDagger.com My 90-day 2D Java MMORPG project
They that can give up essential liberty for temporary safetey deserve neither. -- Ben Franklin
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. -- Milton Berle